() Seeing that the three of Chanjiao did such a vile thing, Dayu immediately pointed at them angrily, speechless.

Feather Wing Immortal roared angrily: "You three despicable and shameless bastards, grandpa skinned you today." After saying that, he was about to shake off all the human beings on his body, and stepped forward to fight the three of Chanjiao to the death.

"Jin Zhan, no. You just need to protect the people of the human race, I'm fine." Although he said so, the skin on Yu Yuan's body had changed from purple to black.

Over there, Xiang Liu was still slumped on the ground and laughing, but the three people explaining the teachings came over and surrounded Yu Yuan.

Dayu felt embarrassing in there, and after thinking for a long time, finally Dayu entered the encirclement of the three Chanjiao with a big ax in hand.

Seeing Dayu coming in, the three of Chanjiao couldn't help but look a little ugly.

"Da Yu, you will be one of the five emperors in the future, so why do you have to go through this muddy water! You go out, this is our own grievance." Chi Jingzi persuaded.

Dayu said with a serious expression, "Daoist Chi Jingzi, I have always respected you very much until today, but I never thought that you would do such a thing for your own benefit. Daoist Yu Yuan fought against Xiangliu for my human race, I can't let him fall in front of me."

Dayu was talking, when he suddenly felt a big hand push hard behind him, pushing him out of the encirclement of the three Chanjiao.

Immediately, I heard Yu Yuan's unrestrained laughter, "Hahaha, I, Yu Yuan, a third-generation disciple of Jiejiao, would be treated like this by three of the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao. I can't bear it!"

Dayu looked back and saw Yu Yuan standing proudly with his waist straight. Although his body was still covered in black, he had an unyielding demeanor.

"I, Yu Yuan, are afraid of death, but because I am afraid of death, none of you can take my life away. The purpose of my cultivation is to live!" Yu Yuan roared out the last three words.

Immediately, Yu Yuan flashed in front of Reverend Huang Long in an instant, and punched Reverend Huang Long again in the chest. Reverend Huang Long moved his mind, and the laws that Reverend Huang Long comprehended appeared around his body.

The body of that law, as thick as a dragon, tightly wrapped the real Huanglong, blocking Yu Yuan's iron fist.

Yu Yuan's attack was blocked by the dragon-like laws around the real Huanglong.

Seeing that Yu Yuan's attack was blocked by his own Golden Immortal Law, Master Huang Long couldn't help laughing: "Yu Yuan, you are just a small true immortal, yet you dared to attack me. If I hadn't been careless just now, you would have killed me." If the sneak attack succeeds, you won't be able to hurt me at all."

"The Golden Immortal Law is really good, but it still depends on who. If the real Guang Chengzi of your teaching, I really want to run away, but waste is waste, so what if I have the Golden Immortal Law to protect me?" Yu Yuan A bit of disdain was drawn at the corner of his mouth.

Then the muscles on Yu Yuan's right arm rolled, and a powerful force gushed out from Yu Yuan's fist. Immediately afterwards, the Law of the Dragon wrapped around the real Huanglong's body made a whine, and then shattered in all directions.

Yu Yuan actually directly relied on the brute force of his physical body to forcibly smash the Golden Immortal Law of the real Huanglong.

Let you have thousands of spells, and I will break them by myself.

Pieces of law fragments flew in front of Master Huanglong, and then all returned to Master Huanglong's body, but followed by Yu Yuan's fist. Master Huanglong's injury just now has not healed, and this blow was scrapped by one punch up.

But after this punch, the blackness on Yu Yuan's body became more obvious.Under the pressure of death, Yu Yuan became even crazier.The figure kept flickering, punching Chi Jingzi and Daoxing Tianzun with one punch after another.

But Chijingzi and Daoxing Tianzun are different from Huanglong real person. Both of them have innate spiritual treasures, and their golden fairy law has been greatly enhanced with the help of innate spiritual treasures.

Moreover, the innate spirit treasure kept rotating around the two of them to resist Yu Yuan's attack. Every punch Yu Yuan hit was on the spirit treasure of the two of them.

The yin and yang mirror and subduing magic pestle kept trembling under Yu Yuan's iron fist, but the black air on Yu Yuan's face flowed faster.

"Hold on, he will die after a while, and then he will be slaughtered by us." Chijingzi said to Daoxing Tianzun while resisting Yu Yuan's attack.

"I know, but I'm afraid we won't last until that time!" Daoxing Tianzun said bitterly.

As if in response to Daoxing Tianzun's words, after being knocked into the air by Yu Yuan again, the Jiangma pestle was not as flexible as it used to be.

