Will Ming

Chapter 310

Chapter 310

Shan Xiongxin slashed a soldier from Yanyunzhai who rushed over with his knife, reached out and grabbed a spear on the ground and stood up, supporting the spear with his left hand, while holding the knife in his right hand, both hands were tightly held, The blue veins on the back of the hand protruded one by one, looking particularly hideous.

His left leg was broken when he fell off the horse, and a soldier from Yanyun Village stabbed a bloody hole in his right leg with a spear. Both legs were still bleeding, and his body looked wobbly.

I don't know if it was because of excitement, nervousness, anger, or too much force, his right hand holding the knife and the left hand holding the spear were trembling slightly.The most trembling parts were his legs.Supported by a spear, Shan Xiongxin didn't stand upright, his body was slightly hunched, and his stature, which was originally not tall, looked even more desolate at this moment.The blood on his face flowed down his jaw unstoppably, and he didn't know if it was his own or someone else's.

Although the three or four soldiers of Yanyun Village didn't know the short and sturdy man in front of them who seemed to be crumbling, they were impressed by the unyielding temperament of this man. They glanced at each other, and couldn't help but feel a little shocked in their hearts.Regardless of Shan Xiongxin's personality and heart, he is now a qualified fighter and a formidable general.

A horizontal knife stabbed at him from the front, Shan Xiongxin swung the knife and knocked it away, and then forced the soldier back with another knife.The spear in the hands of another Yanyun Village soldier pierced his throat like a poisonous snake, and Shan Xiongxin swung his knife again to cut off the spear, but the soldier jumped back nimbly.The third soldier used a plain knife that was a bit longer and heavier than the horizontal knife. He leaped high and slashed down with the knife, still attacking directly in front.

Shan Xiongxin raised his knife to block the attack, but subconsciously wanted to move his feet, but staggered and almost fell.

Swinging a few knives indiscriminately, Shan Xiongxin was already out of breath, forcing the Yanyun Village soldier back.

Several soldiers in Yanyun Village were attacking right in front, which made Shan Xiongxin respect these soldiers a little more.He shook his head with a wry smile and said, "You guys are also upright people, and I wouldn't be too wronged if I could die at your hands."

After finishing speaking, Shan Xiongxin, who had already killed and was really exhausted, closed his eyes slowly, and even gave up resisting.

The soldiers of Yanyun Village looked at each other, and one of them raised a knife and killed them.

When the sound!

A long lance came through the air and knocked the horizontal knife in the soldier's hand into the air.

"Second brother Shan! I'll save you!"

Shan Xiongxin opened his eyes violently when he heard a loud shout, but saw that Cheng Zhijie, covered in blood, had come to kill him abruptly from the heavy barriers of Yanyun Village, but at this time he was alone, and the soldiers behind him had already died. He was entangled by the people from Yanyun Village who were chasing him.In order to save Shan Xiongxin, the long spear in Cheng Zhijie's hand had already been thrown out.While running wildly, he bent down to pick up a broken knife from the ground, chopped down the two of them with two swipes, and came straight to Shan Xiongxin.

"Bite Brother Jin! Don't come here!"

Shan Xiongxin's eyes turned red and he couldn't help but burst into tears: "Bite Brother Jin! I can't go anymore, you kill yourself!"

Cheng Zhijie didn't stop, and shouted as he ran, "Second Brother Shan, don't panic, I'll rescue you back!"

He chopped down a Yanyun village soldier with a single knife, and jumped to Shan Xiongxin's side.

"Second Brother Shan, how are you doing?"

Cheng Zhijie asked eagerly.

"Bit gold! What are you doing here!"

Shan Xiongxin took Cheng Zhijie's hand and said, "Our brothers can't all die here!"

"Death is death, what is there to be afraid of!"

Cheng Zhijie looked around and saw a horse lying in a pool of blood struggling to stand up not far away, so he rushed over quickly, hugged the horse's neck and even supported it to stand up.The war horse just tripped over a rock and fell down, and there were no other injuries on his body.Cheng Zhijie laughed loudly and said, "The sky is full of people!"

He led the horse and ran to Shan Xiongxin, hugged Shan Xiongxin, put him on the horse and said loudly: "Second brother Shan, sit down, let's fight out. You and I will step down immediately, and our brothers will work together, no matter how many enemies there are." What can I do?"

"it is good!"

Shan Xiong was also full of pride in his confidence, he raised the spear and said: "Let's kill it!"

At this time, the few remaining soldiers under Cheng Zhijie could no longer resist, and were hacked into meat by the people of Yanyun Village.Cheng Zhijie held the rein with one hand, and opened the way with the broken knife, invincible to those who stood in his way.

Shan Xiongxin saw the hope of surviving at this time, and he refused to give up. The spear in his hand was like a long dragon, and he would kill one person every time he hit it.

At this moment, I heard someone shouting in front of me: "Get out of the way, I will capture these two people!"

Cheng Zhijie looked up and was startled, it turned out that Pei Xingyan, the double hammer general of Yanyun Village, had arrived.



