Will Ming

Chapter 237 Are you happy?

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The clumsy Li Xian struggled to help Ye Huaixiu put on his clothes, but he had a headache on how to distinguish the inside and outside of the long skirt. He also had a headache because the belt on the obscene clothes was too difficult to tie. He was sweating again and sighed self-deprecatingly: " Be sure to bring a pair of scissors with you next time." Ye Huaishu gave him a disdainful look and said, "Isn't that in the buckskin pouch around your waist? I really haven't seen anything you haven't prepared!" Someone shameless He said: "Today was too hasty and I didn't expect it. I will pay attention next time, thank you for your reminder." Bei Zi bit her red lips and Ye Huaixiu and beat Li Xian's chest several times, but no matter how ruthless she was, it would be a pity for her Beating without strength seems useless.Li Xian didn't dodge this time, and let her beat her like venting, then leaned over and kissed her ear.

Ye Huaixiu was stunned, and after glancing at Li Xian, his face suddenly became serious.She put on the clothes one by one and combed the messy hair with her hands. Someone took out a wooden comb from the buckskin bag and handed it to her, then smiled apologetically.Ye Huaixiu froze for a moment, took the wooden comb over and began to comb his hair. For some reason, his attitude suddenly changed, and he became a little cold and unkind.

After she arranged her clothes and appearance, she didn't return the wooden comb to Li Xian.

"I won't remember what happened today, and I hope you don't either."

She sat back on her seat and said calmly, she didn't look at Li Xian, her eyes wandered in unknown places.

"I can guarantee that you will not forget, just as I know that I will not forget either. Human memory will not be unable to remember just because you don't want to, so I can't agree to your request."

Li Xian leaned over, trying to pinch a strand of hair that fell from her shoulder.Ye Huaixiu shrank back to avoid it, and his tone was so flat that it was a little confusing: "Then pretend to forget, if you mention showing off to anyone, I will die!"

Finally knowing why she changed, Li Xian gave a wry smile.

"I haven't perverted to the point of telling others what I look like as a woman, especially that kind of thing, it's a private matter. My woman is mine, so there is no nonsense to share, even talking about it."

He is like a proud wolf king, declaring that his territory is inviolable.

"Your woman?"

Ye Huaixiu looked at him in surprise, and then sneered, "You and I are not fools, so we know what happened just now... It's just a coincidence. It seems that there is only a relationship between you and me. You use me to help you master it." Flying Tiger Secret Spy is because I have a lot of things in my mind that are worthy of your use, and I use you because you can give me a safe place for the time being. As for whether you can give me a place in the future, I haven’t considered it yet. It’s as simple as that , so don’t have any thoughts of being responsible, it’s very boring.”


Li Xian glared at Ye Huaixiu and asked angrily, "You said just now we...was a coincidence?"

"Isn't it?"

Ye Huaixiu kept his face on purpose, but there was a trace of sadness in his eyes: "It just happened at that time. You can attribute it to the world, the place, the people, and even the weather, but it is undeniably a coincidence."


Li Xian took a deep breath and told Ye Huaishu domineeringly in his own way that she was wrong.

"Then I'll make another coincidence, every day from now on!"

In fact, why didn't he know that she was just struggling to maintain her self-esteem after losing a lot of things?She just wanted to be an independent Ye Huaishu, a self-reliant Ye Huaishu, she just wanted to keep a little pride in herself after losing.And this pride is painful.



"Why don't everyone get out of the car to eat?"

Tie Liaolang asked Li Xian, because Li Xian stayed in Ye Huaixiu's carriage all afternoon until the sun went down, and he and Luo Fuxiong Kuohai walked behind, so he had never heard of Master Ye and the general exchanging martial arts. thing.The frankness of his question actually meant nothing else, but Li Xian blushed subconsciously and then explained a little flustered: "In the afternoon, she said she had a stomachache, and I gave her some medicine and fell asleep. Just ask Jiaer to deliver the food to her in the carriage, let's eat first."


Xiong Kuohai asked: "Did you eat something unclean?"

This question is also frank, but someone thinks of the second time because she couldn't bear it because she begged softly. After begging for a long time, she finally agreed to replace it with cherry lips, and it was true that she couldn't resist and swallowed some " unclean" stuff.So someone's face flushed again, so much so that he ducked his head to hide his panic by looking at the campfire.

"It's okay, I've given her some medicine, and she'll be fine after a night of sleep."

He fiddled with the bonfire and said in a slightly embarrassed tone.

