Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 496 Fort Xining

In the temporary tent of the Chinese army, Wang Huazhen talked eloquently about the significance of capturing Xining Fort. All the generals bowed their heads and listened for half an hour, and they all began to show impatient expressions.

Among the generals present, Liu Qu, the commander-in-chief of Guangning, is nominally the commander-in-chief of the central army of the Guangning Army, but because he was sent by Xiong Tingbi, Wang Huazhen deliberately emptied him.Now, Liu Qu is actually the logistics chief of the Battle of Xiningbao, and all the troops at hand have been placed under the command of the Chinese guerrilla Sun Degong.Now, the Ming army on the North Road has arrived five miles north of Xining Fort and set up camp. The Ming army on this road is mainly the left army of the Guangning Army.It will take another two days for the Ming army on the South Road to arrive, and the commander of the Ming army on this road is Gao Gao, the deputy commander.

What Wang Huazhen said eloquently was that he hoped that all the generals would work together and attack with all their strength to flatten Xining Fort in one fell swoop and wipe out the Chinese army on the west bank of the Liaohe River in one go.

However, most of the generals who saw or heard the details of the Ming army's first attack on Fort Xining last night lacked enthusiasm for it.They are soldiers, and they have all fought on the battlefield in person. They all feel that they have no confidence in this battle because of the strength they have shown through the Chinese Army.

Wang Huazhen saw the impatience and retreat of the crowd, and her face suddenly became a little ugly.He managed to maintain his handsome demeanor, he didn't slap the table to get angry, and signaled Sun Degong and another confidant in front of him to fight Mao Wenlong with his eyes.The two looked at each other, and Mao Wenlong spoke first: "Qi reported to the military sect that the general is willing to lead troops to attack the city and take the lead."

Wang Huazhen was just waiting for someone to join him, and immediately made a happy gesture: "Okay, Mao Guerrilla is commendable for his courage and loyalty. I will give you a military order that allows you to mobilize the entire army. Everyone..." Wang Huazhen looked around at everyone The general smiled and said: "Generals, Mao Guerrilla is the vanguard of this attack. All the ministries will gather elite troops and he will lead the battle. Wang hopes that everyone will work together to take down Xining Fort, and when the time comes to fight across the Liaohe River and recover Liaodong, the court will definitely spare no expense." The prince's reward..."


The Ming army has been concentrating all the firearms for the past two days, intending to use quantity over quality to cover the infantry assault on the city wall of Xining Fort.

After the Ming army arrived on the South Road, they brought a large amount of supplies and baggage, and the Ming army became more intensively preparing for the general attack.A large number of reeds along the Sancha River and coastal wetlands were cut, mixed with soil and piled on carts.These carts, stuffed with dirt, would serve as mobile shell barriers.

Mao Wenlong made full use of Wang Huazhen's military orders, took chicken feathers as arrows, threatened and lured him with sweet words, and concentrated [-]% of the army's elite cavalry, as well as all Western cannons, big fat guns, Flang machine guns, tiger crouching guns, etc. And other heavy firearms.

Zu Dashou's Vanguard Battalion went to patrol the banks of the Sancha River every day to detect the movements of the Chinese Army on the opposite bank.

On the day when the troops of the Ming Army on the South Road arrived at the edge of the reed pond five miles south of Xining Fort, Zu Dashou's patrol found two slender three-masted sailboats entering the mouth of the Liaohe River.

"This is the devil's ship of the pirates!" A Ming army chief Qian who was patrolling the river estuary shouted.

Zu Dashou was currently resting on a mound above the water in a wetland three miles away, surrounded by [-] soldiers from the Standard Battalion, who discovered these two strange ships at the same time, which were said to travel thousands of miles a day.These are the latest communication ships "Sea Bird" and "Sea Eagle" of the Chinese Army Headquarters. They have the appearance of a typical clipper ship and an all-metal cast iron keel structure.

The clipper communication ship stopped at the mouth of the river, and put down eight centipede boats. More than a hundred people boarded the eight rowboats one after another, and then passed through the swamp wetland that stretched for hundreds of miles at the mouth of the Liaohe River, winding among the reeds. Driving on a curved road, the destination is clear: Fort Xining.

This is the first batch of reinforcements from the Chinese Army that arrived at Xining Fort: 200 cadets from the Chinese Military Academy.They set off from Taiwan's military port [-] days ago. Instead of going to Jinzhou and Lushun to join the main force, they ran directly to the mouth of the Liaohe River.

Although Zu Dashou saw them entering the reed marsh, he couldn't stop them.From the west of Xiningbao to the bank of the Sancha River, there are almost all wetlands and swamps, reeds are everywhere, and only a few roads can pass through.But the centipede boats could sneak through the reed marshes. Looking around, there were dense reeds between the water and the sky, and the Ming army patrol team quickly lost these small boats.Of course, the patrol team of the Ming army had no boats, and it was impossible to go into the water to chase them.

In the evening, 200 student troops crossed the reed marshes and successfully entered Xining Fort.Among these student troops, the oldest is only 17 years old, and the youngest is only 14 years old.Their leader is Zhao Yi, an intern lieutenant of the student army, the son of Zhao Tie, the general manager of the Liaodong Army Road.

