Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 21: The Mysterious Bird of Destiny, Born into Shang

() The Jade Emperor knelt obediently below, and the old Taoist didn't speak, just sat there quietly cross-legged.

This silent atmosphere lasted for a while, and the old Taoist finally spoke first: "Haotian, I already know why you are here."

The Jade Emperor, who was kneeling below, was worried at first, cursing himself for being confused, he is just the master's boy, and those people can be said to be the master's direct descendants, if he comes to sue himself, he might be reprimanded for a while pause.

At this time, when the master spoke, there was no sense of reproach in his tone, and the Jade Emperor's mind immediately became active.

"Master, please be the master of Xiaotong! Xiaotong has become the so-called Lord of the Three Realms, but none of the practitioners of the Three Realms pays attention to the Heavenly Court. If so, it is better not to be the Lord of the Three Realms! Or, Just let the little boy come back and continue to serve the master!" The Jade Emperor said with emotion, tears streaming down his face.

"Don't talk nonsense, how can the Lord of the Three Realms evade at will! You go back and endure for a thousand years. After a thousand years, I will let your three senior brothers give you an explanation." Taoist Hongjun waved his hand and shut up. No words.

Seeing this, the Jade Emperor wisely and slowly withdrew from the Zixiao Palace, turned around and returned to the Heavenly Court, and waited for the millennium, feeling elated.

In the prehistoric human race, after Dayu disappeared, his son Qi was able to ascend the throne of Human Emperor through various means, established the Xia Dynasty, and opened the era of the family world.

After more than 400 years, Lu Gui ascended to the position of Emperor Ren, who is also the famous Xia Jie in later generations.

Lu Gui was born with supernatural powers, he could straighten a bent iron hook with his bare hands, and he was both civil and military. Originally, Lu Gui could be a wise monarch.

However, when a country is about to perish, evildoers will emerge.Lu Gui accepted a concubine named Meixi.This girl likes to have a beautiful face and beautiful appearance, and she is fascinated by Lu Gui.

Lu Gui gradually indulged in this luxurious enjoyment, building palaces, decorating Yao terraces, making Qiong rooms, setting up jade gates, and having sex with his beauties, big and small, riri in **.

However, in the Shang tribe in the lower reaches of the Yellow River, there was a sage named Shang Tang.It is said that this Shangtang has an extraordinary origin.That was when a black bird landed on the ground and gave birth to an egg, which was accidentally swallowed by Shang Tang's mother, Jian Di. Then Jian Di became pregnant and gave birth to Shang Tang.

Lu Gui's stupidity caused many virtuous officials to leave the Xia Dynasty and join the Shang tribes, including Yi Yin.

After Shang Tang became the leader of the tribe, he used the virtuous ministers Yi Yin and Zhong Hui as his left and right ministers, and with the help of these two people, the lives of the people of the Shang tribe became better and better.

In contrast to Shang Tang, Lu Gui's rule became more brutal, and finally at a suitable time, Shang Tang sent troops to conquer the Xia Dynasty.

In the end, the Shang tribe won the victory, and Lu Gui was exiled and posthumously named Jie after his death.The 600-year history of the Shang Dynasty has just begun.

Ever since he witnessed Dayu being killed by the Dao of Heaven last time, he had to flee in embarrassment, and had no choice but to enter reincarnation in order to be reincarnated. Yu Yuan was greatly stimulated.

After returning to Jinao Island, Yu Yuan retreated immediately and practiced hard.But what made Yu Yuan depressed was that his cultivation base, which had been advancing rapidly, seemed to be locked up, not moving at all.

But this period of retreat is not without benefits. After this period of retreat, Yu Yuan finally deduced the breakthrough conditions for the follow-up exercises.

The realm of the fourth level of kung fu is supposed to be ** Wuji.The breakthrough point is on the **. **What is it,** is a complete world.Where can I find a complete world by myself?Yu Yuan was secretly depressed.

If he can't understand this point, Yu Yuan doesn't know how to break through the Realm Realm and reach the Golden Immortal Realm.

With no results in hard work, Yu Yuan had no choice but to walk out of the cave in a sullen mood.Seeing the catastrophe of conferring the gods is getting closer and closer, but his cultivation has not increased, this feeling drives Yu Yuan to go crazy.

After leaving the cave, Yu Yuan had just taken two steps when he heard someone calling him in the distance.

"Yu Yuan, Yu Yuan, why did you come to Jinao Island? It made it hard for me to find it." The figure in the distance approached, complaining about Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan took a closer look, it turned out to be Yu Yixian.The Feather Wing Immortal didn't know what to look for him, so he found Jin'ao Island in such a hurry.

When Yu Yixian fell down, she stood beside Yu Yuan.Yu Yuancai asked curiously, "Jin Zhan, why are you looking for me?"

"Oh, boy, you have the nerve to say that you didn't tell me when you moved to Jin'ao Island. I went to your cave to look for you, but I didn't see anyone. Later, I heard from other brothers that they saw you on Jin'ao Island , I just found it!" Feather Wing Fairy said angrily.

Yu Yuan looked at Yu Yixian depressedly, and asked him something, but he went around in a big circle, talking nonsense.

Seeing Yu Yuan's eyes, Immortal Feather Wing laughed, not embarrassed, and pulled Yu Yuan to leave.

"What are you doing here? If you don't make it clear, I won't go! I still want to go..." Yu Yuan was reluctantly dragged away by Fairy Yuyi.

"I know, I know, you still have to go see your Senior Sister Jin Ling! If there is no serious matter, I won't bother you at all. This time my little brother became the emperor, let's celebrate together!" Yu Yixian teased Looking at Yu Yuan, the escape speed under his feet never slowed down.