"If you really eat something unclean, you can't take it lightly. When I was a child, I once drank dirty water and my stomach hurt for many days. Later, I took some medicine prescribed by the doctor and the pain disappeared. Who knows that after a while One day, I stole my father's wine and got drunk and spit out a big, long worm!"

Xiong Kuohai said seriously while gnawing on the meat.



Li Xian said angrily, "Is the medicine prescribed by those doctors in the village comparable to mine?"

Xiong Kuohai was stunned, he didn't understand why the general was a little annoyed today, he quickly explained: "Of course it's incomparable, I just said it casually, just said it casually."

"never mind……"

Li Xian stood up and patted the dust off his body, picked out a few foods and put them in a food box and walked slowly towards the carriage: "I'd better go and have a look by myself, the stomachache really has to be taken seriously. Maybe there really are bugs... bugs .”

"Why is the general absent-minded?"

Xiong Kuohai looked at Li Xian's back in surprise and said, "Is it a little unhappy that you didn't take the opportunity to defeat the general of the right guard when you came out of Juyeze this time? If you want me to say yes, you should take advantage of the fluctuating hearts of the soldiers and horses of the right guard. When it is time to defeat it in one fell swoop, isn't it? The general never planned to kill all the troops on the right from the beginning, did he?"

He suddenly said.

At this moment, Iron Wolf, who came back from the other side to get the wine, approached Xiong Kuohai and Luo Fu mysteriously, and whispered excitedly: "Hey! Have you heard that everyone in the carriage this afternoon? It's a martial arts competition with the general! It's a pity that the two of them probably didn't want others to know, so they competed in the carriage, but they didn't know who would win and who would lose."

He sighed regretfully, as if it would be a lifelong regret if he didn't know who would win and who would lose.

"No wonder!"

Xiong Kuohai said solemnly: "I think I know who will win and who will lose."

"Who's winning?"

Iron Wolf asked.

Xiong Kuohai said seriously: "The general won, everyone Ye lost."


"Because everyone Ye was suffering from a stomachache, they didn't get out of the car to eat!"

"Ah?! The general is really ruthless!"

"Black enough!"



Li Xian got into Ye Huaixiu's carriage, Jia Er glared at him and then got off the carriage, the stare was inexplicable, and it could be seen that Jia Er was really angry, Li Xian looked at Jia Er's back in surprise and said : "How did I offend her?"

Ye Huaixiu, who had completely let go of his heart knot, burst out laughing, his face flushed, as delicate as a flower.

When Li Xian learned that the only coachman who knew the truth had told him a big lie, he couldn't help but burst out laughing: "Jia Er must have thought that I beat you when seeing you like this... This crime is my fault." I don’t know how long it will take to memorize, Jiaer may hate me for the rest of my life? I will never explain this kind of thing, but it is actually an extremely glorious thing for people to know that I have defeated Master Ye, who is Wushuang in the world?”

Seeing Li Xian's embarrassing face, Ye Huaishu suddenly got up and bit Li Xian's nose.

It was too late for Li Xian to hide when he was attacked suddenly, tears flowed from the pain of his nose being bitten.That is to say, Ye Huaixiu didn't give up and didn't really bite hard. If the two people really had some deep hatred, Li Xian's nose might have been bitten off by now.Li Xian rubbed his nose and said angrily, "You are a dog? How do you know how to bite people!"

Ye Huaixiu originally wanted to say, didn't you bite me too?But the words came to his lips, but he didn't say them after all. After all, the place where that shameless guy bit him was still swollen and a little painful.Thinking of this, her face turned redder, and she really looked like a peach blossom in full bloom.

"Eat something first."

Li Xian took a roasted rabbit leg from the food box and handed it to Ye Huaisuu, "I baked it myself, so it's delicious."

Ye Huaixiu took it, and after taking a small bite, he still couldn't help but said, "You get out of the car first...it's not good to always be in my car."

Li Xian woke up, got up quickly and said, "I know, I know."

In fact, he didn't need to worry about anything at all, and Ye Huaixiu didn't need to worry about anything either. Li Xian didn't do it once or twice before getting into Ye Huaixiu's carriage and being lazy. to cover up something.But at this time, the two of them cared so much that they seemed to be looking for trouble.

Getting off Ye Huaixiu's carriage, Li Xian stretched himself.

As he walked towards the campfire, he whispered something to himself, but no one heard him.After Li Xian got out of the car, Ye Huaixiu bit the roasted golden and crispy rabbit leg, and suddenly burst out laughing. Thinking of Li Xian's flustered expression just now, she suddenly felt very at ease.For the first time in so many years, it was so solid and stable.


she squinted

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