()Thanks to myzmyz1 and kkang children's shoes for their rewards.

Looking at the golden stick exuding bursts of powerful momentum in front of him, Yu Yuan fell in love with it.

Yu Yuan gently stroked his first weapon, and then, Yu Yuan flicked his right hand, and a drop of blood fell on the stick.

I saw that the stick sucked the goblin's blood into the stick at an extremely fast speed, and the two golden dragons uttered dragon chants together.

A sense of intimacy rose in Yu Yuan's heart.Yu Yuan let go of his hand lightly, and the Coiling Dragon Stick lightly floated in the air, turning around Yu Yuan gently.

Didn't the coiling dragon stick gently lean towards Yu Yuan, as if it was acting like a spoiled child towards Yu Yuan.It can be seen from this that this weapon is full of spirituality.

This method of turning the spirit of a creature into the spirit of a treasure is known to most powerful people in the prehistoric era, but doing so will harm the peace and cause cause and effect. In addition, if the method is rough, the viciousness of the creature's spirit will It cannot be completely eliminated, and even backlash will occur.

And the viciousness of the creature's spirit is formed by the condensed resentment towards the person who killed him, and the unwillingness to die.

The reason why Yu Yuan's Coiling Dragon Stick is so spiritual this time is because of the two golden dragon spirits in the golden dragon scissors sent by Ao Bing.

"Okay, this stick looks mighty and extraordinary, so go out with me and try this stick to see how powerful it is." Yu Yuan looked at the stick, and liked it more and more, and couldn't help itching.

When he came outside, Yu Yuan jumped up to Yuntou and stood on it. Yu Yuan turned around and swung his stick, then challenged his three apprentices to fight.

After 400 years of cultivation, Yang Jian at this time is already at the stage of true immortality, and Yuan Hong is at the peak of the stage of true immortality.The weakest one is Ao Bing who has just entered the door, but he is the peak of Tianxian.

Yuan Hong and Yang Jian looked at each other, and they both saw the excitement in each other's eyes.The two senior brothers worshiped their master extremely, and they both worked hard with Yu Yuan as the goal.

But at this time, their cultivation was finally close to Yu Yuan, and it was time for them to prove themselves.

Yang Jian excitedly took out his three-pointed two-edged knife, and slashed at Yu Yuan in the air.The Coiling Dragon Stick in Yu Yuan's hand swung lightly, and instantly appeared on the path of the three-pointed and two-edged knife. When the Coiling Dragon Stick hit the three-pointed and two-edged knife, Yang Jian felt a huge force coming from him.

Immediately, Yang Jian flew out involuntarily.And Ao Bing, who was still planning to go forward, suddenly shrank his neck and backed away.

"Senior brother, be careful, the master has great strength, don't touch him head-on!" Yang Jian, who was knocked out, hastily reminded Yuan Hong who rushed forward.

But Yuan Hong didn't pay attention to Yang Jian at all. Yuan Hong's original form was the arm-armed ape among the four monkeys in the world, known for his great strength.In addition, what he practiced was the Xuanmen Zhenjiao Kung Fu "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong", and his strength increased even more.

Yuan Hong was confident that he was not inferior to anyone in terms of strength, so even though he saw Yang Jian being sent flying by Yu Yuan's stick, he still raised his stick to meet him without hesitation.

The stick in Yuan Hong's hand was transformed from the big tree he was born in. After Yuan Hong grew up, he uprooted it, and the big tree that accompanied Yuan Hong was obviously not an ordinary thing. Bring it with you to Jinao Island.

Seeing Yuan Hong waving the stick brought out bursts of air ripples and made a sharp howl of air.But Yu Yuan still didn't care, the stick in his hand drew an arc, and picked it up in the center of Yuan Hong's stick from bottom to top.

Originally, Yuan Hong slashed down on the stick fiercely, but was picked up by Yu Yuanlian and the stick.At this moment, Yang Jian, who had regained his breath, attacked again.

Yu Yuan struck again casually, knocking Yang Jian into the air.Yu Yuanbian lost interest and his face was full of disappointment.

These few apprentices of mine are too far away from him, and they can't try the power of the Coiling Dragon Stick at all.

Just when Yu Yuan was about to open his mouth to stop the competition, Yuan Hong came over again with a stick, but Yu Yuan showed a slightly surprised expression on his face.

Because Yu Yuan seemed to feel that Yuan Hong's strength had become stronger, Yu Yuan put aside the idea of ​​stopping the competition, but looked at Yuan Hong expectantly.

After being knocked into the air again, Yuan Hong's eyes were a little red, and he looked extremely violent, and he rushed up at a faster speed.

Seeing Yuan Hong's situation at this time, Yu Yuan frowned slightly. Yuan Hong's current situation seemed to be breaking through, but at the same time he seemed to be out of control.

At this time, after Yang Jian was lightly knocked into the air twice in a row, he lost interest in continuing to seek abuse. Just as he was about to admit defeat, he saw Yuan Hong rushing forward frantically again.

At this time, Yang Jian also felt that something was wrong with Yuan Hong, and just as he was about to step forward to stop Yuan Hong, he heard Yu Yuan's words.

"Don't bother him, your Senior Brother Yuan Hong seems to be breaking through!"

At this time, Yuan Hong's mind was in chaos, and the evil spirit that had been with him since he was born seemed to start surging in his body again.

Being lightly knocked into the air by Yu Yuan twice in a row completely shattered Yuan Hong's confidence that his strength was invincible at the same level as the world.

