Yin Feng looked back and saw that the positions everywhere were in jeopardy, and the Spaniards' musket bullets were flying randomly above everyone's heads.The pirate brother Wang Yun retreated from the spear array. Someone was bandaging his chest wound. He sat on the ground with his upper body naked, spitting blood profusely.

Fortunately, the indiscriminate attacks of the Spanish shotguns also knocked down the native soldiers in front of the fortifications, and the enemy's offensive stopped for a while.Yin Feng and Colonel Coutere tried their best to line up the remaining people, but they were immediately shot by Spanish musketeers.The remaining sailor musketeers and Chen Zhongji's musket reserve team had a total of more than 50 people. More than 60 musketeers and more than 100 Spanish musketeers began to shoot at each other in the valley.Finally, the Chinese side had parapet fortifications as cover, while the Spaniards stood upright in the valley, and the two sides temporarily drew.Bullets flew across the valley, and the native soldiers who hadn't retreated in time just now were caught between the muzzles of both sides. After a few rounds of shooting, they were shot into a hornet's nest.

The Spanish musketeers continued to advance, and Major Azquita went all out, and asked the supervisory team to drive the native soldiers forward from the foot of the mountains on both sides. Regardless of the flying bullets, they swept the valley indiscriminately. Many native soldiers died under the fire of their friendly troops. The bullets go down.

Magaro's archers were unable to fight the Spanish musketeers, only 10 men remained, and the arrows were exhausted, so they had to retreat to the hillside.

Yin Feng made these people and the spearmen crouch under the parapet, waiting for the enemy to attack, and then squatted and shouted to Magaro: "Powder barrels! Bring all the powder barrels! Hurry up!"

The sound of musket shooting continued for a while, and the sailor musket team fell down a few more people, and it was no longer possible to maintain continuous shooting.

"Boom!" The Spaniard's shell smashed the four-wheeler in the center of the fortification, and the wooden shards flew out, knocking down two spearmen crouching behind the parapet.Suddenly, before the smoke and dust from the shattered cart dissipated, a tall man rushed out of the smoke, holding a gunpowder barrel as tall as a man, roaring and rushing towards the Spanish Musketeers.His body was wrapped in cloth strips, and his whole body was stained with dark red blood. It was Wang Yun who had suffered a serious chest injury.

Yin Feng originally wanted to lead the people to push the cart and roll the gunpowder barrel down the slope of the hill, which happened to be facing the position of the Spanish Musketeers.As soon as the fuse was lit, Wang Yun suddenly pushed him aside, picked up the gunpowder barrel, and said loudly: "Captain Yin, my son is entrusted to you!"

Before he finished speaking, the Spanish shells shattered the cart, and a piece of wood hit Yin Feng on the head. He couldn't help turning over and fell to the ground. When he got up, Wang Yun had passed him and rushed into the smoke and dust.

"Brother Wang!"

Yin Feng exclaimed, but Wang Yun had already rushed out of the chest fortification.He was immediately hit by the Spanish musket bullets, and after staggering a few more steps, he threw the powder barrel forward in his last effort before dying.Immediately, his body fell to his knees in the rain of bullets, and then fell on his back.

The gunpowder barrel rolled slowly, emitting green smoke, and rolled towards the Spaniards' array along the terrain.The musket fire stopped, and everyone looked at the powder keg.Although the Spanish soldiers in the back row did not order, they also began to retreat secretly.The Spaniards, who pay attention to strict battlefield discipline, did not expect that someone would engage in such a suicide attack. Their brains short-circuited for a while, and they did not expect to run away.After several Spanish officers came to their senses, they hurriedly shouted: "Back! Back!"

Another yelled, "Get down! Get down!"

The soldiers were in a mess, and the native soldiers had already begun to run back desperately.

The powder keg bumped over a stone and stopped only ten paces from the Spaniard.

The Spanish soldiers closest to it stood there dumbfounded, bewildered.

However, the faint blue smoke disappeared, and the powder keg hadn't exploded yet.

A Spanish soldier exclaimed: "The fuse is gone!"

"Bang" a gunshot.Yin Feng stood on the parapet, raised his gun and shot the powder keg.The hot buckshot crashed into the powder keg, and...

"Boom!" The whole valley seemed to shake.Major Azquita, who was 1 league away from the mountain pass, felt the ground tremble slightly, and a loud noise came from the direction of the mountain pass.He was surprised to see a thick puff of gunpowder smoke rising from the valley, rushing up into the air, accompanied by countless fragments.


The Chinese refugee camp far away in Dalun Mountain is busy, and the last group of people are preparing to set off on the road.This muffled loud noise also spread here, but it was already as weak as the distant thunder, and almost no one noticed it.

Of the Chinese soldiers guarding the pass, including Yin Feng, there were only 35 musketeers, 50 spearmen left, and a total of about 90 people survived - most of them were wounded.The final big explosion was not all caused by the 100-pound gunpowder barrel. It was mainly because the gunpowder of the Spanish artillery team was detonated, which caused the earth-shattering effect.The entire valley seemed to have been trampled by giants. Large pieces of rock and soil collapsed from the cliff, and the rocks in the middle of the valley were piled up to a height of 3 meters.The Spanish soldiers closest to the source of the explosion suffered heavy casualties, all members of the artillery team were wiped out, the native soldiers were also killed, and hundreds of people were killed by falling rocks.Even the Chinese spearmen lying behind the parapet were killed and injured by the flying stones, and one musketeer was killed by the stones.

