Mai De saw the smoke rising in the distance, looked at the comrades around him, and saw some panicked faces.Mai De stood in front of the queue, raised his flintlock, and shouted: "Brothers, do you see the smoke ahead? Are you afraid?"

Several soldiers in the queue replied loudly: "Don't be afraid..."

"Fart, I see that your faces are pale! Are you going to pee your pants? All of them, turn back!"

The escort soldiers looked at each other, not knowing why, although they turned back reflexively, everyone was at a loss.Mai De stood in front of the team, took out a round of gunpowder paper pack, bit it open with his teeth, and sprinkled the gunpowder on the grass and trees in front of him.Then he looked back at the crowd and sneered, "Everyone do as I do..."

As a result, the guards used gunpowder to ignite a large area of ​​woods and grass, and before the fire ignited by the natives of Dadufan came downwind, the guards of the Chinese company had already used fire to open up a isolation zone for themselves.Med took all the staff to hide in the open space they set on fire, watching the fire on the opposite side spread until the flame disappeared.

"Chief Whistle Mai, you can really do it! How did you come up with this method?" A guard soldier from the mountainous area of ​​western Fujian flattered Mai De.

Mai De waved his hand: "Go, go, stay. I didn't think of this method. The ship owner has already used this trick on Luzon Island. What kind of tricks can these locals play? That time , the captain lit a fire ten miles in one breath, burning the Ganlianla people's joint camp; after the fire, there are really corpses all over the field!" As soon as Mai De opened his mouth to talk about Yin Feng's past, he couldn't stop the car immediately. He talked nonsense, and a native scout from the Xingang Society came to report that the fire was extinguished.

The first guard of the Chinese company was very annoyed because it almost turned into a roast chicken. After the fire stopped for a while, it rushed into the village community in front of it and set it on fire. Spend the night in a burnt house.The next morning, continue to burn and destroy all the houses left over from yesterday.Most of the houses here are filled with other items such as millet and animal skins, and many exquisite iron spears and other weapons were also found, which are not seen in the villages of the Siraya people in Hong Kong, Taiwan.This shows that the level of civilization of the so-called Dadu Fanguo seems to be higher than that of the aborigines around Taiwan and Hong Kong.However, this level of civilization cannot resist the guards of the Chinese company that are armed to the teeth. After all, in addition to high morale, the guards also have weapons that are considered advanced in the world in this era, as well as strict regulations. Training and practical firearms combat tactics.

Since then, in order to open up the road from Taiwan Port to Jilong and Taiwan in the northern part of Tamsui, the first sentry of the Chinese company escort team and the subsidiary artillery team, a total of 190 soldiers, 300 indigenous auxiliary soldiers, and 200 logistics workers, and the last of the year Beginning at the beginning of the month, march northward within the control area of ​​Dadu Fanguo.As they marched, they were constantly forced into narrow roads, so they fired salvos of muskets and fought with bayonets. They raided the residential areas of the aborigines by killing a way out from other roads, and often burned more than a dozen villages in a row; they marched continuously for several days and nights. , defeated the armed forces assembled by the indigenous people, concluded treaties with more than a dozen villages, and made several villages surrender, and finally arrived at the chicken coop after a full three months. team occupied.

Since Mai De and other talents started to learn how to read and write, the combat experience of these three months can only be reported to Yin Feng through their dictation.Starting from the battle of Huwei Longshe, the Chinese company expeditionary force commanded by Mai De destroyed the resistance forces in 15 villages between Taiwan, Hong Kong and Danshui, killed more than 500 people, and captured 30 children alive. In March of that year, I returned to Taiwan Hong Kong by the same route from the chicken coop.Except for ten guard soldiers who were injured and 33 native soldiers killed in battle, the rest were almost uninjured.

After Mai Derong returned to Taiwan and Hong Kong, Yin Feng had already gone to sea.However, he left a letter of appointment, and Med became the deputy commander of the infantry of the escort.Since then, the indigenous forces in the western plains of Taiwan Island have been completely brought under the rule of the Chinese company.Afterwards, the traffic lines between Taiwan Harbor and Jilong and Danshui were also established, and the engineering team for road construction was also safe.


Unlike Mai De's unit who fought hard all the way, without any danger, Yin Feng's three-post infantry unit under his personal command was mostly chasing the enemy.The guard soldiers climbed mountains and ridges, crossed grass and woods, crossed streams and ravines, and trekked in swamps. Their morale was exhausted and everyone was exhausted.In fact, the biggest enemy they faced was not the indigenous warriors, but the vast undeveloped natural environment.

Yin Feng had no choice but to charge forward with his direct guards. After three consecutive days and nights of pursuit, Yin Feng led two guards and finally surrounded the fugitives of Mujialiuwan Club.The remaining members of Mukaliu Bay, about 1000 more people, were all trapped on a hillside covered with bare mudstone and mud pits.

The surface here is desolate and barren, not a single blade of grass grows, almost like the surface of the moon.On the hillside, there is still mud mixed with gas, which is violently jetted out from some conical mud jets with a width of tens of inches, and the mud from some jets is constantly bubbling up, as if the mud is boiling. In fact, the jets of gas It's all cool.

The hillside is full of soft mud, and the dry mud that has accumulated for thousands of years has been washed out of the gullies by the rain, making walking very inconvenient.

This is the famous mud volcano scenic spot in the Kaohsiung area of ​​southern Taiwan, the Wuniding and the small boiling cement volcano.It was also the first time for Yin Feng to see this rare geological formation in the world.Although he claimed to have traveled all over the country before crossing, there are only two places in China where there are mud volcanoes in the south of Taiwan and the western Tianshan Mountains in Xinjiang, and he never had the chance to visit them.

When the natives of Xingang went down the mountain, they refused to go up the mountain even if they were killed, because the mountain was inhabited by underground evil spirits.

