Will Ming

Chapter 297 Confrontation

Chapter 290 Confrontation

Wang Qinian showed great power at the gate of the camp, and the scolding Shan Xiongxin seemed to be spewing fire from his seven orifices, but Shan Xiongxin was unable to use his force, scolding, he could never scold Wang Qinian, hit, Wang Qinian was Never go out and fight him.One shouted vigorously that you can come out if you have the ability, and the other said tit-for-tat that you can come in if you have the ability.Just shouting and yelling even the two of them found it boring. One rode on a horse and was angry, and the other turned around to call the soldiers to get water to moisten their throats.

Let those who come in know that those who are outside cannot come in, and let those who come out know that those who are inside cannot come out.

After scolding each other for more than two hours, when Shan Xiongxin angrily returned to the formation and dropped his helmet, the sun in the west was about to set, that is, it was August and the days were still very long. Even if it is early spring in winter, the sun has already sunk below the horizon and gone to sleep.

Although the sun is about to set, the sky is already very bright.The men and horses in Wagang Village have been exposed to the scorching sun for half a day, and they all wilted like dehydrated vegetables. Many soldiers have already stood up and their legs are sore and their feet are numb. Standing, those with mediocre perseverance are already sitting on the ground panting heavily, even reluctant to use the strength to scold their mothers.Shan Xiongxin seemed to be full of energy, but he felt even more uncomfortable if the energy couldn't be released.

Seeing the retreating cavalry from Wagang Village, the soldiers in Yanyun Village erupted into cheers like a tsunami. Everyone took Wang Qinian back to the camp like a hero, and was carried forward to Li Xianjun. Wang Qinian didn't even touch the ground when he was tenting.This kind of courteous treatment made Wang Qinian very satisfied. He held his head up proudly like a rooster who has always won a fight, but no one noticed the trace of worry and uneasiness hidden behind his smile until he entered Li Xianjun. Inside the tent, Wang Qinian's face became solemn and heavy, especially when he saw that the person sitting in the big tent was Daxi Changru, Wang Qinian became more certain of his speculation.

"General...is something wrong?"

After saluting Daxi Changru, Wang Qinian asked directly, where was the pride on his face when he scolded Wagangzhai for winning the battle?

Daxi Changru waved his hand to signal Wang Qinian not to speak yet, he sat high in Li Xian's seat and asked Tie Liaolang, "How is the morale of the people in Wagang Village outside the camp?"

Tie Liaolang clasped his fists and said: "General, this subordinate went to see it in person just now. The soldiers and horses in Wagang Village were exhausted after sunbathing outside for half a day and scolding for half a day. Most of the soldiers sat on the ground to rest. How long will it take for them to retreat."

Daxi Changru said with a sneer: "Where is it so easy to retreat when you want to?"

He stood up, glanced at the people in the tent and said in a deep voice: "Wagangzhai has been cursing aggressively for a long time outside, and the soldiers are all holding their breaths and preparing to go out to fight. You want to go out to fight, and I want to! Now is the time Good timing, Xiong Kuo Hai, you personally lead [-] infantry, storm the left flank of Wagangzhai after leaving the camp gate, only want to involve the left flank troops, don't go deep!"

His demeanor changed drastically at this time. In the eyes of Tie Liaolang and others, Daxi Changru seemed to have returned to the past and became the chief executive who made foreigners fearful!


Xiong Kuohai clasped his fists in response.

"Luo Fu, you take [-] infantry and attack the right flank of the Wagang Village. You can only feint to attack but not go deep like a majestic sea. When the two of you saw the chaos in the Wagang Village, you immediately mobilized your troops and launched a fierce attack to suppress it. The two wings of Wagang Village cannot retreat to rescue the Chinese army! And remember, as long as the Chinese army in Wagang Village is not defeated, you two cannot withdraw troops!"


"Pei Xingyan!"

Daxi Changru shouted loudly.

"The end is here!"

Pei Xingyan, who was in iron armor, took a step forward and clasped his fists in response: "Please order, General!"

Daxi Changru said: "General Li has great faith and righteousness. He promised to save your father and rescued him. No matter how much effort he put in, he never thought of perfunctory you. Now it's time for you to help General Li. If I ordered you to be the vanguard and lead a thousand elite riders to attack the Chinese army in Wagang Village, would you dare?"

"The general treats me like a soldier of the country, and I will repay him as a soldier of the country!"

Pei Xingyan said loudly.

"it is good!"

Daxi Changru said solemnly: "I only give you one thousand elite cavalry, because although you are a vanguard, you are also a false attacking soldier. I will support you and disrupt the army in Wagang Village in one fell swoop! Moreover, I have already sent people to Lei Ze City to deal with Dongfang Raging Fire, as soon as we send troops here, he will immediately lead the people in the city to harass the rear team of Wagang Village!"

After finishing speaking, Daxi Changru raised his head and asked, "Do you have the confidence to win!"

"Break the enemy!"

All the generals shouted in unison.

