Will Ming

Chapter 125

(for collection)

It has to be said that this time, Yu Wenshu, the general of the left guard, was the marshal of the army, and the expedition that gathered nine guards, three 10,000+ troops including the left guard, the right guard, the left martial guard, and the left guard guard was hasty.There was only five days of preparation time between Daye Emperor Yang Guang’s return to Liaodong City’s camp and the army’s expedition. Moreover, the maps of Goguryeo in the hands of the major generals were almost useless. Basically, for Goguryeo, the Sui army’s expedition was an exploratory advance. .

Between Liaoshui and Mazishui, several large cities such as Fuyu, Anshi, and Wugu can barely be seen on the military map used by the Sui Dynasty.But after passing Mazishui and going south, nothing can be seen on the map.

This expedition requires speed. Before winter, it must encircle and capture Pyongyang with the navy of General Huer.

The army started from Liaodong Daying in sequence, with General Wang Rengong's Zuo Wuwei as the forward and Zuo Yuwei Xue Shixiong as the rear team, stretching forward and backward for more than ten miles, mighty and mighty.

The next itinerary was lackluster, but the army's initial itinerary was extremely smooth.The Goguryeo cities along the way did not dare to fight behind closed doors. The goal of the Sui army was to go straight to Pyongyang, so most of the cities were too lazy to attack.A very small number of blind fools planned to attack the rear of the army, but they were defeated by Xue Shixiong, the general of the left guard.After starting from Liaodong City, the army fought successively, and the Goguryeo people were vulnerable to the 30 elite soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.

But on the tenth day, Li Xian's heart became tighter and tighter.

As a witness, he was already mentally prepared to experience the disaster.But when he saw the disaster approaching step by step, the sadness in his heart became more and more intense and made him unable to breathe.But he can't affect anything, aside from his status as hostile to the Sui Yang family, from a purely Han perspective, Li Xian wants to reverse the coming of this disaster, but he is just a little food guard The captain can't change the direction of history at all.As the disaster approached step by step, Li Xian's mood became heavier day by day.

Because the burden was too heavy, even if every four soldiers of the Sui Dynasty could share one poor horse, the three stones of food shared by each person was still too heavy.From the fourth day on, Li Xian saw many soldiers secretly burying food in the soil because of the heavy shoulders. This was the beginning of the disaster.Although the number of poor horses in Zuo Tunwei increased by [-] because of Yuwen Shiji, some people still buried the grain digging pits because they felt that the burden was too hard.Li Xian went to Xin Shixiong several times, hoping to raise this question, hoping to attract the general's attention. Although Xin Shixiong promised, he didn't pay attention at all because he was focused on marching.

In fact, the situation of soldiers in Zuo Tunwei discarding food is still the lightest.Because under Li Xian's reminder, Xin Shixiong at least gave an order that the soldiers are not allowed to throw away the food.This order barely had some effect, although the effect was negligible.

The originally cheerful young man frowned more and more tightly, and Luo Fu and others could clearly see his changes.Knowing what Li Xian was worried about, and they even looked forward to the defeat of the Sui army at the beginning, because only in this way could they obtain the greatest benefit from it, but when this day was getting closer and closer, they were also in the same mood Very heavy.

Originally, they were able to face everything with a relaxed mind when looking at the problem from a hostile perspective, but this kind of relaxation never appeared in their hearts when they were sheltered in it.

All Li Xian could do was to strictly order the grain guards in the left village not to throw away a grain of grain, and decisively killed a team leader who was not strictly supervised and a dozen or so people who secretly buried grain in the ground because they were overwhelmed. Civil husband.At this time, Li Xian was as strict as a devil, but so what?

The food guards supervised the food transport of the peasants, but the [-] troops of the left guards were responsible for only one-fifth of the food and supplies carried by the peasants. In addition, many people fell ill and even the poor horses died one after another because of the unacceptable climate. However, the food consumption rate has not decreased due to the reduction in personnel, but has skyrocketed.

It has to be said that this is an irreversible disaster.

Li Xian once thought, if he was a general instead of a small general, would he be able to do his best to save this disaster from coming?But when he came back from Xin Shixiong for the fifth time, he suddenly realized, what if he is a general?The actions of soldiers discarding food cannot be stopped at all. While demanding too much marching speed, discarding luggage has become an inevitable choice.

It is impossible for soldiers to throw away their armor, quilts, and weapons, so what they throw away can only be food.

It's not that the generals headed by Yu Wenshu didn't know that the soldiers buried the grain in the ground in private, but they mistakenly believed that if the grain was lost, they could grab it again.Goguryeo people are also human beings, and they have to grow food for food, so there is no need to worry about supplies.It is enough to support the war with war, and the food can be snatched from the Goguryeo people along the way.But after the army marched triumphantly and killed Ma Zishui all the way, they realized that they were wrong.

