Will Ming

Chapter 231

(Please collect red tickets)

Li Mao and old man Li held hands and ran toward the cliff, shouting at the top of their lungs as they ran: "The heroes of Yanyun Village, you must avenge us!"

The father and son looked at each other and smiled, and at this moment, time seemed to be frozen with the smiles of the two of them.

Seeing that the two of them were about to reach the edge of the cliff, Liu Shibao, who reacted, thought that the two villagers were about to run away. He didn't know that there was a cliff, so he immediately chased there. Run behind.Because they planned to attack Yanyun Village at night, the soldiers on the right guard did not dare to light their torches. The forest was pitch black and it was difficult to tell the direction. Li Mao's loud cry when he was about to jump off the cliff pointed out Liu Shibao's location. He gritted his teeth and glared, saying to you Don't blame me for being ruthless if you want to die yourself.

Just when old man Li and Li Mao were about to jump down, two people suddenly jumped out from the grass, one left and one right, hugged them by the waist and pressed them to the ground. Before the two of them could react, they were pulled He pulled his legs into the grass, and immediately, both of their mouths were covered.

Liu Shibao led people to chase after him. Liu Shibao, who was rushing to the front, vaguely saw the figure in front of him and couldn't find it. He then slowed down and approached cautiously, but how could he expect that there would be a cliff in front of him?He searched forward with a knife and suddenly his feet were empty. He hurriedly wanted to retreat and how could he react? He leaned forward and fell off the cliff. After a miserable cry came from the bottom of the cliff, there was no sound again. Pity him The majestic fourth-rank Ying Yanglang general has experienced hundreds of battles, but he stumbled and fell to his death under the cliff in such a simple and admirable way.

The soldiers following behind saw the general swaying in front of him and then disappeared, followed by a loud yell.Hearing the sound was gradually going away from top to bottom, the soldiers already realized that something was wrong, and the people behind hurriedly stopped.Someone posted it carefully and walked to the edge of the cliff to look down, but Liu Shibao's shadow could be seen nowhere.In the daytime, you might still be able to see the flattened corpse at the bottom of the cliff. At this time, it’s so dark that you can’t even see things a few meters away, let alone the dead person tens of meters down?

Liu Shibao's soldiers turned pale with fright, and stood there stupidly at a loss.After a while, someone came to his senses and hurried back to report to Feng Xiaoci, but he only ran a few steps back and suddenly tripped and fell into the grass. The fall was so heavy that the soldier let out a muffled grunt and felt The internal organs in the chest and abdomen seemed to have been thrown out of place.Just about to stand up, I suddenly felt a chill on my neck, and subconsciously stretched out my hand to touch it, and it was indeed slippery.It was only at this time that he realized that he had been stabbed in the neck, and the pain didn't come until his eyes went dark, and death followed closely behind the pain.

At this moment, there was a sound all around, and then countless black figures stood up from the grass, and with a loud shout, densely packed feathered arrows shot towards the team of the guard on the right.In the darkness, I don't know how many people are hiding in the dense grass, only the humming sound of the bowstring is heard, and soon there is a wailing in the team of the guards on the right.

It is impossible to aim in the dark night, and in fact, the ambushing troops don’t need to aim at all, they just need to send out the arrows. The right guard team marching forward like a dragon tens of meters away is too dense, and the arrows arrive in an instant. Tear off a layer of the long dragon's flesh and blood.

A soldier was shot in the eye socket by a feather arrow without any reaction. He swayed violently but did not fall down. Because his eye socket was pierced suddenly, he only felt a buzzing in his head, and he could subconsciously raise his head. Touch your eyes with your hands.But just as the hand was lifted up and then dropped down softly, his mind went blank and he lost consciousness, and he fell forward, the feather arrow hit the ground and went into his brain again, piercing the back of the head with a puff.

He died on the spot before he could even cry out, the eyeballs shattered by the feather arrows, red blood and white thick matter slowly squeezed out from the eye sockets.

"Enemy attack!"

Someone shouted loudly, but it caused countless feather arrows to strike.When the enemy shouted out, the talent drew out the horizontal knife and was shot by more than a dozen feathered arrows. He shook a few times and fell down softly. His body hit the ground, and the feathered arrows in front of him shot from behind him. Pierce it out.

The blow came so abruptly that even Feng Xiaoci didn't react immediately.

Fortunately, his general's armor was thick enough. Two feathered arrows hit him but were blocked by the iron armor and failed to penetrate. The chain armor on his body was the best protection against the feathered arrows, and the small iron rings one by one succeeded. Block the Feather Arrow outside the body.But even so, Feng Xiaoci was hit by these two arrows and almost fell off his horse.After 20 years on the battlefield, this is the first time Feng Xiaoci feels that he has made a big mistake.

He didn't know that history had actually changed. If Li Xian's Yanyunzhai troops hadn't killed Zhang Jincheng early on, then two years later he was caught in an ambush by Zhang Jincheng and died on the battlefield because he underestimated the enemy.But he knew that he had underestimated the enemy this time, and the trick he suddenly came up with did not escape the eyes of those thieves in Yanyun Village.

