Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 165 2 The Golden Immortal Down the Mountain

Chi Jingzi felt that his mana was being consumed violently in the abjection formation, and he couldn't take Yao Bin down for a while, so he thought of quitting.

Yao Bin saw Chi Jingzi turning around on the golden bridge, as if he was going to retreat.

"Chi Jingzi, do you think that my down and out formation is where you come and leave whenever you want?"

Yao Bin threw several handfuls of black sand one after another, consuming Chi Jingzi's mana violently. In this desolate formation, Chi Jingzi's mana could not be replenished. At this time, it was consumed violently, and he couldn't bear it.

Chi Jingzi quickened his pace and walked outside from the golden bridge.He complained endlessly in his heart. Although the golden bridge derived from the Taiji Diagram could suppress all kinds of attacks, it consumed too much mana.

The most important thing is that with Chi Jingzi's cultivation base, he can't walk fast on this golden bridge at all, and he is afraid that he won't be able to withstand the attack of Luoluzhen when he leaves this golden bridge.

When Chi Jingzi reached the edge of the Luoba formation and was about to go out, Yao Bin sprinkled black sand, Chi Jingzi couldn't hold on anymore, and the magic power in his body was basically exhausted.

In desperation, Chi Jingzi had no choice but to abandon the Taiji diagram, set up the escape light alone, and fled into Xiqi City.

Taijitu lost Chi Jingzi's mana support, and the light suddenly shrank, and it fell lightly to the ground.

Seeing this, Yao Bin had no choice but to walk out of the pitfalls, but there was a trace of unwillingness on his face.

Qin Wan and the others who had been waiting outside the Lost Formation had a relaxed expression on their faces.

"Junior Brother Yao Bin, don't do this kind of thing. Yuanshi Tianzun has already planned to kill Jiang Ziya so easily. Besides, even if he is on the list of gods. The ten of us have to be together."

After hearing Qin Wan's words, Yao Bin let out a long sigh, stopped talking, and with a wave of his hand, he was about to put away the desperate formation on one side.

"Huh?" Yao Bin hummed lightly, frowned slightly, and turned to look at Luo Pozhen.

"Brother Yao Bin, what's wrong?"

"I can't take out the Tai Chi Diagram that Chi Jingzi fell into my formation. My formation seems to be slightly suppressed."

"It's okay. Just put it inside!" Qin Wanman said indifferently.

"Senior Brother Qin Wan. I'm afraid it's inappropriate to put the Tai Chi Diagram in the Lost Formation like this!"

"Go, go! This Taiji diagram is the treasure of a sage. What can we do? How to deal with Xiqi after preparation! If my estimation is correct, the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao will definitely come down the mountain."

Qin Wan was talking.While driving the cloud towards the Dashang barracks.The other nine people also hurriedly drove the clouds to follow.

Here Chi Jingzi returned to Xiqi.Go directly to Jiang Ziya's mansion.Cast the spell to return all the souls in the straw man and the gourd to their place.

After waiting for a while, Jiang Ziya woke up.

When Jiang Ziya woke up, Chi Jingzi explained what happened this time.I made it clear.Jiang Ziya hurriedly expressed his gratitude to Chi Jingzi, and regretted Taijitu.Jiang Ziya hated Wen Zhongfang in his heart.

Just as Jiang Ziya was expressing his gratitude, Nezha came in and told him that Master Huanglong from Magu Cave in Erlong Mountain had come.

When Jiang Ziya heard the news, he hurried out to greet him, but Chi Jingzi sat there motionless.

As soon as he left the mansion, Jiang Ziya saw a Taoist priest standing outside the gate.

The Taoist priest is wearing a jade-colored Taoist robe with dragon patterns embroidered with gold thread, a jade dragon crown on his head, a silver silk inlaid jade belt around his waist, and cloud-treading boots on his feet.

Coupled with the handsome and bewitching face, Jiang Ziya couldn't help shivering even though he had been prepared for a long time.

"Senior brother Huanglong is here, and Ziya is very honored. I just don't know, what is the teacher's explanation for the senior brother's visit?" Jiang Ziya greeted him with a smile on his face.

Seeing Jiang Ziya being so polite, Master Huang Long couldn't help smiling.You know, when it comes to elaborating teachings, not many people think highly of the real Huanglong.

"Junior Brother Ziya, this time Lord Shitian set up such an evil formation as the Ten Absolute Formation, which is against the number of days. The teacher asked us to go down the mountain to break the Ten Absolute Formation. Immortals are different. I came here first just to discuss with you. Build a reed tent outside the city as a resting place for fellow Taoists."

The real Huanglong said it nicely, but he was actually sent to run errands and asked Jiang Ziya to build a reed tent to welcome everyone.

Although the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained the teachings came to respond to the catastrophe, they still had to put on the proper airs.

After hearing Huanglong's instructions, Jiang Ziya quickly asked his disciple Wu Ji to lead his troops to build the reed tent.And when it was just built, he invited Chi Jingzi and Master Huanglong to go up, and he also went up to sit in the township in person to show respect.

After the reed canopy was built, the twelve golden immortals came one by one.

After the Twelve Golden Immortals arrived, Jiang Ziya accompanied them on the reed canopy and said some polite words.

While Jiang Ziya was talking with the crowd, Daoist Ran Deng arrived. He was riding a sika deer, surrounded by visions, and he could faintly hear fairy voices. His wide sleeves were fluttering, and he looked like a fairy.

