Will Ming

Chapter 321 Not Big Enough Hard Enough Dark Enough

(Thanks to Sanxiaolian for the tip, thanks to Bingchen for the monthly ticket, and to the friends in the book review area who left messages in support of Zhibai, thank you all. Then I beg you, I don’t want to be too ugly today, it’s all up to you.)

Chapter 320 Not Big Enough Hard Enough Dark Enough

The scenery is beautiful and the weather is good in May, which is the most suitable for going out.March and April are warm and cold, and June and July are already too hot to go out. At this time, wild flowers are blooming everywhere, and weeping willows are shaded by the roadside. It is the most pleasant time of the four seasons.This year's Sui Dynasty was better than last year's. Although the sides of the official road still looked like barren grassland, the leaders of the rebel army with high ambitions had changed their strategy from plundering to supporting the people.

For example, Dou Jiande from Gaojibo, Hebei, Li Xian from Juyeze, Dongping County, and Zhai Rang, Wagangzhai, Dongjun. The lives of the people in these places are pretty good. to live a vagabond life again.Moreover, in the places controlled by the rebels, the taxes collected are lower than those set by the government, so many refugees can be attracted to settle down.The vicious cycle of killing and seizing property has ended in these places, and the virtuous cycle of using land to attract people and using people to farm land has begun.

In fact, the common people's requirements are extremely low. They can eat enough, wear warm clothes, have a house to live in, and have no wives and children. These things seem to be no requirements at all, but only the basic conditions for living. After Wang Bo took the lead in rebelling in the sixth year of Daye, in the past five years, many people in the northern part of the Sui Dynasty have lost the basic conditions for survival.

Everywhere there is rebellion, everywhere there is murder.

At the beginning, the rebels had no bases, and they grabbed them wherever they went, just like locusts crossing the border, leaving nothing behind.The common people were robbed of their money, food, and even their wives and daughters. They had no way to survive. Either they picked up a hoe and fought desperately with the so-called rebel army, or they joined the rebel army and became one of them, and then they could harm other people in the next village and town and rob others. food, wife and children.

But this is not a long-term solution after all. For example, Wang Bo, Zhishilang, robbed money and grain. Wherever his team passed, it was like a tornado, digging the ground three feet, and there was no grain left, and no woman could run away. His team is getting smaller and smaller. Apart from being repeatedly defeated by Zhang Xutuo and Yanyun Village, the most fundamental reason is that he doesn't know how to support the people.Jibei County was completely robbed by him. Even if he used a rake to hug him back and forth, he couldn't gather anything. The team had no harvest and could only go downhill day by day.

Therefore, Zhi Shilang, who was originally high-spirited, is living a hard and tight life now. Although he still occupies Jibei County, he can't even gather 2 horses.So when he heard that five thousand horsemen from Yanyunzhai entered Jibei County, Wang Bo's first reaction was to fly into a rage, and his second reaction was to run away.Today's Jibei Army has long since lost the strength to compete with the troops of Yanyunzhai.

Wang Bo ran fast, only brought a few concubines and sons, and more than a thousand confidants into the dense forest, but he couldn't come out. He told the people below that he was on a hunting trip. In fact, no one knew that he was captured by Yanyun Village. The cavalrymen were so frightened that they shrank their heads.This is the difference in life. Two years ago, Wang Bo crossed the banks of the Yellow River. Not to mention that he did not pay attention to Li Xian, who was not known at that time in Yanyun Village. He held a hundred thousand soldiers, even Zhang Xutuo Put it in your eyes.But it turned out that people he despised slapped him in the face one after another, and it hurt a lot.

To eat a pit and gain a wisdom, Wang Bo's current philosophy is ten words.

Fight if you can, and run if you can't.

The cross mantra, the golden rule.

Fortunately, the five thousand cavalry from Yanyunzhai didn't seem to intend to make things difficult for the Jibei Army, and I don't know if they no longer took the Jibei Army into their eyes, or they were in a hurry to do something. It passed without incident, and did not try to stir up the already weak fighting spirit of the soldiers of the Jibei Army.

As soon as Yanyunzhai Jingqi left, Wang Bo immediately got out of the dense forest with his cronies and returned to his lair.One of his advisers smelled a good opportunity to flatter, and said that Yanyun Village was too deceitful. They came here to show off their power when my eldest master was not at home. They were all cowardly scum. My eldest master came back from hunting Well, didn't the so-called elite riders in Yanyun Village escape in desperation?

Wang Bo raised his hand to give him a big mouth and a word of praise.


On the fourth day of May, Yanyunzhai Jingqi entered Jibei County. On the eighth day of May, the army had crossed the Yellow River, and after that, it miraculously disappeared from people's sight. No one knew where the cavalry in Yanyun Village went overnight.

It's just that since the eighth day of May, for some reason, there are many large ships transporting grain on the Yellow River, and they stop near the ferry to rest without sailing.Some people inquired curiously. It turned out that it was an official ship delivering food from Liyang to Liaodong. After returning from Liaodong, the waterway in front of it was sealed off by Pu Shangong's rebels who besieged the eastern capital. They could not return to Liyang warehouse. Division escort, so these grain ships can only stop here.