The reaction of the Subduing Demon Pestle became slower and slower, and finally a gap was revealed. Yu Yuanyi punched Tianzun Dao Xing under the armpit, and only heard a "click", and Tianzun Dao Xing's left arm drooped limply.

Seeing this, Daoxing Tianzun was shocked, and shouted to Chi Jingzi: "We can't wait any longer, wait a little longer, maybe he hasn't been poisoned to death, we have already been beaten to death by him."

After Daoxing Tianzun finished speaking, he turned around and fled towards the distance regardless of his surprised reaction.Seeing that Daoxing Tianzun ran away, Chi Jingzi sighed helplessly, picked up the fainted real Huanglong and followed Daoxing Tianzun.

Yu Yuan chased after them for a while, and when they were far away, he turned back here to meditate and adjust his breath.

Seeing that Yu Yuan and the three people from Chanjiao had left, Xiang Liu was about to slip away quietly, who knew that Dayu was watching him!At this time, Xiangliu had no strength at all, and could only be ruthlessly suppressed by Dayu.

Dayu didn't kill Xiangliu either, he wanted to leave this merit to Yu Yuan.Dayu looked at Yu Yuan with concern, at this time Yu Yuan was sitting cross-legged and adjusting his breath.

Yu Yuan was re-comprehending the third layer of "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue", under the pressure of death, Yu Yuan finally penetrated the last point of the third layer.

"Xuan Wu Ba manifested that the six stars of the Southern Dipper are bright, and the six stars of the Southern Dipper are bright, and the life of the Southern Dipper is endless." Pieces of mysterious runes like tortoise shells floating on Yu Yuan's body kept floating, and the position of the Six Stars of the Southern Dipper in the sky suddenly shone brightly, and the six stars The essence was thrown into Yu Yuan's body from the sky.

Inexhaustible vitality erupted from Yu Yuan's body, and the incomparably stubborn toxin was directly submerged in front of this vast vitality.

At the same time, under the impetus of this vitality, the young seedlings in Yu Yuan's dantian kept sprouting, and after a while, a thick and big tree appeared in Yu Yuan's dantian.

Then I saw the energy gathering at the top of the tree, gradually forming a fuzzy fruit shape. As the endless vitality and the power in Yu Yuan gathered in the fruit, the shape of the fruit became more and more clear, and finally formed a fruit. A green fruit with a flowing halo.

At the same time, Yu Yuan also felt that he seemed to have broken through the limit of a layer of heaven and earth, and he would never die again.

Since then, Yu Yuan has lived the same life as the heaven and the earth, and lived the same age as the sun and the moon.At this time, Yu Yuan can be regarded as turning the fake into the real, and can be called a fairy.

Yu Yuan stood up refreshed after finishing breath adjustment. Not only did he not die from the poisoning this time, he was also lucky enough to break through to the peak of the third level of "Hunyuan Golden Body Art".

When Yu Yuan woke up, he saw that Xiang Liu was being crushed to the ground by Dayu, and he stepped over.

Seeing Yu Yuan approaching, Dayu hurriedly took a step back and said, "Daoist Yu Yuan, I will leave this Xiangliu to your disposal."

Seeing Xiangliu lying on the ground, Yu Yuan snorted coldly, "Xiangliu, it's not that I want to kill you, it's really that you did it yourself."

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan raised his eight arms and kept dropping them, Xiang Liu's remaining eight heads were blown off one by one by Yu Yuan.

After killing Xiangliu, Yu Yuan flew into the air, and with the help of the Xuanwu overlord body's ability to control water, Yu Yuan restrained the flood that was rushing around the ground and returned it to the river.

The earth gradually turned into the original normal scene, but there were not many kinds of life, and it still looked bleak.

Feather Wing Fairy put all the humans on his back on the ground.

After all this was done, a thick golden light of merit descended from the sky.It turned into three paths from the air, the thickest one was thrown at Dayu, the smallest one was thrown at Yu Yixian, and the remaining one was thrown at Yu Yuan.

As soon as the golden light of merit entered Yu Yuan's body, it was immediately absorbed completely.Then Yu Yuan felt an inexplicable change in his physical body.

To put it bluntly, it has become a little purer.It was as if Yu Yuan's body was originally a piece of alloy, but now it was transformed into a pure and strange substance.But the hardness, toughness and so on have not changed.

After dealing with all this, Yu Yuan bid farewell to Dayu, then left with Yu Yixian and flew towards Penglai Island.

