Will Ming

Chapter 261 What is the strategy to defeat the enemy?

Chapter 260 What is the strategy to defeat the enemy?

"Whether Jibei Zhishilang is good, or Dongjun Wagang Village"

Li Xian looked at his subordinates and said seriously: "No matter which one we are facing, we don't need to compromise and back down. Wang Bo dared to lead an army to invade our Dongping County, so we should fight back. It just so happens that Xu Shiji, the military advisor of Wagang Village When the time comes, we must detain it. Why do we need to think so much? I remember I once said that Yanyun Village does not need to bow to anyone. We don’t provoke others, and others don’t come to provoke us. Even if we provoke others, Others should not try to bully our Yanyun village."

He glanced slowly over a dozen generals under his command, and said word by word: "You all must remember that no one should have the thought of being afraid of the enemy. Even if Wang Bo has 15 men under his command, what can he do? Sha San That's it. What if Wagangzhai and Wang Bo join forces? Just kill them!"

He said in a deep voice: "Go back and tell the soldiers that the people of Yanyunzhai have never been afraid of any enemy. No matter how many or strong the enemy is, we must not be afraid. Just remember one thing. Let's fight other people. We have to go forward bravely and beat others so that they have no strength to fight back. When others come to beat us, we are still the same, and beat us so fucking that we don’t even recognize him!”

All the generals under his command burst out laughing, and shouted: "You beat him so hard that you don't even recognize him!"

Everyone was agitated by what Li Xian said, and a sense of arrogance that no matter how many enemies there are, we will just fight them rose in everyone's heart.Li Xian didn't say any grandiose words that he would rather die than bow his head, and he didn't exaggerate the atmosphere that he would rather die standing than bowing his knees. It happened that if I don't hit you, you don't hit me, even if I hit you, you still can't hit me. Some of my rogue truths made Li Xian's generals feel that this is the most real truth in the world.The general's reasoning is the hard truth, so there is no need to reason with any enemy.

Li Xian and Xu Shiji had a long talk after they met, and they knew that the rioters in Lei Ze and Juye counties were not the people from Wagang Village who had actively instigated and instigated the riots.But based on what Xu Shiji said, would Li Xian believe him?Is Wagangzhai really so innocent among them?I'm afraid that someone like Xu Shiji who took advantage of the opportunity to fuel the flames would not take advantage of it.

Everyone laughed heartily and wildly. Someone laughed and said that not only his mother would not recognize him, but even his grandma would not recognize him when he came.Some people wondered what this was, they should beat him until he couldn't recognize his concubine.

Li Xian smiled, waved his hand to signal everyone to be quiet, and said, "Strategically, we despise any enemy, but tactically, we can't despise anyone. The strategist in Wagangzhai took it down, so there is no need to think about it. But Don’t be careless, you should seriously think about how to defeat the enemy or think seriously.”

He looked at Daxi Changru and said, "So, Master, I disagree with your proposal to bring back the soldiers and horses of Liehuo and Qingmu Battalions. I also think it's inappropriate to transfer Chen Que'er's navy to join Xiongkuohai. .”

Daxi Changru smiled and said: "You are the decision maker of Yanyun Village, just tell us how you make the decision."

Li Xian nodded and said: "Wagang Village has to be defended, so think about it instead. If any of you are detained by Wagang Village, I will immediately lead the army to ask for an explanation. If there is no answer, just fight. So However, the people in Wagangzhai may not be able to bear it just because of my letter. Not only can the Lihuo and Qingmu battalions not be transferred back, half of Chen Que'er's navy will stay guarding the village, and the other half of the troops and recruits will be transferred. Go and fend off the enemy."

He clasped his fists to Daxi Changru and said, "Master, I will leave it to you to take command over there."

Daxi Changru was stunned for a moment and asked: "What about Wang Bo? All the men and horses were transferred to the west line, but Xuchang, a city on the east line, only had Houtu camp in Xiong Kuo Hai, and Chao Qiuge's flood camp totaled 1 taels. More than a thousand soldiers and horses."

Li Xian smiled and said: "There are also cavalry from the Ruijin Battalion."

He pointed to the map and said: "Tomorrow morning, I will personally lead the cavalry of the Ruijin Battalion to Sucheng. The combined strength of the three battalions is almost 2 horses."

"Twenty thousand?"

Zhang Zhongjian frowned and said, "Are you planning to fight Wang Bo's 2 army with 15 troops, but deploy more than 4 troops on the front line of Lei Zejuye to defend Wagang Village? As far as I know, all the troops in Wagang Village also That’s about [-] people.”

Li Xian smiled and said, "15 wolves or [-] sheep, tell me, which one should I pay more attention to? No matter how many Wang Bo has, they are all refugees. There is no need to worry about it. Last year, Yang Shanhui, the prime minister of Qinghe County, paid [-] counties. More than [-] Wang Bo who were killed by the soldiers fled in embarrassment, and almost all of them were wiped out. Yang Shanhui was able, but we have no reason not to. But the troops in Wagangzhai are different. Although there are not many troops, Xu Shiji is a rare handsome talent. After several years of military training, how can Wang Bo and those grassroots be able to compare?"

