Will Ming

Chapter 299 I'll Tell It Myself

Chapter 290 Nine I Still Say Itself

Originally, Xie Yingdeng came up with this method just because of a brainstorm. Zhai Rang mentioned before when he called the leaders to discuss matters. Wang Bodang suspected that something happened to the military advisor Xu Shiji. Neither he nor Li Xian showed up. For some unknown reason, he changed his original intention, from a false surrender to an assassination.It was precisely because of this suspicion that Xie Yingdeng was the first to shout out that Li Xian was dead when he led a counterattack with the Gray Army.

From morning to evening, Li Xian never showed up. Originally, the soldiers and generals of Yanyun Village had discussed it, but no one thought about his assassination.When the offensive was blocked, the people in Wagang village shouted that Li Xian was dead, which undoubtedly successfully hit the morale of the attacking troops in Yanyun village.Xie Yingdeng and the others were immediately overjoyed and took the opportunity to counterattack vigorously, but the appearance of Li Xian when they were about to succeed shattered all their illusions.

The three thousand cavalry, headed by General Heijia, attacked the middle army of Wagangzhai like a broken bamboo.The morale of the Yanyun Village who attacked before was greatly boosted, and then the troops led by Xiong Kuohai and Luo Fu also started to exert their strength, and the offensive of Yanyun Village was booming for a while!In the middle of the stalemate, the troops of Yanyun Village in Lei Ze City rushed out to attack the rear team of Wagang Village. Zhai Rang was shocked and quickly divided his troops to fight.

Shan Xiongxin and Cheng Zhijie fought against Pei Xingyan, but after fighting for more than half an hour, Pei Xingyan won the battle with one against two.Coupled with the fact that Li Xian personally led the army to help, Shan Xiongxin had to lead the army to meet Zhai Rang, and then sent someone back to find Zhai Rang. He suggested that he retreat immediately. He felt that it would be difficult to win today. .

Zhai Rang had just listened to Xie Yingdeng's suggestion that a deadly battle would surely disintegrate Yanyun Village's offensive. At this time, the cronies sent by Shan Xiongxin told Shan Xiongxin's words exactly, and Zhai Rang immediately felt that it made sense again.What Xie Yingdeng meant was that if he retreated at this time, he would be chased and killed by the people of Yanyun Village, and the loss would be huge.What Shan Xiongxin meant was that if the fight continued and Yanyun Village was encircled by troops, Nawagang Village would suffer heavy losses this time.

Zhai Rang felt that Xie Yingdeng's words made sense, and also felt that Shan Xiongxin's words were also right. When he was hesitating, Zhang Liang, Li Mi's confidant, happened to bring people to "protect him".Zhai Rang hurriedly asked Zhang Liang for his plan. After Zhang Liang thought about it, he said, "I think what Brother Xie Yingdeng said makes sense. If we retreat, I'm afraid it just happened to be tricked by Yanyun Village. If the army retreats, if it is out of control Well it's a rout."

It has to be said that Zhang Liang's insight is far stronger than that of Shan Xiongxin.

And since Zhang Liang was left in Wagangzhai by Li Mi, even if it was only for his own sake, he couldn't perfunctory Zhai Rang at this time.

Zhang Liang was originally a confidant of Li Mi, and later served in Yang Xuangan's army when Yang Xuangan rebelled. Dozens of soldiers went to find Li Mi again. This man was very resourceful and scheming. He had proposed a strategy of encircling Han Shie and not attacking Han Shie that day. However, Han Shie relied on his large number of soldiers to storm Li Yang City. On the contrary, Yu Wen Shiji's fine cavalry took the back road and fled in defeat.

Later, Zhang Liang followed Li Mi all the time. When Li Mi arrived at Wagangzhai, he felt that the soldiers and horses here were strong and could be used. Bright stayed.One is to find out the attitude of the leaders in Wagang Village.Secondly, it can be regarded as a road paved for himself. It will be easier to return to Wagangzhai in the future with Zhang Liang standing on his feet.

Therefore, when Zhai Rang asked Ji Zhang Liang, after thinking about it seriously, he still felt that Shan Xiongxin's proposal was a bit inappropriate.

"Then be tough, I want to see if the people in Yanyun Village are all three-headed and six-armed!"

Zhai Rang became ruthless and ordered Shan Xiongxin, Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng to lead the army to fight back against Yanyunzhai's offensive, and then ordered Cheng Zhijie to retreat and lead [-] cavalry to attack the Yanyunzhai troops who had killed in Lei Zecheng.

But not long after the order was issued, Shan Xiongxin came back panting and bloody, and asked eagerly, "Brother, why don't you retreat? If you continue to kill, few of us in Wagang Village will be able to go back alive!"

Zhai Rang was startled, looked around and began to hesitate again.



The general in black armor took three thousand fine cavalry knives and re-cut the defense line of Wagang Village. The black knife in his hand was as arrogant as if he had fallen into a demon. There is no one in front of people who can stop him from making a stab.

The big black horse is too handsome, the black armor is too strong, the black knife is too sharp, and that man is too domineering.