When Zhai Rang heard that Shan Xiongxin was in an ambush, he immediately turned pale with fright, and urged the army to speed up. When he led the Wagangzhai brigade to the valley, almost all the more than 3000 Wagangzhai cavalrymen who were besieged had died in battle. up.The shadows of soldiers from Yanyun Village were densely packed in the valley. From a distance, many soldiers from Wagang Village who fell to the ground could be seen being hacked by the people of Yanyun Village, and they turned into a puddle of meat in a short time.

Zhai Rang was furious and ordered Wang Bodang to lead his army to storm Taniguchi.

Because the mouth of the valley is not wide, it is difficult for a large group of people to spread out.Wang Bodang only led more than a thousand people and divided them into two teams to kill. First, he let the archers diffuse to open the way, and then ordered the spearmen to line up and rush forward.Just after rushing into the mouth of the valley, they were crushed back by a rain of arrows from the archers of Yanyunzhai on the hillside, and the spearmen in the front row were almost lost.


Zhai Rang shouted: "Save Xiongxin and Yaojin, we can't leave our brothers behind!"

Xie Yingdeng saw that Wang Bodang could not rush through, so he brought 500 archers to suppress the archers of Yanyun Village on the hillside, and lost [-] people to break through the valley, and the soldiers of Wagang Village fought forward to kill .The soldiers of Yanyun Village resisted extremely fiercely, and they pressed back the troops of Wagang Village several times.The two sides fought back and forth at the mouth of the valley, and soon the corpses piled up high.The blood flowed out along the mouth of the valley, forming a red stream.

Zhai Rang waited impatiently, and ordered his three hundred soldiers to charge towards Taniguchi on horseback.

This move worked, the cavalry pushed back the people in Yanyun Village, Wang Bodang and Xie Yingdeng took advantage of the situation and led their men to kill them.

But at this moment, a scout suddenly ran over panting, and shouted in panic after a long distance: "The master, the big thing is not good! Our camp was taken over by the Yanyun Village in Lei Ze City." The fire is burning, and the enemy troops in Lei Ze City are attacking our rear!"

Zhai Rang was overwhelmed when he heard this, and suddenly heard Zhang Liang shout: "Master, I would like to lead a team to block the enemy behind!"

"Good good!"

Zhai Rang said happily, "I'll give you 3000 troops, and you can block the attack from Yanyun Village!"


Zhang Liang responded, turned around and left.Before leaving, he glanced at Xu Shiji and winked, but Xu Shiji turned a blind eye and didn't even look at him.Zhang Liang sighed, and returned with 3000 troops and killed them.

The anxious Zhai Rang happened to see Xu Shiji when he turned his head, and asked almost subconsciously: "Mao Gong, you are here, hurry up, you have an idea, what should we do now!"

Xu Shiji's face changed slightly, and then he took a deep breath and said, "Shield formation, press into the valley to save people!"

Zhai Rang was overjoyed when he heard the words, he stuffed the command flag into Xu Shiji's hand and said, "You command!"

Xu Shiji urged him to take a step forward and ordered loudly: "Construct the dragon shield formation!"

A thousand shield bearers rushed out immediately, forming a long line of ten people.The soldiers in the middle held up the infantry shields and connected them together, and the soldiers on both sides stood up the shields. 1000 people quickly formed a shield formation, which looked like a long boulder.In the space between the shield bearers, there are Wagangzhai soldiers holding spears.They were able to thrust their spears out from the gaps in the shield formation, and after the shield formation was formed, they slowly pushed towards the upper valley following Xu Shiji's order.



With a bang, Pei Xingyan broke the broken knife in Cheng Zhijie's hand with a hammer, and then the copper hammer hit his chest again, and Cheng Zhijie flew backwards with a muffled groan.At this time, he was exhausted from killing, and the horizontal knife in his hand was broken and incomplete, and he was holding the reins of the horse with one hand, how could he stop Pei Xingyan's offensive?

After landing, Cheng Zhijie still wanted to stand up, but he couldn't get up with a sudden suffocation in his heart. He spat out a big mouthful of blood, and he fell down and sat down again.

More than a dozen soldiers from Yanyun Village rushed over, and the first few waved the ropes in their hands, and they didn't get close to Cheng Zhijie. They threw the ropes out six or seven steps away. In just a moment, Cheng Zhijie was covered with quilts. After drawing six or seven ropes, the soldiers of Yanyun Village shouted and began to use force, intending to trap Cheng Zhijie.

Cheng Zhijie vomited a mouthful of blood and felt better. Six or seven ropes were put on his body. He struggled for a few times and it became tighter. He shouted furiously and rushed to the side like a wild beast. Seven people couldn't hold him back!The soldiers of Yanyun Village who rushed up from behind grabbed the rope one after another, and it took more than two dozen people to pull Cheng Zhijie who had gone mad.A few more ropes tied with stones were thrown over, and after a few turns on Cheng Zhijie's legs, they became entangled. The soldiers of Yanyun Village pulled hard, and Cheng Zhijie fell to the ground with a bang.

"Bite gold!"

When Shan Xiongxin saw that Cheng Zhijie had been captured, he pulled his horse and was about to come back to rescue him.

Pei Xingyan sneered, waved his hammers and greeted him.Normally, Shan Xiongxin is inferior to Pei Xingyan when he fights against Shan Xiongxin. At this time, he is covered in injuries and has already lost his strength. How can he still be Pei Xingyan?

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