Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 49 Yamaguchi

Almost when Yin Feng and others arrived at the northern pass of Dalun Mountain, Li Dan was walking around in shackles in the underground cell of the San Diego Castle.Suddenly, the guard opened the door, and the clerk of the Royal Court of Manila came in.

Li Dan asked him calmly: "Mr. Secretary, what do you do? Where is my companion, Mr. Huang Kang?"

The clerk was a short black-robed New Spain-Mexican white man, descended from the early Spanish conquistadors, with a deep-seated contempt for every race in the world except the white Christians.He raised his head proudly, squinted and looked at Li Dan coldly: "Mr. Batista has already paid the price for his crime: the royal court sentenced him to hang for rebellion and confiscated all his property. This afternoon, he has been put to death. His body will be quartered and his limbs thrown in the road; his dwelling will be burned and salted."

Li Dan was surprised when he heard this, but not too surprised.He and Huang Kang have known each other for many years. Although they were rivals in the competition for the chief executive, they still have friendship and are familiar with Huang Kang's situation.Huang Kang's death was inevitable, and he was the scapegoat for the failure of the Spanish authorities' policy towards the Chinese.

The clerk showed a piece of paper to Li Dan: "Mr. Andri Thetis, if you want to execute you, you don't need to go to such trouble, all you need is a rope. The governor wants me to ask you again, you put those Where is the money that should not belong to you? Also, who forwarded the statement you submitted to the Spanish Royal Supreme Court? What is the content? You are lucky, Mr. Thetis, the Governor-General has not yet planned to Execute you, otherwise you would have hung with the corpses in the municipal square. As long as you answer these questions, the governor will pardon your capital crime, and you will be sent to the Andes gold mines in America to serve ten years in prison."

Li Dan sneered, and while looking at the documents, he asked the clerk: "I heard that people who work in the American gold mines basically have to go to see God before they can live for three years. Your Excellency is really generous! How many I can't hear the guns, is the war over? How's the situation outside?"

The clerk curled his lips and said coldly: "Do you still count on those rebels? Can you smell the smoke outside? This is burning the corpses of physiological people, and it has been burning for several days; those corpses in the Bashi River We had to let the indigenous people go to the inner lake to carry water to quench their thirst. Indeed, a large group of biological people fled to the south, hehe, Captain Azquita has solved the rebels in Tondo in the north, and will soon send all the rebels All of them will be disposed of. Within the scope of Manila City, you may be the only one left, the only living biological person. All biological people in this colony will be executed."

Li Dan took a breath, suppressed the anger in his heart, turned his head and looked at the night outside the high iron window, and said excitedly: "God! Why? It wasn't you Spaniards who told us that even pagans are sons of the Spanish Empire." People, does God have a loving heart? Why should he treat us like this?"

The clerk took the document back from Li Dan's hand, took a few steps back, and said angrily: "Mr. Thetis, you have no right to question the will of God. This is the punishment your compatriots deserve. You can't blame it for it." God! I ask one last time, are you going to answer the Governor's question?"

Li Dan took a deep breath, came to his senses, turned to the clerk and said, "Tell me first, why does the Governor think that the money should not belong to me? Please convey my question to the Governor: what is he planning?" When will you pay back the money I lent him?"

The clerk's face darkened, and he said impatiently: "Do you think you can save your life with that petition to the Supreme Court? Are you really unwilling to answer the Governor's question?"

Li Dan laughed: "Mr. Clerk, I have asked the Governor to return me the money I deserve. And Mr. Clerk, I remember that you borrowed money from me at the beginning of the year, should you also pay it back? After all the biological people have been killed, how much debt can you owe to the biological people, Mr. Clerk?"

The clerk's face was ashen, and he quickly picked up a pen to write a few lines on the paperwork, and then walked out of the dungeon with a gloomy face.

Li Dan sighed, walked to the prison window, looked up at the cloudy night sky, and said silently in his heart: "Yin Feng, Yin Feng, we must take Lihua out of Luzon Island! As long as she is fine, there is still hope for everything!" "


The night on Luzon Island is similar to that on the coast of Fujian. In Yin Feng's eyes, it should be said that no matter where in this era, the night sky is so bright with stars and the air is so clear.

Yin Feng inspected the sleeping refugees and watched groups of refugees leaning on each other to fall asleep. His mood gradually calmed down from the anxiety and anger just now.Yin Feng has never taken on such a heavy responsibility: to be responsible for the lives of nearly 3000 people, it is inevitable that he is a little nervous and excited.He was able to quickly adjust his mentality, thanks to his many years of travels and knowledgeable work experience before time travel, he was able to deal with changes calmly.

"Brother Yin!"

When he turned his head, Li Lihua's clear and beautiful face flashed under the white moonlight.

"Why aren't you sleeping yet? Hurry up and get some sleep, we're leaving before dawn." Yin Feng said gently, seeing that she was still dressed as a female pirate, smiled and asked: "You haven't returned yet Quanzhou, right?"

Lihua sat on a stone by the river, and said lightly, "I was born here, and I have never been back to Tangshan." She suddenly smiled, looked up at Yin Feng, "You don't look like you are from Tangshan People, hehe. As you probably guessed, Brother Li Dan is my adopted brother, and my father is one of the first chief executives of Balian, Li Xiaoyi, and the people in Ganlan call him Anthony. When Brother Li came to Manila, he was penniless. Penny, seriously ill, it was my father who saved him, taught him Castilian, and helped him earn his first money. So before my father died, he entrusted me to my elder brother to take care of him.”

