Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 503 Taking Guangning

The infantry of the Chinese Army lined up in a thin line and approached the Ming Army camp in silence.

Inside and outside the camp, there are layers of Ming army infantry inside and outside the trenches. Watching the enemy approaching step by step, they feel more and more nervous.Finally, someone couldn't bear the nameless fear, and shot out the bird gun, three-eyed gun and other firearms in his hand tremblingly.At this time, the Chinese army was less than a mile away from the camp. At such a distance, the Ming army's light firearms had a maximum range of less than a hundred paces, and it was impossible to hit anything.

"It's firing, the Ming army is firing!"

"What's the use of firing at this distance!"

A small group of young and excessively young soldiers gathered without discipline near the west gate tower of Xining Fort, lying on the wall to watch the battlefield.Holding a Western-Italian binocular in his hand, Shi Yin Bin, a handsome young man, proudly lends his binoculars to his classmates in turn.

These boys had been guarding the ammunition depot before. During the long siege of Fort Xining, they were never able to join the firing array at the top of the city as a combat force.Now that most of the defenders went out of the city to counterattack the Ming army camp, the defense work in the castle fell on the head of the student army.They stayed in the ammunition depot for a month very depressed, and they couldn't leave easily. Everyone was going crazy.Therefore, the student soldiers—most of whom were trainee officers—appeared to be a little too excited as soon as they arrived at the top of the city, and military discipline was neglected.

"Brother Yi, your brother's troops are in a bit of a mess." Yin Bin handed his own telescope to Zhao Tie's eldest son, Zhao Yi.

It is impossible for these trainee officers of the student army to be issued with standard binoculars. This monocular was given to Yin Feng by a Western businessman, and then it fell into Yin Bin's hands.There are very few Chinese military academy students who can own binoculars privately, so a large number of people crowded around Yin Bin.

The unit he was talking about was the Second Regiment of the First Division of Zhao Yi's distant cousin Zhao Yi.

The 17-year-old Zhao Yi is a handsome young man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, almost a copy of Zhao Tie when he was young.

He took the binoculars and looked at it for a while, then said with a smile: "It's okay, they encountered a depression, and after passing through, they have already stood in place. Why did the infantry attack without shelling this time?"

Before they finished speaking, a series of whistling sounds came from behind them.They looked back, just in time to see the thunder rockets fired by the artillery passing over their heads, dragging a long tail of smoke and blowing up gusts of wind.When the rockets passed over their heads, the group of young men involuntarily shrunk their necks, bent down, and opened their mouths wide, letting a gust of wind blow sand into their mouths.

This time the rocket salvo fired a full forty rounds of large rocket "Sky Thunder".The rocket swept across the entire battlefield in the air, causing everyone within a ten-mile radius to stop and watch.

"It's so beautiful! I can't get enough of it no matter how many times I look at it!" Yin Bin sighed and stood up.The boys stood up one after another, spitting out the sand in their mouths, and watching the spectacular scene of clusters of rockets flying over the battlefield.

Zhao Yi showed envy: "Yingzi, have you seen this kind of rocket launch? Where did you see it?"

"It happened around October last year. My father took me to Hainan Island to see it. Thinking about it, this should be the first experiment of the Tianlei rocket... It landed! It exploded!"

The Tianlei rocket landed directly in the camp of the Ming army's central army, and one after another exploded into huge fireballs, quickly forming a "barrage".Immediately, many fires broke out in the Chinese army camp, thick smoke rose everywhere, and the sound of smaller explosions continued...

Only then did the soldiers of the Ming army realize that their camp was still within range of enemy artillery fire.When they were in a daze and hesitation, the people left behind in the camp had already started to explode their nests.

And the offensive line of the Chinese infantry has already approached three hundred steps away from the first row of Ming army's shield bearers.

As the enemy approached, the overly tight formation of the Ming army began to stir.The supervisors of Wang Huazhen's battalion rushed forward brandishing knives, guns and sticks: "Don't retreat! Don't retreat! Take a step back, die!"

"The ranks of the eight ranks of troops in the front and rear of the Ming army are too closely arranged, which makes it impossible to mobilize troops in wartime, and it is also not conducive to the firepower of the firearms players in the back row. Hey, why are they arranged in this way? Obviously, the firearms hands Collected..." Yin Bin on the city wall of Xining Fort was discussing again, he always had a tendency to stick to book dogma.

"What's so strange about this? My father said: If the ranks of the officers and soldiers weren't so closely lined up, those soldiers would have dispersed." The speaker was Li Jigong, the youngest son of Major General Li Xiao, deputy brigade commander of the cavalry brigade. 15 years old this year.His elder brother Li Jicheng led the third cavalry regiment of the cavalry brigade to fight outside the city.

Everyone had incredible expressions on their faces, but everyone was a little jealous of this guy, because Li Jigong is the overlord among the current cadets of the military academy, he fights the most fiercely, and likes to play black hands, so everyone turned their heads and did not speak.

