() The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is an innate spiritual treasure of the Daluo Jinxian level. When Taiyi Daoist sacrificed just now, the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover exuded such a powerful pressure that Shi Ji was not allowed to react at all, so she was included in the cover.

By the time Shiji was able to act, a raging fire had already begun to ignite inside the hood of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire.

At this time, all the nine dragons began to activate the large formation engraved on the surface of the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and they did not deliberately suppress Shiji.

As soon as Shi Ji felt the coercion on his body disappear, he immediately activated the thin line of law around his body, and the thin line of law revolved around the reality continuously.

Seeing Shiji's actions, Master Taiyi didn't express anything, just stood there with a faint smile, watching Shiji's actions as if he was watching another little bug that resisted fate.

Sure enough, after a while, the thin line of law around Shiji's body has been melted by the blazing true fire of Samadhi.

Shiji's thin line of law can't resist the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, the innate spirit treasure of Da Luo Jinxian level.

"Shiji, you are looking for your own death today! It is so many days since you fell here today! You are looking for death by yourself, and you can't blame others."

Seeing that Shiji was about to be shown his true form, Master Taiyi once again explained his behavior on the sidelines.

"Really? But I don't think that's the case, because I don't think Junior Sister Shiji deserves to die, so she won't die!"

Yu Yuan's cold words resounded behind Master Taiyi.

After the battle of Jiuwan River that day, Yu Yuan temporarily found a place in Chaoge City and stayed there.

Yu Yuan did this not only to wait for Jiang Ziya to go down the mountain, but also to monitor Maitreya, and wanted to find out where Di Xin was imprisoned by Maitreya.

A few days later, Jiang Ziya did not wait, but Yu Yuan waited for Shiji's paper crane transmission.

After reading the Zhihe Biography, knowing that Shiji wanted to go to the Golden Cave of Qianyuan Mountain to seek revenge on Nezha, Yu Yuan immediately knew that something was going to happen.

Yu Yuan originally believed that Nezha had already been beaten to the state of primordial spirit, even if he became the incarnation of lotus flower in advance, it would be impossible to have an intersection with Shi Ji again, so Yuan did not remind Shi Ji.

However, the powerful correction ability of the prehistoric world made Nezha have a great enmity with Shi Ji almost according to the description in the original book, and also attracted Shi Ji to follow him to Taiyi's cave.

Yu Yuan finally understood that if he wanted to change something, he had to do it thoroughly.For example, if Nezha was completely beaten to death in Jiuwanhe, the incident in Shiji would definitely not happen again.

However, at this moment, Yu Yuan could no longer think about anything else, he was afraid that Shiji would be refined by Taiyi Daoist if he rushed there too late.

Yu Yuan felt the breath of the paper crane in his hand, and then released the power of Yuanshen, found the direction of Shiji, stepped out, and appeared on Qianyuan Mountain.

As soon as Yu Yuan appeared, he saw that Shi Ji was trapped in the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover by Daoist Taiyi, and Daoist Taiyi was there to judge Shi Ji's life and death.

Seeing Master Taiyi's confident appearance, Yu Yuan interrupted him coldly.

Master Taiyi froze when he heard Yu Yuan's voice.Then he wanted to turn his head, but he was kicked away by Yu Yuan's kick before he turned halfway.

"If you don't want this broken cover of yours to be broken, I suggest you better put it away!"

Yu Yuan kicked Daoist Taiyi to the ground just now, at this time Yu Yuan looked at him condescendingly and said coldly.

"Yu Yuan, I admit that your strength is very strong! But this Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover is a Daluo Jinxian-level innate spirit treasure bestowed by the head teacher. I don't believe you can break it! Shiji is dead, don't you I want to save her!"

Master Taiyi was kicked and rolled all over the ground by Yu Yuan, and when he heard Yu Yuan's words of charity, he suddenly became angry from embarrassment.

"No tears without the coffin!"

Yu Yuan appeared next to the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover with a flash, and with a flash of his right arm, his right fist hit the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover fiercely.

"Bang..." The Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover made a sound when Yu Yuan's right fist hit it.

Then left punch, right leg, left leg, right elbow, left elbow, left knee, right knee.Yu Yuan used every part of his body, and the Jiulong Shenhuo cover made continuous noises.

Under Yu Yuan's frenzied attack, the Nine Dragons Divine Flame Cover kept shaking, like a small boat in the wind and rain.

Gradually, cracks appeared on the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover, and even the sound of the impact became weaker, as if the Nine Dragons Divine Fire Cover was whining continuously.

"Boom..." Following Yu Yuan's storm-like attack, the Nine Dragons God Fire Cover finally couldn't bear it, it burst suddenly, and the fragments flew everywhere, and finally all flew back into the dantian of Daoist Taiyi.

At the same time, Daoist Taiyi spat out a mouthful of blood for a moment, and his spirit suddenly became depressed.

"Shame on your face. Why don't you listen when you take back the magic weapon in a dignified manner? You must let me break the magic weapon, and you will become the dead dog you are now. Now, are you happy?"

Yu Yuan's sarcasm rang in his ears, and Master Taiyi couldn't help but spit out another mouthful of blood when he heard it.