There was joy in Xining Fort. Although there were only 200 students in the student army, their arrival meant that the whole Chinese army was working hard to reinforce them.The morale of the defenders in the fort was boosted, while Zhang Pan was both happy and surprised: the arrival of reinforcements boosted morale, which is a good thing.However, after the Chinese Army's Northern Expedition and Jin's war, the student army has rarely participated in the front-line battles in the area ruled by Yin Feng.One of the reasons: Yinger, the chief director of the Zhonghua Company, the leader of the Chinese Army President, and the son of Yinfeng, the king of Zhonghua, is also studying in the military academy.In order to show his fairness, Yin Feng announced that his son would not enjoy any special treatment in the military academy, and that if necessary, he would have to join the student army.

Although Yin Feng made such a statement, the people in the old battalion of the Chinese Army Headquarters did not dare to let his son go to the front line to fight casually.Therefore, in the past three years, the blue eagle battle flag of the student army has rarely appeared on all fronts.

And this time the student army reinforced Xining Fort, the original plan was to reinforce Xining Fort by land after reuniting with other troops in Jinzhou.

This time, Zhao Tie’s son was leading the student army going north for reinforcements, and the captains of the two communication ships were also newly promoted young people. A group of people got hot-headed and eager to make contributions, so they transferred at sea. The heading directly came to the mouth of the Liaohe River.

What surprised Zhang Pan the most was that Yin Feng's son Yin Bin (nickname Yinger) was also in this team.He is the child born to Mai Wan'er, Yin Feng's eldest son, and the youngest in the student army.

Zhang Pan met Yin Bin, both at the military academy and at Yin Feng's home.Although this kid has grown a lot taller now, wearing a small plate armor, holding guns in both hands, and having a second lieutenant on his epaulets, Zhang Pan still recognized him at a glance.

Yin Bin inherited his mother's gentle personality and agile eyes, and he was tall from his father, but he didn't have Yin Feng's strong body, which made him look a bit thin and long.

"You are violating the military order, you know?" Zhang Pan began to reprimand Yin Bin and Zhao Yi, who lowered their heads as if admitting their mistake.

Zhang Pan opened his mouth, feeling that it is meaningless to say anything now, he can't let them break out again, right?

"Well, you are directly under the jurisdiction of the old battalion, so you have no right to punish you. But, in Fort Xining, I am the supreme commander in the field, and you must obey all my orders, understand?"

The eyes of the two young men lit up, and they looked up at Zhang Pan expectantly.

Zhang Pan smiled wryly, and ordered: "Take your people and go to the ammunition depot of the fortress. Your task: guard the ammunition depot."

The two boys bowed their heads and left disappointed.

Supervising officer Guo Yun is Yin Feng's adopted son, of course he knows Yin Bin, he asked Zhang Pan with black lines on his head, "What should I do? This Yinger is also here, what should I do?"

"What else can we do? If we win this battle, everything will be easy. Now that the student army has arrived, other troops will arrive one after another. Our immediate priority is to defend the fortress." Zhang Pan walked to the crenel of the city wall and looked at the night. In the dark distance: There are patches of lights there, which is the location of the Ming Army's Central Army camp, five miles away from the city wall of Xining Fort.

The nearest Ming Army vanguard camp is only three miles away from Xining Fort.The officers and soldiers of the Ming army did not know that the range of the 36-pound heavy artillery of the Chinese Army exceeded three miles, and the range of the new rocket far exceeded five miles.

On the night before the Ming army was expected to launch a general attack on Xining Fort, that is, the fifth night after the Ming army arrived at Xining Fort, Zhang Pan used all five 5-pound bronze cannons, plus thirty thunder rockets, Launched a long-range attack on the sleeping Ming army camp on the west side of the fort.

Thirty Tianlei rockets were set up in the racecourse of the former Taipu Temple Yamen in Xiningbao.This is the second actual combat shooting of Tianlei rocket. The first actual combat shooting was outside Wuchang City half a year ago.

The gunners of the artillery brigade used gun gauges, triangle rulers, and telescopes to measure and calculate the angle of the launcher. Then, after the five heavy artillery fired, they ignited the propellant fuze of the Sky Thunder rocket.

Wang Huazhen played the imperial court's victory Lubu at the drafting ceremony that night.Several of his staff members were also busy in his tent.Suddenly, five loud bangs came from the Xining Fort in the east, and then it seemed that there was a strong wind blowing between the sky and the earth, and there were bursts of "whoosh, whoo, whoo, whoo, whoo" sound.

Soon, the whistling wind turned into a shrill whistle, and then loud rumbling noises erupted one after another around Wang Huazhen's large tent of the Chinese army.Immediately afterwards, the entire camp of the Ming army was filled with the sound of howling ghosts and howling wolves.

A sky thunder rocket landed fifty meters away from the big tent, and the shock wave of the explosion wiped out several tents in front of the big tent.Panicked, Wang Huazhen opened the door curtain, a fire flashed into his sight, and then there was chaos.

The camp of the Ming army's central army has been bombed!At this point, no one can control the situation.

Zu Dashou's vanguard camp was also in complete chaos. Although the 36-pound heavy artillery fired solid bullets, the shells knocked down dozens of military tents like rotten ones. Dozens of soldiers died bloody and bloody in their sleep. With the constant sound of artillery and whistles of rockets, the vanguard battalion was also blown up.

There was no need for a sneak attack by the Chinese army, the Ming army camp was completely disrupted by the long-range attack of the Chinese army.

That night, no more than three hundred soldiers of the Ming army died under the artillery fire of the Chinese army, but the Ming army's central army, which had completely bombed the camp, retreated to the Pingyang Bridge before stabilizing its footsteps.During the whole night of chaos, the Ming army left nearly a thousand corpses trampled to death on the land west of Xining Fort.

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