Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 194 Saint-Level Strength

With the continuous roar of the four holy beasts, the climate of the four seasons continued to change, and finally, everything gradually calmed down, and the whole world began to operate in an orderly manner.

"Boom" "Boom" "Boom"

Three huge phantoms appeared again, piercing through the heavens and the earth.Among the three phantoms, each contains a twisted and twisted dao pattern.These dao patterns are already in a semi-solid state.

Among the three Dao patterns, there are respectively the breath of spring, summer, and autumn.

In Yu Yuan Tiandi Primordial Spirit, the original nine dao patterns have also changed from the original illusory state to the current semi-solid state.

Just when Yu Yuan thought the changes had stopped, both the Golden Crow Dao pattern and the Dao pattern of the Great Tunnel began to move, the Golden Crow Dao pattern crashed directly into the Dao pattern of Fire, and the Dao pattern of the Great Tunnel crashed into the Dao pattern of Earth.

The Dao pattern of fire and the Dao pattern that were originally semi-solid, after the fusion of the Dao pattern of the Golden Crow and the Dao pattern of the Earth, formed two real Dao patterns, like two extremely solid pillars of heaven, erected between the heaven and the earth. between.

In Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit, there are now a total of ten dao lines.These ten Dao patterns are: Five Elements Dao pattern, Four Seasons Dao pattern, and Space Dao pattern.Among them, the Dao pattern of fire and the Dao pattern of earth are both real Dao patterns, which can exert their power.

The rest of the dao patterns are all semi-solid, unable to exert their power, and may even collapse at any time.

These are just the changes in the world in Yu Yuan's body, and some huge changes have taken place in his physical body.

On Yu Yuan's chest, countless red lines emerged, connecting with each other.It forms the pattern of a huge firebird.And behind him, countless black lines appeared, forming the image of Xuanwu roaring upwards in unison.

On Yu Yuan's left arm, countless cyan lines were tightly entangled, forming a green dragon with teeth and claws.On his left arm are countless white lines, depicting a huge white tiger.

This is the legend, the green dragon on the left, the white tiger on the right, the Suzaku in the front, and the Xuanwu in the back.Originally, the four elephants guarded the world and the earth.Now Yu Yuan is used to guard the physical body.

Yu Yuan's physical body at this time.A bit stronger than a saint.Yu Yuan's primordial spirit is a small world, and the breakthrough in realm has strengthened Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness a little.

Yu Yuan's current strength.Absolutely the strength of a saint.A physical body that is somewhat stronger than a saint.Saint-level mana.Saint-level consciousness, counting the Dao pattern in the Chaos Clock, Yu Yuan has mastered three Dao patterns at this time.Yu Yuan's strength at this time is comparable to Yuanshi Tianzun, and may even be a little stronger than him.

The only difference between Yu Yuan and the sage is that the sage entrusts a bit of his true spirit to the way of heaven. If the way of heaven is not destroyed, the sage will not be destroyed.If the strength cannot transcend the way of heaven, no matter how strong it is, it cannot kill the saint.

However, Yu Yuan also has his advantages, his physical body is so strong that he has abnormal resilience, and he carries a small world with him, no matter where he goes, he is not afraid of being suppressed.

Yu Yuan at this time, as long as he can't kill him with one blow, he can recover immediately.However, Yu Yuan has the strength of a saint, who can kill him with one blow?I'm afraid even Hongjun can't.

Yu Yuan took out the Chaos Clock and incorporated the Dao pattern of the earth into it. At this time, the Chaos Clock has two Dao patterns, which are similar in power to the Pangu Banner of Yuanshi Tianzun.

After finishing all this, Yu Yuan put away the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and sat silently on the spot, waiting for Yin Jiao to be driven in this direction by them.

Yu Yuan didn't intend to save Yin Jiao now, but let him learn some lessons!Yin Jiao was brought back to Jiuxian Mountain by Guang Chengzi in his early years. He didn't have many ups and downs in his life, so it's better to experience some hardships.

Let's say that after Yin Jiao fought with Taoist Ran Deng, he found that Taoist Ran Deng couldn't help him, so he ran out of the barracks in a hurry. In a wilderness, Yin Jiao stopped his horse and thought about where to break out.

Yin Jiao also felt it at this time, there was a heavy coercion in the space, and this coercion made him unable to ride the clouds and ride the fog, and could only move forward on the ground.

Now that everyone in Xiqi has set up a formation to restrict my flight, there must be someone blocking me in front of me, why don't I go the opposite way, instead of going to Chaoge, go west.

Having made a decision in his heart, Yin Jiao turned his horse's head and ran towards the west.

After walking for a short time, Yin Jiao saw a Taoist in front of him, standing in the middle of the road, with a blue flag planted beside him.

"Yin Jiao, where are you running to? Why don't you get off your horse and be bound?" Daoist Huang Long pointed at Yin Jiao with a finger in his hand.

"Master Huanglong, let me get off my horse and be bound? Dreaming! If you want to take me down, let's see what you can do!" Yin Jiao kicked his legs and urged the horse forward. Pare off.

Immortal Huanglong held a fairy sword in his hand and started fighting Yin Jiao.Although Daoist Huanglong didn't have any powerful magic weapons, he was still a Daluo Jinxian after all. Although he had just broken through, he was not something Yin Jiao could resist.