"Okay, let me go, I'll go with you, I can ride the clouds myself!" Yu Yuan shook off Feather Wing Fairy's hand, and said angrily.

"Hey, that's right. What did you just say? Your little brother became a human emperor? How is this possible! Only humans can become human emperors!" Yu Yuan suddenly remembered the doubts in what Yu Yixian said just now.

"En, that's right, come with me, you will know!" Yu Yixian didn't answer Yu Yuan's question, but just urged him to leave quickly.

Yu Yuan had no choice but to follow Yu Yixian and fly towards Honghuang.

Both Yu Yixian and Yu Yuan escaped very quickly, and in a short while they had crossed the vast ocean and arrived at the Great Desolate Continent.

Not long after, the two stopped in front of an ordinary pass gate.Under the guidance of Yu Yixian, Yu Yuan went through the door and transferred the house, until he came to an unusually gorgeous mansion on the central street and stopped.

There are four soldiers standing guard on both sides of the door, all in armor and holding halberds in their hands.

Yu Yixian stepped forward and said to one of the soldiers: "Go in and inform your commander-in-chief that his younger brother has come to see him!"

But Yu Yuan, who was following behind, was a little surprised to see Yu Yixian like this. When did this kid become so polite?

Hearing this, the soldier hurried to the mansion to report to Lord Chief Soldier.

Seeing that the soldier had gone in to report, Yu Yixian retreated and stood with Yu Yuan.

"Who are you going to visit? Didn't you mean to take me to see your little brother become the emperor?" Yu Yuan asked curiously.

"This is my elder brother. This kid bullied me when he was a mother and took away my treasure. Afterwards, I couldn't beat him no matter what! Brother Duobao may not necessarily be his opponent!" Yu Yixian Lie on Yu Yuan's ear and said.

What?Even Duobao is not necessarily his opponent?Thinking about the identity of Feather Wing Immortal again, this person has already come out.

Kong Xuan, who was on Jinji Ridge, single-handedly overwhelmed the entire Chanjiao disciples and all the monks in the Zhou camp. Only the Zhunti sage personally took action to subdue Kong Xuan.

Just when Yu Yuan was in shock, he suddenly heard a gentle voice in his ear: "Jin Zhan, are you talking ill of me again?"

Yu Yuan raised his head, and saw a handsome man walking out of the mansion, looking at Fairy Yu Yi with a smile on his face.

Yu Yixian didn't expect that just after he finished speaking ill of others, the right lord would appear.Immediately, he became a little annoyed and said: "Who said anything bad about you? I guess your five-color divine light must have robbed me. You bullied me when you beat me into the womb, and now you want to bully me?"

Yu Yuan was listening and almost burst out laughing.Imagining the scene of putting five colorful tails of different colors on the tail of Dapeng Garuda, the prototype of the Winged Fairy, Yu Yuan couldn't help but want to laugh wildly!

Kong Xuan also looked at Yu Yixian helplessly, knowing that he had this temperament, so he ignored him.

"This is?" Kong Xuan looked at Yu Yuan, waiting for Yu Yixian to introduce him.

Although Feather Wing Fairy was still a little upset, but Yu Yuan was brought by himself, so he always had to introduce it.

"This is my junior brother Yu Yuan. Brother, don't look at Yu Yuan's cultivation at the true immortal stage. His real strength is stronger than mine!" Immortal Yu Yi boasted Yu Yuan vigorously.

Kong Xuan stared at Yu Yuan with great interest after hearing the words.Yu Yuan couldn't help feeling a little apprehensive.Why is this immortal staring at him?It would be effortless for him to accept him!Once that five-color divine light is cast, who can stop it?

After several people greeted each other, Kong Xuan led them into the General Military Mansion.

In the backyard, Yu Yuan and the three sat down around the stone table.

"Brother Kong, Immortal Yu Yi told me that your younger brother became the emperor, let me see, what does that mean?" Yu Yuan finally seized the opportunity and asked his question.

Kong Xuan pondered for a while and said: "I don't know if you have heard of the life experience of the current Emperor Shang Tang?"

"You mean the legend that Jian Di swallowed the egg of the black bird and gave birth to Shangtang after she became pregnant? But this is too childish! How could she, a mere mortal, be able to digest the egg of the black bird?" Yuan thought for a while and said.

"But the fact is that Jian Di digested the egg of the black bird, that is, our little brother. In desperation, our little brother had no choice but to turn into a human body, which is now Shang Tang." Kong Xuan said with a wry smile.

"What? How is it possible?" Yu Yuan couldn't believe what he heard.The egg of the mysterious bird was actually digested by a mortal, isn't this a fantasy?

"If it is impossible normally, but with the intervention of Heaven, all this is very simple. Heaven does not allow our little brother to be born, so my little brother has no choice but to transfer to a human body. The most hateful thing is that my little brother's body cannot practice at all!" At the end of Kong Xuan's speech, his tone was a little bitter.

Speaking of this, the atmosphere became cold, and no one wanted to say anything.Under the oppression of heaven, everyone is like ants.

"Then where are you?" Finally, Yu Yuan broke the silence.

"I am here as the general soldier to ensure that my little brother's hard work will not be in vain. I will do my best to ensure that Dashang can continue as much as possible." Kong Xuan's tone was a little heavy.

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Here I would like to thank myzmyz1 and Yu Tu Yanwei for their evaluation votes.At the same time, I will ask for a recommendation ticket here again, dear fellow Taoists, count the tickets!

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