Dragon Sea Empire

Chapter 86 Negotiations

Chapter 86 Negotiation ([-])

Yin Feng, Lu Shitou, Mai Dahai and others stayed in Penghu. The Feilong and Xinxing were also moored in Magong Port. The rest of the Jinghai Gang and the war fleet all returned to Taiwan.

Mai Xiaoliu is in charge of the Penghu Commercial Center. He has started to build some infrastructure and is planning to send personnel to stay there for a long time.Yin Feng stayed here to wait for one person: Shen Yourong, Chief Qin Yi of Wuyu Water Village of Fujian Navy.

Baradas accompanied Wei Malang and others to Taiwan, Li Jin was kept by Yin Feng, and You Wenhui voluntarily stayed in Penghu.

It was late at night, and the fishermen on the island and the guards of the Chinese company were still drinking and celebrating.Yin Feng tried his best to control himself and didn't drink much alcohol.He doesn't dare to drink too much now, for fear of causing trouble by drinking; the last time he was drunk, he somehow got a concubine, so he tried his best to avoid getting drunk from then on.

He avoided the enthusiastic fishermen and his men, sneaked out of the camp and walked to the beach.Not far away, the ships Feilong and Xinxing were moored in the harbor. The crew on board patrolled the deck with lanterns, and there were also guards on the beach who took turns to watch.Yin Feng has always emphasized the need to be vigilant at all times, after all, Zhonghua has already made many enemies.

The two team members saw Yin Feng's figure from a distance and shouted loudly: "Who is where? Password!"

Yin Feng smiled and said loudly: "Is it a brother directly under the first post? Your post chief Mai De is not drinking, where did you go?"

The two team members approached and took a closer look. They quickly stood at attention, held their guns in their right hands, and saluted with their left elbows in front of their chests: "President leader! Liu Anhai and Li Quan, the team directly under the first sentinel, are on patrol."

This set of military salute system was created by Yin Feng on a whim one night, including how to salute to the superior, self-declaration of the unit, etc. are all stipulated by Yin Feng.After more than half a year of training, these two sons of farmers who lost their land in western Fujian can already practice etiquette very proficiently.Everyone, including the Portuguese mercenaries, thought this military salute was very interesting, so it has now been extended to the sailors of the war fleet.Yin Feng didn't like the etiquette of kneeling, bowing, and bowing in the military camp. Some descendants of veterans whose ancestors were Qi Jiguang's subordinates proposed to implement the military etiquette of Qi's army;Therefore, the kneeling salute has been completely abolished in the guard salute.But this is only in wartime and in the barracks. Outside the barracks and the battlefield, when the guards see Yin Feng, some people will still kneel down to salute Yin Feng—originally, Yin Feng can afford it as a supervisor who bought it with money. .Therefore outside the barracks, Yin Feng has nothing to do with such secular habits.

Yin Feng patted the two peasant children happily - his principle of recruiting troops was to learn from Qi Jiguang and try to recruit peasant children as much as possible.He asked enthusiastically, "Where is your whistle chief?"

"The whistle chief went to inspect the north and east of the island." Liu Anhai, who was a little taller, replied with his chest out.

"Okay, let's continue with the mission!"

The two escort soldiers saluted again by beating their chests with their left hands, then turned around and continued their patrol.The bright moonlight caused their shadows to drag long on the sand.

Yin Feng is thinking: among his subordinates, which one can be cultivated into a military talent who can stand alone; Lin Xiao has an impulsive personality, loves face, although he is considered slick and flexible, but not stable enough; Mai Dahai, Mai Xiaoliu, etc. The children of the Dan family suffer from lack of cultural education. Although Yin Feng is forcing them to read and write, they are used to freedom at sea. It is okay to be a captain or something. It is not easy to command a certain area and command the entire fleet. Appropriate—yesterday Mai Dahai commanded the Flying Dragon and was obsessed with the duel with the Orange, ignoring the overall arrangement and almost making a mistake;

Ye Hua and Mai De are different among Danmin's children. They are tenacious, hard-working, and have a holistic view.It's just that they also lack culture. Although they are good at accepting new things, they only know how to follow suit and cannot draw inferences from one instance. They still have little experience.

