Will Ming

Chapter 276

Chapter 270 Six Disadvantages and Advantages

"Your name is Luo Cheng? Or Luo Shixin?"

"My name is Luo Cheng, and my name is Shixin..."

"Your father is Luo Yi, the general of Youzhou Huben? That Luo Yi who stabbed Turkic Khan in the ass and still bravely killed more than a dozen Turkic generals with dozens of arrows in his body?"


"you sure?"

"This... I can be sure."


Li Xian rubbed his sour brows, looked at Luo Cheng carefully and said, "It's not right for a son to be unsure who I am...I don't know who I am."

After finishing speaking, Li Xian suddenly smiled and said, "It's not like that."

Luo Shixin felt a little terrified by him, took a step back and asked, "What doesn't look like?"

"You and your father have almost no similarities. I can't find any other similarities except the same blackness. There are legends in the north that Luo Cheng, the son of General Huben Luo Yi, is called the best in the world. Handsome young man, dressed in fluttering white, with a face like a crown jade, eyebrows like distant mountains, eyes like the sun and moon, even a woman would be jealous of his appearance when she sees it. This... it seems that your appearance is a little different from the legends."

Li Xian said puzzledly.

Luo Shixin sighed and said: "This is actually very simple, you should be able to understand it easily. It seems that there are rumors throughout the north that the young general Yan Yun who killed the Goguryeo people in Liaodong was a reckless man with a green face and fangs. , even with a bull head and a horse face, he is more handsome than Yan Yun."

Li Xian nodded and said seriously: "I understand. What you want to tell me is that the legends are all fake. You see, you look so dark, but some people say you have a face like a crown jade. I am so handsome, but why Being compared to a bull's head and a horse's face. Why do I think it's so unfair? Is this a beauty?"

"It's fake that I'm handsome, and it's fake that you're ugly."

Luo Shixin gritted his teeth and said.

Li Xian then laughed and said, "Look, I feel much better when you say that. How about you praise me a little more? Just like I said just now about you being the most handsome boy in the world, you just Aren't you going to give it back to me?"

Luo Shixin took a deep breath and said seriously: "If you keep pestering me about my appearance, I'm not sure whether you will beat your handsome face into a persimmon."

Li Xian smiled and said, "I bet you will find it difficult to carry out this matter."

Luo Shixin laughed loudly: "That's right, I lied to you, can you not be such a villain? I lied to you, so you have to regain some face in words? Besides, you don't seem to have any reason to What did I lose by lying to you?"

Li Xian hummed and said, "Why not? I lost my most innocent feelings."

Luo Shixin looked at him and said with a smile: "I understand, you look like a little girl who has been deceived by someone, and she puts all her heart on that person, but unfortunately that person deceived you and her body You are bankrupt. When you see that person again one day, you will find that this person is actually a person who manages a lot of money."

Li Xian shook his head and said, "You're wrong. This analogy is extremely trashy. It doesn't make sense at all, but you are still complacent and think that the analogy you came up with is very appropriate."

Luo Shidao: "Anyway, I think it's very appropriate."

Li Xian actually asked seriously: "How do I look like a girl?"

Luo Shidao: "Don't you want me to praise you? Well, it's time to use it now. Red lips and white teeth, willow-leaved eyebrows, almond-shaped eyes, and cherry mouth. She is really the most beautiful woman in the world."

Li Xian said angrily: "The use of the word "beauty" is really shameless."

He waved his hand and stopped chatting, but asked seriously: "Are you planning to go back to Youzhou with Lu Shisan?"

Luo Shixin pondered for a while and nodded, "I have to go back. My father has already ordered Lu Shisan to die. If I don't go back, he will order the cavalry from the Gale Camp to tie me up and drag me back. Think about it, This trip to Youzhou is more than a thousand miles away? If you drag me all the way back behind the horse's ass, how many bones do you think I will have left?"

"Is he your dear father?"

Li Xian asked with a frown.

Luo Shixin thought for a while, then leaned closer to Li Xian and said in a low voice, "Sometimes I also wonder if I am his own son. He has been very strict with me since he was a child. If it wasn't for my mother to protect me, I would have doubted that I was his own son several times. Will he beat me to death with his own hands? There are not many people in this world who use military law to discipline their sons."

Li Xian suddenly put away his smile, and said seriously: "It's actually nice to have a father who beats me hard when I make a mistake..."

Luo Shixin was startled, then fell silent.



Li Xian and Luo Shixin Qin Qiong led their horses towards the city on the battlefield, but Zhang Xutuo deliberately distanced himself from Li Xian, ordered his county soldiers to count the casualties, and then meticulously checked and seized the supplies of the Jibei Army.He made an agreement with Li Xian that half of the Jibei Army's items were seized, and no less than a copper coin. He used this as an excuse to stay on the battlefield and not enter the city.In fact, Li Xian and others all knew that Zhang Xutuo was just having trouble getting past the level in his heart.

