Will Ming

Chapter 615 His father is here again

(Thanks to melegati.cky1204.:ylwbshr. Pumpkin Prawn. Xiao Yongyi's monthly ticket support, thank you.)

Chapter 610 His father is here again

On the eighth day of March, there was no wind, no rain, no snow, no hail, nothing, and there were only a few sparse clouds in the sky.There has never been a dark sky, and then a big star fell to an unknown place in the world with a long tail flame.What's more, when the sky is clear and thousands of miles away, suddenly there is a loud thunderbolt, and countless lightning bolts like divine punishment strike down the mortal world, and it is unknown how many cattle, sheep, chickens and horses were scattered.

Without these, naturally, somewhere in the mountains, there would not be a Taoist master watching a big star fall to the ground, pinching his fingers, then his face changed drastically, and he murmured such unfathomable words as God's will is such a great misfortune for the Tang Dynasty.

This seems to be a very ordinary day. If Li Shimin, the second prince of the Tang Dynasty, did not choose to rebel and enter Chang'an City on this day, such a day would even make historians feel that there is nothing to write about.But it was such a day when there were no dark clouds, no thunder, no big stars falling to the ground, and no sun and moon without light. When no one would think that there would be no more shocking events than King Qin's rebellion today, this event It just happened.

All this came too abruptly, too simply, and too ruthlessly.

It was too late and too unbelievable.

If Qin Wang Li Shimin hadn't been forcibly pulled back by Fang Xuanling with dozens of soldiers, the Zhaoye Jade Lion came out of the gate, and he would have laughed out loud if he had only had to wait a few more minutes. , but he left, and was forced out of the gate of Xi Neiyuan by a group of soldiers after Fang Xuanling's begging to no avail.

As if feeling something in his heart, the moment Li Shimin left the city gate, he subconsciously turned his head to look at the Xuanwu Gate, which had been smeared red with blood, and seemed to see a large beautiful big red flower falling from the Xuanwu Gate. down.That red flower was too big, too beautiful, and too heartless, and when it fell, it took away the sight of many people.

Only after Li Shimin left did he realize what he had missed.

The prince is dead!

His Royal Highness, the first crown prince of the Tang Empire, died so easily and simply on the gate tower of Xuanwu Gate. Half of the red sleeve remained on his neck, and the red line on his neck had long since collapsed and turned into a blood Waterfall, it seems that the blood of His Highness the Crown Prince is no different from that of ordinary people. It is dark red and viscous. Blood bubbles come out one by one.

His Highness the Crown Prince, who fell on the city wall, twitched. Before dying, he tried his best to turn his head to look at the place where the figure of the heartless woman disappeared. What he thought of was not that he was going to die, but why she did this?He remembered that the woman in red had whispered something in his ear after the thin knife in the sleeve of the woman scratched his throat.Li Jiancheng, whose mind was already chaotic, spent the last time of his life thinking about what she said, so that his eyes were full of regret and unwillingness before he died.

Before he died, he was confused and confused, and he really forgot what the woman said.

At this time, a chubby face came close to his line of sight, and then a thick white finger that had just been stuck in the booger poked around his nose, and this finger was whiter and thicker again. Pulling his eyelids up with his thumb, the fat pancake-like face moved close to his eyes, and then the fat man yelled in the most terrifying and crazy voice he could make.

"The prince is dead!"

The prince is dead?

Li Jiancheng, who still had a little consciousness, actually wanted to laugh, thinking that the prince is dead?I am the prince, how could I die?

The blood dyed his pale yellow prince's clothes into a taupe, which looked like rust.But the world that Li Jiancheng sees now is gray, and there is nothing but gray.

At this time, most of the rebels had been blocked in the West Neiyuan by the [-] imperial troops led by Pei Ji and Li Xiaogong. Just when Li Jiancheng died unwillingly but did not close his eyes, the Xuanwu Gate opened wide, and countless people from the east of the river The elite soldiers of the county came out from the Taiji Palace, and the rain of arrows enveloped the rebels like a dark cloud. The long spears like a dense forest pushed forward in unison, and the rebels in front of the dense forest seemed to be brought down by a sickle Wheat is poured down layer by layer.

Li Shimin escaped, but most of his soldiers failed to escape.The imperial army and the elite soldiers of Hedong County ruthlessly harvested the lives of the rebels, cheering and cheering while killing people.They didn't know that the prince of the Tang Dynasty had died quietly on the wall of Xuanwu Gate, and the cheers after the completion of the siege drowned out Wanyulou's cry that could absolutely be described as tragic.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince could not rest in peace, but the soldiers under the city were cheering loudly.

Dugu Yirou likes to wear long red dresses, even though the early spring is still so cold that people can't bear to wear thick cotton clothes, but she just likes to wear such thin long dresses.The sleeves of this red dress are extremely wide and fluttering, which looks like a red flowing cloud, and the knife as thin as a cicada's wing inside the flowing cloud can only be called the red sleeve knife.