Seeing that Taoist Ran Deng had arrived, all the people could still sit there, and all got down from the awning to welcome Taoist Ran Deng.

Daoist Ran Deng smiled when he saw the crowd coming out to greet him.

"All fellow Taoists have already arrived, the poor Taoist is late, I hope you will forgive me!" Daoist Ran Deng said so, who would dare to come out and accuse him.

"Fellow daoists, this ten-jue formation is extremely vicious, who is in charge?"

As soon as Taoist Ran Deng opened his mouth, everyone knew what he meant. He wanted the Commander's Seal!

"Specially waiting for the teacher to come to give advice!" Jiang Ziya simply agreed, and agreed directly.

This Daoist Dieng Deng is the one with the highest cultivation among all the people, and the people don't have much opinion on Daoist Dieng Deng as the leader.

Jiang Ziya took out the Commander's Seal and handed it to Taoist Ran Deng standing in front of him.

"If it wasn't for the catastrophe of fellow Taoists, I wouldn't have accepted the commander seal. Since Junior Brother Ziya is willing to give it to me, then I will do it for him!"

Taoist Ran Deng took it and explained in his mouth.

Hearing such shameless words from Taoist Ran Deng, everyone in Chanjiao didn't react much. After so many years, they are always used to it.

Zhou Gongdan, who was sitting in the depths of the palace, felt more and more aura of Daluo Jinxian, and his brows became more and more wrinkled.

The deity hasn't come out yet, there is a small world separated, and I can't tell the deity what happened here, I'm afraid that Lord Shitian is really in danger.

But I can't make a move, otherwise it will not only be Shi Tianjun who will die, and my plan will be destroyed, I am afraid that the entire Jiejiao will be buried with him.

With a wave of Zhou Gongdan's right hand, two flying cranes appeared when he turned upwards, and these two flying cranes were still wrapped by the emperor's luck. direction to fly.

On a beautiful mountain, a flying crane suddenly appeared, and then fell into the dense forest.

Yuan Hong, who was sitting in the cave and sleeping soundly with his eyes closed, opened his eyes suddenly, and a white light burst out from both eyes.

Staring closely at the void in front of him, a flying crane suddenly appeared, and then the flying crane's mouth opened and closed, and Zhou Gongdan's voice came out from inside.

"Yuan Hong, you go down the mountain now, go to Xiqi, and help Wen Zhong attack Xiqi!"

Although the voice was different, Yuan Hong could clearly feel the familiar spirit aura. This was the news Yu Yuan sent him.

"Hahaha, my skin is itchy after being idle for so long, you guys, go to Xiqi with me!"

Yuan Hong's voice came out of the cave and echoed throughout Meishan.The six demons of Meishan, who were at their own leisure, rushed to Yuan Hong's residence in a hurry after hearing Yuan Hong's order.


Before Wu Long and Chang Hao arrived, they saw a ray of light rushing out of Yuan Hong's cave. How could they dare to be negligent, they quickly set up a demon wind and followed Yuan Hong.

When Yuan Hong first came to Meishan, they were dealt with badly by Yuan Hong. Now, none of them dared to disobey Yuan Hong's order.

An unknown hill in the west.

On this hill, not a single blade of grass grows, and at the same time, there is an endless stream of sharp gold energy, which is constantly growing.It is very difficult for ordinary golden immortal monks to survive here.

But in this dangerous place, there was a young man who was quietly sitting cross-legged on the ground, holding a drop of silver-white liquid in the palms of both hands, and the drop exuded bursts of coercion.

Suddenly, a flying crane appeared in front of the young man. The young man opened his eyes and looked at the flying crane in front of him.

"Yang Jian, go to Xiqi immediately to support Wen Zhong and help him conquer Xiqi!"

After delivering the message, Feihe, who lost his energy, was torn to pieces by the Qi of Sharp Gold.

"Wen Zhong, is it your turn? Don't worry, I won't let you die. I want to see what kind of ability this preacher has, and he actually wants to deal with my brother Yang Jian."

After all, Yang Jian's body changed into a strange-shaped big bird, and with a flap of its wings, he disappeared in place.

In the past few years, feeling the power of the catastrophe, in order to survive the catastrophe of conferring gods, Yang Jian ran around, looking for the blood of prehistoric beasts and divine beasts to improve his strength.

Mount Emei.

This is the location of Zhao Gongming, the Great Luo Jinxian of Jiejiao. The scenery here is beautiful, full of fairy spirit, there are phoenixes singing together, and white cranes dancing. It is a good place for self-cultivation.

On this day, an unexpected visitor came here, Shen Gongbao.

Shen Gongbao sat on the black panther and walked slowly towards Zhao Gongming's dojo.This Shen Gongbao's resolute face gave people a sense of credibility, but the resentment and sternness that flashed in his eyes from time to time destroyed this temperament.

Riding a black leopard, Shen Gongbao walked unhurriedly, climbed the mountain and crossed the stream, and soon arrived in front of Zhao Gongming's cave.

Shen Gongbao got off the black panther and walked to the cave.

"Boy, go and send a message to your master, just say that Shen Gongbao is asking to see you!"

The boy knew Shen Gongbao, Zhao Gongming had some friendship with Shen Gongbao before, and Shen Gongbao had visited this cave a few times.

Hearing Shen Gongbao's order, the boy hurried into the cave and reported to Zhao Gongming.

Zhao Gongming was transporting mana and tempering his physical body. When the catastrophe was approaching, Zhao Gongming seized all the time to practice. The stronger his strength, the higher his chance of survival. (To be continued..)

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