Because they are all empty ships, and there are dozens of Huanglong Clippers of the Imperial Navy in the fleet, the general rebels dare not make random decisions. The most important thing is that most of the green forest troops on both sides of the Yellow River are now going. Besieged the eastern capital Luoyang.



Daye Emperor Yang Guang was trapped in Yanmen Pass. It can be said that this is a golden opportunity for the rebels.It seems to be a very normal thing to take advantage of the moment when all walks of life in the imperial court are rushing north to develop their forces and expand their territory.However, what is somewhat unexpected is that apart from the 20 troops assembled by Pu Shangong and Li Mi with the intention of breaking through the Eastern Capital, no rebels came out to make trouble.

The most surprising thing is that the officers and soldiers rushing to Yanmen Pass trembled all the way, ready to fight against the rebels at any time, but none of the rebels came out to make trouble. It's become too peaceful.

A county magistrate bravely rushed to Yanmen Pass with hundreds of people he gathered, intending to serve the country loyally. Even if this life is desperate on the battlefield, he must be worthy of his official uniform and his conscience as a Sui man.Minyong under him were all from common people. Hearing that the emperor was surrounded by Turkic barbarians, he was angry and indignant, so he followed the county magistrate to rescue the emperor. They even thought that they might be intercepted by rebels along the way if they couldn't even reach Yanmen Pass. Wait, these hundreds of people are not enough for those rebels to bite their teeth.

When they passed under a big mountain carrying a big flag and were surrounded by thousands of rebels, the rebel leader asked what they were going to do, and the nearly 60-year-old county magistrate held his head high and said six words.

Kill the barbarians and save the emperor.

The leader of the rebel army immediately ordered to let go of the road, and gathered hundreds of sets of leather armor weapons and some food and grass to send to the county magistrate.When the leader of the rebel army handed these things to the county magistrate, he clasped his fists and said, "Kill a few more Turkic bastards for me. I rebelled against the Sui Dynasty and looked down on the foolish emperor. I have also killed many corrupt officials in the past two years, so it's not good." Go to Yanmen Pass, but I’m still a Han Chinese, so I can’t do anything wrong to my ancestors. No matter how stupid the emperor is, he’s still a person from the Central Plains, and it’s not up to those ungrateful Turkic people to teach him a lesson.”

He looked at the county magistrate and said sincerely: "Go all the way well, if you unfortunately die at the border, I will set up a memorial tablet for you, joss stick paper money, everything is indispensable."

These words were unlucky and unpleasant, but the county magistrate was still moved. As an upright official and a loyal person, he hugged a rebel for the first time and said thank you.

The leader of the rebel army stood on the mountainside and watched the team of hundreds of people leave, suddenly feeling a sense of sadness in his heart.He remembered that when the emperor first came to the throne, the Turkic people were beaten and cried for their fathers and mothers. Let alone going south, they would tremble with fright when they mentioned the soldiers of the Sui Dynasty.In the past few years, the emperor has been trapped by others, how can it not be embarrassing?

Among the officers and troops rushing to Yanmen Pass from all walks of life, there is a team that looks a little different.

This team of less than 5000 people set off from Jiangdu to the north, and when they set off, the news that the emperor was trapped in Yanmen Pass had not yet spread.They only heard about it when they were crossing the Yishui River.The reason why they are different is that the team that was still rushing on the road slowed down when they heard that the emperor was trapped, and even seemed to be deliberately procrastinating. They would stop at every county and county they passed, and then The big man in the army would visit the local officials.

Naturally, this big man is none other than Wei Wenjie, the captain of the Longting Guard.

This time going north, he originally only brought the Imperial Army and Longting Guards with less than 2000 people. After crossing Yishui, the number increased to 5000. There is no other reason, but Wen Jie beheaded a general who was attacking the rebels in Yishui , seized the military power.When killing people, he claimed that he had obeyed the oracle and punished the officers who were ineffective in suppressing the bandits, and beheaded more than thirty of the other generals and his confidants in the school lieutenant brigade in one go.

It's just that everyone knows that the emperor is trapped in Yanmen and can't get out. Where did he get the oracle?

But no one dared to question him, because he killed enough, fast enough, and enough.



Because of the torrential rain overnight, the road was muddy and difficult to walk. The team that had been heading north slowly had to stop and rest in place. Although it had already entered Jibei County and was only three days away from the Yellow River Ferry, Wen Jie didn't seem to intend to take risks. Yu Qianjin didn't know whether he cherished the soldiers or the clothes on his body.

Dressed in brocade clothes, the slender Wen Jie stood under a big tree with his hands behind his back.

Qing Yuan held up an oil-paper umbrella and stood beside him, because she was indeed a little thinner compared to Wen Jie, so when she held the umbrella, she raised her arms high. I don't know how long it had been, but her arms were slightly trembling.On the other side of Wenyu, Huang Luan stood there with a long and narrow wooden box on her back, the clothes on her body were already wet by the rainwater falling from the big tree, revealing Miaoman's beautiful figure.

"My lord, if we go like this again, there will be some rumors in the court."

A young man wearing Cong Wupin general's costume stood behind Wen Yu, looking

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