When she finally stopped hesitating and slashed across Li Jiancheng's throat, her loyal deputy Hei Shi was just surprised, and then rushed over to block her with gritted teeth, and said to Dugu Yirou in an unusually gentle tone: said a word.

"Miss, don't turn around, Black Stone will block them for you."

Then Dugu Yirou directly jumped off the wall of Xuanwu Gate without looking back.

She didn't look back because she didn't dare to look.

Heishi is skilled in martial arts, but how can he stop the countless elite soldiers on the city wall?How can he stop the two killing gods, Wang Bochao and Xia Fengchun?He swung his sword frantically and killed a dozen archers who reacted and were about to shoot their bows, and then half of his shoulder was removed by a huge saber.He held Xia Fengchun with one arm, looked back to the outside of the city and shouted in a hoarse voice: "Miss, don't turn around, Black Stone will help you block it!"

In a rage, Xia Fengchun lifted it up and slammed it at his feet, then split Heishi's head in half with a knife.The black scarf that covered his face fell off, revealing a face full of potholes.He was ugly, and the lady said he was ugly, so he covered his face with a black scarf from the beginning to the end, because he didn't want to make the lady unhappy.



Dugu Yirou jumped down from the city wall, flung the Liuyunfei sleeve of her left hand out to hook the battlements in mid-air, paused in mid-air, the long sleeve broke with a bang, she continued to fall, and then her eyes flashed After a moment of determination, she stretched out her hands and tried to grab something on the city wall, but although the speed of her fall was blocked by her sleeves, she still couldn't grab the crack in the wall.The two white and beautiful palms were quickly ground to bloody, and she fell to the ground fiercely.

But she didn't die, and she wasn't even seriously injured.

There were too many dead bodies under the city wall, and corpses as tall as a person were piled up to save her.She rolled down on the pile of corpses in a state of embarrassment, and a cut was cut on her arm by a broken knife.A deep crater was poked out of her forehead by a cluster of feathered arrows, blood soon smeared her unbeautiful but delicate face.

Dugu Yirou wiped away the blood that dazzled her eyes, and when she looked up, she happened to see a fat and huge goshawk jumping down from the city wall.

Yes, a bit too fat.

Her eyes immediately changed, and her face moved for the first time.She really didn't expect that disgusting and wretched fat man to have such a good lightness kung fu, then she thought that since he can be the commander of the Xuanwu Guard and sit on an equal footing with her, how could he really be a fat man who faints when he sees blood?

So she got up immediately, took off her red dress without any hesitation, grabbed a piece of leather armor at random, got into the crowd and quickly disappeared.

Wan Yulou jumped down from the city wall in arrogance, even domineering, his feet ran extremely fast like a rapidly turning windmill, and he ran directly down the city wall in an incredible posture and in an incredible way. Things that violate people's normal cognition can be called abnormal.How could a fat man weighing 260 jins have such shocking and incomparable lightness skills? !

Watching the graceful but embarrassed figure disappear into the crowd, Wan Yulou twitched his lips and smiled happily.

I have to act like I'm chasing you, so why do you run like a spring-fed female rabbit?Although I said that sooner or later I will fuck you if you are so domineering, but if I exhaust all my strength, I will still have the strength to move my waist if I want to chase you.After all, a woman like you still has to tear clothes to be exciting and refreshing. I never thought that tearing clothes by yourself in order to survive is so refreshing.

Since you still did this big thing after all without having to send me to death to do it yourself, even if you don't fuck you, it's enough to make people feel happy physically and mentally.Li Jiancheng died, and the joy in my heart was far greater than the joy when I shivered.

Wan Yulou thought to himself that I put all my effort into getting close to Li Jiancheng just for today, you have done great things for me, so you don't have to die if you die, what a joyful thing this is.Although it's a pity that you are so good that people drool to death, but your death is better than mine.But speaking of it, I also wanted to jump off the city wall after killing someone.But I can fly, can you?will you?

He was very proud, really very proud.

The city is cheering, and the walls are crying.

There is only such a small gap, and people feel sad and happy.

Wan Yulou squeezed into the crowd and couldn't see the bright red anymore, so he immediately turned around and rushed back to the wall of Xuanwu Gate against the flow of people.At this time, the people on the city wall were really stupid.The prince's body was lying on the ground, the blood had run out, and everyone's faces were pale with fright, and they were silent.



In the steamed stuffed bun shop not far from Wuyan Temple, four or five guys and their slightly shabby boss sat around a stove to warm their hands.The fire was dying in the stove, and the fellows evidently didn't think it was time to warm their hands.Although it is still cold in early March, this is a bun shop after all

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