Halfway through the flight, Yu Yuan suddenly remembered that Dayu wasn't holding a mountain-splitting axe?So Yang Jian hasn't split the mountain to save his mother at this time?

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan stopped his cloud head.

Seeing Yu Yuan stop the cloud head, Feather Wing Immortal also stopped, turned into a human form, came to Yu Yuan and said, "What's wrong? Why did you stop suddenly? But what's the matter?"

"Jin Zhan, you go back first, I still have some things to deal with when I go back." Yu Yuan said to Yu Yixian.

Immediately, Yu Yuan turned the head of the cloud impatiently, and flew towards the direction of Honghuang, don't be overtaken by the real Yuding.

Seeing Yu Yuan flying towards Honghuang again in a hurry, Yu Yixian smiled helplessly: "Is this person still so reckless?"

Feather Wing Fairy didn't think about it either, in fact, he himself also has this personality, otherwise the two wouldn't be able to become friends so quickly.

While flying, Yu Yuan pinched his fingers to calculate the location of Taoshan, but after a while, Yu Yuan calculated the location of Taoshan.Immediately, he used the magical power of turning the rainbow of the Jinwu tribe, and after a while, he came to a valley with a beautiful scenery.

There is a hill here that is not very high, and the hill is full of peach trees, but when Yu Yuan looked carefully, he found that this seemingly ordinary hill was covered with dense runes.

The runes are connected with each other, forming a large formation covering the entire mountain, and no one with a cultivation level below Jinxian can even try to break through this large formation.

Yu Yuan walked to the foot of the mountain, knocked lightly on the mountain, and immediately heard a huge thumping sound.The runes forming the formation on the mountain lit up one by one.

Immediately, he saw an inconspicuous hole appearing on the mountainside, and a woman stood at the hole.This woman has a beautiful face, graceful and luxurious, with her hair tied up in a high bun, wearing a red palace attire, and holding a baby in her arms.

"Who are you? This is where my brother imprisoned me, why did you come here?" The woman in palace attire looked at Yu Yuan and asked.The voice is soft and soft.

"Ma'am, you're being polite!" Yu Yuan first saluted Yao Ji.

Then Yu Yuan said again: "I came here this time mainly because I learned that your son and I have a relationship as a mentor and apprentice, so I came here specially to accept you as my disciple."

Yao Ji heard the words and said: "If the Taoist priest can break through this big formation and take my child away, I am willing to let my child worship under your sect."

Yao Ji is also a smart woman, anyone who can break through this big formation has the strength above Jinxian, if someone with such strength is willing to accept his child as a disciple, she will definitely be willing.I can't let my children stay here with me for the rest of my life.

Yu Yuan was overjoyed when he heard the words, and said: "Since Ma'am said so, I'm making a fool of myself." After saying that, Yu Yuan's arm slowly became longer and stretched towards the cave.

When Yu Yuan's arm reached the entrance of the cave, the runes on the formation covering the entire hill lit up one by one.

All the runes in the formation were gathered towards Yu Yuan's arm, but none of them affected Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan's arm was still unswervingly extending forward.

All the energy in the formation gathered into clusters of lightning, which struck Yu Yuan's arm continuously, but each cluster of lightning could only dance continuously on Yu Yuan's skin, and Yu Yuan's arm was not affected by the slightest bit.

Just as Yu Yuan's arm continued to stretch inward, clusters of flames burned on Yu Yuan's arm.

A golden light flashed on Yu Yuan's arm, and then all the flames disappeared.

Immediately, another layer of solid ice froze Yu Yuan's arm, but a golden flame ignited on Yu Yuan's arm, and all the solid ice melted into water, dripping down Yu Yuan's arm.

Yu Yuan's arm was still advancing firmly, and all kinds of energy attacks could not stop Yu Yuan's seemingly ordinary arm.

Finally, Yu Yuan's arm passed through the formation and appeared in front of Yao Ji.Yao Ji just looked at Yu Yuan in such a foolish way to break through the formation.

"Madam, give Young Master Ling to me! I will train Young Master Ling well, maybe he will bring you a surprise in the future." Yu Yuan said to Yao Ji indifferently.It seemed that what the big formation was attacking now was not his arm.

"I will leave this child to you, his name is Yang Jian!" After Yao Ji finished speaking, she gently placed the baby on Yu Yuan's enlarged palm.

After that, Yu Yuan clasped his right hand and retracted his arm again.Then, Yu Yuan took Yang Jian and drove away on the cloud.

Yao Ji stood at the entrance of the cave, staring at the direction where Yang Jian was carried away.


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