Will Ming

Chapter 107 1 Arrow Sealing the Throat

(for collection)

The next day, Daye Emperor Yang Guang sent an envoy to the east bank of the Liaoshui River to meet Ulji Wende and offered to buy back the body of General Zuotunwei Mai Tiezhang with a lot of money.

Ulji Wendeok said something to the envoy, in fact, the minister was also loyal to His Majesty the Sui Emperor, and he had no choice but to resist Tianwei, expressing deep regret for the death of General Mai, and other nonsense, and then happily Agreeing to take the money in one hand and hand over the corpse in the other hand, the negotiation went smoothly, and I am afraid that Ulji Wende will wake up with a smile when he falls asleep.Because he never thought that a dead general of the Sui Dynasty was worth so much money. In his opinion, His Majesty the emperor of the Sui Dynasty was really generous like a fool.

The two parties agreed to send fifty soldiers from each side to trade on the east bank of the Liaoshui River, and the envoys of the Sui Dynasty bought back Mai Tiezhang's body with a thousand taels of gold.As long as the money is paid, the soldiers of the Sui army can transport the body of Mai Tiezhang back in a small boat, and the Koryo army will never attack.

The envoy reported back to Yang Guang, and Yang Guang nodded in agreement.

In the afternoon, the envoy brought gold and fifty soldiers to the east bank of the Liao River in a small boat and waited for Ulji Wende to send the body.This place is about three miles away from the camp of the Koryo Army. The terrain is open and it is not easy to ambush, so the envoys of the Sui Dynasty do not have to worry about Ulji Wende's tricks.In the same way, Ulji Mundeok chose this place to guard against any conspiracy by the Sui people, because until now he has not figured out why His Majesty the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty would make such a decision.He was sure that if he died in battle on the west bank of the Liao River, His Majesty Gao Yuan would never spend this money.

In fact, Gao Yuan's rule over Goguryeo was not absolute. If Ulji Moondeok wanted to, he could send Gao Yuan to Da Sui as a hostage.

Just behind the high slope one mile away from the place where the two sides agreed to exchange the bodies, Li Xian tied the black knife to his back and jumped onto the big black horse.He turned around and said to Luo Fu and the others: "Brother 37, our boat is still hiding in the north. You take a few brothers there to guard it. I will take people there to snatch the corpse and then go north along the river. Let's cross the river and return to Wuli." Luocheng."

Luo Fu frowned and said, "Anzhi, I still want to advise you, since the emperor of the Sui Dynasty was willing to spend money to redeem Mai Tiezhang's body, why did you take this risk?"

Li Xian shook his head and said slowly: "If Mai Tiezhang knew that his body was redeemed with money, he wouldn't be happy down there?"

Luo Fu persuaded: "This is none of our business!"

Li Xian smiled, with a resolute face: "I know it's none of our business, I just don't want the emperor to use money to defile the old general's body. It seems that, as the Emperor of the Sui Dynasty, he is willing to spend money to buy it back The body of the courtier is a very touching thing, but in my opinion it is an insult to Mai Tiezhang! Don't worry, brother 37, it is impossible for the two sides to send many people, let alone in the Koryo army, to exchange the bodies. Let's hurry up and leave as soon as we win, the Korean soldiers can't catch up with us, besides..."

Li Xian paused and said: "If the grandson of Ulji Wende dares to go to the river in person, I will kill him and I will burn a stick of incense for Old General Mai and burn a lot of paper money!"

Luo Fu said, "Must we go?"

Li Xian nodded, his eyes determined.

Luo Fu sighed and said: "Well, Dugu is not good at fighting, so let him take the brothers of the Flying Tiger Army to wait for us on the other side of Wuliluo City, and I will go with you."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Brother 37, to be honest, do you really think I'm an idiot for doing this?"

Luo Fu nodded seriously and said, "It's really an idiot, but... Actually, I want to fuck his mother too."

Li Xian laughed loudly, and rushed forward first.Luo Fu smiled wryly and shook his head, feeling more and more that Li Xian was not calm.This is a far cry from the previous Li Xian, who was absolutely irrelevant. It seemed that after returning to Yanshan from the grassland, Li Xian experienced a change that made him feel strange.This change can't be said to be bad, it gave him the feeling that Li Xian seemed to be seeking something big.That's right, after Li Xian came back from the grassland, he did several impulsive things in succession, such as going to Youzhou to meet Luo Yi, such as going to Juyeze to help He Ruozhongshan, but without exception, none of them appeared. The unfavorable situation in the worry, but the harvest is quite big.

For example, the purpose of going to Youzhou was to kill Luo Yi, but I don't know why Li Xian and Luo Yi didn't have any conflicts, but got Luo Yi's support for unknown reasons.First, seventeen sets of armor and seventeen crossbows were sent, and then two hundred sets of light cavalry equipment were sent to Yanshan Village.For example, going to Juyeze to kill Zhang Jin said that instead of the expected dangerous scene, he brought back a team of 200 people. There is no doubt that this 200 people will be the basis for future troubled times!

So what about this time?Regardless of opposition, Li Xian rushed to Liaodong with the remaining [-] brothers Xueqi and Tiefutu, Dugu Ruizhi and [-] spies from the Flying Tiger Army. What did he want?