For the Portuguese mercenaries, Yin Feng does not expect them to work for the company wholeheartedly, as long as they are worthy of the salary the company gives them.

The company has a lot of business talents, but it also lacks people who have a big picture and understand the major trends of the world.

talent!talent!Yin Feng sighed that he was too tired, and his staff was too short of talents!

Suddenly, Yin Feng saw a figure standing on the edge of the beach, who seemed to be looking at him before leaving.Yin Feng stopped in his tracks and asked loudly, "The one in front, who are you?"

The figure paused and stepped forward, revealing a pale face under the moonlight.Yin Feng smiled: "Li Jin? Uncle Jin?" z

This slightly thin figure of medium height was none other than Li Jin.

Li Jin cupped his hands and bowed to salute, saying: "I have seen Mr. Yin's family before."

Yin Feng was actually very interested in Li Jin; the legendary first Chinese who had been to the Netherlands.

In another time and space, when there was no Yin Feng, after the Dutch arrived in Penghu, they began to negotiate with the local officials of the Ming Dynasty.During the negotiations between the Ming Dynasty and the Netherlands, Li Jin was arrested, but soon after, the officials allowed him to atone for his crimes before going to negotiate with the Dutch.In the end, "...the people have nothing to eat. They set sail at the end of October. Governor Xu Xueju impeached (Pan) Xiu and (Li) Jin for crimes such as (Pan) Xiu and (Li) Jin. There is a difference between death and dispatch."However, judging from the files of the Dutch East India Company, it is clear that after Li Jin was released on parole to negotiate, he never returned to the "country" for trial.Governor Xu's impeachment is probably just a dead letter that will not execute the criminal.

After Li Jin failed to negotiate and returned to Southeast Asia, he still lived in Dani and engaged in trade until 1612.That year, because he could not stand the persecution of Chinese by Dani officials, his family moved to Ambon in the Molucca Islands in the South Seas. He died there in 1614, leaving behind a beautiful widow who believed in Christ and a family. son, and an inheritance of more than 6000 real.Soon, his Christian widow remarried to Jackson, an employee of the British East India Company's Banten Commercial Office, which triggered a small dispute over inheritance between the Dutch and British companies.

Now, Yin Feng fought in Penghu, so that Li Jin no longer has to go to the government prison.Very likely, it completely changed the trajectory of Li Jin's life.

Yin Feng smiled and said, "Uncle Jin, what do you think of our company compared to the Dutch East India Company?"

Li Jin smiled bitterly and said, "I have heard some things from Guo Zhen, and I have seen your strength with my own eyes. To be honest, the China United Company is very similar to the East India Company, but it is completely different in terms of system and personnel. The East India Company is backed by the entire country of the Netherlands, and you are a group of merchants gathered together, and the imperial court will not tolerate you in the end."

Yin Feng sighed: "Yes, I also expected this."

Li Jin asked: "So, what are you going to do?"

"Expand our strength. As long as we have strength and can compete against the imperial navy, the imperial court will have nothing to do with us." Yin Feng felt that there was no need to hide anything from Li Jin. It was impossible for Li Jin to stand on the imperial court's side. It is regarded as the chief culprit who seduced the red-haired barbarians to come to China.

Li Jin looked at Yin Feng in disbelief, shook his head and said, "Is this possible?"

"The guards of the China United Company will not be like Wang Zhi, Xu Hai or the Japanese pirates, who will burn, kill and loot the people along the coast at every turn, and we will not take the initiative to provoke and confront the government." Yin Feng thought for a while, and didn't want to talk about this issue. Talk more, after all, the other party was still his enemy a day ago.He asked Li Jindao: "It is rumored that you have been to the country of Hongmaoyi?"

