Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 53 Guarding the Mountain

Kutley half-kneeled behind Yin Feng, grabbed the corpses of two native soldiers and blocked them on their heads.

"Flopping..." A burst of arrows fell like raindrops, and dozens of arrows were planted in the ground around Yin Feng; the rain of arrows knocked down several Chinese soldiers who had no time to hide, and some people cried out in pain screams.At least ten arrows were inserted into the human shield that Kutre desperately raised.

The pregnant woman was shot by an arrow in the shoulder and was crying sharply.

Yin Feng let go of the girl's soft body in his arms, and didn't notice that the girl's body was shaking; it was not because of fear, but because of excitement.

He stood up and ordered: "Quick, take them away! Go!"

Kutley threw away his human shield, fired a shot in the direction of the native soldiers with his revolver pistol, then grabbed Yin Feng and quickly dragged him away from the mountain pass.

As they turned and returned to their positions on the hillside, the Pampanga archers fired three more rounds of arrows.But because the sky was completely dark, they couldn't see the direction of Yin Feng and the others clearly, and the arrow rain still fell on the mountain pass one after another, never touching Yin Feng and the others in the slightest.

Yin Feng's sailors carried two women and several wounded, surrounded Yin Feng and returned to the parapet fortification.Yin Feng didn't notice that there was a pair of burning and affectionate eyes secretly looking at him in the night.

As soon as Yin Feng returned to the fortification, he immediately said to Kutley: "Light the torch, and throw the torch in front of the fortification!"

He turned to the black Magaro and said, "Old horse, go ahead and pay attention to the enemy's movements. They will retreat as soon as they enter the mountain pass."

Then he said to them all: "Get ready for battle, brothers. If only this attack of the natives is repulsed, we've got one night!"

Referring to the results of the emergency training in the afternoon, all sailor musketeers stood in a small 5X10 square and guarded the central part of the fortification. The first two sailors wore armor and swords and short weapons; The soldiers with guns and other long blades were divided into two double rows and lined up on both sides of the Musketeers; in addition, more than 50 temporarily trained Musketeers were left behind the Central Musketeers as a reserve team.In fact, there were no more than 10 Chinese soldiers using various front-loading muskets, and they owned more than 60 guns.After the central array, more than 80 Zeng guys were counted as auxiliary soldiers of the musketeer team, where they were responsible for loading ammunition for the other 10 matchlock guns.In this way, the number of muskets that the central array can fire in turn is more than 20.The entire parapet fortification just blocked the exit of the entire valley.

This dispatch exhausted Yin Feng's energy.Except for Yin Feng's own sailor musketeers, the training time for the others is too short, especially the members of the pike formation on the two wings, who completely lack organization and discipline. Kill them; at the same time, try to get as close as possible to the comrades around you.Fortunately, these people have seen blood during this period of time, and they all voluntarily stayed to guard the mountain pass. Facing the Spanish muskets and the indigenous bows and arrows, they did not lack morale and courage to die.

The Spanish colonists have suffered a total of no less than 300 casualties in this "biological rebellion" (the Spaniards are too lazy to count the casualties of the indigenous people and the Japanese); this is already higher than the number of casualties of the Spanish colonists in the original history The number of casualties was more than doubled, and two-thirds of the casualties were caused by Yin Feng's Sailor Musketeers.

Therefore, the actions of the Spanish army were very careful this time. First of all, let the brave Pampanga people take the lead as cannon fodder.

Under the command of the Spanish officer, the Pampanga rushed into the valley with torches.The narrow mountain pass forced the formation of the Pampanga infantry to be disrupted. These native soldiers rushed into the valley almost in a panic, and did not encounter any resistance within the first 100 steps. When the mountain road began to widen, Yin Feng You can already see the shadowy crowd in the night after the fortifications.Magaro emerged from the darkness ahead, climbed over the parapet, and shouted: "80 paces!"

Uneasy about the spearmen on both wings, Coutere supervised the formation on the left flank of the musketeers.Yin Feng ordered without hesitation: "Fire!"


The musketeers in the first row had been aiming for a long time. At this moment, they pulled the trigger almost at the same time, pressing the matchlock against the opening of the propellant pool, triggering the deflagration of the propellant, and then detonating the propellant in the barrel. The projectile was pushed out of the gun by a huge thrust. It roared forward until there was an obstacle in front of it blocking the way, and the projectile would tear apart and smash everything in the way without hesitation.

The musketeers use the tactics of retreating and reloading, but instead of reloading the ammunition after the first row retreats to the end, they directly pass the guns back, and the auxiliary soldiers in the last two rows quickly supply the muskets with the ammunition; 5 rows of matchlock guns fire in bursts , almost firing once in less than 10 seconds.

Because the team of Pampanga indigenous soldiers was in the dark, the front and back of the horizontal team were relatively separated, but the mountain road was so narrow that no more than a dozen people could stand in the front row at a time.The musket bullets were fired continuously, and the Pampanga native soldiers fell down in rows on the 100-meter road that was trying to get close to the parapet.One minute after the Chinese Musketeers opened fire, the first five rows of fallen native soldiers spread all over the 1-meter-long road, completely blocking the road between the valleys.