Four or five spears came over, and the black knife spun, and the spearheads were cut off. The big black horse soared into the air and passed over the heads of the Wagang village infantry. half empty.While the blood mist was spraying, the black horse leaped past.The blood-stained general in black armor exudes a bloody smell all over his body, like a black-armored demon that has torn the space from hell, killing people like hemp.

The most shocking thing is that General Hei has been wielding a knife to kill people since he rushed into the Wagangzhai camp. In just a moment, seven or eight people were knocked to the ground by him, and he didn't say a word from the beginning to the end. frightening.

And the red-eyed elite riders of the Ruijin Camp behind him were all like tigers descending from the mountain, and the cold and cruel aura on their bodies did not contain any anger.The soldiers in Wagang Village became more and more frightened as they fought more and more. They even vaguely had an illusion that they were not fighting with people, but clearly fighting with a group of lifeless ghost soldiers.This was a very strange and palpitating scene. Even the elite cavalry of the Ruijinying in Yanyun Village who fell off their horses with a spear were still fighting hard after landing, but no one made a sound until they died.

It was under this pressure that the defensive front of Wagangzhai was once again pressured and gradually retreated.

Seeing that even the gray-clothed army could no longer hold back, Shan Xiongxin became even more anxious, pointing at the front line of defense broken by the black-armored general and shouting loudly: "Brother! If you don't make a decision, it will be too late!"

Zhai Rang paced back and forth and said with an extremely ugly face: "You let me think again, think again."

"What do you think!"

Shan Xiongxin couldn't help being really angry: "If you think about it again, the capital that our brothers have worked so hard to save will be wiped out!"

Zhai Rang also said loudly: "Didn't you say before that you were going to have a showdown with the people from Yanyunzhai? Why did you start fighting now? You were the first to be scared!"


Shan Xiongxin said angrily: "When have I ever been afraid of others when I fight alone? It's not because I'm afraid that your foundation will not be guaranteed! Since the elder brother said so, then I will fight back. I would rather die in battle than be looked down upon by you! A man will act upright and live It's just to win. Big brother, just wait, and watch me pick Li Xian!"

After finishing speaking, Shan Xiongxin got on his horse again and was about to face the black-armored general.

Seeing that he was angry, Zhai Rang panicked, and quickly said: "Why don't you lead the people to charge for a while, and I will let the rear team form an formation slowly and then retreat back to the camp, so that the people in Yanyun Village will not dare to press too fast. If It is naturally good to be able to defeat Yanyun Village, and if we cannot win, we will try our best to ensure that the casualties are not too large."

Shan Xiongxin sighed and said: "Alright then, let's fight for a while."

Shan Xiongxin left in advance, and Zhai Rang ordered the rear team to retreat to the camp outside Lei Ze City.At this time, seeing that the team of Wagangzhai attacking Yanyunzhai was frustrated, the people who stayed in the camp of Wagangzhai also came out to meet them under the command of the leader.Dongfang Lihuo was afraid that his troops would be trapped by two sides, so he ordered to retreat.The people in Wagangzhai started to retreat slowly after they met. Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng were shocked when they saw the retreat of the rear team, and hurried to find Zhai Rang.

But Zhai Rang was afraid of facing the pressure from both the main battle and the main retreat, so he led his own soldiers and retreated into the camp with the rear team.

Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng had no choice but to organize the troops to retreat slowly.

But to their surprise, seeing that Wagang Village had already shown its defeat, the troops of Yanyun Village did not chase after them desperately, but the cavalry chased after them for a while and killed hundreds of people Then he slowly withdrew back.This is a bit unreasonable. Both Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng felt that there was something wrong, but the troops had already withdrawn, and there was nothing they could do.

Shan Xiongxin planned to fight Li Xian for a while to take it down, but he was stopped by Pei Xingyan as soon as he rushed over.Cheng Zhijie led his troops to the rear to fight against the troops from Lei Ze City in Yanyun Village. Pei Xingyan, who had no opponent, killed all directions. He was killing heartily, but when he saw Shan Xiongxin coming, he laughed and waved his double hammer to meet him. .The two fought together, Shan Xiongxin had no choice but to withdraw Pei Xingyan's flying hammer again.Pei Xingyan chased after him for a while, and when he heard the horn sounding the order to withdraw the troops, he led the cavalry back to the main formation.

Although the two sides fought fiercely in this battle, the fighting time was not very long, so the losses of both sides were not too big.Wagang Village lost the opportunity due to carelessness, and lost more than 2000 people, and Yanyun Village had nearly [-] people.The timing of Yanyun Village's attack was excellent, but it still didn't win a big victory. From this point, it can be seen that the people in Wagang Village are elite.



The troops of Yanyun Village went back after winning, leaving some soldiers to clean up the battlefield.Amid the cheers, Li Xian rode a black horse and waved to the soldiers continuously, then went straight into the camp and returned to his military tent.Xiong Kuohai, Pei Xingyan and others followed behind and filed in. There was no expression of joy after victory on their faces.Compared with the cheering look of those soldiers, they all looked solemn.

After entering the big tent, the black-armored general took off the iron helmet and revealed his true face. In fact, everyone had already guessed in their hearts that it was not Li Xian who was wearing the general's black armor. .

Xiong Kuohai and the others smiled, but there was still some worry behind that relieved smile.Li Xian is now the backbone of Yanyun Village, Optimus Prime,

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