Only Yin Bin shook his head and said: "No way, in the cavalry tactics class, the teacher said that to resist the cavalry attack, you have to rely on forming an formation. This is the way of crowding people. I think the Ming army is preventing our army from Cavalry charge. See, guarding against your brother's troops."

Li Jigong didn't dare to be rough with Yin Bin, but he didn't like people mentioning his brother very much.He has an excellent elder brother, which has virtually become his pressure in all aspects, and is also a positive example that Li Jigong's father often used to teach him when he beat and scolded him.

Li Jigong sneered and said: "The official army and the Ming army also have cavalry, but they can completely block our cavalry..."

Zhao Yi is the intern battalion commander. He waved his hand to stop everyone's discussion, and said authoritatively: "Yingzi should be right. The Ming army's central army is also very afraid of our army facing the front, so they sent a list of four Firearms soldiers. Therefore, what Li Er said makes sense."

"Fire!" Someone yelled, and all the student soldiers lay on the crenels of the wall, seeing an unforgettable scene.

The Chinese infantry opened fire at a distance of 150 steps from the Ming army!

Also firing at the same time were sixteen six-pound field guns that had been hiding behind the infantry, all firing shrapnel.

Just 1 minute ago, the officers of the Ming army who maintained the order of the battle were shouting: "The pirate army is like a wooden man, don't be afraid, everyone, they are nothing more than that..."

In the big camp behind them, there are already soldiers running around like headless chickens, and there are fireworks everywhere, which has already made the soldiers of the Ming army at the forefront float.If it wasn't for the fact that the ranks were so tightly packed that it was difficult to even turn around, it is very likely that the most timid soldiers of the Ming army would have turned around and fled.

Now they can only continue to release firearms and shoot bows and arrows forward to ease their tension.And the rows of black figures in front of them are still approaching, and they seem to be completely immune to the bullets and arrows of the Ming army. Up to now, no one has been defeated by the Ming army.

Finally, the soldiers of the Chinese Army stood still, raised their guns, and fired!Bah bah bah bah!

Suddenly, a burst of gray-white gunpowder smoke stretched for several miles, connecting all the ranks of the Chinese Army's attacking troops.

The soldiers of the Ming army huddled together fell down in rows like sickles cutting rice.

Boom boom boom!

Ninety percent of the shrapnel shells from the sixteen field guns exploded, and a burst of iron rain fell on the heads of a group of Ming soldiers.

"Boom!" Suddenly, the thick formation of the Ming army collapsed by itself.

There is no doubt about the power of the Chinese army's salvo of muskets, but this scene of tens of thousands of muskets firing and cannons' salvo surpassed the limit of the psychological endurance of all Ming troops.Therefore, with just one salvo by the Chinese army, the Ming army camp completely collapsed and could no longer organize any resistance.All the members of the Ming army, from ordinary soldiers to Liu Qu, the general soldier, began to flee desperately.

When the Chinese army launched an attack, Wang Huazhen was still sorting out the documents in the tooth tent in order to show his composure.When the Tianlei rockets exploded in the camp of the Chinese army, Wang Huazhen was still reading a book in the tent calmly on the surface.

There was a burst of thunderous gunfire from the front line, followed by tidal footsteps and shouts.Wang Huazhen listened attentively, but heard the soldiers outside the tent shouting: "Run! Run!"

General Jiang Chaodong pushed the door and entered with several people, shouting: "The matter is urgent, please leave quickly!"

"What's the situation ahead?" Wang Huazhen asked with a trembling voice, still holding a trace of luck.

"Big defeat! The army has collapsed, my lord, let's go!" Jiang Chaodong mercilessly wiped out the last chance of Wang Huazhen's thoughts.

After the Ming Army's Central Army Camp was defeated, the Ming Army in the North Road Camp immediately abandoned the camp and left.Zhang Pan only sent hundreds of cavalry to investigate and track.The Beilu Ming army fled to the north, directly crossed the Great Wall, bypassed the Liaohe River, and fled in the direction of Guangning.On the way, they will meet the elite cavalry of the Chinese army led by Zhao Tie himself. Zhang Pan knows Zhao Tie's overall battle plan, so he is not worried that these Ming troops will escape.

On the frontal battlefield, Li Jicheng's cavalry regiment pursued with all their strength, passing through the scattered Ming army and approaching Xiping Fort.The defenders of Xiping Fort, which were empty of troops, immediately abandoned the fort and fled when the Chinese army appeared.Li Jicheng entered and occupied Xiping Fort, and then he only left 200 people by his side, and sent out all the cavalry on hand to continue marching westward, and seized Pingyang Bridge before the Ming army was defeated.This is the only way from Xiningbao to Guangningwei.

The infantry of the Chinese Army, who were chasing after the Ming army's rout, took the battalion as a unit and divided into multiple routes to chase and suppress the Ming army.In fact, no more than 3000 Ming soldiers were killed on the battlefield. Most of the Ming soldiers were frightened by the sudden volley of the Chinese army, and then lost their heads in the surrounding critical atmosphere and fled desperately.

Half a day later, these people exhausted their energy and walked staggeringly. After being overtaken by the Chinese army, they basically surrendered on their knees.

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