In any case, most of the Chinese soldiers guarding the pass escaped.Yin Feng carried the wounded and unconscious Chen Zhongji on his back, and led his brothers into the mountain quickly.The hellish scene of the mountain pass, the Spaniards probably have to wait a few days before they can pass.

Although they were all wounded, after three days and two nights of fighting, they thought they were not defeated.So even though they were running away, everyone's morale was good.There were only two attacks by natives along the way.The sightless natives were desperate to pick on this group of red-eyed men, but they were defeated every time, leaving their corpses on the mountain road.

Yin Feng was slightly injured, but fortunately it was not serious, but he felt very tired.He looked at the partners around him, most of them were excited, but their bodies were already tired.Since the big bang, they have been walking non-stop on the mountain road for a whole afternoon.

"Everyone, take a break!"

Zhao Tie from Haicheng Zhaojia'ao was also a survivor. He let out a long breath at this moment and sat down on the ground: "Boss owner, I'm just waiting for you to say this!"

So everyone panted and staggered to rest on the spot.Yin Feng smiled wryly: I'm not used to being a leader yet.This group of brothers has already followed his lead. If he doesn't ask for a break, everyone walks with him covered.

The sharpshooter Luo Aquan who was just discovered has been following Yin Feng closely, and is now bandaging the wound on Yin Feng's hand.Yin Feng asked people to go to the front of the mountain to be on guard, checked the terrain himself, and felt that he could spend the night at the foot of the mountain sheltered from the wind.

Chen Zhongji only suffered a gunshot wound to his leg, so the problem is not serious.The boy was just too tired, that's why he had been in a coma for a long time, and he also woke up at this time.Mai Xiaoliu was also injured. He was hit on the head by the stones splashed by the big explosion. He probably had a concussion. Although he was awake at the moment, he was a little confused. He looked around and said, "Where are the Ganla people? Have they escaped? The Danmin sailor on one side smiled and said, "Yes, yes, you drove them away!"

Colonel Cutley put on his clothes meticulously, and took the initiative to go to the rear mountain road to keep watch to prevent the Spaniards from catching up.Yin Feng watched him leave, thinking about how to get the colonel to train a real army after returning home.At this moment, the sailor who was on guard in front ran back: "Boss owner, ship owner, someone is coming!"

Yin Feng jumped up, and the soldiers of the Sailor Musketeers also stood up one after another.These sailors have been doing physical training with Yin Feng every day for the past two years, and the food is guaranteed, so their physical strength is much better than others.

"Who? Natives? Are you related to the Greeks?"

The sailor said hesitantly: "No, it's already dark, I can't see clearly, I just heard someone talking, it's our own Tang accent."

"Oh? How many people are there?"

"I can't see clearly, there are at least a dozen people."

Yin Feng nodded: "Okay, it will be fine if you are one of us, but just in case, everyone has their hands on their hands! Be careful, listen to my orders!"

Everyone agreed together, and spread out to both sides of the mountain road to ambush.

At this moment, after the sun has set, the sunset glow in the sky has not completely faded away.Under the red glow, a tall Caribbean female pirate appeared at the turn of the mountain road—oh, it was Li Lihua dressed as a female pirate, walking ahead angrily, with more than a dozen servants following her in a hurry.

"It's all your fault, you don't even know how to find a way..." She muttered and walked forward.

"Miss, walk slowly, there are natives everywhere!"

"Miss, it doesn't seem to be going that way!"

The servant Jia Ding chased after her naggingly, all of them looked helpless.

Suddenly, a large group of people jumped out of the grass on the side of the road. The first one was tall and blood-stained, holding a musket and blocking Li Lihua's way.The servant of the Li family, Jia Ding, cried out in shock: "Ah! Miss, be careful!"

Lihua reacted very quickly, she pulled out her exquisite revolver and pointed it at the front, only then did she see the other person's face clearly, she was speechless for a moment in surprise.Most of the people who followed Yin Feng knew her, and they all smiled kindly.

Yin Feng couldn't help laughing, knowing that this savage westernized lady must have left the brigade and lost her way.He smiled and said, "Miss Li, your gun doesn't seem to have tightened the reel, so the gun won't fire."

A tear rolled from the corner of Lihua's eyes, Yin Feng was startled, and quickly stepped forward to support her precarious body: "What's the matter with you? What's the matter?" The last sentence was for Lihua's servant.

The servant smiled wryly and shook his head: "Miss insisted on coming to you yesterday, but today I lost my way while walking in this mountain, hehe, we..."

Lihua suddenly hugged Yin Feng and burst into tears.She hugged Yin Feng's neck tightly, snot and tears on his chest.

Everyone looked at each other in dismay at first, and then looked at Yin Feng curiously together, which made Yin Feng extremely embarrassed, and quickly comforted Miss Li: "Okay, okay, I'm fine."

Li Hua suddenly pushed him away again, wiping her tears and said: "If something happens to you, who will take care of me? You promise what my elder brother entrusted, do you want to admit it? Why are you trying to be a hero? You people, Could it be possible to defeat the Ganlianla people?" She said in a row, without giving Yin Feng a chance to explain.Finally, she shook her head and said angrily, "Yin Feng, if you leave me behind to be a hero next time, I'll go back to Manila."

How logical is this!However, it seems that only a fool would talk about logic with a woman.

Yin Feng had a headache: "Brother Li, you gave me a hot potato!"


After Yin Feng and the others spent the night here, they began to hurry early the next morning.Fortunately, most of these people are young and strong men. Even Li Lihua is a girl who has good nutrition and grew up under the influence of Spanish customs. She is lively, active and energetic.Therefore, they rushed far faster than the large group of refugees ahead.

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