He sighed slightly: "Wang Bo, Wagang Village, I don't really care much about it. Soldiers come to block the water and come to Tutun. I'm thinking, who is behind the scenes to instigate Wang Bo to attack Yanyun Village? Send people to incite the refugees to rebel in Lei Ze and Ju Ye counties?"

"This person is the opponent."



"General, I haven't had a good fight yet, why did you call me back?"

Pei Xingyan said a little dissatisfied: "That Cheng Zhijie's boxing skills are ordinary, if you give me a little more time, I will definitely knock him down."

In fact, Li Xian already knew yesterday that the leader of the gray-clothed guards was Cheng Yaojin, the famous incarnate demon king in later generations. Very normal thing.Before he entered the Sheriff's Mansion, he deliberately paid attention to the leader of the gray-clothed army, although he didn't know that person was Cheng Zhijie at that time.

Cheng Zhijie is not at all as fat and clumsy as described in later storytelling books. He is nine feet tall, with a tiger's back and a monkey waist, a square face, and a beard. He looks quite similar to the image of Meng Zhang Fei in the Romance of the Three Kingdoms.How could such a big man be as unbearable as described in the storytelling?

At that time, Li Xian noticed.When Cheng Zhijie was standing outside the gate of the Sheriff's Mansion, he was holding a long lance in his hand, and four short throwing axes were hung on his back waist.When he saw those small axes, Li Xian actually had some doubts about this person's identity.

After that, he specially sent someone to find Pei Xingyan to identify him, and it turned out to be Cheng Zhijie, the leader of the horse army in Wagang Village.

Li Xian looked at Pei Xingyan and asked seriously: "Who made you fight him?"

Pei Xingyan was taken aback and said, "Didn't the general ask me to treat them well..."

Li Xian shook his head and sighed, "The entertainment is for you to fight? Then you are not afraid that your father will be treated like this by the people of Wagang Village?"

"They dare!"

Pei Xingyan said angrily: "If you dare to be rude to my father, I will go and burn Wagang Village!"

Li Xian patted Pei Xingyan on the shoulder and said: "I just said casually, you don't need to worry, the people in Wagang Village don't know that you are here now, so they won't make things difficult for your father. You go back to rest first, and you want to come early in the morning Follow me. I was still worried about whether I could get your father over based on the old friendship between my adoptive father and Zhai Rang, but now I don’t have to worry about it. After you follow me to defeat Wang Bo, I will use Xu Shiji and the others will exchange for your father."

Pei Xingyan nodded and said: "I understand, but it's up to the general's arrangement!"

Li Xian nodded, then walked slowly towards Liuhua Lane.He didn't go to see Pei Xingyan, and he didn't feel any guilt.He mentioned Pei Xingyan's father on purpose, and he did so just to let Pei Xingyan stay at ease.Today, he deliberately asked Pei Xingyan to meet Xu Shiji Cheng Zhijie, just to see if Pei Xingyan would have any private communication with the people in Wagang Village.He can employ people without suspicion, but the premise is that the suspect does not need to be used.

After entering the door, he saw the mighty and majestic Cheng Zhijie crouching on the ground sulking, and the yard was in a mess.The flowers and plants were trampled to death by him and Pei Xingyan. Even the trees in the yard with the thickness of a calf couldn't escape, they were interrupted and lay miserably on one side.

Seeing Li Xian enter the door, Cheng Zhijie, who was sulking, stood up and cursed: "You unjust thing, I will kill you today!"

Before he finished speaking, he jumped up and punched Li Xian in the face.

This is sudden, extremely fast.

Li Xian raised his hand to rest on Cheng Zhijie's arm, and then took advantage of the trend to move outwards, dodging the punch slightly.Cheng Zhijie's punch missed, and his left leg suddenly lifted up and hit Li Xian's lower abdomen fiercely. Li Xian pressed down on Cheng Zhijie's knee with both hands, and with the help of the strength of Cheng Zhijie's leg, he retreated lightly.

After he landed, he cupped his fists and smiled at Cheng Zhijie, "General Cheng calm down."

These two strokes were completed in a flash, so fast that ordinary people didn't see clearly at all.

Xu Shiji, who was already slightly drunk in the distance, stood up and said, "Brother Cheng, don't be reckless."

Cheng Zhijie glared at Li Xian angrily, walked back to Xu Shiji and stopped.It seemed that he was so angry that he almost lost his mind, but no one heard him say in a very low voice when he came to Xu Shiji's side: "This man has extraordinary martial arts skills, even Pei Xingyan doesn't have such agility."

Xu Shiji nodded without showing any signs, but said in his mouth: "No matter how reckless you are, I will definitely punish you severely after returning to Wagang Village."

He smiled and clasped his fists at Li Xian and said, "General Li, I was thinking whether to ask the little brother guarding the gate to invite you over, but I was afraid that it would be too presumptuous to ask you, so I was a bit hard to speak."


Li Xian didn't ask Xu Shiji what the unspeakable request was, he just nodded with a smile and said, "Depart at Yinshi."



Cheng Zhijie urged the horse to catch up with Xu Shiji and asked in a low voice, "He just agreed to take us to watch the battle, isn't he afraid that we will run away halfway?"

Xu Shiji observed the cavalrymen of the Ruijin Battalion in Yanyun Village carefully, and praised: "Brother Cheng, the cavalry troops in Wagang Village are not so elite! Look, this Yanyun

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