Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 154 9 Dragon Island 4 Saints

() Wang Mo couldn't help but closed his eyes, waiting for the immortal sword to come into his body, and sighed in his heart: "My life is over!"


A crisp sound of clashing sounded in Wang Mo's ear.

Wang Mo opened his eyes, and saw Jin Zha leaning back, and the fairy sword in his right hand had been blown away.

"Manjusri, go back! Wang Mo should not die today!"

Yu Yuan's voice came from all around, and it even returned to him what Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun said just now.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun heard Yu Yuan's voice, his expression changed drastically, anger mixed with fear.

He saw with his own eyes that Taoist Ran Deng was seriously injured by Yu Yuan's blow, and the ancestor Minghe in the late Zhunsheng period was directly beaten to death by Yu Yuan's clone.

"Yu Yuan, the sage Tongtian promised at the beginning, and Wang Mo is going to die today!" Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun shouted a little viscerally.

"Hehe, Manjusri, I'm afraid you heard it wrong! I, Bi Yougong's head teacher, only promised to send out Jiejiao disciples for the 36 conquests, but I didn't say that I would send my Jiejiao disciples to die!"

Yu Yuan's voice still came from all around.But Manjusri looked around, but couldn't find Yu Yuan at all.

Suddenly, the space in front of Wang Mo broke open, and a big hand stretched out, pinching the dragon-breaking post with a little force, and the three golden circles on the dragon-breaking post were crushed immediately.

Countless fragments of the Dragon-Escape Stake condensed together again and turned into the Dragon-Escape Stake again, but the light was dim, and they flew directly back to the Purple Mansion of Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun to recuperate.

Then that big hand grabbed Wang Mo and returned to the space crack.

Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun just watched this scene with a livid face, and didn't make any reaction.

"Let's go, let's go to Xiqi City!"

After a while, Manjusri Guangfa Tianzun's complexion improved a little, and he said to Jin Zha.Then they took Jiang Ziya back to Xiqi City.

Yu Yuan took Wang Mo and appeared directly in the Dashang army camp

Yang Sen, Gao Youqian and Li Xingba were anxiously waiting for Wang Mo to come back, with a little worry on their faces.

Seeing Wang Mo come back, the three finally breathed a sigh of relief.

"Brother Yu Yuan, you don't need to make a move this time. The four of us are ready to be on the list of gods. In this case, it will be very difficult for you to kill the Twelve Golden Immortals in the future!"

Wang Mo said to Yu Yuan, there was a kind of generosity in his words.

"Wen Zhong has already told me what you mean. But I want to tell you that if I can save it, I will not sacrifice any of the intercepted disciples."

Yu Yuan's face was very serious. He had to correct the thinking of these people. He wanted to save the entire Jujiao by sacrificing some people, which was totally unworkable.

"As for what you said about killing the Twelve Golden Immortals, now is not the time. If the time comes, who can stop me?"

A strong self-confidence surged from Yu Yuan's body, and this self-confidence also infected Wang Mo and the others.

"Mingri, after the battle with Western Zhou, you can leave!"

On the second day, Jiang Ziya led a group of monks, including Jin Zha, Nezha and Longxuhu, out of the city to fight the Four Saints of Kowloon Island.

Dashang's side was Yang Sen and the three who fought, while Wang Mo stayed in the barracks and did not fight.

Because Wang Mo's hit kill robbery has passed, if he hadn't waited for Yang Sen and the other three, he could have returned to Jiulong Island.

This time, the two sides didn't even have to communicate, and started fighting directly.

Nezha greeted Yang Sen with a sharp gun in his palm, and Jin Zha also stepped forward to resist Li Xingba.Gao Youqian rushed towards Jiang Ziya.

Seeing Gao Yougan rushing towards him, Jiang Ziya remembered the whip that Yuanshi Tianzun had given him, and he waved his hand to sacrifice. The whip flew in the air and fell straight towards Gao Yougan's top door.

Seeing that Gao Yougan was about to be beaten to death by the whip, suddenly a big hand appeared above Gao Yougan and caught the whip.

Gao Youqian also knew at this time that his death calamity was over, so he quickly retreated to prevent being attacked again and adding chaos to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan received the blow from the magic whip, and his spirit was also shaken.After all, he can be regarded as a celebrity on the list of gods.

Here Gao Yougan retreated, and Yang Sen over there had already fought Nezha.

After a few rounds, Nezha raised the Qiankun circle, and Yang Sen was about to use a formula to resist. Jin Zha, who was fighting Li Xingba, suddenly raised a dragon-escaping stake and restrained Yang Sen.

Jin Zha dodged, dodging Li Xingba's attack, and slashed at Yang Sen with the fairy sword in his hand.

At the same time, Nezha also dodged behind Jin Zha, blocking Li Xingba with the fire-pointed gun in his hand.

Yu Yuan snapped Jin Zha again, and crushed the dragon escape pile again.

"Yu Yuan!" Jin Zha was a little crazy, he had already been bounced away by Yu Yuan twice with one finger, and the dragon-breaking pile had also been crushed twice by Yu Yuan.

The Dunlong pile has lost its spirituality at this time, and I'm afraid it will take a long time to be warmed up before it can be repaired.

However, Yu Yuan also felt at this time that he had been locked by a wave of divine consciousness.He could feel that this divine consciousness belonged to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Yu Yuan believed that as long as he made another move, Yuanshi Tianzun would attack him without hesitation.

