It is not a matter of a day or two for the Japanese to want to take Taiwan-Takasago as their own.Takasago, or Takayama Country, is actually the name of a place in Banshu, Japan. Surrounded by white sandy beaches and green pines, its scenery is similar to that of Taiwan, so the Japanese also call Taiwan Takasago.In the era of Toyotomi Hideyoshi, in November of the 21st year of Wanli, the monkey ordered Sun Qilang Harada to negotiate with the Spaniards in Luzon. On the way, he passed through northern Taiwan and gave books to the natives of Taiwan, urging them to pay tribute.

In the book, there are such things as: "When the husband's sun wheel shines, even if you go to the sea, mountains, rivers, grass, trees, birds and insects, you will not be unaffected by his kindness. ... The Korean country, from the past to the present dynasty, has a leader's alliance, and has broken its promise for a long time... ...Daming sent hundreds of thousands of reinforcements, although it was time to fight, it was still not profitable, so he came to the state and begged for surrender. ...If you don't come to the court, you can order the generals to attack it. The day that grows all things, Those who are thirsty for all things are also the sun, and they have no thoughts.” Wait, such big words, but the Taiwanese aborigines at that time did not have written words and did not understand Japanese, so it is unclear who this document was given to and whether anyone understood it. Know.

In fact, Houzi was deeply involved in the Korean battlefield at this time, fighting with the reinforcements of the Ming Dynasty in full swing, how could he have the strength to conquer Taiwan again.People's hearts are not enough to swallow elephants. Japan has such a problem since ancient times. One mountain looks high than another, and they are not afraid of breaking their legs.

At this moment, the invasion operation jointly carried out by the Satsuma clan and the shogunate officials is in full swing.Hundreds of warriors were divided into two teams; one team broke into the village, burned, killed and looted, and the other team went deep into the mountains and forests to pursue the escaped native brigade.

The shrewd eyes of the young Yamada Nagamasa rolled around, and he suddenly said to his father: "Father, we need to build a fort here to guard the surrounding area. Otherwise, those natives will not really submit."

Huashan Yuji repeatedly praised: "Master Changzheng really has a vision. This harbor is the best place to set up a fort. However, we did not bring engineers with us when we entered the operation this time."

"It shouldn't matter. Let's build a fortified stockade first, and then turn it into a fortress. It's impossible for those natives to attack our camp." Yamada Nagamasa looked at his father and said uncertainly.

Nagachi Yamada nodded, and said to Yuki Kawayama who was standing on the side: "So, I will leave ten of the iron gunners on the Zhuyin ship for you, and I will leave you to set up the camp? When I return to Kyoto, I will I will ask for credit for you in front of the general."

Huashan Youji was overjoyed.He quickly bowed and said: "That's great, please rest assured, I will definitely complete the task. I will send a copy of the tribute collected here to your house."

Yamada Nagamasa walked to the bow, looked at the continuous coastline, and sighed: "What a beautiful mountain and river, the forests and mountains here look like the coast of Hyogo. Father, how much I want to stay here and conquer The natives here must be very interesting.”

Nagachi Yamada stepped forward and patted his son on the shoulder: "The world is big, don't miss the wider world just because of the beautiful scenery in front of you. We are leaving for Siam tomorrow, and there is a bigger world waiting in the south You go wandering!"

"Yes, father, I see."


The young Yamada Nagamasa was still a little reluctant to part with Taiwan. When Zhu Yinchuan left the chicken coop the next day, he kept looking greedily at the island of Taiwan.The boy Yamada Nagamasa went to Siam and opened a new page in his life.He will become the best one among Japanese overseas Chinese in Japan's Great Discovery Age.

At that time, the Japanese engaged in various occupations overseas, most of whom were merchants, employed persons, sailors, soldiers, and manual laborers. The Shuinbune system established by Toyotomi Hideyoshi in the 1590s and continued in the Tokugawa Ieyasu era in the 17th century brought these overseas trade and other activities to a peak.Through these maritime actors and their overseas communities, Japan's entrepot trade flourished in Southeast Asia.Many active ports had a port master or head of the Japanese community; these port masters were called "syahbandar" in Malay and Indonesian, and they supervised the Japanese The activities of the residents of the town are the liaison between the Japanese town and the local government, and are responsible for coordinating the trade activities between the port and the Japanese who are not local residents.

The prosperity of Nihonmachi in Southeast Asia lasted for about 30 years.However, they have gradually declined since then. In the 1630s, the Edo Shogunate began to implement a country-locking policy, and Japanese people were prohibited from traveling overseas, and even returning to Japan from overseas was also prohibited.Some Japanese towns in Southeast Asia continued into the 17th century.Since then, the overseas trade of the Japanese has been gradually replaced by the Chinese, Dutch and Southeast Asians, but the Japanese living overseas still play an important role in the commerce and trade of many ports. At the end of the 17th century, due to the lack of new Japanese immigrants, these Japanese towns gradually disappeared or were assimilated by the local residents.

During this brief but dynamic era, Nihonmachi was present at many of the major ports in the region, including: Batavia (Jakarta) in the Dutch East ), Manila in the Spanish Philippines, and Phnom Penh in Cambodia, etc., the largest and probably the most famous Japanese town is located in the Kingdom of Ayutthaya (Ayutthaya) - the Kingdom of Siam, the leader of its Japanese town It is Yamada Nagamasa.

