Will Ming

Chapter 760

(Ask for a red ticket!)

Chapter 760: Remnant Enemy Maid and Student Make Tea

The combined ambushes of the Heavy Armored Modao Camp and Pei Xingyan were not as many as Li Shimin's soldiers, but when the fire broke out in the camp of King Qin's Army on the east bank, the fighting spirit of the soldiers of King Qin's Army had already begun to collapse. It's always desperation for people to cheat. [Text first pulls Niu Niu

Li Shimin's few heavy armors rushed up, but were quickly slaughtered by Xiongkuohai's Modao camp.In front of the Modao Battalion, Li Shimin's heavy armored infantry looked like a group of miscellaneous soldiers.Modaoying's skillful cooperation and domineering killing methods made it impossible for any infantry to see the hope of victory.

Following the same pace, Modaoying rolled forward like an armor with full horsepower.In front of them, there were stumps and broken arms all over the place.

The majestic vast sea at the center of the forefront is the engine of this armored combat vehicle.All the Mo Dao hands kept the same pace as him. Although their movements were not fast, they were powerful and domineering.

And Pei Xingyan behind Qin Wangjun is more like a lunatic.

Swinging the two copper hammers, the martial idiot screamed excitedly.He is a fighting addict, and every time blood splatters on his face, he becomes more and more crazy.That pair of copper hammers was unstoppable, and all the people who stood in front of him turned into corpses with their skulls shattered.

Yan Yun's army was small, but Qin Wang's army was large.But at this time, the roles of offense and defense have been reversed.Instead, the side with fewer troops was sandwiched between two sides, planning to surround more than 10,000+ King Qin's army!

Zhang Gongjin commanded the archers and light armored infantry to advance forward in coordination with the Modao Battalion in Xiong Kuohai.

Looking at the turned battle situation, he couldn't help but think of what His Royal Highness King Yan said when he first arrived in Xiangyang City.At that time, he didn't quite understand His Royal Highness King Yan's plan, but in today's actual battle, when Yan Yun's army slowly formed a siege with one-third times the enemy's strength, he really understood Li Xian's extraordinary order. Shocking tactics.

big river!

The side with fewer troops can encircle the enemy with superior troops. To do this, it needs to rely on the big river on the side of the battlefield!Zhang Gongjin clearly remembered that His Royal Highness King Yan asked his disciple Ye Huaixi.In the most classic battle when the Turks defeated the Tiele people, the Turks used tens of thousands of elite wolf cavalry to encircle hundreds of thousands of Tiele people's cavalry.With the help of the same is a big river!

Hanshui has two huge turns in this area, and the current Qin Wangjun is gradually being purposely forced by Yan Yunjun to the turn of Hanshui.

More than [-] Qin Wangjun were forced into the sunken area at the turn of the Han River!

It was not only Yan Yun's army that completed the encirclement of Qin Wang's army, but also a large river with fast flowing water.Forced into the area where the Han River was sunken, Qin Wangjun was surrounded by enemies with high morale, and behind him was the torrential river.There is no way before, and there is no way after.Encirclement does not necessarily require a force that is several times that of the enemy. With the help of the terrain, the side with fewer people can also encircle the enemy!

Some people may think that the Qin Wangjun, who was forced into a dead end, couldn't burst out the courage to fight to the death in the dead end?

In fact, the success of the last stand is just an example.

Behind him is an insurmountable moat, and in front of him is a murderous enemy.At this time, most people have despair and fear in their hearts, not the courage to die and survive.Most of the time, fighting to the death, which puts oneself in a desperate situation, is just a joke.

When Pei Xingyan and Xiong Kuohai's troops joined up, the war was basically over.

For King Qin's army, it was not the violence of the heavy armored Modao camp that defeated them first.It wasn't the suddenness of Pei Xingyan's ambush, but the fire and the disastrous defeat in the camp on the other side of the river behind them.Although it was impossible for the Jing cavalry who were rushing back and forth unscrupulously in the camp of King Qin's army to fly over from the other side of the river, this kind of psychological blow was the most fatal.

Undoubtedly, even if the Yanyun elite cavalry in the camp of King Qin's army came to kill them immediately, it would not take a while for them to come out after they entered Xiangyang City, or to step on the water from the shallow downstream.

But knowing this, the soldiers of King Qin's army still didn't have the courage to fight to the death.

More than half of the soldiers who crossed the river to raid the Yanyun Army's camp were Liang Jun who had surrendered to Li Shimin.When they came, they were not of one mind with Li Shimin. When they found that they could not win, they chose to surrender.After the experience of surrendering once, kneeling down and begging for mercy for the second time became a lot easier.

When Li Shimin realized that he was powerless, he didn't have much anger and sadness in his heart.

He just felt a little pity.

