Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 126 The True Application of Laws

() After feeling that his wrist was being strangled by something, Patriarch Minghe twisted his wrist, and at the same time said with disdain: "What did I think it was? It turned out to be the golden dragon scissors of Jiejiao Sanxiao sisters! "

"What's the matter? Is the golden dragon scissoring your Ancestor Minghe's wrist?" Yun Xiao asked aloud, taking a step forward.

"It can be cut, but can it be cut?" As soon as Patriarch Minghe's words fell, that big hand turned into a large stream of blood, and then the stream of blood rushed, and he wanted to cut it from the golden dragon. escaped.

But Jin Jiaojian's two lawful worlds are perfectly combined, there is no gap, and the blood can't escape at all.

"Hehe, Patriarch Minghe, you really made a big joke!" Yunxiao laughed softly.

"Hmph!" An angry groan came from the void, and then a law world rose from the bloody water, emitting a powerful pressure, trying to cut the golden dragon away.

"Such a powerful world of laws can be evolved with just one hand, the strength of this ancestor Styx is really strong!" Yun Xiao said to Qiong Xiao and Bi Xiao with a solemn expression.

The law world transformed with one hand of the ancestor Minghe continuously collided with the law world transformed into the yin-yang dragon made by the Jinjiao scissors, making bursts of rumbling noises.

At this moment, there was another loud noise, and another crack in space appeared, and the other hand of Patriarch Styx came out from it, and grabbed the four great generals of the Shura clan.

Seeing this situation, Yun Xiao said to Bi Xiao, "Let go of the hand of Patriarch Ming He, and use the golden scissors to trap the four great generals of the Shura clan."

Yun Xiao has already seen that Patriarch Minghe wanted to give up one of his palms to rescue the four great Shura generals.Anyway, he has a sea of ​​blood and can recover at any time, so he doesn't care about this little damage.

After listening to Yun Xiao's order, Bi Xiao changed the formula in his hand, Jin Jiaojian's two conjoined Yin-Yang worlds separated at once, and then enveloped the flying four generals of the Shura Clan.

At the same time, the main body of the Golden Dragon Scissors carried the power of two worlds of laws, and the two blades joined together, as if to cut off the four great Shura generals at the waist.

As soon as the trapped hand of Patriarch Minghe was released, it immediately returned to the shape of a hand, and then the two big hands moved towards the golden dragon scissors at the same time, trying to stop the golden dragon scissors from attacking.

At this moment, Yunxiao's mana began to pour into the Hunyuan Jindou, and the Hunyuan Jindou released a circle of light, enclosing the two palms of Patriarch Minghe's inside.

At the same time, a golden light in that circle of light swept back and forth, and every time it swept across, Patriarch Styx, who was far away in the sea of ​​blood, felt that his magic power was getting weaker.

Patriarch Styx had a thought, and his body exuded endless suction. All the blood and blood waves around him were sucked into Patriarch Styx's body, replenishing his mana that was constantly being brushed away by the Hunyuan Jindou.

Patriarch Minghe felt that his two palms were tightly covered by the halo of Hunyuan Jindou. Although this halo couldn't trap Patriarch Minghe's hands for a long time, at this time it was the four of the Shura clan. The life and death of the war general.

Seeing that Patriarch Ming He's hands were trapped, and at the same time the two blades of the mighty golden scissors were joining together, the four great generals of the Shura Clan began to look desperate.

A flash of determination flashed in Luo Qiantuo's eyes, and he turned to the other three Shura warriors and said, "I have been seeking the Tao so far, but I have turned into ashes in the end, I will take a step first!"

After all, the primordial spirit in Luo Qiantuo's body completely disintegrated, mana and law all began to go berserk, mixed with berserk mana and law, Luo Qiantuo delivered the strongest blow in his life.

This blow directly shattered the yin-yang law world fused together by the golden dragon scissors.

After sending out this blow, Luo Qiantuo's body dissipated immediately.Seeing Luo Qiantuo's end, the eyes of Po Yazhi and the three of them were filled with hatred.

The three of Po Yazhi escaped along the gap opened by Luo Qiantuo, and then flew towards the Nether Blood Sea through the space crack opened by the ancestor Styx.

Seeing that the three Shura warriors had already fled, Yun Xiao no longer used the Hunyuan Golden Dou to trap the two palms of Patriarch Ming He.

"Sanxiao, I've written down today's grudge. Now I don't dare to trouble you to stop teaching. But in the future, I won't give up the opportunity to beat the dog in the water." The ruthless voice of ancestor Minghe came Come.

"Minghe, why do you have to be so upright? You participated in my three religions conferring gods, and you are looking for death, who can you blame? Don't we kill Luo Qiantuo, and your blood sea Shura clan will not make trouble in the future ?”

With a sneer at the corner of Yunxiao's mouth, he responded to Patriarch Minghe's words, which were full of disdain.

"You..." Patriarch Minghe was suddenly enraged by Yunxiao's words, and the aura on his body rushed over through the space gap like a violent wind and huge waves.

"Swipe" a light and shadow passed by, cutting off the two palms of Patriarch Minghe's hands and twisting them to pieces.

