Will Ming

Chapter 271 He Calculated He Calculated Him

(Thanks to Sanxiao Liankai and Jiang Zheyu for their rewards, keep asking for collection)


Tie Liaolang whispered to Li Xian while there was no one around: "What if Zhang Xutuo doesn't come? We can't put all our hopes on others. Why don't I take Ruijin Camp to open after lunch?" Fight out of the city gate. With the strength of the Ruijin Battalion, it is not difficult to kill the Jibei Army!"

Li Xian smiled and said: "How could I leave the decision of victory in other people's hands? Don't worry, Wang Bo is more anxious than us, just stick to it for a few more days, and Wang Bo will be defeated without a fight."

Tie Liaolang sighed: "I'm just worried that there will be some problems in Lei Ze and Juye counties. If the troops from Wagang Village attack in large numbers, we will be besieged in Sucheng without even receiving any news. !"

Li Xian hummed and said, "You can rest assured that my master is on the western front."

Tie Liaolang was stunned, and then said with a sense of loss: "In the past, not to mention a small Wagang village with the name of a general, even Turkic wolf cavalry would not dare to go south! But now, how many people still remember The prestige of the general when he was at the border? I don’t know what’s wrong, I’ve always been a little worried about gains and losses recently.”

Li Xian smiled and said: "That's because you have thoughts in your heart now."

He pointed out and said, "Yanyunzhai, Juyeze, and even the entire Dongping County are your thoughts now, so you will worry about gains and losses. I bet that if it was placed 20 years ago, it would be tens of thousands of people. Ten thousand Turkic wolves go south as long as my master guards the border, you don't have such worries in your heart. After all, it's because our Yanyun village is not strong enough right now."

Tie Liaolang thought about it carefully and said: "The soldiers and horses of the five battalions of Yanyun Village have all dispersed, I am really worried."

Li Xian nodded and said: "I remember you told me a few years ago that being a general is the most fearful and impetuous. Now the words you taught me are still ringing in my ears. How come you forgot? Yours I am worried that I can understand, but you should understand one thing, you are not a god, you can't take care of all the places at once, if you are in Su City, then you should concentrate on protecting Su City and destroying the enemies who invade Su City, as for Lei Ze and Ju Ye Liang County, even if you are distracted, is it useful to worry about it? If you mess up your mind, you can only let the enemy take advantage of it."

Hearing these words, Tie Liaolang felt as if a basin of cold water had been poured on his head, and his heart immediately became clear. He bowed and cupped his fists and said, "Thank you, General, for reminding me!"

He sighed sincerely: "Now, you are my husband!"

Li Xian smiled and said: "You just care too much about our Yanyun Village. In this way, in the afternoon, you will command the defense of the South Gate. The Jibei Army's offensive against the South Gate is second only to the East Gate, but the people who command the siege are more powerful than the East Gate." The generals of the Jinbei army at the east gate are more mature and seasoned, the general who attacked the east gate was more than fierce and seemed a little crazy, while the general at the south gate had a well-founded advance and retreat, and he seemed to be from a military background."

Tie Liaolang nodded and said: "This subordinate obeys!"

Li Xian hadn't guessed the background of the general of the Jibei Army who attacked the South Gate. That man had never been a soldier. If his family hadn't sent him to assist Wang Bo, he would still be devoted to reading and writing.He also doesn't like military life. In his opinion, literati should naturally recite poems and write poems in their spare time.However, since the family sent him here, he must earnestly complete his task.

Children from aristocratic families don't just read the Five Classics and study rhythms and military strategies. They have been trained by their families since childhood.

The Pei family has never been short of talents, this is because the Pei family has always focused on cultivating the family's children.

Pei Lin's status in Pei's family is not high. His ideal in life was to be an official like Pei Ju and Pei Yun so that he could influence the government. However, he had to face the fate of being sent by the family to assist Wang Bo. Therefore, Pei Lin Lin's ideals in life have also changed accordingly, not getting lower, but higher.He was always thinking, if Wang Bo could really achieve great things, wouldn't he be able to become king?If he can become a king... then, is there no higher possibility?

He firmly believes that there is, and he swears that what he will do in the future is to change that he belongs to the Pei family into that the Pei family belongs to himself.

Therefore, he must express himself well in front of Wang Bo.

Therefore, he did not allow Chuji to conquer Sucheng first.



Chu Ji was really angry. When he commanded the siege, he got the news that Wang Bo sent Luo Manzi to attack Juyeze. This news was the source of his anger, but it was Wang Bo who made his anger explode. Another order, if the east gate of Sucheng cannot be conquered today, military law will be followed.

Military law, when did the Jibei Army have military law?

Qiu Ji sneered, and said to himself, Wang Bo, Wang Bo, can't I see your intention?The day before yesterday, Wang Bo made him watch the night and thus avoided the emotional dispute with Pei Lin, which moved Qiuji to some extent.Even at a certain moment, he thought that he, Wang Boluo and others could return to the previous state where they could trust each other with their lives.However, when Wang Bo ordered him to fight to the death today, he realized that this was just his wishful thinking.