And the arm-armed ape dominates the world with its strength. At this moment, it was easily defeated in terms of strength, and the evil energy hidden deep in Yuan Hong's body surged like a rage.

"Dali, Dali, Dali..." At this moment, in Yuan Hong's mind, countless voices shouted loudly.

As if it was the mission of the Armed Ape to be invincible at the same level of strength, Yuan Hong could no longer control his body and strength at this moment.

Driven by the evil spirit, Yuan Hong rushed towards Yu Yuan again and again mechanically, and every time he was knocked into the air, Yuan Hong's strength would increase a little when he came back again.

But no matter how powerful Yuan Hong became, Yu Yuan's expression was still very relaxed, just a little more worried.

After being knocked into the air countless times, Yuan Hong finally stopped.

"Aw~~~~" Yuan Hong suddenly raised his head to the sky and screamed loudly, the evil energy around him erupted completely, and a beam of golden light shot from Yuan Hong's body into the sky.

And those voices that were originally only in his head began to resound around with the explosion of the golden beam of light.

"Da Dali, Dali, Dali..." Countless voices continuously resounded around the golden beam of light, and the surrounding air became tense in an instant.

Looking at this scene, Yu Yuan's originally relaxed face became serious, and at the same time, the worry on his face had disappeared, because he had already seen that the red light in Yuan Hong's eyes had disappeared.

Yuan Hong was finally able to control his body at this moment, feeling the ubiquitous power in his body, Yuan Hong had a desire to explode.

Seeing Yuan Hong successfully broke through to the Golden Immortal stage, Yu Yuan laughed out loud.

"Yuan Hong, come and fight with me as a teacher. It didn't even count as a warm-up just now, but it made my hands itchy even more!" Yu Yuan pointed at the dragon stick in his hand, inviting Yuan Hong to fight.

Seeing Yu Yuan's invitation to fight, Yuan Hong was unambiguous, and the stick that turned into a big tree appeared in his hand, the towering stick.

The towering stick in Yuan Hong's hand swung it towards Yu Yuan.Yu Yuan held the stick in one hand and went up to meet it. There was a loud noise, and Yu Yuan felt a slight numbness in his right hand.

And Yuan Hong only took a few steps back slightly, and was not knocked into the air again.It's just that Yuan Hong has two hands, while Yu Yuan has one hand.

"You are very strong, you can fight with Wei Shi!" Yu Yuan praised, the stick in his hand seemed to come alive, and he hit Yuan Hong.

Yuan Hong didn't show weakness, he danced the long stick up and down in his hand, swiped left and right, slashed horizontally and vertically, and monkeys seemed to be born good at using sticks.

But even so, Yuan Hong was still suppressed and beaten by Yu Yuan's men.The coiling dragon stick in Yu Yuan's hand suddenly seemed like a real dragon revived, the stick fell like a violent storm, every move had the potential to turn the world upside down, and the stick had the power to move mountains and seas.

In the end, Yuan Hong was beaten so badly that he had no choice but to fight back.Yu Yuan, however, became more and more refreshed as he fought more and more, feeling a refreshing feeling that was completely different from the one he used to fight with bare hands.

At this time, Yang Jian, who was below, watched the battle between senior brother Yuan Hong and his master intently. Such a wonderful fight was also helpful for Yang Jian's battle, so Yang Jian stared closely and never let it go.

And Ao Bing next to him shivered from time to time, thankful that he didn't go up just now, otherwise he would have been knocked down by the master with his small body.

And Wen Zhong, who was watching below, had flashes of brilliance in his eyes from time to time, but he was also a little sad. Although he was still in the stage of true immortality now, he was far behind Yang Jian himself, let alone Yuan Hong.

After a while, Yuan Hong lay on the ground, completely exhausted.And Yu Yuan stood aside, stretched his waist, and said softly: "It's so cool!"

After hearing this sentence, both Yuan Hong lying on the ground and Yang Jian and Ao Bing standing aside could not help but shudder.Seeing this, Yu Yuan laughed out loud.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit standing aside watched Yu Yuan's childish behavior quietly, and smiled helplessly.

Wen Zhong gently walked up to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, opened his mouth, but stopped talking.

Seeing Wen Zhong like this, the Holy Mother of Jinling asked, "What's wrong with you, Wen Zhong? Is there something wrong?"

"Master, I want to travel to the Great Desolate Continent!" Wen Zhong thought for a while, and finally said.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit frowned slightly upon hearing this. "Why did you suddenly have this idea?"

"After watching the competition between Senior Uncle Yu Yuan and Senior Brother Yuan Hong today, I feel that the difference between myself and Yang Jian is getting bigger and bigger. So I want to go to the Great Desolate Continent to see if I can meet my chance." Zhong said firmly.

And Yu Yuan over there seemed to have heard Wen Zhong's words, and walked over.I wanted to say something, but in the end I didn't say anything, I just patted him on the shoulder.

Seeing what the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had to say, Yu Yuan interrupted her.

"They have grown up, we can give them so much, they can't live under our wings forever!" Yu Yuan's voice was a little lonely.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit swallowed back what she was about to say upon hearing this.It's just that I kept counting in my hand, and a phantom appeared on the thumb of my right hand.Finally, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit gently lowered her right hand.

"Wen Zhong, you are going to travel this time, and neither the teacher nor your uncle will stop you. But you have to remember, you can't go to a place with the word 'absolute', you will die if you meet it!" At the end, Jin The tone of the Virgin Mary is very severe.

After finishing speaking, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit turned around and entered the cave.


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