Yin Feng only brought two sentry soldiers, about 250 people, plus his own guards, there were only 300 people.The second guard of Zhao Tie's guard took a detour to outflank the Mujialiuwan people, but they have disappeared for three days, probably because they got lost.

Yin Feng took out his binoculars and looked up the hillside.Under the setting sun, those Mujialiuwan community members were staggering here and there, in groups here and there, as if they had no organization at all.Following this pursuit, the guards have captured more than 500 elderly, weak, women and children from Jialiu Bay along the way.What he didn't understand was: why the aborigines in Mujialiu Bay still refused to surrender to this point.

The gas emitted by this series of mud volcanoes can be ignited, and the smell is very unpleasant.Yin Feng pinched his nose and thought for a while; the aboriginals had no fighting spirit, and although the guards had no problem attacking up the mountain, Yin Feng still decided to focus on siege and did not want to kill or injure more aboriginals.He ignored the arguments of Chen Zhongji and others, and kept observing the situation on the mountain with his own binoculars.

Gradually, he found that the indigenous elders on the mountain were always looking towards the east of the hillside, and many of them were still pointing.Yin Feng immediately called the military leader of the Xingang Society and asked him to search the aboriginal soldiers to the east, preparing to resist the reinforcements of the Mujialiu Bay people.

After hearing Yin Feng's order translated by Uncle Huang, the general officer, the military leader bowed to Yin Feng in awe, and walked away backwards.A group of aborigines are also very awed by the mysterious telescope in Yin Feng's hand, and the awe of Yin Feng himself may not be as great as that of the telescope.


From the mountains to the east, gunshots were faintly heard.Yin Feng, who was arranging the soldiers to prepare for the battle, was startled and immediately called Yan Siqi: "Zhenquan, don't you want to participate in the battle? Take 30 brothers from the pro-guards and follow the route of the natives of the Xingang Society to the east to see The only ones who have muskets here are the people from the Zhonghua Company, and those who fired the guns must be Zhao Tie’s troops. If they are fighting the enemy, call them over immediately.”

This is the junction of the mountains and the Tainan Plain. Maybe Zhao Tie's company encountered the aborigines of the Gaoshan tribe.That is more difficult to deal with than the natives of the Pingpu nationality.However, in fact, the Gaoshan people and the Pingpu people are of the same origin, and they are all descendants of the mixture of ancient Vietnamese and Austronesian Malays.However, the Pingpu ethnic group in the plain area is greatly influenced by the external culture and economy, and has a higher level of civilization; while the aborigines of the Gaoshan ethnic group who hid in the mountains due to historical reasons are more brave and barbaric.

"Uncle Huang!" Yin Feng called Tong Shi over, and the Tong Shi, who was wearing a double-breasted long-sleeved top, waist skirt, trousers, and black turban commonly seen among the aborigines in southern Taiwan, hurried over.

"Yin Dadong's family, just call me Ah Huang, I can't afford you to call me uncle, it's a short life."

Yin Feng smiled, pointed to the girl from the Mujialiu Bay Society, and said, "Please persuade her to go to the mountain to surrender."

Behind Chen Zhongji, the slim but graceful girl was looking around curiously. She had already changed into the short linen shorts and long skirts that women of her clan usually wear.Ji Zai said a few words to her from time to time, hoping that she would understand, but what he always got was a mysterious smile.The girl's name is Xilan. If it weren't for the attack of the Chinese company, she would also become a priestess after spending a few days in plain sight.She missed the time for the evacuation of her fellow clansmen because she was playing outside the village club. When the Chinese company entered the village, she had to hide in the lobby of the elders' meeting, so that she would encounter Ji Zai later.This girl is probably the beauty of the aborigines, with a kind of charm in her wildness, and she looks a bit like a certain Taiwanese female singer in Yin Feng's era.For Chen Zhongji, who was among the men in the escort all day long, this indigenous girl should have a special charm.

Yin Feng was happy, thinking of his boyhood, and put the tense situation in front of him behind him.

In fact, there is nothing to be nervous about. The guards that Yan Siqi took away quickly sent someone back to spread the word; it was indeed the soldiers from Zhao Tie's second sentry who were fighting the aborigines who came out of the mountains. People fought back.Now, he is chasing the enemy together with the native soldiers of the Xingang Society.Yin Feng hurriedly ordered: "Don't chase, all return immediately."

Elder Mujialiuwan standing on the top of the mountain watched as the reinforcements from the east were repulsed, and their last hope was also shattered. They sat on the ground slumped.

The girl Xi Lan agreed to persuade the tribe to surrender, and Ji Zai volunteered: "I will go with her to protect her..."

Yin Feng laughed happily: "She is going to her clan, does she need your protection?"

Ji Zai blushed and murmured not knowing what to say.Yin Feng said sternly: "You go with her, but you are going on my behalf. Remember, only by making a covenant according to our conditions can we live in peace! Remember! None of the conditions can be changed, they can only agree Hmph, we chased all the way here and almost broke our leg... Remember, you represent me and the company, understand?"

The Mukaliuwan Society surrendered and handed over the two Japanese pirates who instigated the attack on the Chinese company personnel, and were immediately executed on the spot.In this way, the initial target of Yin Feng's crusade is Xiao Longshe.

On the way to Xiaolongshe, a courier from Taiwan Harbor sent a report; one of the warships departed for Jilong and Danshui, and one of the warships left the team without authorization, and seemed to have fled towards the mainland.The captain is Yuan Balao, the former pirate Yuan Jin under Li Dan.Lu Shitou, the deputy commander of the war fleet, asked: How should we deal with it?

This is the first time that defection has occurred among the guards of the China United Company.

After reading the report, Yin Feng's face was livid and furious.

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