The Conch blew three short and three long rhythms, and Mai Dahai, who was obsessed with duels between battleships on the Feilong, woke up and ordered: "Turn the rudder! The semaphore puts the mast on your hands and tells the fire fleet to attack in an all-round way.!"

In the battle just now, the Hiryu had been hit by 10 shells, but none of them hit the critical point. Only 6 sailors were killed and more than a dozen were injured.The harm caused by the Flying Dragon to the Dutch battleship is not worth mentioning. A total of 3 shells hit the Orange, killing 2 Dutchmen and wounding 6 others.In the era of sailing warships, such a duel between two warships would not be effective unless they fought for a long time.

The Feilong made a sharp turn, pulled up all the sails and headed towards the mouth of Magong Port.At the same time, the ships of the Jinghai Gang, ordered by Mai Dahai, entered the harbor one after another.Each boat towed three or four empty sailboats or fishing boats with their sails down.The ships were sprinkled with firelighters such as oil or sulfur.And the pirate brothers of the Jinghai gang were holding bows and arrows, and the brothers on one side were holding torches, ready to light the arrows at any time and shoot them out, igniting the small boats they were dragging.

Li Kuiqi and his son were also ordered to tow three small fishing boats and move forward slowly as ordered.Li Kuiqi quickly climbed up and down the mast, very excited.He pointed to the Flying Dragon battleship and said, "Father, this battleship is too majestic, with so many cannons, it would be great if I could fire on this ship!"

Li San grabbed the rudder and said angrily, "You want to fire the guns? The entire Fujian navy does not have such a warship. I heard that the sailors on this ship have 10 taels of food and silver per month, which is more expensive than the navy's. An official of a hundred households can get more."

Li Kuiqi's eyes were full of adoring little stars, watching the huge hull of the Feilong sailing across the water.

On the sea as far as the Orange battleship could see, those warships carrying only one gun had already approached the northern coastline of the harbor one after another. The entire sea was covered with these firing boats, and there were nearly 200 of them.The former fireships were still burning, having lost power, a barrier of fire drifting in the sea between the Dutchman's landing and the Orange.

The Dutch were thoroughly intimidated. Once the 200 fireships are all ignited, no matter how powerful the Orange is, even if the Dutch now have 5 battleships of the Orange, they cannot escape the fate of being wiped out.

Admiral Wei Malang lost his ability to think, and the Dutch on the entire battleship were in a daze, but Li Jin did not lose his mind, and crawled to the bow of the ship, grabbed Wei Malang and shouted: "Your Excellency, General! , General! Surrender! Cease the war!"

"What?" Wei Malang looked at Li Jin in a daze.Li Jin didn't want to be burned to death here for no reason, and he was still burned to death by people from his own country.He grabbed Wei Malang like crazy, shook him, and shouted at his face: "Demand a truce! Cease! We can't win this battle!"

"Are they willing to cease fighting?" Wei Malang came to his senses and said bitterly: "We are the first to strike..."

Originally, when the Dutch first arrived in Penghu, they didn't pay attention to the defenders of the Chinese company at all. They didn't take it seriously at all, and they didn't contact them first.This made Yin Feng determined to teach the Dutch a lesson before discussing business.At this moment, the arrogant Dutchman suddenly thought that he had never had any contact with the China United Company from the very beginning.Under the influence of Li Jin, Wei Malang was all about negotiating with the Fujian government, but he didn't pay much attention to the Zhonghua United Company that came out of the ground.

Now that the Chinese company has flexed its muscles, the Dutch are reminded of words like "negotiation" and "diplomatic settlement".

Li Jin pointed to the surface of the sea and said, "General, their boats are salvaging our drowning people. Look! They don't want to chase and kill us all!"

Wei Malang picked up the binoculars, and then put them down again: even without the binoculars, several Chinese sailboats were helping the survivors after the sinking of the Rotterdam; The boat is saving lives.

Wei Malang sighed, and ordered: "Raise the white flag, lower the sails! Cease fire, everyone immediately cease fire!" He turned to Li Jin and said, "Uncle Jin, it's up to you now, go and shout to them!"


On the beach side, the infantrymen of the two-sentry escort came into contact with the example of fighting with the power of firearms for the first time.

No matter how difficult and harsh the training is, actual combat is another matter, it will kill people.The two teams began to shoot at each other when they approached a distance of 100 steps (about 155 meters).At the beginning, the soldiers of the escort team could still maintain their composure during training, loading ammunition and firing at the usual speed during training.But when the first batch of casualties appeared in the queue, the queue of the escort team stagnated a little, and there was quite a commotion among the teams.

Instead of facing dead targets, you now face enemies who will shoot at enemies who take the lives of your companions or yourself.Bullets whizzed in my ears, and the comrades around me fell silent or screamed. Those guards who had not experienced the battle of Luzon Island hesitated and became afraid.Most of the soldiers who had experienced the musket fire of the Spanish army in Luzon Island did not panic, but such a musket battle of standing upright and shooting each other face to face tested the discipline, organization and mental toughness of a soldier, so one or two A soldier stopped in his tracks.This caused confusion in the entire guard array.

The Dutch had no adverse reactions and insisted on advancing while shooting.