He is the majestic general of Qi County in the Sui Dynasty, a third-rank general with the right to kill thieves across the border, and it is not a glorious thing to cooperate with Li Xian, the leader of Yanyunzhai, so he looks a little self-deceiving and stays on the battlefield , that's why he deliberately stayed away from Li Xian.

In Zhang Xutuo's words, he felt angry when he saw Li Xian's appearance.

Tie Liaolang walked behind Li Xian and said softly, "General, Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie took advantage of the chaos to escape."

Li Xian nodded and said: "I specially ordered someone to open the west gate of Sucheng to see off the guests. How could such a smart person as Xu Shiji not understand what I mean? He didn't escape, but he knew that he had to go back as soon as possible. Li Mi Right in Wagang Village, he was worried that if he didn't go back again, Li Mi might cause some troubles in Wagang Village."

Tie Liaolang frowned and said, "Why did the general let him go back? Flying Tiger secret agents sent news that the people from Wagang Village had arrived in Lei Ze County. We have Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie in our hands. Zhai Rang and others didn't dare to go too far." Excessive. Besides, where is Pei Xingyan...how should I say it?"

Li Xian smiled and said: "Pei Xingyan knows that I put Xu Shiji back."

Tie Liaolang was startled, and looked at Li Xian with some puzzlement.

Li Xian smiled and said: "I talked to Xu Shiji about Pei Renji the day before yesterday. He said that Pei Renji had surrendered to Wagang Village and took a top position. Now he is also a leader with a high status in Wagang Village. Moreover, Pei Renji and Zhai Rang The others don't know that Pei Xingyan is in our Yanyun village. If Zhai Rang sends Pei Renji to lead an army to attack Lei Zewan, it will be a problem. Since Pei Renji has surrendered to Wagang village, there will be no danger. , and whether Xu Shiji is released or not, there is no pity."

Tie Liaolang still couldn't figure it out: "Xu Shiji is so scheming, even if he can't go back, he won't tell Pei Renji that his son is in our Yanyun village. When the father and son fight, if Pei Xingyan turns against him..."

Li Xian said: "You have this worry, is it possible that Xu Shiji did not? You are worried that your son will vote for Lao Tzu, so Xu Shiji is not worried that Lao Tzu will vote for his son?"

He laughed and said, "Besides, even if Xu Shiji refuses to tell Pei Renji, Cheng Zhijie will definitely tell him. Even if Xu Shiji refuses to let Cheng Zhijie tell him, Cheng Zhijie will definitely tell him."


"Because Cheng Zhijie is a straight person."

Li Xian smiled and said, "Furthermore, it will be more beneficial for us to let Xu Shiji go back and fight with Li Mi."

Just as he was talking, suddenly two people ran up in front of him, and when they saw Li Xian, they bowed and saluted. Li Xian looked and saw that they were Xu Shiji's two personal soldiers.One of them clasped his fists and said, "My military advisor asked me to leave a letter for the general, and also told me to tell the general that it would be impolite for the military advisor to leave without saying goodbye. Please, the general, please don't take offense."

Li Xian nodded and took the letter over, and then said to the two gray-clothed soldiers: "You guys go back later, I need to give you a message from the military advisor." He took out a writing brush, squatted on the ground, dipped the writing brush full of blood from a pool of blood, and wrote a sentence on the envelope.After finishing writing, he handed it to the gray-clothed soldier and said, "Your military adviser will understand after reading this sentence."

The gray-clothed soldier asked in surprise, "The general doesn't read the letter from our military adviser?"

Li Xian waved his hands and said with a smile: "No need to look, I know what he wants to ask me."

Xu Shiji's soldiers looked at Li Xian in disbelief, thought for a while and sighed: "No wonder the military adviser said that the most confidant in this world may be the one who will face the enemy on the battlefield in the future. General Li, I will bid farewell! Indefinite!"

Li Xian nodded with a smile and said, "Bring a few more horses to rotate, and you can catch up with your military commander quickly. Go back and tell him that I have no interest in fighting the enemy on the battlefield in the future."



Taking advantage of the fierce battle outside the city, Xu Shiji and Cheng Zhijie took their guards on their horses and rode out of the west gate of the city.Cheng Zhijie was worried that a thoughtful person like Li Xian would leave a team to watch them, but no one stopped the team of hundreds of people from going out of the city.

"It's really weird, why didn't Li Xian stop us?"

Cheng Zhijie asked Xu Shiji in surprise.

Xu Shiji didn't answer Cheng Zhijie's words, but instead asked Cheng Zhijie: "Which city gate did Li Xian's heavy armored infantry go out from?"

Cheng Zhijie replied, "East Gate."

"Then which city gate did the fine cavalry under his command go out from?"

Xu Shiji asked again.

"South gate!"

Xu Shiji smiled and asked again: "Then we should go out of the city as quickly and safely as possible.

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