Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 479 Angel Walk

"Whoever enters our Chinese army and wears a military uniform must abide by military discipline. The so-called 'military grass is a mark', but every word is a military order. It is even more difficult. The lowest is as long as ten people in charge, and even the division commander. , General Manager, the tens of thousands of people under his command must abide by military discipline. Military aircraft is an important task for the military and the country.

This is in the classroom of the short-term crash course for non-commissioned officers in the south of the Yangtze River at the Chinese Military Academy outside Songjiang City. This is a local old master who is teaching the interpretation of the art of war.

Here, for the traditional Art of War courses, most of the content that Yin Feng chooses focuses on practical applications, so many of the content comes from Qi Jiguang's books: "Records of Military Training", "New Book of Ji Xiao" and so on.

The large courtyard where the crash course of the military academy is located was originally a dilapidated Taoist temple. Three years ago, Chen Zhongji designated this place as the site of the Jiangnan branch of the military academy, and expanded the courtyard and ancillary buildings. Now it can accommodate more than 300 people to attend classes at the same time. .

"Pare! N?o se mexa!" (Portuguese: Stop, don't move,)

"STOP! No se mueva!" (Spanish: Stop, don't move,)

In another class, the students are trying to roll their tongues and follow the teacher to read a series of weird pronunciations. Most of them have a headache for the extremely fast Spanish, and everyone has the experience of biting their tongues.

The teacher who attended the class was a tall, thin, middle-aged man wearing a Chinese-Western coat. His name was Yang Tiansheng. This man was originally Li Dan's subordinate. He joined Yin Feng's company guard and fought against the Spaniards in Luzon. Later, he rebelled against Yin Feng and joined Yuan Jin and Li Zhong, and left the Zhonghua Company. After Yuan Jin and Li Zhong failed, they went to the Cape of Good Hope in Africa respectively. The Nanyang Chinese Merchants Business Alliance was formed. Later, because Huatian Company's reputation was too bad to continue its operations, Yang Tiansheng had to return to Taiwan and once again took refuge in Yin Feng's command.

This person is eloquent, average in ability, and a bit ambitious. Years of failure and lessons have made him a little more honest, but Yin Feng is worried about him, neither letting him go to the company to do business, nor letting this guy with historical stains enter China again. Jun, fortunately, Yang Tiansheng has studied in a private school for many years, and has passed the imperial examination. When he was idle, he taught himself a lot of miscellaneous Chinese and foreign knowledge. He once gave Chinese lessons to the Dutch in Batavia, and he himself is proficient in many foreign languages. Therefore, Yin Feng let Yang Tiansheng went to the military academy to teach non-commissioned officers and trainee officers to learn foreign languages.

Yang Tiansheng uttered some commonly used phrases on the battlefield in Chinese first, and then asked the students to translate them into Dutch, Portuguese, Javanese and Siamese. Then, he derived some common vocabulary from these common military phrases When he was giving lectures, he often talked about the customs, customs, and strange things in Southeast Asia and the Indian Ocean, and those young students were very willing to listen, so Yang Tiansheng could be regarded as a very good student in the military academy.

Today, a group of special visitors came to this school. They were all wearing standard official uniforms of the Ming Dynasty. Among them was a civil servant who was wearing a crimson official robe with a golden pheasant pattern. He was actually a senior official of the second rank.

They looked at the door of the classroom, which aroused the curiosity of the students, and the order of the classroom suddenly became chaotic.

At first, Yang Tiansheng looked at the court angels curiously, but in a blink of an eye, he saw a few people who made him afraid: among the people accompanying these Ming officials, there was Zeng Rui, the internal director of the Military Intelligence Bureau, and the Security Department of the Military Intelligence Bureau. The figure of the supervisor, An Xiaosi.

Although both of them had put on makeup, Zeng Rui dressed up as a Chinese Army guard soldier, while An Xiaosi followed Zeng Yue and became a servant.

But Yang Tiansheng had dealt with these two people many times, and immediately recognized them at a glance.

"It seems that the matter of recruiting security is a foregone conclusion...why do I still think about it now, if I do my job well, I can live a good life, otherwise I will be exiled to Irian Island and eaten by the natives, "Yang Tiansheng was thinking about something, and with a self-deprecating smile on the corner of his mouth, he said loudly: "Students, please look ahead, who can tell the difference between Javanese and Malacca dialect in terms of geographical terms related to rivers and lakes?"

Xu Guangqi looked outside this classroom for a while, then turned his head and asked Zeng Yue, "Mr. Zeng, I would like to ask you a question: Why do these soldiers need to learn Southern and Western languages?"

Zeng Yue had always maintained a respectful attitude in front of Xu Guangqi. At this time, he cupped his hands and replied: "I dare not be the next one. In front of Xu Xueshi, how can students dare to give advice... My Chinese army has now sent warships across the seas, India, Persia, and Tianfang. , you can see the battle flag of our Chinese army. There, Westerners have already occupied many key points to curb the monopoly of commercial trade by sea. Their language means knowing yourself and knowing your enemy. As for Java, Malacca and other places, they are currently under the jurisdiction of our Chinese army. We stationed troops there and immigrated there. We have a lot of dealings with the local natives, so naturally we have to learn their language."