Seeing that most of his troops were trapped, the time he had to make a choice was so short that it was almost negligible!

Turning the Zhaoyeyu lion, Li Shimin immediately turned around and left with about [-] soldiers and cavalry under his command!Since there is no way to recover, why bother to accompany those soldiers to die together?

Li Shimin, who has experienced too many things, firmly believes in one thing, as long as he does not die, there will be no less chance of a comeback.He didn't despair when he led hundreds of people into that mountain, but now he has two thousand cavalry with strong combat power under his command, why should he despair?



When the more than 2000 cavalry led by Li Shimin fought a bloody road and rushed out, they had already lost more than half of their troops.But in Li Shimin's eyes, this is not something to be regretted, because he broke out of the siege.As long as they can be killed, even if all the subordinates are killed in battle, what is there to regret?

But at this moment, a group of cavalry led by Pei Xingyan had already circled around and stopped in front.

There were also not many cavalry under Pei Xingyan's command, which convinced Li Shimin that all the cavalry under Li Xian's command had been sent to the other side of the river.Although the cavalry left by Yan Yun's army was only a few thousand, it was not small at all compared to the remaining troops under Li Shimin's command.

When Li Shimin escaped from Chang'an City, the reason why he was able to escape into that mountain.It was because he left almost all of his troops by the river, blocking Li Xiaogong's pursuit.In the art of war, you can praise abandoning the car to protect the commander, or you can praise the golden cicada for escaping its shell.

But there is no doubt that there is a shame in this abandonment.

After ordering his cavalry to face Pei Xingyan's men, Li Shimin led about 200 cavalry in one direction and rushed out.Because there are fewer people, it is more flexible.These more than [-] cavalry guarded Li Shimin and bypassed the battle group, and in the twilight of dawn, they chose a direction that was not blocked by the enemy and rushed forward.

Li Shimin is already familiar with doing this kind of thing, throwing away most of his troops to attract the attention of the enemy and get himself out. This is not the first time he has done this kind of thing, so there is no psychological obstacle.

After rushing out of the encirclement, Li Shimin whipped his beloved mount like crazy.The Zhaoyeyu lion was in pain, screaming and rushing forward.When he rushed out for less than five miles, Li Shimin even threw his own soldiers far away.In order to ensure safety, he had to stop and wait for a while.

But no one noticed that about a mile behind Li Shimin's men and horses, a guy as fat as a pig rode a tall horse, chasing after the traces left by Li Shimin.Pei Xingyan's cavalry was blocked by Li Shimin's personal soldiers, and for a while there was no spare power to divide his troops to pursue.However, Zhang Gongjin only has light armored infantry under his command, and it is even more impossible for Xiongkuohai's heavy armored Modao Battalion to catch up with the horses.

All of a sudden, only the self-pitying fat man chased after him.

While galloping on horseback, the fat man sighed.

He thought about it carefully, is it possible for him to kill all the more than 200 enemies in front of him in one go, and then capture Li Shimin alive and go back to ask for credit... He imagined countless possibilities and found that if God If he didn't strike thunder and kill all the enemies in front of him in one breath, he would never have the chance to do such an earth-shattering thing.

So he decided to follow honestly, as long as he didn't lose Li Shimin.

Li Shimin ran wherever there was no enemy, and half an hour later, he actually broke away from the battle group and really rushed out. At this time, even with such a disastrous defeat, Li Shimin was still in the mood to laugh.

It's nothing.

He told himself in his heart that if he could make a comeback, he would naturally have a second time.Even if there is no Han Shie and Yu Chigong by his side, these 200 cavalry are nothing.He is Li Shimin, and he will never be brought down by one or two failures.

When he was running for his life, he even thought about where he should go, to be able to pull up a team again, and he didn't doubt that he had this ability at all.

He actually didn't have time to feel sorry for his 20 army that he had gathered with great difficulty, and he didn't feel bad at all that the closest chance to victory slipped away.

An hour later, the battle group had been left far behind by him.

For the second time, he slowed down and waited for his own soldiers to catch up. Li Shimin took off the flagon by his waist and took a sip.He found that at this time, his mind was sober to the extreme.Not flustered at all, not depressed at all.


He needs himself to be sober and calm.

An hour and a half later, he had run out for almost thirty miles with more than 200 cavalry.Although far from being in an absolutely safe place, Li Shimin knew he had to take a breath.From midnight to now, people have nothing to eat to carry, but the war horse must eat some weeds to replenish its strength.

Seeing a large forest not far ahead, Li Shimin ordered to rush in and hide.

After a short rest in the woods, let the war horse eat some withered grass and fallen leaves in the woods.Li Shimin and the soldiers also ate some dry food, but they didn't dare to delay for too long and had to continue on their way.

Li Shimin had already figured out where he was going, and he was even planning how to recruit people.


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