Yin Feng hurriedly asked: "I heard that the first chief executive was killed by the Ganla people in the Pan Hewu incident more than ten years ago?"

Lihua nodded: "At that time, the governor of Dasmarinas was beheaded by the Chinese, and the Ganguan people wanted to burn the Balian to retaliate. My father went to argue with the Ganguan people in order to protect the interests of the Tang people, and was killed. I was at that time I'm still young, but my elder brother took me in and protected me."

"I see...I understand what you mean. Now that the matter is over, I will definitely go to inquire about Brother Li's whereabouts. I think he will be fine."

"Brother Yin, what are you going to do when you go back to Tangshan?" Li Lihua asked suddenly, looking straight at Yin Feng with a pair of deep and clear eyes, as if to see the secrets in his heart.

Yin Feng took a long breath and said: "As you said, Luzon Island is also the home of many Tang people. We Tang people are overseas. If we are always in a state of disunity and each family fights alone, sooner or later we will be bullied. I When I came here, I just wanted to go back to my relatives, but after witnessing so many massacres, so many fellow villagers were killed by Ganla people like chickens..." Yin Feng raised his voice involuntarily: "Our people in Tang Dynasty are better than those here. Everyone is hardworking, and this land should be developed by us. As long as we unite and twist everyone's strength into one rope, we will never be defeated by Westerners again!"

"What are we going to do?"

The voice came from behind. Yin Feng and Li Lihua looked back together and found that the Zeng family brothers were supporting each other, the Chinese Christian leader An Heping stood with crossed hands, the pirate gang leader Lu Shitou looked at Yin Feng with a half-smile, and the wealthy businessmen from Quanzhou and Chenghai. Representative Han Ping, Zhang Zhongji and a few others... These people did not know when they were standing behind them.

Yin Feng was a little embarrassed, and quickly said: "Everyone is already awake? If so, then we are going to attack the mountain pass!"

Everyone looked at him, as if no one wanted to move.Lu Shitou waved his hand, as if driving away mosquitoes, and said loudly: "Brother Yin, you are our backbone right now, you have to show us the way!"

Han Ping went on to say: "Captain Yin, you saved our lives, but now we have abandoned our family and business, and we have lost everything in a day after decades of business. We will return to Tangshan. Dealing with Guanla people, but what about this bloody feud..." Han Ping's fat face was full of tears, and he sighed and said, "My brothers from the same family have all died at the hands of Ganla people. How can I be with them again? Are they going to do business? But if we don’t do business, how can we support dozens of people in our hometown?”

An Heping took a step forward and said, "We used to believe in the words of the missionaries and believed that God would bless our devout believers, but now our believers are still being massacred by the Ganla people. If we return to Tangshan, how will we survive? Can we tolerate our believers?"

Seeing that other people wanted to say something, Yin Feng quickly raised his hands and said, "Wait a minute, brothers and sisters. I, Yin Feng, am also a businessman, not a god. We have to work hard together on many things. For example, right now, we must Unite as one, break through that mountain pass, and escape from Luzon Island alive. As long as we can all return to Tangshan alive, as long as everyone can support me, what I want to do can be carried out.”

Several people asked in unison: "What are you going to do? What is it?"

Yin Feng solemnly said word by word: "Change the fate of our overseas Tang people, so that we will never be massacred again!"


The North Pass of Dalun Mountain, the darkest time before dawn.Only a few torches were still burning in front of the fence, and the flames flickered erratically. The Spanish sentinel behind the fence was dozing off with his gun in his hand.

Yin Feng personally led his musketeers and crawled through the thatch for a long time.

He had organized Binondo smuggling in Balian, but the temporarily organized Quanzhou fellows attacked without authorization, which alarmed the Spanish army prematurely and almost made Yin Feng and others a living target on the river; He has also suffered enough from the unorganized and undisciplined brothers of the Pirate Gang; therefore, he no longer trusts these untrained and undisciplined mobs, so he will personally lead his own sailor musketeers to attack the mountain pass.The brothers of the Pirate Gang waited by the river beach 300 steps away, and rushed forward after seeing the light of the torch.

Lu Shitou, An Heping and others lay on the edge of the river, looking forward with wide-open eyes, but they couldn't see anything.An Heping asked anxiously: "Have Captain Yin's men gone up? Why is there no movement at all?"

Lu Shitou lowered his voice and shouted to the brothers lying in ambush on the left and right: "Everyone stay calm, don't move until you hear the sound of the guns!"

He turned around, fiddled with the Japanese sword in his hand, and said slowly to An Heping: "Don't worry, you have to trust Brother Yin. Didn't you see how they climbed out? This is what Brother Yin came up with. He was in Dongfan. This is the way to train sailors; I didn’t know what it was useful for at first, but look, it will come in handy now. Brother Yin, we don’t know what kind of mind we have, we can always come up with all kinds of tricks.”

In fact, crawling is not of much practical value in this era. It was a thing that became popular after World War I. Today's muskets do not have continuous firepower output at all. The popular method on the battlefield is to line up and shoot each other.It's just that, on a specific occasion like tonight's sneak attack, crawling forward can reduce the possibility of being discovered before concealed contact with the enemy.

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