The people of Goguryeo had already prepared for the battle. After harvesting this year's autumn grain, the Goryeo people in various villages took their grain early and hid in the heavily guarded big city under the strict orders of the city lords, and crossed the Mazi River. After that, there was a desolation along the way, let alone a grain of food, almost no common people in Goguryeo could see it!The guide was a Goguryeo man captured near Liaodong City. After crossing the Mazi River, the guide gradually lost its effect.The army wants to speed up, but they can't clearly know the direction they are going, so the marching speed is actually much slower than before crossing the Ma Zishui.

After passing the Mazi River, Li Xian obviously found that the army's marching speed had decreased.From this, Li Xian knew that the situation of the army was getting more and more difficult.The soldiers who discarded the most food were the soldiers of General Zuo Wuwei Wang Rengong of the vanguard army. They were the pioneers, and they must be the first in every battle.We just passed Ma Zishui, and it is said that Zuo Wuwei has already begun to limit food rations.

Li Xian knew why the generals chose to accelerate their advance instead of withdrawing immediately when the army had already started to run out of food.Yuwen said that they must want to rush to Pyongyang as soon as possible to join the navy who came to protect the general and borrow food from the navy!

Li Xian could understand the difficulties of Yu Wenshu and others, if he were to sit in the position of the general, he would probably choose the same way. The 30 army went on an expedition, and after passing Mazishui, they had to return because of food and grass problems. In any case, it was not easy to explain to the emperor.The sailors who came to protect the children brought a large amount of food and supplies, and it was not a big problem to solve the rations needed for the return of 30 people.

Others don't know, but Li Xian knows that by the time the army arrives in Pyongyang, the sailors who came to protect the children have been defeated and retreated!

Without the support of the navy and without food, how can the army be invincible!

But how could Li Xian talk to Xin Shixiong?Said that the navy had been defeated and the army returned immediately.Not to mention whether Xin Shixiong believes it or not, at this critical juncture, Xin Shixiong would not think about the relationship between Li Xian and Yu Wenshi and he didn't know and spare him lightly. A crime of disturbing the morale of the army is enough to cut off his head!

Li Xian really didn't think about this when he set off on the expedition.

But now, when the sadness and pain were getting heavier and heavier, he no longer had any idea of ​​taking the opportunity to make a fortune.

After returning from Xin Shixiong's big tent, Li Xian was surrounded by Luo Fu, Wang Qinian and others.Everyone was thinking that just now Xin Shixiong sent someone to ask Li Xian to discuss matters and ask what was going on.But seeing Li Xian's serious face, everyone didn't know what to say.

According to his rank, Li Xian is far from qualified to participate in the military meeting.It can be seen from his relationship with Yuwen Shiji, and from the fact that Li Xian has managed the rear team well these days, so that the Zuo Tunwei is relatively the least worried about food, so Xin Shixiong specially sent someone to call Li Xian Join today's military meeting.The most important thing is that he asked Li Xian in detail how long the food and grass would last.

"Master Captain... What did the General say?"

It was Chen Que'er who couldn't help but ask first.

Li Xian worked slowly on a rock, untied the water bag and took a sip.

"The army has to speed up, and try to reach Pyongyang within ten days to join the navy that came to Hu'er, and then take Pyongyang as quickly as possible, and return by mid-September at the latest."

"Need to speed up?"

Luo Fu was stunned for a moment, and then cursed in a low voice: "I didn't fucking find it myself..."

He didn't say the last word.

"There is no way to do this. After crossing the Mazi River, the army will never return without success."

Tie Liaolang spread his hands, saying that the choice of Yu Wenshu and others was actually right.

"Today, General Zuo Wuwei Wang Rengong personally came to see General Xin. It seemed that there was a lot of trouble. Wang Rengong left pale with anger. It seemed that General Xin was also so angry that he dropped the table."

Li Xian told everyone the news he heard.

"Why? Isn't General Wang Rengong in the front team? What are you doing here?"

Fu Hunu asked.

Wang Qinian opened his mouth and wanted to ask, but he looked around at the cronies brought by the captain, so he didn't dare to ask.Hearing Fu Hunu's question, he also tilted his head and waited for Li Xian's answer.

"Borrow food."

Li Xian spit out two words slowly.This is the fundamental reason why Xin Shixiong called Li Xian away, because Wang Rengong came to borrow food, Xin Shixiong must know whether he has any food to borrow.

"Borrow food?"

Hearing these two words, Wang Qinian couldn't sit still.

"Lord Colonel, you have to persuade our general not to do this. Although our food and grass are the smallest losses, they are not enough to return to the army from Pyongyang. We can last for 20 days if we save food. If you borrow it, what will the soldiers of Zuo Tunwei eat?"

Li Xian glanced at him, sighed and said, "I'm just a captain of the food guard!"


Wang Qinian was startled, then fell silent.

"General Xin should

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