Will Ming

Chapter 116 Are You Yanyun?

(for collection)

From the end of March to the beginning of July, Li Xian's three months outside Liaodong City finally became a bit boring.Over the past few days, according to the analysis of what he has mastered, the powerful Sui army has razed Liaodong City to the ground at least ten times. Unfortunately, Liaodong City is still the Liaodong City of the Koreans today.

After the Sui army attacked Liaodong City for the fourth time, Li Xian made a bet with Chen Que'er.

Li Xian bet that the Sui army would never give the Koreans another chance this time, even though he knew he would lose.The reason for this gamble, Li Xian just thought, what if there is a deviation in history?

In fact, he just had some expectations in his heart.

Unfortunately, he is destined to be disappointed.

After Ulchi Wenqing raised the white flag for the fourth time, there was no movement in the Tai Sui barracks for many days, and Li Xian had already vaguely guessed why.Not to attack, not to surrender, what else can it be except waiting for His Majesty the Emperor of Sui to make his own decision?Li Xian lost, he actually knew that he had lost from the day he gambled.

Chen Que'er waved his hands generously and said, "If you lose, you lose, so forget about the bet."

Li Xian said very seriously: "I would like to bet and admit defeat. I still have this gamble. Since I said that the loser will wash the horse ten times for the winner, then I will wash your horse ten times."

Chen Que'er laughed and said, "How dare you..."

Li Xian gave him a look and said, "Your expression is real."

Chen Que'er hummed, changed his face and said, "I remember it was ten times."

Li Xian smiled, feeling quite uncomfortable.

He was uncomfortable, not because he lost to Chen Que'er, but because of the more than 1 soldiers who died in vain under Liaodong City.He was distressed, really distressed.Although he never considered himself a Sui person, during the foreign war, he still hoped that the Great Sui would destroy Goguryeo in one go, even though he knew it was impossible.Seeing that it had been three months since the siege, Liaodong City was still standing tall, not to mention the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, even he was holding his breath and feeling uncomfortable.

Watching Tai Sui's offensive these days has lost the passion it used to have, and it has even become dull.Li Xian simply rode on the big black horse and galloped towards Liaoshui, leading Chen Que'er's Botau.During the gallop, his depressed mood was only slightly relieved.

After dismounting from the horse by the Liao River, Li Xian patted the big black horse's buttocks and said, "Go away and look for something to eat yourself, and wait for me to rest before serving you!"

The big black horse didn't know if it understood what he said, so it didn't go far, just grazing not far from Li Xian with its head down, while Chen Que'er's Teller Piao followed the big black horse obediently. It is so angry that it has no temper at all in front of the big black horse.

Li Xian lay down on the slope of the embankment, plucked a hairy grass and held it in his mouth.

He has been thinking about whether it is time to go back for the past two days.I don't know what's going on in Yanshan Village. It's been half a year since Daxi Changru came to train soldiers. I'm afraid those Yanshan bandits are no longer what they used to be.He wanted to continue watching, but now he lost interest in watching and started thinking about Zhang Zhongjian and the others instead.He originally wanted to be a witness, witnessing the failure of the Sui's first conquest of Liaodong from beginning to end.Witness how the most elite 30 soldiers of the Sui Dynasty buried their bones in a foreign land, and witness this somewhat bizarre but truly hurtful history.

The months-long siege had been tedious, and it seemed that there was no excitement left.The Sui army's tactics were exhausted within a few months, but the Koreans used only one method to keep the Sui army out.It has to be said that it is a miracle that such a feigned surrender can be succeeded four times in a row, and the creator of this miracle is not the complacent Ulchi Wenqing, nor did he leave this method for Ulchi Wenqing before leaving Ulchi Mundeok was not even Liu Shilong who repeatedly blocked the Sui army from breaking the city. In the final analysis, the creator of this miracle was the Daye Emperor Yang Guang.

If he hadn't said for the sake of face that if Goryeo surrendered, he would not be able to send troops, Liu Shilong would not have the courage to stop Yu Wenshu again and again.

Who is Yu Wenshu?He is Yang Guang's most trusted person!

The Yuwen family is now the well-deserved No. [-] military family in the world today. If Liu Shilong hadn't had the support of Yang Guang's previous words, even if he was Shangshu Youcheng, he would never have any grudges with Yuwenshu. Of course, the reason why he did so was Want to take credit.If Liaodong City was taken down, it can be said that it has nothing to do with him as the surrender envoy.The credit goes to Yu Wenshu and others, and he didn't even get a share of the pie.But if he sent someone to accept the surrender, then his credit is still above Yu Wenshu!

It is not a small contribution to win the first city of Goguryeo.

Moreover, Liu Shilong valued reputation more than rewards for meritorious service. If he really recruited Ulchi Wenqing, it would undoubtedly be a great event that will go down in history.Think about it, how happy would it be to have a strong record of what he has done today in the history books a few years later?Of course, because he has always played a disgraceful role in the process of the Sui Dynasty's conquest of Liao Dynasty, he did leave a heavy mark in the history books.