When the arrangement was completed and the generals went out to prepare, Daxi Changru glanced at Wang Qinian with admiration and relief in his eyes: "When I left you that day, everyone said you were useless, but the general said you were rare. The talent you got is also a pitiful person with unrecognized talents. As long as you are given a chance, you will definitely shine. It seems that the general has not misunderstood you. To tell you the truth, the general has indeed suffered some injuries and should not go out in person. Otherwise, how could he tolerate it? Are those jumping beam clowns in Wagang Village causing trouble?"

"General, is he... all right?"

Wang Qinian asked tentatively.

Daxi Changru shook his head and said, "In a short time, I won't be able to go out in person. I won't hide it from you, and I hope you don't talk nonsense."

"Of course not!"

Wang Qinian said solemnly: "It's just that the general didn't show up for a whole day. Even if our soldiers in Yanyun Village don't think of anything, it's hard to guarantee that Wagang Village won't figure out something. In my opinion..."

Wang Qinian took a few steps forward, leaned close to Daxi Changru's ear and whispered something.Daxi Changru's eyes lit up, and he praised: "You are indeed as the general said, with a keen mind and great resourcefulness!"



Zhai Rang looked at the leader of his subordinates and sighed: "There is something I promised Mao Gong not to say, and I will tell you when it is done, but I didn't see Li Xian from Yanyun Village all day today. I didn't see Mao Gong showing up, so I speculated that things had changed, so I had to say it."

When everyone saw that the head master mentioned the military division, they all stood up straight and listened attentively.

Zhai Rang cleared his throat and said: "Two nights ago, Mao Gong came to me alone. He said that Li Xian in Yanyun Village wanted to defeat our Wagang Village, so he came up with a shameless estrangement. The purpose is to let me The brothers in Wagang Village no longer trust each other, so Yanyun Village has an opportunity to take advantage of it. Mao Gong said that since he and Brother Yaojin returned from Dongping County, some people speculated that he took advantage of Li Xian. , but Mao Gong couldn’t refute it, although I advised him not to be too fussy, but Mao Gong said that for the sake of our Wagang Village, we still need to explain this matter clearly.”

When he said this, he glanced at Shan Xiongxin lightly, and Shan Xiongxin's face turned red immediately.

"Just explaining with one mouth, Mao Gong was afraid that he would not be able to win people's trust. So he came up with a plan, pretending to surrender to Yanyun Village, and then cooperated with the inside and outside to kill every single person in Yanyun Village."

When Shan Xiongxin heard this, he sneered in his heart, and said to himself, Zhai Shouyi, you are speaking nicely now. A few days ago, your suspicion in your heart was a little heavier than mine, but now you are pretending to be sanctimonious!

Zhai Rang's original character was Licheng, but later he was known for righteousness when he walked in the rivers and lakes, so he changed his character to Shouyi, which was praised by many people.

Zhai Rang didn't know what Shan Xiong was thinking in his confidence, but he still said to himself: "Last night, Mao Gong left to seek refuge in Yanyun Village. It was not his sincere surrender, but a plan he made. Before he left, he once said that if today we If he leads the army to attack him successfully, he will definitely appear in front of us, which tells us that he has broken into Yanyun stronghold. However, Mao Gong did not show up for the whole day today."

"I couldn't help it, so I told you Shan Erge and Bodang Brothers about this matter. You Shan Erge was worried that something might happen to Maogong, so you advised me to explain this matter to everyone and brainstorm, and we also want to Finding a way to rescue Mao Gong is a big deal. I am also worried that Mao Gong assassinated Li Xian in a moment of impatience, or why did the head of Yanyun Village never show up?"

He looked at Shan Xiongxin and said with a smile: "Even though your second brother Shan is a bit impatient, it is for the good of our Wagang village. Maogong knows this very well, so he came up with this method to defeat Yanyun stronghold."

Shan Xiongxin saw that Zhai Rang gave him face, although he was quite dissatisfied with Zhai Rang, he still clasped his fists and said: "I will be more calm in the future, and I will never put my brothers in danger again."

Cheng Zhijie sneered, his expression resentful and disdainful.

He said in his heart that if you and your elder brother didn't believe me and Maogong that day, Maogong would have come up with such dangerous ways to prove his innocence?Now you come to be a good person, why did you go earlier? !Even Xie Yingdeng felt that today Zhai Rang and Shan Xiongxin were too contrived, without any sincerity.Eldest brother, Zhai Rang, knew that Mao Gong wanted to prove his innocence, but he was still skeptical. If Wang Bodang hadn't persuaded him today, he and Shan Xiongxin would have speculated that Xu Shiji had taken the opportunity to take refuge in Yanyun Village. Li Xian went.

"Brother, tell me what to do!"

Zhang Liang, Li Mi's confidant who stayed in Wagangzhai before leaving, clasped his fists and said: "We all listen to the elder brother's orders, as long as I can save the military division, I will risk my life!"

Hearing what he said, everyone felt emotional, Li Mi's talents have been so righteous in a short time, but the original brothers in Wagang Village are fighting each other, and they refuse to trust each other!But it was Xie Yingdeng and Wang Bodang, two thoughtful people, who could tell at a glance that Zhang Liang was taking the opportunity to buy people's hearts.

Zhang Liang is a black and thin man.

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