People can always see the faults of others and hold on to them, but they always habitually ignore their own faults.

Therefore, because of Wang Bo's order today, he developed a deeper rebellious heart, so that the little bit of guilt in his heart disappeared immediately.

When Sucheng is taken down, I will rob everything in the city first!

Qiu Ji thought in his heart, Wang Bo, it was you who said it yourself, whoever captures Sucheng first, the treasures and women in the city will be looted by him, and he will not interfere within a day.Of course, Wang Bo did not include grain.Just thinking of this, Chuji suddenly thought of an idea, which made him very happy!

While yelling loudly to order the soldiers to attack the city with all their strength, he called his two trusted men, Liu Shan and Meng Gui, over.

"Remember, you two, after the city is broken, restrain the soldiers under your command. If anyone dares to loot indiscriminately in the city, he will be killed without mercy! As soon as the city is broken, I will first invite the head of the city to enter the city. All the treasures, food and women in the city are still there The captive weapons and armor in Yanyun Village must be dedicated to the master, remember it!"


Meng Gui was puzzled and said, "Didn't the boss say that, except for food, everything else belongs to the first village to break into Sucheng."

Chu Ji sneered and said, "You say, if I do that, will Wang Bo be moved? If I take this opportunity to invite him to drink in my camp, do you think he will refuse?"

Liu Shan was startled and then understood: "Brother, you mean to curry favor with Wang Bo, and then kill him with one knife when he gets carried away!"

Qiu Ji patted Liu Shan on the shoulder and said: "This matter is very important, you two remember, you must restrain the soldiers under your command, and don't covet the petty gains in front of you. If you kill Wang Bo, I will be Jinbei." Lord of the army, if we take down Juyeze at that time, who else in this world can do nothing to me? You two will be my humerus servants in the future!"

Liu Shan chuckled and said, "Brother, don't worry!"

Chu Ji hummed and said, "Each of you leads 1000 people as a supervisory team, and anyone who dares to flee before the battle will be killed without mercy."



Luo Manzi left Sucheng with more than 4 soldiers and headed southwest. He didn't intend to disturb the troops guarding Xuchang in Yanyun Village. , It is a big deal to take down Juye Ze first.As long as you win the best place in the world that is easy to defend and difficult to attack, even if you don't go out to compete for the Sui Dynasty, who can do anything to yourself?

After leaving Sucheng, Luo Manzi kept urging the soldiers to speed up all the way, rejecting all the old, weak and lagging behind, and those soldiers were tempted by the countless food treasures in Juyeze, and they gritted their teeth and refused to be let down by the brigade. The men and horses left.He left Sucheng at noon, and by the early morning of the second day, Luo Manzi's men and horses had already bypassed Xuchang, and it was only two days away from Juyeze.

After passing Xuchang, Luo Manzi heaved a sigh of relief, he finally didn't provoke the people from Yanyun village in Xuchang.After marching all night last night, the soldiers were exhausted. Luo Manzi calculated that he had already left Xuchang for no less than [-] miles. Logically speaking, there should be no more danger, so he ordered the army to rest on the spot.

But the soldiers who were exhausted and half dead were just lying on the ground, when suddenly a group of troops came from both sides, and it looked like the banner was Yanyun Village's team, which scared Luo Manzi enough.He still has lingering fears in the battle at the foot of Mount Dai, and his knees go limp when he thinks of the killing methods of the soldiers in Yanyun Village.I thought everything would be safe and sound after passing through Xuchang, but who would have thought that I would be ambushed by someone after all.

The person who came was asking for a song.

Li Xian didn't take the troops from the Hongshui camp to Sucheng, but he wanted Chao Qiuge to be on guard against Wang Bo's attack on Juyeze at all times.In fact, Luo Manzi's men and horses were discovered by Yanyun Village's scouts when they were tens of miles away from Xuchang. Chao Qiuge deliberately let the Jibei Army go to numb his vigilance, but he led his men and horses to lie in ambush in the southwest of Xuchang .

There was no suspense in this battle. The Jibei Army, which had been driving for a night and a half day, had no fighting spirit. They were killed by six or seven thousand soldiers from the Hongshui Camp, throwing away their helmets and armor. If you are thinking about how many of your soldiers can escape, it makes sense to escape with your own life first.

And when Luo Manzi fled desperately, a major event happened in the camp of the Jibei Army outside Sucheng.

Qiu Ji originally wanted to conquer Sucheng within a day, and then take the opportunity to curry favor with Wang Bo and kill him with a single blow.However, in a day of strong attack, his troops lost more than 2000 people, and the city was still impenetrable, so he couldn't wait any longer.He knew Wang Bo's intentions, and letting him storm Sucheng was nothing more than taking the opportunity to weaken his own strength.It can be seen from this that Wang Bo is already wary of himself. If he drags on, he may lose his chance if he thinks about it again.

So he sent his own soldiers to invite Wang Bo, saying that because he did not capture Sucheng, he tied himself in the tent and waited for the military law to deal with it, and then he lay in ambush outside the big tent.

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