A literati with the same name is more important than a general!

For a civil official to take over Liaodong City, this will surely be a great event that will be praised and praised by the world for thousands of years!

Ulchi Mundeok surrendered four times, and he also wrote the application form twice, but unfortunately...it was destined that this form would not be submitted at all.

It can be said that the fact that Ulchi Wenqing was able to defend Liaodong City was not because the Koreans really had the best defense in the world as they boasted.If it weren't for Emperor Daye to show his benevolence, ten Liaodong cities would have been razed to the ground.

Li Xian lay on the slope, staring at Liaoshui, dazed.

With 300 million people marching eastward, how much loss will be caused if one more day of delay is delayed?Counting horses, cows and mules, the food and grass consumed in a day is an astronomical figure!

In Li Xian's view, Yang Guang is a wealthy man with a wealth of wealth. He thinks that no matter how much he consumes, it is just a drop in the bucket for the entire Sui Dynasty.He has this self-confidence. Huaiyuan Town alone has tens of thousands of catties of food in storage. Counting the other two places, the food and grass mobilized this time is enough to feed the army for three years!

But he didn't have three years to attack Goryeo, Liaodong was bitterly cold, and if the weather was cold early, it would snow here in September! 300 million people, they besieged for three full months without taking down a Liaodong city!

The more he thought about it, the more depressed he became. As a Han Chinese, even though Li Xian knew that Yang Guang was his worst enemy, he still couldn't help but feel sad and sad.

After lying down for a while, he spat out the fluff in his mouth, and got up to wash the horse, but when he stood up, he found a group of people walking along the river bank leading the horse.

He looked carefully at it vigilantly, and then walked towards the big black horse.

There were no less than thirty or forty people coming from a distance, and as they approached, although those people were all wearing long gowns, Li Xian could tell that except for a middle-aged man who had put on weight and his stomach was a little shy, everyone else was There are martial arts in the body.Even for that middle-aged man whose steps seem to be a bit vain, one can tell from his walking posture that this man must have had good martial arts in his early years. Seeing him walking slowly in brocade clothes, he looks quite powerful, his steps The frivolousness of this may be because I have been too lazy to use swords and guns in recent years.

Li Xian turned around and wanted to leave, but he didn't expect that after those people saw him, more than a dozen people jumped on their horses and galloped towards him, surrounding him.

"Who are you and why are you here?"

A young man in fresh clothes and angry horse stopped in front of Li Xian, sitting on a tall horse and leaning slightly to ask.Although his tone of voice was quite peaceful, he did not intend to hide his arrogance and vigilance towards Li Xian.This person looked to be about 25 or [-] years old, with a tall figure and a slightly pale complexion. His skin looked as good as a virgin's.Wearing a long gown, he looked very refined and extraordinary, but Li Xian could tell that this person must be a master.Leaving aside his relaxed and natural horse riding skills, just mentioning the thick layer of calluses on his tiger's mouth betrayed his identity.

"Me? I'm just a passer-by. I'm a little tired from the long journey, so I plan to rest here for a while."

Li Xian replied.

"A long journey? Where did you come from, and where are you going?"

The young man asked, and at the same time carefully looked at Li Xian's clothes and the two steeds beside him.

This person's face was calm, but his eyes were extremely bright, staring at Li Xian, Li Xian suddenly had the illusion of being stared at by a poisonous snake.There was a long thing hanging on the side of this man's horse, wrapped in cloth, Li Xian could tell at a glance that it was a long spear.Ma lance is expensive and difficult to practice, and it is not something that a seemingly gentle scholar should take.

"It's always come and gone."

Li Xian said a nonsense that a monk would say and thought it contained philosophy.

The young man was taken aback, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes.

"Your clothes are clean. There are two or three blades of grass on your shoes, but they were just stepped on and stuck to your shoes. Your horse looks very handsome, and it's not dirty or tired. You said you never You have traveled a long distance, and it is obvious that you have lied."

He looked at Li Xian and said.

Li Xian smiled softly: "I like to be clean, and I have to change clothes and wash horses every day."

The young man sarcastically said, "You think I'm a three-year-old? Changing clothes and washing horses every day, so... where's your package?"

He pointed to the black knife in Li Xian's hand, and then pointed to the hard bow and quiver hanging on the big black horse: "Don't you think it's too ridiculous to tell a lie?"

Li Xian was about to speak, but he heard the middle-aged man in brocade clothes who had walked not far away say: "Ren Ren, don't scare him."

The young man pointed at Li Xian and said: "My lord, this man has a thick layer of calluses on his tiger's mouth, with knives and arrows. If you read correctly, one of his horses is Botau, a famous Khitan breed. It's so suspicious." , the subordinates also have to be more careful."


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