Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 498 Chaos

Xiong Tingbi walked northward along the Liaoxi Corridor, but it was difficult. He encountered various difficulties from the third day after leaving Shanhaiguan.Countless refugees are growing explosively, crowding all the roads leading to Shanhaiguan.They dragged their families, helped the old and the young, and carried their belongings on their backs. They swarmed southward, not only made Xiong Tingbi and his party stop at three steps, but also blocked the progress of the team transporting various materials from the customs to the front line of Xiningbao, Liaohe. .

It turned out that the pirate army who captured Juhua Island two months ago suddenly made a big move. Dozens of sailboats suddenly appeared along the coast of the Liaoxi Corridor. After landing, the pirates rushed inland desperately, burning everything that could be burned along the way stuff, and any resisters were killed without mercy.Their purpose is no longer simply to harass the long logistics transportation line of the Ming army, but to cut it off.

There are not many pirates in this group, about [-] people, but they rely on their ability to maneuver by sea, move quickly, and have battleship cannons for fire support.Within seven or eight days, from Wanghaitai in the north, Saierzhaibao in the south to Guangning Qiantunwei and Sheshanwu, they were all attacked by pirates one after another, except for Guangning Qiantun, which had a larger castle and more troops. In addition to the guards, the rest of the small fortresses stationed by the Ming army were captured, and then completely burned down by a fire, and the gates of these fortresses were blown up with explosives.At the same time, deep trenches have been excavated on various avenues, and sometimes large pits were directly blown out with explosives, making it impossible for large transport convoys to pass through.

These pirates only drive away the common people, but they are relentless in setting fire to houses.Frightened people from all over the country fled in droves, and the target of the refugees was clear: Shanhaiguan.

Xiong Tingbi witnessed the pirate attack in Shaheyi.

There are four or five large sailing ships moored along the beach, all of which are rumored to be two-masted plywood ships of the pirate army. From those ships, there are trails of gray and white smoke, and the thick rockets fly away with smoke and sharp whistles. to land.Countless small boats are distributed between these big ships and the coast, and soldiers with Chinese flags on a blue background can be seen everywhere paddling hard to land on the beach.

The Ming Army's Shaheyi garrison had already opened the gate of the fortress. They were not going to fight, but were fleeing westward.

Xiong Tingbi's face was ashen, and as soon as he pulled the horse's rein, he wanted to charge forward. His personal soldiers hurriedly stopped him: "My lord! Don't do it! There are more than a thousand pirates in the navy, and the local garrison is only a few hundred. It can't be stopped. !"

At this time, Xiong Tingbi had already discovered that the pirates - the Chinese army had already landed many small boats on the coast, and nearly a thousand well-trained people had already lined up on the beach, and they even carried a few small cannons to the coast.The number of Ming soldiers who escaped from the Shaheyi fortress totaled no more than 400.

The Ming army in the Liaoxi Corridor has already been dispatched by Wang Huazhen for nearly half, and they have to divide their troops to guard the thousands of miles of coastline, and there are very few defenders assigned to each fortress.

Considering the whole of western Liaoning from Shaheyi, it can be seen that the defensive forces in the western Liaoning corridor are already very empty.

Xiong Tingbi's soldiers hurriedly urged him at this time: "My lord, let's go, we will follow the rout to Guangning Zhonghou, where the second lunatic Zu Er is guarding..."

"Zu Er Crazy" is Zu Dabi, the younger brother of Zu Dashou, who is extremely brave in battle and shouts joyously, so he is nicknamed "Zu Er Crazy".Zu Dabi left Shanhaiguan three days earlier than Xiong Tingbi, and escorted a batch of grain and grass north to Guangning. Because the pirate army was harassing various places in western Liaoning, the guards stayed at Guangning Zhonghou.The day before, he sent a messenger to Shanhaiguan to send a report to Tangtang. The messenger met Xiong Tingbi and his party on the way, so Xiong Tingbi's soldiers knew the location of the second lunatic Zu.


The No. 16 day when the Ming army besieged Xining Fort was the No. 11 day when Zhang Pan bombarded the Ming army camp. Mao Wenlong reported to Wang Huazhen that the general attack on Xining Fort was finally ready.

The next day, on the No. 17 day when the Ming army besieged Fort Xining, the main forces of the Ming army all attacked, and the second attack on Fort Xining began.

First of all, Mao Wenlong gathered more than 100 various heavy firearms, and under the cover of the van of the Chinese army's car battalion, he began to fire at Xining Fort.Then, behind three rows of movable anti-aircraft barriers filled with mud and reeds, thousands of Ming soldiers bent down and lowered their heads to push the anti-aircraft barriers, and slowly approached the city wall of Xining Fort.After them, tens of thousands of Ming army soldiers followed suit, slowly approaching the city wall of Xining Fort.

On the south road of the fortress, the military camp of the Ming army lined up more than a dozen infantry fronts, ten steps apart, and marched slowly towards Xining Fort.Each line is a thin single-man horizontal team, trying to dilute the team to the greatest extent and reduce the lethality of the Chinese army's bombardment.

On the north road of the fortress, the Guangning Army concentrated all the cavalry, taking advantage of the flat and dry terrain there, spread out the cavalry ranks to attack Xining Fort, rushed to the bottom of the city wall and then shot arrows at the top of the city.