Xu Guangqi's eyes lit up: "You have really occupied Java Island,"

Zeng Yue turned his eyes, nodded and said: "Yes, my king has set up five counties in the north, south, east, west, and east of Java Island, and sent civil servants and military generals to manage the garrisons. In addition to the south and east of Java, there are also some local kings guarding their territory. Eight out of ten of them have been completely controlled by our Chinese army,"

"Java, where is this place? There really is such a place, isn't it a fairy tale?" Sheng Yihong didn't believe Zeng Yue's words at all, thinking that these gangsters were simply bragging. in which corner.

The contemptuous glances of the Chinese army towards Sheng Yihong could kill people, but he himself didn't care about the eyes of everyone, and deliberately showed that he was not interested in the content of the visit.

Even Yuan Chonghuan, Zhang Ye and others are very dissatisfied with Sheng Yihong these days, always feel that he is embarrassing everyone, but they have no self-knowledge at all.

Zeng Yue couldn't hide his contemptuous eyes, he squinted at Sheng Yihong, and said to Xu Guangqi: "Actually, my king has already sent me a letter saying that if you have time, you angels can travel freely in the area under the jurisdiction of our Chinese army." Not only Luzon, Java, and Malacca, but recently we have just occupied a large area in the Ceylon Lion Kingdom in the west, and the farthest to the east is Guam in the center of the ocean, which is thousands of miles away..."

Xu Guangqi nodded, with envy and longing in his eyes, like a pure boy.


This was the last place to visit before the imperial emissary of Ming Dynasty sent to Taiwan. During the time waiting for Yin Feng's order, Xu Guangqi and others had already visited seven or eight towns in the Jiangnan control area of ​​the Chinese Army.

They visited the newly established farms around Songjiang Prefecture: these farms are composed of newly acquired land tenants, and these lands belonged to more than a dozen gentry families before, and now they have been ransacked and exterminated under the leadership of Chen Zhongji. The farmers on their own land are the most staunch supporters of the Chinese Army. The Jiangnan Militia Corps, which contributed a lot in this Jiangnan Campaign, was formed voluntarily by members of these farms.

Xu Guangqi also visited various markets and the newly established Jiangnan Council.

The second meeting of the Jiangnan Council was held to discuss the new special war tax. Members of the council, mainly merchants and gentry landlords, publicly calculated the bills of the tax department of the tutelary government, and proposed that merchants who voluntarily pay the war tax should After the war, Chen Zhongji, as the governor of the tutelary mansion, received a tax cut. He also made a public commitment at the meeting. Here you can openly make irresponsible remarks about the government's policies, at least it is an institution that plays a consulting role and communicates public opinion. Xu Guangqi was very interested in this and went to attend the discussion for two hours.

Afterwards, the imperial envoys of the Ming Dynasty also visited the kindergartens, Qimeng schools, and middle schools funded by the tutelary government. The Jiangnan branch of the Chinese military academy is now the last school they visited.

When Xu Guangqi left the military academy, he asked Chen Zhongji who accompanied him, "What is the school system like for the students in the military academy, but they need to pay fees."

Chen Zhongji said: "The Chinese Military Academy is different from those elementary schools and middle schools. Students can only enter the study after repeated screening. Entering the military academy is like serving in the army. Not only do you not need to pay fees, but we also provide living allowances every month. However, There are several types of military academies. One is short-term training and crash training courses. Most of them are selected from brave soldiers and low-ranking officers in the army. The study time ranges from three months to half a year. You can be promoted to a non-commissioned officer, and a non-commissioned officer becomes an officer. The other is a talent selected through an annual examination. Anyone who is willing to enlist in the army and is proficient in writing can sign up for the examination and enter the school: as soon as he enters the military academy, he becomes an officer. They are usually trained as reserve officers. The schooling period is generally three years, and the last year is the internship period. Most of them will be sent to the frontline troops for training, so that they can lead troops to fight immediately after graduation. There are relatively few such people who have the right to special recommendation for admission.”

Zhang Ye, a thousand households of Jin Yiwei, couldn't help asking: "How many students are there in the Chinese Military Academy?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Ye felt that something was wrong. He was inquiring about the other party's military secrets. He looked at the crowd angrily, and saw Chen Zhongji frowned. After a while, he said: "Because there are short-term training courses and crash courses , the branch schools of the military academy are located in Jiangnan, Malacca and Liaodong, and I don't know the exact number of students, "

When Chen Zhongji said this, he actually avoided the substantive question that Zhang Ye wanted to know.

After returning to Songjiang Fuguan post, Xu Guangqi, Zhang Ye and Yuan Chonghuan discussed what they saw and heard today. Zhang Ye sighed and said: "I saw that there are at least 200 students in this military academy. They said that the headquarters of the Chinese Military Academy in Taiwan, I don’t know how many people there are. Such a military academy can quickly produce officers, which means that they have a sufficient number of officers and can expand the army at any time.”

Xu Guangqi nodded, thinking about something silently. These days, he has become more and more silent, and his face has become more and more ugly.

Yuan Chonghuan wanted to comfort him, and said: "Master Xu, in Yin Feng's letter to you, he highly respected and respected you. After we go to Taiwan, it should be no problem to reach an agreement. At that time, we can ask to visit the military academy. Presumably that The owner of the ship, King Yin Feng, should agree,"

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