Then a fairy sword appeared in front of Yun Xiao, and the blade pointed directly at the gap in space.

"Styx, cut off your hands to teach you a small lesson, I have not yet reduced to the point where anyone can bully me!" Taoist Tongtian's calm voice came.

But anyone could hear the suppressed anger and murderous intent in Taoist Tongtian's calm voice.

Upon seeing this, Patriarch Styx retreated back into the Nether Blood Sea without saying a word.

"Thank you, Teacher, for your help!" Yun Xiao said, saluting Qing Pingjian.

"You little girl! You have become more polite to me as a teacher! Well, you go to find Duobao!" The voice of Daoist Tongtian came from inside Qingpingjian, and then Qingpingjian broke through the air and went away.

After recalling the Qingping sword, Taoist Tongtian stroked the sword gently, narrowed his eyes slightly, and looked in the direction of Kunlun Mountain.

"Brother Yuan, don't you think you can't tolerate the disciples I'm teaching you? Brother Laozi, isn't this your way of balance? Isn't the way that all living beings can hear?"

After dissipating the Jiuqu Yellow River Formation, Sanxiao saw their elder brother Zhao Gongming, the Holy Mother of Guiling and the Holy Mother of Wudang standing aside waiting for them.

"Yunxiao, are you alright?" Seeing that Sanxiao had dispersed the formation, Zhao Gongming hurried forward a few steps and asked with concern.

"Brother, we're fine. We'd better hurry up and join Senior Brother Duobao!" Yun Xiao said softly, regaining that gentle expression.

Seeing that everything was fine, all the people set up a cloud and flew towards Jinji Ridge together.

Before arriving at Jinji Ridge, Zhao Gongming and the others felt the bursts of coercion coming, and they had no choice but to deploy their respective law domains or the umbrella of Daluo to resist the coercion.

When they came to the arena, Zhao Gongming and the others saw Yang Jian and Yuan Hong hiding from a distance, watching the fierce fighting scene in the arena.

Zhao Gongming and the others came to Yang Jian and Yuan Hong's side and watched the battle with them.

Feather Wing Fairy glanced around the battlefield where laws were flying, and asked Yang Jian suspiciously: "What about Ji Chang? Why didn't you see him?"

Hearing this, Yang Jian pointed to Taoist Ran Deng who was fighting Taoist Duobao, and said, "As soon as the battle started, Ji Chang was taken into the mustard space by Taoist Ran Deng."

At this time, the battle situation in the arena was very fierce. Daoist Duobao was fighting with five Da Luo Jinxian late stage monks with a huge world of fusion of wind and fire on his head.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit fought with the Taoist Samantabhadra, the Cihang Taoist, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun, and Fear Liusun.

The Da Luo Umbrellas of the three great masters are connected with each other, and based on their respective Da Luo Umbrellas, plus their respective magic weapons, a world of laws is constructed.

This world of laws contains the law of life in the jade bottle of Cihang Taoist and the law of prohibition in Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's dragon-breaking pile.

And the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also released her own wood-based law world, and at the same time sacrificed her own magic weapon, the Four Elephant Pagoda. The phantoms of the four images guarded the four directions in the wood-system law world, forming a stronger law world.

The two worlds of laws are constantly clashing, and Fear Liusun is completely a soy saucer in the middle.

The aftermath of the laws of the bombardment swept across the earth, and the mountains and forests were swept away by the aftermath.Or the earth was squeezed by the law, and new mountains were formed again.

Seeing the arrival of Zhao Gongming and his party, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took two steps back and stopped the attack.

"Four friends, the rest of you have all been repulsed, why don't you hand over Ji Chang to us, and let's just let it go?" The Holy Mother of Jinling said with a slap in the face.

"Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, you and I are just a tie, what right do you have to say that?" Cihang Taoist said with a smile on his face.

"It doesn't make sense for us to fight each other like this. Since that's the case, I'll try another way of fighting!" After finishing speaking, the Golden Spirit Virgin's law world shrank to a radius of more than ten feet around her body.

Afterwards, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit leaned forward, and with every gesture, the world of laws extended, in which countless laws flowed, surging and powerful.

The world of laws propped up by the three of Ci Hangdao was completely useless before the close attack of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit.

The world of laws was easily torn apart by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the torrent of laws rushed towards the four people of Ci Hang Taoist. All the laws in the world of the three people of Ci Hang Taoist who met on the way were crushed to pieces.

"Yu Yuan told me that the power of the world of laws lies in increasing the power of offense, not for you to hold on to a world of laws to compete foolishly with laws. So when your cultivation level is low, don't think that powerful magic weapons can let you leapfrog challenges. Only the mediocre will be challenged!"

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit smiled slightly, as if she was explaining to the four members of Ci Hang Taoist, but she was actually explaining to the Holy Mother of the Turtle Spirit on the side.

As he spoke, several torrents of laws issued by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had already bombarded the four members of Cihang Taoist with such force.

Hearing what the Holy Mother of Jinling said, the four members of the Cihang Taoist already knew that there was nothing to be done, so they turned around and fled quickly.

But in the end, he still couldn't escape the bombardment of the torrent of laws. After being injured, Ci Hangdao immediately set up his escape light and disappeared in place.

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