Mao Wenlong's well-organized general attack showed results at the beginning.On the city wall of Xining Fort, looking around, the north, south, and west sides of the castle are all surrounded by Ming soldiers in darkness, and as far as the eyes can see, they are all soldiers of the Ming army.Wang Huazhen and Mao Wenlong planned to use crowd tactics to flatten Xining Fort at once.

Although the First Regiment of the [-]th Division has entered Fort Xining to reinforce the defenders, they came by sea and crossed the wetlands and swamps to Fort Xining, unable to carry heavy firearms and a large amount of ammunition. How much to strengthen.

The West Road Ming army pushed forward under the city wall under the cannon fire.Those mobile anti-aircraft barriers can resist ordinary solid shells, but if a 36-pound heavy artillery shell hits directly, then the barriers and the soldiers pushing behind will be smashed into scum.For the flowering shells, this kind of barrier is actually not very useful. Even if it is not a direct hit, the shrapnel thrown by the shells that exploded everywhere will fly around, sweeping down the soldiers of the Ming army one by one.Especially the kind of shrapnel and grape bombs that exploded in the air, the soldiers of the Ming army had nowhere to hide and could only be beaten in vain.The artillery team organized by Mao Wenlong bombarded. Except for the red cannon, the range of the Flanger and other artillery was only one mile, and their camp was five miles away.As a result, the artillery of the Ming army did not play a role in supporting the infantry at all, and the infantry had almost reached the city of Xiningbao before it could be pushed to the firing distance.

Wang Huazhen had already taken the capture of Xining Fort as his own face project, and he had to take it down no matter what.Therefore, he personally supervised the battle, and regarded his standard battalion as the supervisory team, and his confidant Sun Degong as the commander of the army, and issued a strict order: any fleeing would be killed on the spot.

Zhang Pan's artillery firepower could no longer cope with the enemy's offensive. After all, his artillery fire needed to deal with the siege from three sides.Tens of thousands of Ming troops suffered heavy casualties under the artillery fire of the Chinese Army. It was only thanks to the strict military discipline of the supervisory team that they could approach the city wall.A large number of ladders were lifted up, approaching the city wall...

"Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka Ka" a series of manual rapid-fire gun trigger sounds sounded, followed by bursts of continuous gunshots.At the same time, the defenders of the Chinese Army on the city wall also started three rows of bursts of fire on the Ming army below the city.Behind the shooter, the grenadier dropped the grenade for free.

Some of the defenders were constantly knocked down by arrows and bullets from the city, and immediately someone took the place of the dead and wounded brothers and kept shooting.A large amount of life was consumed under the city wall, and a large amount of blood splashed out, converging into a river of blood, making the moat of Fort Xining quickly become a bright red river.

Countless lives died meaninglessly under the city of Xiningbao.Soon, a pile of half-human corpses piled up under the city wall.

Before the Ming army had time to put the ladder on the city wall, they fell under the hail of bullets, their morale fell to the bottom of the valley, and they all turned their heads and fled.As they were already close to the city wall, many members of the Supervising Team were killed, which caused the Ming army to break through the Supervising Team's line of defense and fled straight back.

At this time, the artillery team directly commanded by Mao Wenlong opened fire. Although most of the shells missed the city wall, the counterfeit version of the Western Red Cannon still hit the west gate of Xining Fort, killing and wounding dozens of Chinese soldiers.

The artillerymen of the Chinese army were busy dealing with the infantry of the Ming army that was pouring in like a sea of ​​people, and ignored the artillerymen of the other side. Now the two sides started an artillery battle.

The Ming army from the north and the south also attacked under the city wall at this moment, and the Chinese army is now facing a full-scale attack from the Ming army on the city wall.

The second wave of the Ming army's offensive did not start until after noon, but the situation of this battle began to change at this point.

The cavalry of the left army of the Guangning Army on the North Road was shooting arrows at the city of Xiningbao. Suddenly there was a burst of conch horns behind them. In a blink of an eye, a cavalry unit of the Chinese Army appeared behind them miraculously, sweeping towards them like a whirlwind. .This team of cavalry is light cavalry wearing plate armor, each with a flintlock lance, two flintlock pistols, and a Mongolian saber. It is a regiment of more than 1500 people in the cavalry brigade of the Chinese Army. Li Jicheng, the son of Major General Li Xiao, Deputy Commander of the Cavalry Brigade.

Li Xiao was lucky enough to beat Nurhachi to death in the Battle of Hetuala, and got an extraordinary promotion. Because of his meritorious service, he also obtained a large piece of land near Haizhou in Liaodong and an island in Southeast Asia as his private property.Because his son has been fighting with his father all the time, he also has a lot of meritorious service, so he was promoted very quickly.In fact, Li Xiao and Luo Quanxiu were both middle- and lower-level officers of the original Ming army, and now they are the two with the highest positions and ranks among the members of the original Ming army who joined the Chinese army system.

Li Jicheng's troops waded across the Liaohe River from Huangniwa. In order to cross the river, they discarded all their excess ammunition and luggage.They appeared on the battlefield like a whirlwind, completely disrupting the offensive deployment of the Ming army.

Almost at the same time, a unit carrying the banner of the Second Division of the Chinese Army's Infantry Army landed on the beach behind the Ming Army camp on the South Road. There were only more than 1000 people, and they recklessly attacked the Ming Army camp during the daytime.

The troops of Zu Dashou, who were in charge of monitoring and patrolling the east side of Xining Fort, discovered that the Chinese Army troops of the Brigade appeared one after another in Niuzhuang, Dongchang and other places on the other side of the Liao River.

A chaotic general battle began.

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