Within a few rounds, Yin Jiao couldn't stand it any longer. He quickly jumped out of the battle circle, raised Fan Tianyin, turned it into a mountain, and threw it on the head of Master Huanglong.

Seeing Fan Tianyin flying up, Master Huanglong made a move with his right hand, and the green lotus color flag fell into his hand. With a little wave, hundreds of millions of green lotuses were born immediately, holding up Fan Tianyin and preventing it from falling down .

Yin Jiao frowned slightly, his face gloomy.Seeing Master Huanglong take out a flag and use the same method as Taoist Burning Deng to resist his Fan Tianyin, Yin Jiao felt something bad in his heart.

If he was so persistent in each of the four directions, he would have no chance of escaping at all.

Seeing that Fan Tianyin could not hurt Master Huanglong, Yin Jiao didn't dare to stay longer. After taking Fan Tianyin back, he turned his horse's head and rushed towards the south again.

Yin Jiao's heart sank completely when he saw Daoist Taiyi standing in the road and the fiery red flag planted in the ground next to him.

It seems that this time, it is really possible that there is no way out.

After a fight with the real Taiyi, Yin Jiao once again sacrificed the Fantian Yin. When he saw the red flag and released hundreds of millions of fire lotuses, Yin Jiao was not surprised at all, but heaved a long sigh. He put away Fan Tianyin with his hand, turned his horse's head and left.

At this time, Yin Jiao had already confirmed that the west and south had already been blocked, and only the east and north were left.No one can guarantee that no one will stop the north.

Since this is the case, it is better to fight and attack the East directly to see if it is possible to escape back to Dashang.Thinking of this, Yin Jiao turned his horse's head again and ran straight to the east.

From a distance, Yin Jiao saw countless soldiers and horses stationed there on the road leading to Dashang, and countless torches lit up brightly. There were two people surrounded by soldiers.

One of them was wearing a dragon robe and crown, and was sitting on a cushion. Opposite him was an old man with white beard and hair. This old man was wearing a Taoist robe, and he was talking to the man in the dragon robe What.

Yin Jiao recognized the old man in Taoist robes as Jiang Ziya.From this point of view, the man in the dragon robe should be Zhou Gongdan.

"Since I can't escape today, if I kill Zhou Gongdan and Jiang Ziya, everything will be gone!"

Yin Jiao yelled, brandished two fairy swords, and rushed towards the army formation.One sword at a time, chopped down several soldiers one after another, and kept rushing towards the middle.

Seeing that they were getting closer, Yin Jiao sacrificed Fan Tianyin, and was about to smash Jiang Ziya, Zhou Gongdan, and many soldiers around them into powder.

But to Yin Jiao's disappointment, hundreds of millions of white lotuses appeared on the ground, once again entrusting the Fantian seal in the air.It was only then that Yin Jiao noticed that Guang Chengzi was standing aside.

"Yin Jiao, get off your horse and be bound! You are doomed to escape from plowing and plowing today!" Guang Chengzi came out and shouted at Yin Jiao.

Yin Jiao turned a deaf ear to Guang Chengzi's words.Seeing that Jiang Ziya and Zhou Gongdan could not be hurt, Yin Jiao still refused to give up, and fled to the north with the idea of ​​just in case.

Seeing Yin Jiao's escape direction, Guang Chengzi smiled slightly, and then he bid farewell to Jiang Ziya and Zhou Gongdan, and followed Yin Jiao to the north without any haste.

At the same time, Daoist Taiyi, Daoist Huanglong, and Daoist Randeng also started to head north.

Yin Jiao walked along the main road. After walking for a while, Yin Jiao found that the road in front of him was actually blocked by a mountain range. Obviously, someone used the method of moving mountains to move the entire mountain range.

Normally, Yin Jiao would be able to fly over the clouds and fog, but at this time, Yin Jiao was really blocked by this mountain range.

Yin Jiao took out his greatest reliance, Fan Tianyin.The celestial power in the body poured into Fantianyin crazily, and Fantianyin became bigger rapidly, and smashed hard on the mountain range, creating a narrow canyon.

Seeing the canyon that appeared, Yin Jiao showed great joy on his face, and quickly urged his horse to run into the canyon.Unexpectedly, the canyon became narrower and narrower, and soon, Yin Jiao could only abandon his horse and walk.

After walking for a while, there were no people in front of him. In desperation, Yin Jiao could only climb upwards. As soon as he climbed out of the canyon, Yin Jiao saw Taoist Ran Deng waiting on the top of the mountain. he.

Seeing Yin Jiao sticking out his head, Taoist Ran Deng put his hands together, and after a rumbling sound, the mountains joined together again, the crack disappeared, and Yin Jiao was caught in it.

"Yin Jiao, you didn't listen to me a long time ago, and you ended up like this today! Everything today is your own fault. You can't blame others!" Guang Chengzi came to Yin Jiao, shook his head and sighed.

Later, Guang Chengzi took out a magic weapon, but it was a plow. Guang Chengzi set up the plow at the foot of the mountain, mana poured into it, and the plow began to move forward slowly by itself.

All the rocks in front of the plow were split in half, and then they plowed firmly towards Yin Jiao.

Seeing this situation, Yin Jiao smiled wryly, "Unexpectedly, I, Yin Jiao, would really die like this in the end. How much effort did you spend to make me die as promised?"

In Yin Jiao's words, there was a hint of sarcasm. (To be continued..)

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