Yamada Nagamasa came to Siam for activities in 1605, and was later appreciated by the royal family of the Ayutthaya Kingdom (Siam) and awarded him a title.He became the most powerful foreign merchant in Ayutthaya, and, like the Portuguese at the time, Yamada Nagamasa organized a mercenary army of 700 Japanese to fight for the King of Siam, many times in He demonstrated the combat effectiveness of Japanese samurai in the war with the Burmese, and frequently exerted influence on matters such as suppressing uprisings, civil wars, and succession disputes; he also monopolized the Dutch trade route to Nagasaki, and was allowed to monopolize certain special commodities. Such as buckskin and so on.Legend has it that he became one of the important generals of the King of Siam, and was poisoned to death by his enemies because he was involved in the struggle for the throne.

Yamada Nagamasa went to Siam according to the original historical track, and eventually became the biggest competitor of Zhonghua Company in Nanyang and Siam. This was something that Yin Feng, a big butterfly, could not have predicted.

Yin Feng, the big butterfly who disturbed the trajectory of history, was attacking the Madou Club at this time.

In the empty field in front of the village, a guard soldier in black and a Han official stood there and shouted loudly: "... immediately hand over the Japanese who caused the accident, and hand over the murderer who killed our Chinese company personnel. Otherwise we will We will attack the village and burn down your houses and food!"

The Han general has been shouting there for a long time.In the beginning, several indigenous fighters rushed out to fight the guards, but they were all shot dead at the gate of the village by a burst of muskets.Since then, there has been chaos in the village, but no one dared to come out to challenge.

Behind the simple wooden fence of the aborigines, figures flickered, smoke rose from inside, and people's voices were noisy.Yin Feng sat bored on a hillside, surrounded by Chen Zhongji, Yan Siqi, Magaro and other personal guards.The second head of the guard team is Zhao Tie, who was just promoted, a member of the Zhao family in Zhaojiaao, Haicheng.A total of 18 members of the Zhao family joined the guards, and basically every one of them was good material for soldiers.Zhao Tie was famous for his strength as a blacksmith, and he trained very hard. In addition, Yin Feng had fought side by side with him in Manila, so he was promoted to be the captain within half a year.

Although a bit of cronyism, Zhao Tie's ability is obvious to all, and everyone can't complain.At this time, he was reporting to Yin Feng: "The owner of the ship..." He still called Yin Feng "the owner of the ship" according to the habit of the refugees in Luzon.

"Boss owner, it's been an hour since I shouted, but there's still no response from the village!"

"That's it, okay. Fire the cannons and blow down their gates."

Yin Feng gave the order hesitantly, the people around were a bit strange, it seemed that the captain of the ship was a bit reluctant to deal with the natives?

Yin Feng finally overcame the psychological barrier brought about by his own cultural background, deployed a sentry of guards in front of the village, and fired three consecutive three-pounder infantry guns, knocking down the gate of the village.

Zhao Tie's infantry sentry stood at attention at the gate of the village, and after standing there for a long time, they didn't see the natives rushing out.

Yin Feng stood up, picked up the binoculars, and observed people coming and going in the village gate, which seemed to be in a mess, but no one cared about the guard soldiers lined up outside the gate.

This situation is too weird.

Yin Feng sent the infantry of another sentinel to the stream outside the village to prevent the aborigines from attacking from the flank; the aboriginal soldiers of the Xingang Society were sent to the nearby woods to alert possible rescuers to the west or north.Yin Feng felt that to deal with Madoushe, an aboriginal village with no more than 2000 strong men at most, using so many troops by himself was already overkill.

He turned his head and said to Chen Zhongji: "Order Zhao Tie to rush in directly, don't hesitate. Anyone who resists will be executed, and the house is not allowed to be fire-fired. Anyone who robs and rapes will be executed."

Chen Zhongji is now the messenger, and he flew to Zhao Tie's office.Then, the infantry escort began to beat drums at the second whistle, and the soldiers marched forward in unison. A team of 35 soldiers, armed with bayonets, rushed into the stockade as the vanguard.As a result, before the follow-up team entered, two soldiers ran out waving their guns, shouting loudly: "There is no need to fight, they surrendered!"

Yin Feng was a little confused: Is this the end?So the village was in chaos just now, so why?

The two elders of Madou Village appeared at the gate of the stockade. As a symbol of submission, they held up the small betel nut tree and small coconut tree planted in the soil, and handed them to Zhao Tie to ask for submission.At the same time, a group of indigenous fighters from the Madou Club escorted seven or eight people dressed as Han Chinese to the Chinese company guards.When these people begged for mercy, they were all Japanese.

It turned out that after the guards surrounded the village, the aborigines of Madou Club and the Japanese who hid in their stockade and instigated the attack on the Chinese company had a dispute.

These Japanese were sent by the Satsuma clan a month ago. With the help of the Japanese pirates who originally lived in this area, they escaped the maritime patrol ships of the Chinese company and entered the mainland of southern Taiwan.Most of the contacts between Chinese companies and the local aborigines are through the Han people who have lived there for a long time, and they have not exercised strict control over these aborigines.Moreover, there are quite a few Han Chinese fur traders who believe that Chinese companies have violated their own interests by monopolizing the history of the island's animal skin trade, so they actively help the Japanese to instigate the attack.

Now, the escort of the Chinese company appeared, and the natives were frightened by the muskets at first.So they wanted to hand over the Japanese to end the crisis.But a few Japanese warriors resisted with knives in the village, and finally hid in a big house to resist desperately, which made the whole village run wild, and no one even cared about the gate being blown down.

Yin Feng met with two elders and handed them a large banner with Chinese characters on a blue background.The Chinese company's indigenous policy will be re-enacted; the villages allied with the company must accept the Chinese character flag on a blue background as a symbol of the company's protection, and the appointment and dismissal of village elders must be reported to the company's internal affairs department for record.

At the same time, Yin Feng decided to learn from the experience of the Dutch in Taiwan and sign a contract to clearly define the relationship between the company and the indigenous village.

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