Will Ming

Chapter 294 How Can You Ignore You?

Chapter 290 How can the fourth ignore you?

I don't know how long it took, Cheng Zhijie slowly woke up and subconsciously raised his hand and rubbed the still sore back of his neck. When he just sat up, he was still a little unconscious. After rubbing his neck a few times, he suddenly realized that he almost It was the one who jumped up enduring the pain and looked around, but Xu Shiji had walked for an unknown how long, so where could he be seen?

Cheng Zhijie looked around in a daze, but couldn't find Xu Shiji's trace, and was anxiously unable to think of a way, when suddenly his mind suddenly lit up as if he had guessed something.

Recalling that when Xu Shiji first arrived at Xu Shiji's military tent, Xu Shiji's expression seemed a little flustered, Cheng Zhijie felt more and more that his judgment was right, he hurried to the aisle, pulled out a torch tied to a wooden stake, and returned to the original place Carefully took photos on the ground, although there were messy footprints on the dusty ground, Cheng Zhijie judged that it was already late at night when Xu Shiji left, and the footprints must be on the top as long as you carefully identify them, you should be able to see them.

It's just that he has never done these things before, so how can he tell Xu Shiji's footprints?

Just as he was in a hurry, he suddenly heard footsteps. Cheng Zhijie turned his head to see that it was Xie Yingdeng running over. He immediately asked, "Did you see Mao Gong?"

Xie Yingdeng is about 20 years old, with handsome features and handsome features. He likes to wear Confucian shirts on weekdays, which makes him stand out from the crowd.Although this person is young, he is wise and eloquent, with a calm mind, and it is rare to see him in a hurry.But at this time, the expression on his face was also anxious and anxious, he was immediately taken aback when Cheng Zhijie asked him if he had seen Xu Shiji.

"Are you also looking for a military advisor? Didn't the military advisor go with you?"

Cheng Zhijie looked around and saw that there was no one else, so he said in a low voice: "When I came here, Mao Gong suddenly tricked me and knocked me unconscious. I suspect that he is going to vote for Li Xian in Yanyun Village! Didn't you see him? Knowing how long he has been gone, this is bad, how can he be so confused?!"

"It didn't take long!"

Xie Yingdeng said eagerly: "Just now Bodang and I had a dispute with Shan Erge in the tent of the eldest brother. I was so angry that I wanted to go back to sleep. When I met the soldiers patrolling the camp and said that they saw the military division going to the northeast, I thought about trying to persuade them again. After I persuaded the military division, I chased them all the way. The soldiers who patrolled the camp said that the military division was alone, so I was afraid that something would happen, so it would be too late if I hurried.”

"Not long?"

Cheng Zhijie hurriedly said, "Didn't you tell the patrolling soldiers not to talk nonsense?"

Xie Yingdeng nodded and said: "I just said that the military division was going to check the guards in front, so I chased them all the way."

"That's good!"

Cheng Zhi nodded and said, "Let's go after it now, maybe there's still time."

"Do you want to tell Big Brother?"

Xie Yingdeng asked with a frown.


Cheng Zhijie said urgently: "Second brother Shan has some prejudices against Mao Gong, if you tell elder brother, you can't hide it from second brother Shan, we can't let La Mao Gong come back any more, listen to me, this matter is absolutely not allowed Speak out. If you go after me, go with me, if you don't follow, you just pretend you don't know anything!"

"Bite Jin brother, what did you say!"

Xie Yingdeng said: "Let's go now, if we can't catch up with the military adviser, we will think of other ways!"

The two of them didn't carry any weapons with them. After thinking about it, they didn't even bring torches with them. They took advantage of the darkness and chased all the way to the northeast. .It's just that he was anxious and didn't know whether he was going in the right direction, so he ran wildly in the dark, even if he went a little far away in the wrong direction, he would never find Xu Shiji again.It's just that at this moment, the two of them had no other choice but to run wildly.

After chasing it for about two miles, they still found nothing. The two discussed it and decided to search separately.

Because there was no fight with the troops of Yanyun Village during the day, the people of Wagang Village were worried that the troops of Yanyun Village in Lei Ze City and the people outside the city should cooperate with each other, so Zhai Rang ordered the army to retreat [-] li to set up camp.During the distance of more than [-] miles, in the dark night, he couldn't distinguish what was left and what was left, so it was extremely difficult to catch up with Xu Shiji.



After chasing for six or seven miles, Xie Yingdeng became more conscious, instead of running wildly, he stopped to recover some strength, then walked forward slowly, trying not to make any noise, and at the same time, he listened carefully to see if there was anything unusual around him.Earlier, Cheng Zhijie said that he suspected that the military division was going to vote for Yanyun Village. If it was true, Yanyun Village would send someone to respond.After all, on the battlefield, the military adviser had a brief conversation with Li Xian, the leader of Yanyunzhai. At that time, the leader Zhai Rang and the second leader Shan Xiongxin had returned to the camp. Did the military advisor and Li Xian agree on something? There is no way of knowing.