When the battle was at its most intense, a Taoist boy strolled towards him with two fairy swords on his back.

Seeing Li Xingba who was fighting Nezha in the field, his eyes lit up, his right shoulder shook, and the flying sword behind him flew up, and a brilliant light flashed across the air, flying towards Li Xingba.

Yu Yuan shot without hesitation, stretched out his left hand, and shattered the ray of light with his palm.

Before Yu Yuan could withdraw his hand, the situation changed suddenly, and countless clouds gathered frantically, forming a huge palm, which fell towards the place where Yu Yuan was.

This giant cloud hand brought about a boundless energy frenzy, and there were still Taoist laws twisting on the edge of the palm, which was very powerful.

"Hum..." Yu Yuan snorted coldly, raised his right hand, struck out the seal of heaven and earth, and scattered the big hand of Yun Duo with a single palm.

At the same time, Yu Yuan took a few steps back, his face flushed.

"Yu Yuan, you have repeatedly attacked and disrupted the plan of conferring the gods, what should you do?"

Yuanshi Tianzun's voice, like endless thunder, rolled over the heads of everyone.

"Second Martial Uncle, how come I'm trying to save my Intercepting Disciple, so I'm disrupting the plan of conferring the gods? Do I have to stand by and watch my Intercepting Disciple go to die?"

Yu Yuan's words contained a touch of sarcasm and disdain.


Following Yuanshi Tianzun's angry shout, a burst of mana broke through the space, condensed into a big hand, and fell towards Yu Yuan.In that mana powerful hand, there is a dao pattern twisting continuously inside.

Under the blessing of this dao pattern, the power of this mana-condensed palm has greatly increased.

"Heaven and Earth Seal!"

Yu Yuan didn't back down, and directly used his most powerful attack to challenge him head-on.

Then Yu Yuan took advantage of the force of this blow to directly back away, taking the Four Sages of Nine Dragon Island with him, and disappeared in place with just a flash of his body.

Seeing Yu Yuan disappear in place, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted angrily and stopped chasing him.

Only Feng Lin and Zhang Guifang were left, leading the troops to fight there.

Regarding the departure of Yu Yuan and the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, neither Feng Lin nor Zhang Guifang had any reaction, because they already knew that this was what Yu Yuan had discussed with them.

For Feng Lin and Zhang Guifang, it was a good thing to be listed on the list of gods after death.At the same time, this can be regarded as accumulating some team members for Di Xin's future.

After Yu Yuan and the Four Sages of Jiulong Island left, Nezha and the others focused on Zhang Guifang and Feng Lin.

After a few rounds, Feng Lin was shot by Nezha.

Zhang Guifang was still fighting constantly, not necessarily using the name-dropping horsemanship, but this could only create some chaos, and he had no time to kill those generals who fell off the horse.

"Zhang Guifang, you surrender!" Jiang Ziya persuaded Zhang Guifang to surrender.

At the same time, the surrounding Western Zhou soldiers also shouted loudly, but Zhang Guifang didn't care at all and just fought hard.

At the end, Zhang Guifang really lost her strength, and shouted to the sky: "Your Majesty, I can't continue to serve the country and be loyal, I can only show my ambition by dying here!"

After all, Zhang Guifang broke off the spear in her hand and inserted it into her chest.

As soon as Zhang Guifang died, the soldiers of Da Shang lost their morale and scattered in all directions.

Seeing that Zhang Guifang would rather die than surrender in the end, Jiang Ziya also sighed, and turned back directly to Xiqi City.

Yu Yuan took the four saints of Jiulong Island, traveled through space, and returned to Jiulong Island.

Looking at the familiar scenery on Jiulong Island, the four of them, Wang and Mo, felt as if they were separated from another world.Although he has the determination to die, but walking between life and death, the change of mood is still great.

After Yu Yuan bid farewell to the Four Sages of Jiulong Island, he returned directly to Jinao Island and found Zhang Shao who was frowning.

"Junior Brother Zhang, the catastrophe has arrived, and you may be involved at any time. Today I am here to take you to find formation materials."

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Zhang Shao was overjoyed.

"Brother, let's go! Let's go immediately!"

These days, Zhang Shao saw that several of his friends had already sacrificed all their formations, and only his own formation was still unavailable, so he was very anxious.

Seeing that Yu Yuan finally decided to take him to look for formation materials at this time, it was not a joy.

Seeing Zhang Shao's impatient look, Yu Yuan didn't say much anymore, and directly led Zhang Shao to travel through space, and came to Wuyi Mountain.

The peaks of Wuyi Mountain are verdant and beautiful, and countless auras are filled with them, forming a cloud of spirits, and there are countless fairy grasses and flowers hidden in them.

Standing on the clouds, Yu Yuan felt that there seemed to be something strange in Wuyi Mountain, as if there were some strange laws and fluctuations, it should be a kind of big formation.

"Brother, is this the place where Patriarch Kunpeng intercepted and killed Patriarch Hongyun?" Zhang Shao asked Yu Yuan.

"Well, this is what the ancestor Kunpeng told me. Let's look for it together!"

Yu Yuan lowered his head to the clouds, stepped on the ground with both feet, and quietly felt everything about Wuyi Mountain through the Eight Desolation Primordial Spirit.


After a while, Yu Yuan finally felt a place filled with endless red sand.Yu Yuan opened his eyes, took Zhang Shao with him, and appeared outside the large expanse of red sand in a blink of an eye. (To be continued.)

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