Will Ming

Chapter 239 Talking about Hu Zhang

(Fourth update, please collect! The collection was laughed at by someone when Xiaofeng was tweeting last time, and this time the increase in Dafeng's collection is not satisfactory, so please bow to everyone, please collect)

(ps: In order to celebrate the first leader of this book, and also the first leader since I coded so far, I will try my best to add more tomorrow! Thank you, Marshal Sven, thank you!)

Yang Guang always feels that he is kind, and it is precisely because he is too kind that he has many troubles. For example, General Feng Xiaoci of Youhouwei also wants to rebel!When he got the news that Feng Xiaoci was in the Eastern Capital, he had already crossed the Yellow River and entered Zhuojun.

It's rare, Yang Guang reflected on it while sitting quietly, but after much deliberation, he still couldn't figure out what he did wrong.Why so many people want to rebel, so many people force him to kill.

I am not a bloodthirsty person, why do you all force me to raise the butcher knife?

In all these years since I have been on the throne, have I ever killed innocent people other than Gao Ying and He Ruobi?Gao Ying belongs to Prince Yang Yong, if I don't kill him, why should I sit in the dragon chair?In addition, when did I easily kill the important officials of the court?

He felt innocent.

So when he looked at the civil and military officials standing under the main hall of the dragon boat, he suddenly felt endless boredom.Half a year later, Yang Guang went to the court for the first time and brought up a major issue for the officials to discuss, but after he raised it, all the people below pretended to be deaf and dumb, and there was no one to speak.Even Pei Ju, Yu Shiji, and Pei Yun, his confidantes, stood there with their heads down and said nothing, as if the emperor himself was air!

"You don't talk?"

Yang Guang sneered twice and said: "The imperial court failed to destroy Goguryeo in the two eastern expeditions. I will say it again. I want to conquer Goguryeo for the third time. What do you think?"

Under the court hall, it was still so quiet that it made people angry!Everyone kept their mouths tightly shut, not even looking at others but just looking down at their own toes.The civil officials did not speak, and the generals did not speak either.This is where Yang Guang is most angry. Those civil officials don't understand military affairs and don't intervene, but the generals below don't even agree!The imperial court returned without success after two expeditions to the east. Don't these people want to get this face back?

Yang Guang took a deep breath and said slowly: "Last year's Eastern Expedition could have wiped out Liaodong in one go, but the rebellion caused rebellion. Now the rebels have been eliminated, the country has nothing else to do, the world is peaceful, the people are healthy, and food and grass are plentiful. The morale of the army is stable, and it is a good time to do everything in one battle. You don’t speak, and I know why. The two Eastern Expeditions did cost a lot of money and food, and also lost some troops, but don’t you just look at yourself and see others? Goguryeo After being beaten twice by me, I have no strength to resist!"

He stood up abruptly, looked at the ministers and said, "If we don't attack Goguryeo when it's exhausted and its troops and horses are exhausted, wouldn't it be more exhausting to fight after a few years when he recovers some vitality? It's not that I am willing to use force at all costs." Minli, but at this time is the best time to destroy Goguryeo. I heard that Goguryeo has almost lost its treasury granary for two consecutive years, and the Gaoyuan clown has no money to spend a lot of money to ask people from other clans to help him. "

Yang Guang waved his hand and said, "You guys are talking about it, can we not fight this battle?"

"If we fight again this year, we will definitely capture the clown Gao Yuan alive and take over the land of Liaodong. It will expand the territory of the Sui Dynasty and expand the territory of the Sui Dynasty, and show the might of the Sui army!"

He finished speaking excitedly, and then glanced at the courtiers below again.

"Your Majesty is wise!"

Finally, under his gaze, it was impossible for Yu Shiji to pretend to be a fool, so he could only stand up first and bowed: "I also feel that Gao Yuan's clown is exhausted, and the time to attack is right now."

"His Majesty……"

Pei Ju took a step forward and bowed his head, saying: "The conquest of Goguryeo is imperative, but the rear has to be taken seriously. Last year, although Yang Xuangan's rebel rebellion was quickly wiped out by the imperial army, it was not a serious problem, but it has to make people worry. I feel that, especially in Henan and Hexi, there are many unruly people among the people who are tough and unruly, and they should send important officials to appease them."

Yang Guang pondered for a while and said: "Aiqing's words are very good. There is Zhang Xutuo in the south of the Yellow River, and Yang Yichen in the north of the Yellow River. Both of them are good generals. There is no need to worry, but the land of Hexi should indeed send a capable person. In the past, you have a discussion to see who is suitable?"

Pei Ju looked around and saw that no one answered, the corner of his mouth twitched, recalling the big gift he received a few days ago.

"I recommend Tang Gong Li Yuan!"

Pei Ju bowed and said.

Yang Guang was taken aback for a moment, his brows furrowed, but soon he was relieved: "Li Yuan has done his best to supervise the grain in Huaiyuan Town these two times, with thousands of horsepower to keep the grain and grass safe. ,What do you think?"

Yu Shiji took a step forward and said: "The land of Hexi really needs a mature and prudent person to take care of it, and the minister seconded it."