This is the place of thieves!They have so many eyeliners, how can they hide it from others?

Feng Xiaoci, who was hit by two arrows, did not stop thinking, but thought of the key point immediately.

"Form formation, raise shield!"

Feng Xiaoci shouted loudly, but what could be heard in his ears were the wails of his soldiers after being shot by arrows.



In fact, because Feng Xiaoci was too proud, when he thought that he had paid enough attention to his opponents, he still looked down on those rebels.Although he clearly knew that the people in Yanyunzhai were once soldiers of the Sui Dynasty, but deep down in his heart, he never thought that he would be defeated.

When countless feathered arrows flew from the darkness, he still didn't think his soldiers would be defeated.

And Feng Xiaoci's reaction also deserves the eight words of calmness in the face of danger. He shouted to the soldiers to raise their shields to defend, and at the same time ordered the archers to fight back. Although he couldn't see where the enemy was, he only needed to fight back with feathered arrows. Suppress the enemy and prevent those rebels from rushing over so that they will not be defeated.The well-trained soldiers of the Sui Dynasty also showed amazing qualities at this moment. After being attacked suddenly, they quickly started to fight back after the initial panic.

Because the team was too narrow, under Feng Xiaoci's command, the troops began to gather quickly, and then retreated slowly while fighting back with feathered arrows in the dense forest. The forest was too dark, so dark that both sides had no choice. Instead of fighting in melee, they attack with feather arrows.Most of the feathered arrows were blocked by trees, but people still fell to the ground constantly.

Li Xian held a composite hard bow specially made for him by Ye Huaishu in his hand and stood quietly behind a big tree. From time to time, feathered arrows flew towards the tree trunk and made a crackling sound.He never made a move, but listened attentively.When Feng Xiaoci's voice of ordering loudly was finally captured by him, Li Xian's mouth curled into a smile.

"Zhengdong, the torch!"

Li Xian shouted loudly.

The Yanyunzhai soldiers on the trees and in the grass immediately lit torches and threw them in the direction Li Xian shouted. At least 200 torches were thrown to the right guard team with tumbling flames.The Yanyunzhai soldiers hiding in the trees threw their torches very far, and many of them hit the right guard soldiers.In the splash of sparks, panicked faces were reflected.

Throwing hundreds of torches over, the place where Feng Xiaoci was suddenly became brighter.

"General be careful!"

Cui Zhi strenuously rushed forward to Feng Xiaoci, before he could pull Feng Xiaoci off the horse, an armor-piercing cone came quickly with the sound of piercing wind, and the feather arrow accurately found Feng Xiaoci, In the middle of Feng Xiaoci's left leg.The chain armor can only protect the upper body, and the exposed legs are the target of Li Xian's attack.And from the very beginning, Li Xian had no intention of killing Feng Xiaoci.

Feng Xiaoci yelled loudly, the powerful arrow pierced his thigh, and the arrow clusters got out from the thigh and stuck on the saddle, nailing his thigh there.Cui Zhi stepped forward and pulled Feng Xiaoci off the horse, touching the feather arrow so painful that Feng Xiaoci immediately broke out in sweat.

"Retreat in formation, the sky is too dark, we must not let the thieves get close!"

He ordered hastily.

Cui Zhi nodded, and asked a soldier to carry Feng Xiaoci on his back. He personally held a shield to guard one side and retreated. Just as the soldier was carrying Feng Xiaoci on his back, the second armor-piercing cone shot from the deep and dark He got out from the woods and shot precisely at one of Feng Xiaoci's arms, this arrow pierced through his arm just like the one on his thigh.Feng Xiaoci cried out in pain, his eyes darkened and his mind blurred for a short while.

"Don't get close, just kill the enemy with a bow and arrow!"

Li Xian ordered in a low voice, and then dodged behind the big tree again.

The soldiers used the sound of the horn to transmit orders, and after the sound of the horn, the arrows shot by the people of Yanyun Village became more dense.The soldiers of the right guard retreated while fighting, and kept fighting back with bows and arrows, but no one knew whether their feathered arrows had shot the enemy. They were on the road and the enemy was in the woods, so they were at a disadvantage.The enemy just kept shouting, but no one approached.But the more this is the case, the greater the pressure on the soldiers on the right.

They are retreating, while the enemy is pursuing.

The enemy who was chasing him refused to approach, and just kept shooting with bows and arrows and crossbows in a despicable way.

In this way, they retreated all the way down the mountain, leaving behind the corpses all the way.

Seeing that they had retreated to the open space at the foot of the mountain, Feng Xiaoci commanded the soldiers to form a phalanx with all his might.You can no longer put your back in front of the enemy's bows and arrows. Feng Xiaoci can't accept the casualties of the soldiers without directly fighting.He guessed that the thieves were afraid to approach, but he didn't expect the thieves to stick so tightly.This kind of quality made Feng Xiaoci realize that his opponent was also experienced in many battles.

We can't withdraw anymore, even if the soldiers on the right guard are well-trained in such a dark night, under such pressure

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