"Yes, this is a country of merchants. In Europe, there are other countries of merchants, such as Venice, Florence, etc., hey..." Li Jin sighed.Yin Feng also heaved a long sigh when he thought of the countless problems and difficulties facing the company.


That night, the two talked all night long.

Magaro and Chen Zhongji found that Yin Feng was missing from the banquet, and when they rushed to the beach, they found Yin Feng and Li Jin sitting on the rocks by the beach, chatting vigorously.Yin Feng even asked them to be vigilant around, not to get too close to hinder their conversation.Therefore, no one knows what the two of them talked about.Everyone only knows that at dawn, Li Jin left Penghu and went to Taiwan in a small fishing boat of fishermen on the island.

At noon that day, Xinxing, which was patrolling at the mouth of the bay, spotted twelve brigantines approaching Penghu Bay. The ships were sailing under the flag of the Navy, and the word "Shen" was embroidered on the tooth flag.

These twelve warships were all that Shen Yourong could recruit in a short time.After the last battle to wipe out Japanese pirates in Dongfan, the warships lost in the storm in Wuyu Shuizhai have not been replenished.In the past two years, Wuyu Shuizhai has lived a miserable life, relying on limited food and salaries to maintain daily patrol and inspection tasks.Relying on Shen Yourong donating all his salary, plus the leftovers from selling the old boats in the water village, Shen Yourong finally built two more warships this year.

The eunuch Gao Cai secretly seduced Hongmao Yi and promised to cede Penghu, which angered the entire Fujian bureaucracy.Once the red-haired barbarians come, although the seaport business tax can be increased, it is absolutely impossible to occupy Penghu according to Macau's old practice.The status of the Portuguese in Macau is still unstable. From the beginning of Yu Dayou in the Ming Dynasty, there have been people who want to drive away the Frangji people and take back the port of Macau.Li Feng, the eunuch of the tax envoy in Guangdong, also made a request to take back Macau and drive away the Portuguese, but he was out of personal enmity: the Portuguese did not give him enough money.If it weren't for the fact that the salaries of many officials in Guangzhou depended on the tax money from overseas trade in Macau, it would have been impossible for the Portuguese to gain a firm foothold in Macau.

How much trouble will the red-haired barbarians bring to Fujian officials!

Governor Xu Xueju convened a meeting of the Navy, Xunhaidao and other relevant officials in Fuzhou Governor's Yamen, and all the participants almost unanimously opposed Penghu's open sea trade.However, how to drive the Hongmao Yi away has caused controversy; some say that the Hongmao were trapped to death by strengthening the walls and clearing the country; Send troops to drive away the red-haired barbarians.However, whether Shen Yourong or Xu Xueju, they all knew that Hongmaoyi's battleship was powerful.

Shen Defu, a literati at that time, wrote the notes "Wanli Yehuo Pian? Hongmaoyi" once recorded the historical events of the long-distance naval battle between the Ming army and the Dutch army. Wipes, these few hands are rotten, there is no trace to be found, slowly sailing away, without breaking an arrow, and the dead of the officers and soldiers are gone."

At the meeting, Zhu Wenda, the commander-in-chief of Fujian Province, who once served in the Guangdong Military Academy, said: "I have dealt with the red-haired barbarians in Guangzhou. The red-haired barbarians are brave and good at fighting. Their warships and cannons are all exquisite. I think the whole Fujian The boat master is not enough to stun his edge!".

Zhang Xie, who was temporarily recruited as a consultant, is the author of the famous Chinese and Western transportation history book "East and West". He is an expert in studying overseas conditions. The captain is thirty feet long, the breadth is five or six feet wide, the boards are more than two feet thick, and the scales meet each other. Some ships even have five masts. The huge ships have three floors, the sides of the ships are small windows, and copper guns are placed in each of them. A ship can carry up to 60 cannons, and the firearms are extremely sharp!"

In short, what everyone means is that they can't fight the Dutch.

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