Luo Fu knew that Li Xian wanted to snatch Mai Tiezhang's body not just because of morality.

Looking at Li Xian's back, Luo Fu smiled knowingly.

Master Shao, it seems that you have really grown up.

In his heart, he said so.

Tie Liaolang, Chao Qiuge and other blood riders, and Tie Futu's brothers, a total of seventeen people followed behind Li Xian, put on the iron armor that Luo Yi gave them, pulled down the armor, and counted Li Xian, a total of 18 people raised Whip away.They are no longer different from Blood Cavalry and Iron Buddha, they now have a common name, Yanshan Horse Bandit!And Yanshan village is Li Xian's Yanshan village. Similarly, they are all Li Xian's people!

The envoys of the Sui Dynasty paced anxiously by the river, raising their heads from time to time to look in the direction of the Koryo military camp in the distance.Although it is three miles away from the camp, there are brigades of Korean soldiers patrolling past the river from time to time.Once soldiers and horses gathered in the camp of the Sui army on the other side of the river, the patrolling Koryo soldiers would immediately blow their horns, and it would not take long for the Koryo army to rush to the river to defend.

Finally, a group of cavalry appeared in sight, the equipment was far better than those ordinary Goryeo soldiers.This envoy has been to the Goryeo camp once, and knows that it is Ulji Mundeok's personal army.Fifty Goryeo cavalry came slowly guarding a carriage, and a man with the appearance of a civil servant rode on horseback and walked in the front, shaking his head.

When he got close, the Koryo official got off his horse with a haughty expression, and instead of saluting, he raised his chin and asked, "Which one is the envoy of the Sui Kingdom?"



On the west bank of the Liaoshui River, on the same high platform, Daye Emperor Yang Guang stood with his hands behind his back, looking across the river at his envoys waiting for the arrival of the Koreans on the other side of the river.His face was very calm, and there was no trace of sadness.There are no courtiers around him, and those guys who only know how to argue about whether they should use money to buy the corpse of a wheat iron rod are all stood far away by him, and he gets angry when he hears those people's arguments. Idiots, no one can understand my own mind, this is the most annoying.

There is only one person accompanying him behind him, exactly one step away from him.

Wen Jie, this eunuch who looks delicate like a woman, has his head slightly lowered, with the same calm expression on his face.

"Your Majesty, look, the people from Goguryeo are here."

Wen Jie stretched out his finger and said softly.

Yang Guang hummed, and asked after a moment of silence: "Yidao, do you know why I used a lot of money to redeem Mai Tiezhang's body?"

Wen Jie lowered his head and said slowly: "Your Majesty is merciful."

Yang Guang laughed at himself, turned his head to look at Wen Jie's face and asked: "Is there any more? Don't say you don't know, I know that you are smarter than those guys who can only make noise. If you dare not tell the truth, I will let people Throw you into Liaoshui and feed you bastard!"

Wen Jie replied very seriously: "Your Majesty, Liaoshui is cold, so you can't see bastards."

Yang Guang was startled, then laughed and cursed: "You old dog!"

Wen Jie also smiled and said: "As Your Majesty said, I am just an old dog of Your Majesty, but the old dog can swim, so it won't drown if thrown into the water...Your Majesty, I know how to plan."

If it were someone else who said these words, Yang Guang would definitely feel disgusted.Because no matter who else said such a thing, it was naked flattery.But Wen Xie was different, when he said these words, he never intended to be flattering, he was just stating a fact.So no matter what kind of words came out of Wen Jie's mouth, they were neither disgusting nor ridiculous. Even though it sounded like a funny joke, one could tell from his serious expression that he really didn't mean to be joking.

Therefore, many times, Yang Guang felt that Wen Yidao was a very unpleasant guy.

"Don't try to change the topic, answer my question!"

Yang Guang asked.

Wen Jie pondered for a while, but after all, he still didn't say the sentence that servants are not allowed to interfere in politics.Because he knew that now, His Majesty the Emperor standing in front of him at this moment needed someone to talk to.

"I heard that Your Majesty secretly dispatched General Xue Shixiong of Zuo Yuwei to lead his troops to Wuliluo City last night."

"You old dog!"

Yang Guang gritted his teeth and said, "Can't you hide anything?"

Wen Jie glanced at Yang Guang with grievances, and said seriously: "Your Majesty asked the minister to answer."

Yang Guang suddenly sighed and said, "Yidao, it would be great if you weren't a servant? I can reward you with a great official position. If Congwen, Pei Ju, and Yu Shiji are definitely not as good as you, your good handwriting, even Yu Shiji is full of praise, and at the very least, I will give you a minister. If you join the army, I can't see anyone other than Yu Wenshu with your ability. Although Mai Tiezhang is brave, he has little strategy. Zhongwen is even more clueless! It’s not an exaggeration to allow you to be a great general. What a pity, what a pity..."

Wen Jie said with a calm face: "Your Majesty, how can I be compared with the important officials of the court."

Yang Guang curled his lips: "Important ministers of the imperial court? One by one, I know how to flatter my horse, and I feel annoyed when I see it! Do you really think I'm old? Any lame lie can hide it from me?"

Wen Jie's expression changed, he was trying to figure out who had offended the emperor, when he heard Yang Guang biting

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