() The spiritual energy from other places rushed towards this place frantically, forming bursts of spiritual energy vortices, and all the surrounding things were sucked into the spiritual energy vortex and shredded and thrown out.

With a wave of Yu Yuan's right hand, a golden mask protected Yuan Hong and Yang Jian. The surrounding spiritual vortex kept spinning outside the mask, but it couldn't affect the mask at all.

The Teng Snake that Yuding Daoist turned into stared at Yu Yuan with huge eyes, condescendingly, and looked at Yu Yuan contemptuously.

Yu Yuan saw the Teng Snake transformed by Master Yu Ding and praised: "I didn't expect that! You can get Teng Snake's bloodline. It's really good luck. 72 Transformation is indeed a god-defying supernatural power. However, being bigger is not necessarily awesome! "

After saying that, Yu Yuan's figure suddenly disappeared in place, and then appeared behind the head of Reverend Yuding's huge snake body, and kicked Reverend Yuding's head fiercely.

Reverend Yu Ding's huge snake body was kicked away by Yu Yuan, and then, Yu Yuan appeared above Reverend Yu Ding very quickly, and slammed down vertically with his kick.

Before Master Yuding could react, he was kicked back from the sky again.Just like that, Yu Yuan relied on his extremely fast speed to keep appearing around Reverend Jade Cauldron, making Reverend Jade Cauldron unable to fight back.

At this time, Master Yuding knew that Yu Yuan didn't use his full strength in the fight against him just now, and Yuan was just teasing himself just now.

Thinking of this, Master Yuding trembled with anger, and at this time Master Yuding's head that had been beaten just now came to his senses.

Then I saw the air twisting around the huge snake body of Master Yuding, and countless wind laws twisted and emerged, stabilizing the figure of Master Yuding.

Yu Yuan dodged again and appeared in the distance, only to find that Daoist Yuding stopped in the middle.At the same time, the two huge eyes of the soaring snake body looked at him angrily.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan smiled and said, "I never thought that becoming a beast would have such benefits, and you can also master the corresponding rules, not bad."

After all, Yu Yuan was about to appear around Daoist Yuding's body in a flash, continuing the strategy just now, but just as Yu Yuan was about to move, he found that the air around his body became extremely thick.

At the same time, countless chains formed by twisted runes of the law of the wind system emerged around Yu Yuan, tightly locked on Yu Yuan's body.

At this moment, Yu Yuan couldn't even move normally, not to mention maintaining his ghostly and unpredictable speed.

Seeing Yu Yuan being trapped by him, Master Yuding couldn't help laughing: "Yu Yuan, today you can't escape with your wings."

Daoist Yuding has never been insulted like this since he practiced Taoism. Now he can't wait to tear Yu Yuan into pieces.

Who knew that Yu Yuan was still smiling at this time, and he was not panicked at all like Yuding real person imagined.

"Really?" Yu Yuan asked with a smile.At the same time, golden flames ignited on his body.It was just a few sporadic points at the beginning, and then it burned like a prairie fire.

In this golden flame, Yu Yuan's body shape is also slowly changing.The mouth gradually became sharp and abnormal, and the two arms turned into two golden wings.In the end, what appeared in front of Daoist Yuding was a three-legged Golden Crow that looked down on the world and looked down upon the world.

Seeing this three-legged Golden Crow, Master Yuding, who had turned into a flying snake, felt an instinctive fear from the bottom of his heart.

Yu Yuan waved his wings lightly, and immediately the twisted chains formed by the runes of the wind system around him disappeared under the burning of the true sun.

After a sharp bird cry of "Zi", Yu Yuan had already appeared behind Reverend Yuding's head, and two sharp bird claws that cut gold and jade had already scratched towards the seven inches of Reverend Yuding's Teng Snake body.

Immediately, Master Yuding felt a stabbing pain in his neck.Daoist Yuding didn't dare to hesitate, and with the help of the law of wind, he fled forward desperately.

With the help of the law of the wind system, Master Yuding changed countless directions in an instant, and finally threw Yu Yuan away. At this time, Master Yuding had a chance to turn around.

Reverend Yuding stared at Yu Yuan closely, but Yu Yuan was not at all regretful for not being able to hurt Reverend Yuding just now, his face was full of playful smiles.

It was also the first time for Yu Yuan to fight in this form. He did not expect the battle to be so easy under such circumstances.

With a wave of Yu Yuan's wings, countless suns shot out, and Master Yuding easily dodged.Immediately, Yu Yuan flapped his wings and rushed over quickly.

This time, Master Yuding had already made preparations. As soon as Yu Yuan moved, he felt that Yu Yuan was about to attack him with the help of the law of the wind system, and immediately changed directions and dodged in various ways.

But very soon, Master Yuding discovered something was wrong. The true sun flames that Yu Yuan attacked him just now and was flashed by him were not extinguished, but densely covered in the air.

At this moment, Master Yu Ding understood that Yu Yuan hadn't planned on those true sun flames being able to hit him just now, and those true sun flames were used to limit his dodging range.

Master Yuding exhausted all his energy and finally got rid of Yu Yuan again.But before he could breathe a sigh of relief, he immediately realized that even though he tried his best to dodge just now, some of the sun's true flames were still unavoidable on his body.

Under the urging of the countless wind laws surrounding him, these true sun flames, the small sparks suddenly boiled up and turned into a prairie fire, burning all the way up the body of the soaring snake of Master Yuding.

