Will Ming

Chapter 303 Are you okay?

Chapter [-], okay?

After Xu Shiji returned to Wagangzhai, there was an uproar immediately. Some were happy, some were relieved, some were puzzled, some were skeptical, and some were resentful.

Xiong Kuohai personally led a team of cavalry to send him to about five miles away from the camp of Wagangzhai and stopped moving forward. After bidding farewell to Xu Shiji, he rode his horse and rushed back.Xu Shiji stood alone on the high slope and kept staring at the direction where Xiong Kuohai and the others left, until he could no longer hear the sound of the horse's hooves stepping on the ground, and he was still in a daze.He didn't know how long he had been on the high slope, but he sighed and returned slowly to the Wagang Village camp.

After being recognized by the soldiers guarding the camp, the camp erupted immediately.

"The sergeant is back!"

"The sergeant is back!"

The soldiers rushed to tell each other, and some even wept with joy.In fact, it's no wonder that Xu Shiji has been training soldiers these years, and the soldiers in Wagang Village have the best relationship with him and respect Xu Shiji's character the most.Military divisions love soldiers like sons, and soldiers naturally respect military divisions like fathers.Originally, yesterday, the soldiers heard that the military division had surrendered to Yanyun Village. Most of the soldiers did not believe it. A few people who said that the military division was looking for riches and other sarcastic remarks were held down and beaten by the soldiers. Become a pig's head.Later, on the battlefield, it was heard that the military commander had gone alone to assassinate Li Xian, the leader of Yanyun Village, and now that he was still trapped in Yanyun Village, the soldiers immediately became worried again.

Tonight, the lights in the commander's tent of Wagangzhai were kept on, and the soldiers all guessed that the leader must be discussing with the leaders how to rescue the general.They also got together and talked, and they all felt that the military division was really reckless this time, how could he dare to assassinate the head of Yanyun Village by himself?

Just as he was talking, Xu Shiji came back, how could the soldiers not be excited?

Hearing the shouts of the soldiers, the leaders who were discussing in the big tent immediately stood up.The first person to rush out of the big tent was Cheng Zhijie, followed by Xie Yingdeng and Wang Bodang, followed by Zhang Liang, Zhai Rang and other leaders, and finally Shan Xiongxin came out with an ugly face .Zhang Liang looked at Shan Xiongxin's face, then at Xu Shiji who was walking towards him, and took a few steps back without showing his expression, but he still didn't move forward after all.

"Mao Gong!"

Cheng Zhijie walked over quickly and took Xu Shiji's hand and looked it over carefully: "Are you okay?"

Xu Shiji shook his head and said, "It's okay."

Zhai Rang came over with a surprised face and asked: "I was discussing how to save you, why did you come back by yourself? But it's good to be back! It's good to be back!"

He patted Xu Shiji's shoulder vigorously, but his words were sincere.

Wang Bodang, Xie Yingdeng and others all came to talk to him, even Shan Xiongxin cupped his fists apologetically at the end and said, "It was your second brother Shan who wrongly blamed you before, Brother Maogong, please don't be offended!"

Xu Shiji suddenly felt that the lost warmth came back all at once, seeing the concerned faces of his brothers, his nose sore, the greetings, the words of concern gradually warmed his heart, which was like falling into an ice cave. When I got up, soon, my heart was so warm that I wanted to cry.

"How did you come back, Mao Gong?"

The head of the house, Zhai Rang, took Xu Shiji's hand and walked into the big tent, asking questions as he walked.

"Yes... Li Xian let me come back."

Xu Shiji said truthfully.


Zhai Rang let go of his hand and looked at Xu Shiji in disbelief. Not only him, but everyone's expressions became stiff, and their gazes towards Xu Shiji also became full of doubts.In an instant, the warmth that Xu Shiji just felt disappeared, and the suspicion in the eyes of Zhai Rang and Shan Xiongxin pierced deeply into Xu Shiji's heart like a wounding knife.Although he had been suspected before, he had never been as desperate as he is today.



"Li Xian was really poisoned?"

Zhai Rang stood up abruptly, grabbed Xu Shiji's wrist and asked loudly.

Xu Shiji nodded and said: "When I came back, I saw with my own eyes that Li Xian vomited out a mouthful of blood as black as ink, and I stabbed him, and I smeared the poison of amaryllis on my knife, and he fell on my knife. Zhu Dinghong, but it seems that there are other poisons on him. I have personally experienced this matter, so I can't be wrong."


Shan Xiongxin stood up and said: "During the day, if Li Xian hadn't brought troops to kill from behind at the last moment, we would have won the battle. This is something that brothers can see clearly. You said that Li Xian was poisoned and fell into a coma. I just woke up, who is the black-armored general with the cavalry today?"

"I don't know who it is, but it's definitely not Li Xian."