So Xie Yingdeng didn't dare to run in a hurry anymore, if the men and horses who responded to Yanyun Village found out, not only would he not be able to bring back the military adviser, he might even have to pay for himself.

As he was groping and walking forward cautiously, Xie Yingdeng suddenly heard a muffled groan not far away.The sound was like the sound of someone being hit on the back of the head with a stick. It was not loud, but Xie Yingdeng was sure that someone had been ambushed.

It's just that he didn't rush over in a hurry, but fell to the ground immediately.

After lying on the ground, Xie Yingdeng listened carefully, judging from the sound that someone was walking towards him quickly.Xie Yingdeng lay motionless on the ground, and when the man came to him in the dark, he jumped up suddenly, strangled the man's neck and knocked him down to the ground.

"who are you!"

He pinched the man's neck and asked in a low voice.

The man struggled a few times, and was taken aback when he heard Xie Yingdeng's words: "But Brother Yingdeng?"

"Bite Brother Jin?"

Xie Yingdeng was startled, and quickly let go of his hand and pulled Cheng Zhijie up: "How could it be you?"

Cheng Zhijie rubbed his neck and said: "Just now I saw a figure flashing over there, and I chased him. The man ran so fast that I couldn't see who it was. I chased all the way there, but I was attacked by that man , It's just that the man's kung fu is ordinary, but I punched his nose and passed out. I looked carefully and saw that it wasn't Maogong, but he couldn't recognize the direction. He walked here a few steps and was restrained by you. "

Xie Yingdeng was shocked and quickly asked, "Where is the person who attacked you?"

"I knocked him unconscious, he should still be there."

"Go and see!"

Xie Yingdeng said eagerly.

Cheng Zhijie didn't know what Xie Yingdeng was thinking of, but he knew that Xie Yingdeng's careful thinking must have discovered something wrong, so he immediately turned around and took Xie Yingdeng to the place where he knocked down the unknown person, obviously only two or thirty meters away , but the two ran all the way in that direction, how could they find someone on the ground?Cheng Zhijie unbelievingly ran back and forth within a radius of tens of meters, but still found nothing.

"Brother Bite Jin, you have fallen into someone's trick to divert the tiger away from the mountain!"

Xie Yingdeng said with some annoyance: "The place where you saw the figure before must be the place where the military adviser and the troops of Yanyun Village joined forces, but you found it there, so Yanyun Village sent a person to show up on purpose to arrest you." To lure him away, I'm afraid that person pretended to be unconscious when he was punched by you just now, brother, you should have forced him to question him at that time!"


Cheng Zhijie stomped his feet angrily: "Why am I so confused!"

Xie Yingdeng thought for a while and said: "I think we can't find the military adviser tonight, so we should go back. We can't hide this matter, so we can only tell the eldest brother and let him decide."


Cheng Zhijie sighed: "If this is the case, won't Second Brother Shan get away with it again?"

"How else?"

Xie Yingdeng sighed: "Just the two of us, we can't go to the camp of Yanyunzhai to snatch people back! Besides, since the military master has made up his mind to leave our Wagangzhai, even if we can get in, he can follow us. return?"

He pulled Cheng Zhijie and said, "Go, let's go back first."

Cheng Zhijie nodded helplessly, and had to return to the camp with Xie Yingdeng.



"I thought you wouldn't come."

In the brightly lit military tent, Li Xian looked at Xu Shiji who looked a little tired and said.He smiled, and handed over a wine bag.

Xu Shiji looked at the wine bag but didn't pick it up. Instead, he laughed at himself and said, "I thought I wouldn't come, but the world is unpredictable, and sometimes even I can't control my own thoughts and decisions."

Li Xian hummed, withdrew his outstretched hand, uncorked the wine bag and took a sip, looked up at Xu Shiji and asked, "Brother Mao Gong, are you blaming me?"

Xu Shiji shook his head, walked to the chair not far from Li Xian and sat down, raised his head to look at Li Xian after being silent for a while and said, "Of course there is some unhappiness in my heart, but you and I were enemies before. There is nothing wrong with seeking victory regardless of means, if I were in your position, you might do the same."

After speaking, he slowly shook his head and said, "It's just that it may not be as good as yours."

He glanced at Li Xian and asked, "Since you want me to come and help you, but you plan to harm me, aren't you afraid that the people in Wagang Village will kill me in a fit of anger?"

Li Xian thought for a while, looked at Xu Shiji, and said seriously: "If brother Maogong died because of this, I would definitely feel sad in my heart, but the loss of Brother Maogong's Wagang Village is nothing to worry about, so no matter if brother Maogong came to look for him I, or Brother Mao Gong, was killed by that narrow-minded person Zhai Rang, it is extremely beneficial to me."

Xu Shiji didn't get angry when he heard Li Xian's words. He nodded calmly and said, "For you, it's the same whether I die or I surrender."


Li Xian stood up and said: "Brother Demao Gong helped you like a tiger with wings, and there is no one on both sides of the Yellow River who is my opponent in Yanyun Village.

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