At this time, the role of the grass-roots officers came into play. The officers below the post commander Mai De were all selected from the Danmin Musketeers and the Pirate Gang, and they all had combat experience. Therefore, at this critical moment, they took the initiative to stand up and order their subordinates loudly. Punch and kick to keep the laggards in line and the hesitant to step forward.

Yin Feng also rushed over, grabbed the banner bearer's battle flag, and walked forward waving: "Brothers, I'm here, let's go together!"

"Captain! It's dangerous!" Chen Zhongji knew that the company's big boss and the commander of the guards liked to go to the front line in person, so he was well prepared to surround Yin Feng with a dozen soldiers from Yin Feng's personal guards.

The blue flag caused a chain reaction, and the officers also stood on the front line. After a short period of confusion, the guards began to hear the commands of the officers at all levels. All the soldiers stepped forward, loaded ammunition, tamped, Putting the gun to the shoulder and pulling the trigger, the whole set of actions was done in one go, and the gunpowder smoke from the muzzle spread across the beach.The entire infantry array of the Chinese company guards, in a neat and dense line, fired quickly, and the bullets like a storm immediately suppressed the Dutch's shooting.

The Dutch's array is thinner than the Chinese's. Although the shooting speed is fast enough, there must be an interval between the three rounds of shooting; while the Chinese's five-row array, plus paper fixed ammunition, and the use of flintlock muskets, are in the The center maintained a near-continuous fire.

The Dutch had a slight advantage just now, but now they are completely suppressed by the Chinese.There are more enemies on the opposite side than them, and the guns shoot faster than them.The escort soldiers can now shoot at the normal speed on the training ground.The front row soldiers of the Dutch were killed and wounded within half a minute, and Captain Bunter was also injured and fell to the ground. Captain Leighton suddenly had no intention of fighting and ordered to retreat.

After the Dutch scrambled and crawled back to the temporary beach camp, Yin Feng ordered the guards of the Mazu Palace to attack as well, and together with the two infantry guards, they completely surrounded the Dutch landing camp.

Captain Layton ran to the beach and asked the soldiers to pull the boat over: "Quickly, pull the boat over quickly, let's go to the Orange for help!"

The soldier stared blankly at the sea without responding.Captain Layton was annoyed. He didn't want to die on this strange island, so he wanted to escape from this beach in the name of asking for help.He kicked the soldier and cursed: "Damn guy, God will punish you, what's wrong with you?"

The soldier turned his head, with a look of surprise on his face, pointed to the sea and said: "The Orange has surrendered, and the war has ceased!"

"What!" Captain Layton was both surprised and delighted. Looking around, it turned out that the Orange had lowered its sails and hoisted its white flag.He immediately ran to the beach camp and ordered the white flag to be raised to surrender to the Chinese surrounding the camp.

Yin Feng looked at the white flag of the Dutch, let out a long breath, and said to Lin Xiao, Mai Xiaoliu, Chen Zhongji, Yan Siqi and others who surrounded him: "Okay, no need to fight, Hongmao has surrendered. Pay attention, wait." Treat them well, don't beat, scold or humiliate them. Is Father Baradas here?"

Baradas quickly agreed on the periphery: "I am here, Your Excellency the Captain."

Yin Feng smiled and said to him: "Now is the time for peace, Mr. Priest, it's time for you to appear."

Baradas and You Wenhui have been praying for God's blessing since the beginning of the war.They knew how powerful the Dutch were. If Macau hadn't occupied the terrain advantage and the Dutch's strength was limited, it might have fallen into the hands of the red hair long ago.The gunfire rumbled outside and the smoke filled the air, while the two of them hid in the cabin and kept praying.

Along the way, they witnessed Yin Feng's fleet growing more and more, and finally there were hundreds of ships.They wanted to find a chance to chat with Yin Feng several times, but Yin Feng was too busy to talk to them.However, Yin Feng is very interested in You Wenhui.Among the Chinese who joined the Catholic Church during the Ming Dynasty, You Wenhui was the first Ming Dynasty person to join the Jesuits.You Wenhui also had a Christian name at the time, Manuel Pereira (Manoel Pereira).

Yin Feng, who had studied the history of cultural exchanges between China and foreign countries, remembered that You Wenhui was a very talented artist, and some religious paintings in churches in Beijing later came from his handwriting.Just after Matteo Ricci died, he painted a portrait of Matteo Ricci, which is very charming.This portrait has been hanging in the Jesuit residence in the Diocese of Gesu in Rome until the 21st century in another time and space.

Yin Feng took the time to show You Wenhui his charcoal sketch, and You Wenhui almost fainted in shock.Yin Feng has learned a little Chinese painting, but he is best at sketching. He failed the entrance examination to the Academy of Fine Arts, but the pre-examination training gave him a solid foundation in art.Although You Wenhui is a Christian, he is also a casual young man. Especially since he found a common hobby of art, he and Yin Feng have a lot to talk about.

When Yin Feng started the battle in the morning, he boarded the bow of the ship, pointed to the mighty fleet and said to You Wenhui: "From the time I sailed to Zheng He to the present, so many ships have gathered together to fight against the barbarians. I haven't seen it for about 200 years."

He smiled at You Wenhui and said, "You can take a closer look, and if you have a chance, draw this scene. Our Chinese company will create history, and you will be a witness of history."

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