Xu Shiji said seriously: "He was stabbed by me, poisoned and passed out. He must not be the one on the battlefield. Did Second Brother Shan ever see Li Xian?"

"His black armor can't fool anyone!"

"The black armor can't fool anyone, but what about the people inside the black armor?"

Shan Xiongxin was startled, and then asked angrily: "Since you stabbed him and almost killed him, why did he let you back? Is he a saint? Is he a fool?"

This is what everyone wants to know.

Xu Shiji sighed: "Because Li Xian asked me to come back and persuade elder brother to retreat."

Having said this, Xu Shiji was startled suddenly, then smiled wryly in his heart, Li Xian, oh Li Xian, fell into your scheme again!You let me back, where did you ask me to persuade my elder brother to retreat, you just want me to feel this sad scene.With your willingness to suffer, now that Yanyun Village has gained the upper hand, how can you really talk about peace?

He laughed at himself and said, "Of course, it doesn't sound credible."

"I believe!"

Cheng Zhijie stood up and said, "I believe everything the military division says!"

Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng looked at each other and then clasped their fists together and said, "I can also trust the military advisor."

Shan Xiongxin was about to say something, Zhai Rang waved his hands and said: "Li Xian is actually right, and it won't benefit our Wagang Village if we continue to fight. Now that Yanyun Village's troops are all in Lei Ze, it will be easy if this battle continues." It’s been a long time. Now it’s almost September, if you don’t go back, if someone robs our East County’s autumn food, it will be broken. Talk about it!”

He waved his hand and said, "Mao Gong, you go and contact Li Xian, I want to talk to him!"

He winked at Shan Xiongxin, who immediately understood what he meant: "Yes, it's time to talk, and we should go back to Wagang Village, Qiuliang waits for no one."



"What am I?"

Liu Heitai asked in a puzzled way. He was holding the jug, and he stopped pouring half of the wine. Two or three drops of wine were spilled outside, but it seemed that his hands were shaking slightly. No.Niu Jinda stared intently at Liu Heitai's eyes, and didn't see any panic from them.

"Not you?"

Niu Jinda asked again.

Liu Heitai said angrily, "What charades are you playing?"

After he finished asking, his face suddenly changed, he stood up abruptly, took a few steps back, raised his hand and pointed at Niu Jinda and said angrily, "Do you mean, do you suspect that I poisoned the general?"

Niu Jinda saw that Liu Heitai's expression did not seem to be fake, so he explained: "Maybe I am the only one in Yanyun Village who doubts you, but don't you have anything to doubt? After all, you are still somewhat involved with that person, and you can barely explain it." It’s because of your poisoning. But I still believe you when we are brothers, otherwise I would have asked you, I would have told the general.”

He pointed to the chair in front of him and said, "Sit down, I'm just a little dazed, and I feel a little suspicious when I see everyone. Listening to what you said just now, even I may have poisoned the general myself."

Liu Heikai refused to sit down, glared at Niu Jinda and said angrily: "You and I have been brothers for so many years, how can you guess such a thing randomly? Now is an extraordinary period, if it spreads to other people's ears and reports to the general, how can I Didn’t you die unjustly? Others don’t know what I did in Yanyun Village these years, and you don’t know? Even if I complain a little, I’m not a fool, I’m not a lunatic, and I’m not a beast who doesn’t know the world at all. How could it be possible to poison the general!"

Niu Jinda stood up, clasped his fists and said, "Isn't it enough for me to give you an apology? Didn't I just say that the general's poison is too strange, and I feel that something is wrong when I look at everyone now. Maybe it's because of Feihumi It’s a problem left over from spying, and it’s like finding out what’s wrong when you see it.”

He said apologetically: "Especially if we put our wealth and life on the general, if there is something wrong with the general, wouldn't we be unlucky with him? So, sooner or later, I will find out this person, and chop him up and feed him to the dogs!"

Liu Heitai's face was still very angry, but his voice softened: "Yes...it's time to chop it up."

He glanced at Niu Jinda, and his hands trembled slightly.

Niu Jinda happened to turn around to get the jug, and didn't see Liu Heita clenched his fists.

"Heitai, in fact, I have always wanted to say something to you for so many years, but I always feel that we are our own brothers, and it will make us separate."

He poured a glass of wine and handed it to Liu Heizai and said, "If it weren't for you, I might have become a starving corpse on the side of the road. I don't know if I was fed wild dogs and wolves or I was too hungry People eat it, and then turn into a lonely ghost and don't know where it is floating. Back then, you were the first to join the Sun Dadang and Dou Jiande, and then you dragged me into Sun Dadang's team, After all these years, I haven’t even said thank you.”

Hearing Niu Jinda talk about the past, Liu Heikai's clenched fist quietly and slowly loosened, he took the wine glass Niu Jinda handed over and drank it down, a little melancholy said: "What else do we brothers say to thank you? But it has been five years now, and

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