It was getting darker and darker, the road under our feet could not be seen clearly, and it was already covered with the corpses of their companions. The charge of the native soldiers stagnated, and there was no impact speed at all.And the person holding the torch is a living target, always the first to be shot.The native soldiers were trapped on the road between the valleys and were massacred without cover.The howling bullets knocked them down one by one.

As more and more native soldiers fell, there were fewer and fewer torches in the ranks, and the entire road between the valleys was plunged into darkness more and more.The Sailor Musketeers continued to fire lead bullets in the direction of the mountain road, shooting continuously.

At last the road between the valleys was completely darkened, and only the flashes of musketry illuminated the clearing in front of the parapet.As the noise and screams of the native soldiers gradually subsided, the footsteps of the native soldiers seemed to be fading away gradually.Yin Feng did not dare to relax his vigilance, and threw a few torches forward, illuminating a large area in front of the parapet fortifications.In fact, no one could rush to the fire-lit area at all.

During the interval between reloading the musket, Yin Feng raised his hand and shouted: "Cease fire!"

Each of the musketeers fired more than 10 times non-stop, pouring nearly a thousand rounds of bullets into the dark valley passage.When the gunfire stopped, the screams of the wounded and the groans of the dying came from the front.They looked out into the dark night.

Coutere's order came with a strange accent. The left wing of the Musketeers is the spear team mainly composed of pirate gang brothers. The wounded native soldiers on the ground were killed one by one.They moved slowly, not letting any survivors fall under the musket bullets.

In this way, the Pampanga native soldiers left more than 100 corpses and retreated from the mountain pass in a broken army.

In the evening of that day, the Spanish army's first and last attack on the northern pass of Dalun Mountain failed.In Yin Feng's team, only two spearmen were wounded by arrows shot aimlessly by Pampanga native soldiers. Including those who were killed and injured in the battle at the mountain pass before sunset, a total of 3 people were killed and 5 people were injured.

Those Chinese fighters who experienced the Battle of Del Monta Monastery and the siege of Manila could not believe their eyes; with such small casualties, hundreds of indigenous soldiers were killed, if all the Chinese rebels fought like this earlier No, the Spaniards are already finished.

A member of the Zhao family from Zhaojia'ao, Haicheng, walked up to Yin Feng excitedly: "Captain Yin, I'm going to Zhao Tie. This blunderbuss team still has this kind of fighting style. Although our Zhao family came from military households for generations, But it’s unheard of! Did this style of play come from Westerners?”

Yin Feng was loading ammunition into his flintlock gun, and said with a smile: "My subordinates were indeed taught by the veterans of the Buddha Wolf Machine, but this method of maintaining continuous firepower and constantly shooting at the enemy is very difficult. We should have it in Ming Dynasty too. As far as I know, Prince Mu used this method of warfare when he conquered Yunnan in the early years of the Kingdom, but no one studied it in detail like the Westerners. So after a hundred years of peace in Ming Dynasty, the military equipment was abolished. No one knows how to fight.”

He suddenly thought of saying: "Your Zhao family is a military household, but someone is serving as a soldier in Wuyu Shuizhai?"

Zhao Tie shook his head: "I have lived in Luzon for two years, and I don't know the situation in my hometown. Before I came here, I heard that there is General Shen, who is capable of fighting."

Yin Feng nodded and saw that the attacking spear team had retreated, bringing back a lot of weapons such as knives, guns and spears, as well as a lot of bows and arrows and shields.He went up to greet him loudly: "How is it, have the native soldiers run away?"

The brothers said excitedly, "Run away, run away with tails between their legs!"

"It's not enough, Captain, the brothers of the blunderbuss team have already driven them all away before we even started!"

"Captain Yin, save some for our brothers to practice next time!"

"Brother Yin, these natives are not beaten, we will beat as many as they come!"

Yin Feng smiled, knowing that today's battle was just the beginning; the Pampanga native soldiers were experimental cannon fodder, and it would be a real fierce battle when the Spaniards came into battle.In order to let everyone have a good rest and prepare for tomorrow's fierce battle, he asked the clever Mai Xiaoliu and Magaro to lead the people to set up several traps and dig several pits between the mountain pass and the valley.At the same time, based on the wooden fence left by the Spaniards, another fence fortification was set up on the mountain path 50 steps in front of the parapet, where Kutley led the musketeer reserve team composed of Zeng Jiji and Chinese Christians. Watch the night.

There was nothing to say all night, the Spaniards were not interested in any night raids, and Yin Feng and others were happy to sleep.

In the camp of Yin Feng's guards, there are more than a dozen Chinese refugees resting.They all arrived at the mountain pass in time in the evening. After nightfall, they couldn't make the night journey in the mountains with unknown terrain, so they had to stay in the camp.This includes the two women that Yin Feng personally rescued.

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