Both of them agree, there is no reason to disapprove of the cultural relics of the Manchu Dynasty, so everyone agrees one after another, saying that Tang Guogong Li Yuan is the right candidate.Yang Guang nodded and said, "That's it. The decree is drawn up. Li Yuan will be the governor of Hexi Road, and he will stay in Taiyuan. He will only leave after the food and grass for Liaoxi are ready. After all, he is familiar with the affairs of Huaiyuan Town."

"According to the order!"

"It is my order that the troops and horses of all the prefectures will set off from their garrisons after the fifteenth day of the first lunar month, marching all the way, and must gather in Zhuojun at the beginning of March!"

"Zhen! I want to attack Liaodong again!"



After receiving the imperial edict, Feng Xiaoci, the general of the right guard, fell to the ground and cried loudly. Even the eunuch who announced the edict was moved by his desolation.He begged the imperial envoy to allow him another two days, and he would be able to wipe out the culprits in Yanyun Village to prove his innocence.How dare the eunuch who announced the decree give him time?According to the decree, Feng Xiaoci's death penalty has already been determined, and he, a little eunuch, has no courage to do such a thing.Moreover, even if Feng Xiaoci really did not collude with the rebels, he could really raze Yanyun Village to the ground within two days, but who can he ask for reason?His Majesty has already set off for Zhuojun, and his intention is to take him to Luoyang, the eastern capital, for trial. From the very beginning, His Majesty did not give him a chance to prove his innocence.

The soldiers of the Right Waiting Guard who had already arrived outside Juye Ze retreated angrily and regretfully. Yihu Benlang's General Cui Zhi temporarily replaced the Right Waiting General, and led his army to Zhuojun.The old general Feng Xiaoci, who had already turned gray, was tied up in shackles and taken to the Eastern Capital. The desolation in this was hard to understand except for those present.

Wu Xingzhi, the governor of Dongping County, often sighed after hearing the news that Feng Xiaoci had been escorted back to the Eastern Capital, and said with some regret: "It's a pity, it's a pity, a generation of famous generals actually followed the thief?"

Zhang Sanheng, the prefect of the county, said solemnly: "Even if he is a general who is an extremely human minister, what can he do? It is not a pity to die if he has done such a thing that is sorry for His Majesty!"

The two looked at each other, and immediately began to feel sorry for the food allocated to the right guard during these days.Because I don't know if the memorial will be useful, Dongping County has never stopped supplying food to the right guard.Wu Xingzhi and Zhang Sanheng are not idiots, so they will not turn against Feng Xiaoci when things are not clear.What they didn't expect was that the so-called Master Pei Ju's personal letter was actually a fake at all.But what Pei Ju didn't expect was that he just wanted to show Feng Xiaoci some color, and someone sent incriminating evidence.

When Pei Ju saw the joint memorial of Wu Shengzhi and Zhang Sanheng, his eyes lit up immediately.

The ten years of the great cause have just come, and in the eyes of many people, it is sad and gloomy, but more people are so numb that they don't even think that the New Year is something to be happy about. The people are suffering, and the New Year is actually meaningless.But the tens of thousands of people in Yanyun Village in Juye Ze lived happily this year, because the right guards had retreated, and they were not short of food or wine, their soldiers were strong and their horses were strong, and even though the navy needed The warship has not yet been built, but it has begun to take shape.

All this is something to be happy about.

Therefore, during the two consecutive days between the 29th of the twelfth lunar month and the [-]th of the new year, almost everyone was drunk except for the generals and soldiers on duty.

On the early morning of Thirty, before the sun came out, Li Xian asked someone to prepare paper money, strong wine and incense candles, and he walked slowly to the back mountain alone with a basket full of things.Because it was still early, he didn't want to disturb anyone, and he didn't want his emotions to affect the joy of others.

He just walked up the back mountain path, and by the faint morning light, he found two people standing in front of him.

two women.

Ye Huaixiu and Ou Siqingqing were both carrying a basket in their hands, which also contained incense, paper money and the like.

"Why are you two here?"

Li Xian asked in surprise.

"Sister Ye knew you were going up the mountain, so she asked me to wait for you here."

Ou Siqing smiled and said.

Li Xian looked at Ye Huaixiu, who nodded slightly, smoothed the hair on his forehead and turned around silently, and they followed Li Xian all the way to the back mountain.After arriving at the place, Li Xian stopped, and then began to work meticulously.There are more than 100 tombs here, in which lie more than 100 dead brothers and friends.

Ou Siqingqing and Ye Huaishu helped Li Xian put a wine glass in front of each grave, and then filled it with wine.Meticulous, no one left.


After finishing all this, Li Xian stood in front of the grave, clasped his fists, and said with a smile, "Happy Chinese New Year! I'll give you red envelopes, but don't worry, everyone has wine and money, and I'm alone Come one."

He began to burn papers next to each other in front of the grave, talking while burning papers.He talked a lot, but the words said in front of each grave bag were almost different.So this process was quite long. Li Xian didn't talk to everyone until the sun was about to rise to the middle, burned the paper, and made a toast.

Ye Huaixiu looked at Li Xian and was inexplicably shocked.

She guessed that Li Xian would definitely come up the mountain to burn papers for the blood knights and iron Buddhas, but she didn't expect that he would remember everyone's memories.

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