Immortal Yuding made a decisive decision, and the flesh and blood contaminated by the true sun's flame immediately exploded and separated from his body.At this time, although the blood was flowing profusely from Yuding Daoist's body, the true sun flames had already been removed from his body by him.

"Today's enmity will be avenged in the coming day." Master Yuding gave Yu Yuan a resentful look, and said resentfully.

After all, Immortal Yuding's gigantic snake body plunged towards the ground, Yu Yuan hurriedly stopped him, but at this time Immortal Yuding had already touched the ground.

Immediately, the Teng Snake had disappeared, and what appeared in place was a small man five or six inches tall, wearing yellow clothes and a yellow hat, driving a small yellow carriage. Immediately, he disappeared into the ground and disappeared.

As soon as the villain disappeared, Yu Yuan appeared in the same place, with the bird's beak pecking at the ground, and then a ray of true sun flames chased in the direction the villain left.

A muffled groan was heard from the ground. "Yu Yuan, there must be a reward for this love!" The voice of Master Yu Ding came from afar.

Although Master Yuding ran away, Yu Yuan was still in a good mood.After all, despite the twists and turns, Yang Jian finally became his apprentice.This proves that some things in this world can indeed be changed.

Although this world has some correction systems of its own, as long as you are strong enough, some sections can still be modified.

At this moment, Master Yuding who was in the ground was also very strange, why did he fight with the Renmin Dao today because of an apprentice who he hadn't met yet and didn't know how, and finally got into such a mess.

Where did my usual calmness go?

Yu Yuan looked at the familiar island from a distance, and patted Wangcai where he was sitting. Xiao Jinzi stood beside him, and Yuan Hong sat beside him holding Yang Jian.

As soon as Yu Yuan returned to Penglai Island, he took everyone in his cave to Jinao Island.

Let Xiao Jinzi lead Wangcai into the cave to tidy up in his original cave, and he leads Yuan Hong and Yang Jian to meet the person who haunts him in his dreams.

From a distance, he saw the familiar gate of the cave, and outside the gate was a sea of ​​flowers, which extended from a distance.

When he came to the door, Yu Yuan suppressed his excitement and lightly touched the jing ring formation. After a while, he saw the door of the cave opened silently.

Seeing the gate of the cave opened, Yu Yuan's body trembled slightly, but then a very cute child carved in pink and jade came out of the cave.

The child was wearing a Taoist bun, wearing a small Taoist robe, with a round, chubby face, and a vertical eye on his forehead.

"Who are you? What are you doing here?" the child said in a nai voice.

Seeing this child, Yu Yuan's face turned pale all of a sudden, and he rushed into the cave without saying a word, only to see that the cave was very simple and unusual, only a few night pearls for lighting.

Passing through the corridor, one can see some stone tables and chairs scattered in a rather large cave, and a futon is placed on a stone bed, and a peerless beauty is sitting on it.

Yu Yuan, who was in a hurry at first, suddenly calmed down when he saw this beautiful woman.The beauty heard the voice and woke up from the fugue.

"You're back! Did you know you're back after 24 years?" The woman's voice sounded softly, without any trace of fireworks.

Hearing the woman's words, Yu Yuan's face turned even paler. Yu Yuan pointed to the outside of the cave and asked in a trembling voice: "Who is he?"

The Holy Mother of Jinling looked at Yu Yuan suspiciously, and said softly: "He is my new disciple, named Wen Zhong, who I met when I went to Honghuang."

Hearing what the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said, Yu Yuan immediately became happy. "Ah, that kid is my junior brother! Hahaha!" After speaking, he rubbed his head and giggled.

After laughing for a while, Yu Yuan suddenly realized, "You said you went to Honghuang?" Yu Yuan's voice was a little unbelievable and a little surprised.

"En." The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit replied softly, her cold face flushed slightly.

"Are you looking for me?" Yu Yuan asked impatiently.This time, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit ignored him.

But if he didn't answer, Yu Yuan would be very happy. In Yu Yuan's view, this was the default.

At this time, Mrs. Xiaozheng Wen Zhong and Yuan Hong, who was holding Yang Jian, had already entered.

Seeing Yu Yuan, Xiao Zhengtai immediately pointed at Yu Yuan with her tender little finger and said, "You villain, who told you to break in. I will never let you go lightly!"

After saying that, he waved his hands in the air endlessly, obviously drawing symbols.

At this time, Yu Yuan saw how cute Wen Zhong was, the little lady.It's even more funny to see him waving his hands in the air endlessly with a serious face.

"Is your name Wen Zhong?" Yu Yuan asked.

"Yes! My name is Wen Zhong! Does it sound nice?" Every time someone asked him what his name was, Xiao Wen Zhong would ask others if his name sounded good.This time is no exception.

"Ah, you villain, I'm drawing a talisman, don't disturb me! You did it on purpose." Only then did Xiao Wenzhong remember what he was doing.

After all, Xiao Wenzhong ignored Yu Yuan again, and continued to draw by himself.

Yuan Hong watched and laughed.

"You're so cute! Let senior brother hug you!" Yu Yuan stretched out his hands while speaking.

"I know I'm cute, but I won't let you hug me!" As soon as he finished speaking, Xiao Wenzhong realized that he seemed to have forgotten to draw a talisman again.

This time, even the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit chuckled and gave Yu Yuan a supercilious look.


Brothers and sisters, a new week has begun!Hurry up for the recommendation tickets or something, it's good to show up on the list of newcomers and new books!

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