"Where's that kid, Nezha? I've said that this kid will be a scourge sooner or later. I didn't beat him to death last time. What a mistake!"

Yu Yuan asked the real Taiyi who was lying on the ground.

"Brother, Master Taiyi said just now that Nezha is hiding in the peach garden behind his cave!"

At this time, Shi Ji was relieved, finally Yu Yuan arrived in time and rescued Shi Ji before she was refined out of her original form.

But even so, Shiji's Golden Immortal Law was refined by the Kowloon Divine Fire and needed to be practiced again.But this is just the practice of restoring one's nature, it's not very difficult, and it only takes a while to cultivate back.

When Yu Yuan asked about Nezha's location, Shi Ji thought of his two poor children, and hurriedly said to Yu Yuan.

Hearing Shiji's words, out of the corner of Yu Yuan's eyes, he noticed the change of Taiyi's face, and he knew that Nezha was indeed hiding in the Taoyuan in the Golden Cave.

Yu Yuan strode towards the Golden Light Cave. On the surface, Yu Yuan didn't have a trace of the law domain, as if he had no defense at all.

But in fact, the five-element law field in Yu Yuan's body is running crazily, and Yu Yuan's primordial spirit power is also carefully distributed around.

Yu Yuan was not guarding against the sneak attack of the real Taiyi, he didn't take the real Taiyi seriously at all, even if he really didn't take precautions and let the real Taiyi attack, the real Taiyi would not be able to break through his defense.

What Yu Yuan was on guard against was the Yuanshi Tianzun sitting in Yuxu Palace, he was not sure if Yuanshi Tianzun would attack him.

Walking to the entrance of the Golden Light Cave, looking at the countless densely packed restrictions in front of him, Yu Yuan didn't take a second look, and punched out with his right fist, directly breaking those laws and prohibitions completely.

Yu Yuan walked recklessly towards Houtaoyuan all the way, and all the laws and prohibitions along the way were completely broken by Yu Yuanyi's violent means.

Nezha was waiting for Daoist Taiyi in the back garden, but what he didn't expect was that he didn't wait for his master, but instead waited for Yu Yuan, the great murderer.

Seeing that Yu Yuan was not in a hurry, he walked from the cave to the back peach garden, and while walking, he broke the rules and regulations in the cave.

Nezha panicked all of a sudden, trying to find a place to hide.But after searching around, Nezha found with some despair that there was only one exit from Taoyuan, and this exit was in the direction of Yu Yuan.

When Yu Yuan came to the back Taoyuan, he just held Nezha in his hand easily, and Yu Yuan didn't pay any attention to the attacks made by Nezha.Those attacks were on Yu Yuan's body, without even a trace.

Yu Yuan crushed Nezha into a small person, held it in his hands, walked out of the cave, and walked towards Shiji.

Halfway through, Yu Yuan stopped suddenly, looked back at Master Taiyi, bowed his head and thought for a while.

Finally, Yu Yuan walked towards Daoist Taiyi, but every step was like a test, and every step was taken cautiously.

But even though he was cautious, Yu Yuan walked up to the real person Taiyi in a few steps, and then Yu Yuan's leg lit up with the silver light of the golden law field, raised his leg, and slashed down at the real person Taiyi .

At this moment, a burst of magic power blasted through the void and appeared in front of Yu Yuan. This magic power evolved into various pavilions and pavilions. Feiya and you are very luxurious.

As soon as it appeared, this mana bombarded Yu Yuan with layers of squeezed space.

Yu Yuan started to retreat rapidly the moment the mana appeared.

"Second Martial Uncle, you really made a move! I knew Daoist Brother Taiyi was blessed with great destiny, and he would definitely not die just like that."

Although Yu Yuan retreated fast, he was still overtaken by the mana and bombarded him all at once.

After being repelled by this magic power for a few steps, Yu Yuan reached out and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth with a bright smile on his face.

"Yu Yuan, are you challenging my limits? Don't force me to kill you!"

Yuanshi Tianzun's noble and graceful voice sounded.

"Since the second senior uncle has already made a move, then the senior nephew will not stay any longer, and the senior nephew will leave now!"

Saying that, Yu Yuan and Shi Ji were about to set up an escape method and leave.

"Yu Yuan, put Nezha down, don't give me a reason to kill you!"

"Of course not, Second Martial Uncle, I cherish my life very much! I won't touch a single hair of Nezha."

After speaking, Yu Yuan led Shi Ji to set up the technique of turning the rainbow, but disappeared in the same place in an instant, and ran directly to the East China Sea.

"Teacher, then Yu Yuan took Nezha away, I'm afraid he will be disadvantageous to Nezha!" Taiyi Daoist said to the void.

"Don't worry, this Yu Yuan dare not touch Nezha. I have already told him that if he dares to kill Nezha, he will have to recite the karma. At that time, even if I kill him, Tongtian will not kill him." Talk."

"Hmph!" Yuanshi Tianzun had just finished speaking for a while when Master Taiyi heard a cold snort from the void.

"Teacher, what's the matter?" Daoist Taiyi, who was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath, asked Yuanshi Tianzun regardless of recuperation.

"Nezha is dead!"

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