Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 271 8 Fang Yundong

The Tathagata Buddha was immersed in joy at this time, he didn't check for a while, and saw the ancient Buddha burning lamp attacking the six-eared macaque, and tried to stop it, but it was too late.

Sun Wukong could see it clearly, he blocked the six-eared macaque with the Ruyi golden cudgel in his hand, and Zhu Bajie also smashed the nine-tooth nail rake in his hand at the ancient Buddha.

The buffalo that the six-eared macaque was sitting on made a long moo, and its figure flickered, about to get out of the attack range of the ancient Buddha.On their side, they tried to stop it, and Guanyin Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Manjusri Bodhisattva also made moves.

With a swing of the willow branch in Guanyin Bodhisattva's hand, Monkey King's wishful golden cudgel was swung away.Puxian Bodhisattva used a pair of fleshy palms to resist Zhu Bajie's nine-toothed rake.

Manjusri Bodhisattva sacrificed the seven-treasure golden lotus and trapped the bison in place.At this time, only the six-eared macaque was left alone to face the attack of the burning lamp Buddha.

The Tathagata Buddha also attacked the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng. One palm seemed to cover the sky and cover the earth, filling the entire space, but it seemed to have not changed.

Many Buddhas, Bodhisattvas, and Arhats in the hall were all dazzled when they saw the sudden attack, and they didn't know what happened.

The Lantern Ancient Buddha did not dodge or evade the Tathagata Buddha's attack at all, but only wanted to kill the six-eared macaque under his palm.


The palm of the burning lamp ancient Buddha hit the six-eared macaque firmly, and the six-eared macaque's perception was immediately interrupted.

But burning the ancient Buddha is also uncomfortable.He was slapped on the back by Tathagata Buddha, and a mouthful of blood poured into his mouth, but because the ancient Buddha Di Deng had already prepared, although he was injured, the injury was not serious.

At the same time, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie were wounded by Guanyin Bodhisattva and Samantabhadra respectively.

"Old Buddha Dieng Deng, what do you mean by attacking the sutra learners suddenly? Do you want to sabotage my Buddhist missionary plan?" The Tathagata Buddha had a gloomy face, looking at Gu Di Di Deng with a pale golden complexion and pale lips.

"Buddha. This monstrous monkey is not a person who learns Buddhist scriptures. He joined the Buddhist scriptures forcefully. I don't know where the monsters are. Of course, I want to kill demons and demons to show my Buddhist skills. It also prevents any monsters from daring to run wild in my Buddhism!"

"He is the person I secretly sent to learn the scriptures. Do you have any doubts about my decision?" Tathagata Buddha body.The momentum soared.Huge pressure is on the hearts of every Buddha child in the hall.

The ancient burning lamp Buddha didn't speak, but just looked at Tathagata Buddha coldly, after a while.Then he opened his mouth and said, "Don't dare!"

At this time, the six-eared macaque also came over, and after a while of breath adjustment just now, most of the injuries had recovered, but the six-eared macaque was still very annoyed that his comprehension was interrupted.

"Ran Deng, remember what happened today. I'll settle it with you soon!" The six-eared macaque stared at the ancient Buddha, with murderous intent in his eyes.

"Should I call you the six-eared macaque, or Yu... Yuan?" Burning Deng Gufo showed a somewhat sarcastic smile on his face, looking at the six-eared macaque and asked with a smile.

Hearing the words of the ancient Buddha Ran Deng, the six-eared macaque's heart shook slightly, but there was no change on its face, and it still responded self-improvement: "What Yu Yuan? I am a six-eared macaque. No matter what you say, Deng Deng, I'm never done with you!"

As soon as the six-eared macaque finished speaking, he felt a huge coercion of heaven descending, scanned him around, and finally retreated slowly.

The six-eared macaque secretly breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, it is the body of a six-eared macaque. If it were anything else, I'm afraid that this one will be discovered by heaven.

Originally, if the comprehension just now was complete and he could cut out the corpse, he was confident that he could surpass the way of heaven, but now he still needs a period of time to re-comprehend.

After feeling the coercion of heaven, he did not kill the six-eared macaque. The burning lamp Buddha was also puzzled. Could it be that this monstrous monkey is not Yu Yuan's reincarnation?

"Buddha, I still have something to do, so I'll take my leave first!" The ancient Buddha Dieng Deng gave the six-eared macaque a deep look at the end, then got up and bid farewell to the Tathagata Buddha.

The ancient Buddha who was afraid of Liusun, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra, and Manjusri Bodhisattva also bid farewell to Tathagata Buddha one after another, and left with the ancient Buddha Randeng.

After a while, the atmosphere in the hall returned to normal.

"Four people came forward to learn from the scriptures. Tang Sanzang, I will make you a Zhantan Gongde Buddha. Sun Wukong, I will make you a fighting Buddha. Zhu Wuneng, I will make you an envoy of the altar. Sha Wujing, I will make you a golden Buddha." body arhat."

Because of what happened just now, Tathagata Buddha kept everything simple, he simply conferred the fruit status, but did not elaborate on his achievements.

What surprised all the Buddhas in the hall was that the six-eared macaque that was rescued by the Tathagata Buddha just now did not receive any fruit status reward, and the six-eared macaque also looked disapproving.

Now that the fruit status has been sealed, the scripture learning team will return to the Eastern Land Tang with the scriptures.But only Monk Sha and Zhu Bajie went back with Tang Sanzang, while the six-eared macaque and Monkey King went straight to Ziwei Palace.

After the sutra learning team left, Tathagata Buddha also dismissed many Buddhist disciples, but only 3000 people remained, exactly the [-] disciples who came from Jiejiao.

"Disciples, do you still remember to stop teaching?" Tathagata Buddha said slowly.As soon as these words came out, the three thousand disciples who had been sitting quietly with their eyes closed were all in an uproar.

Tathagata Buddha stretched out his palms and pressed slightly, stopping everyone's doubts.

"Today I want to lead many disciples to attack the Heavenly Court. Afterwards, all three thousand of my disciples will return to the Interceptor. There is a ray of life in the heaven and the earth. We will intercept it and strengthen ourselves. We will be indomitable, upright and unyielding. I will stop teaching and strengthen myself, and the world cannot be stopped!"

"Follow the orders of the elder brother! I will stop teaching and strengthen myself, and the world is unstoppable!" The three thousand disciples below echoed in unison.

Afterwards, the face of the Tathagata Buddha continued to change, and he returned to his Taoist robes again. He jumped up and flew towards Ziwei Palace. The three thousand disciples behind him all returned to their Taoist robes and left with Daoist Duobao.

Beside the Eight Treasures Merit Pool, Taoist Reception and Guide and Taoist Zhunti sat quietly facing each other. They seemed to know nothing about what Taoist Duobao was making.

"Brother, can he succeed?"

"I don't know!"

"That's a treasure..."

"Let him go!"

Lingjiu Mountain Yuanjue Cave.

The ancient Buddha Dieng Deng sat cross-legged quietly in the cave, and the ancient Buddha Fear Liusun, Guanyin Bodhisattva, Samantabhadra Bodhisattva, and Manjushri Bodhisattva sat beside him.

At this time, the faces of several people were a little ugly.Taoist Duobao left with the three thousand disciples of the Jiejiao just now, and they also felt it, they could feel that the luck of Buddhism is declining sharply.

They originally turned to Buddhism from explaining religion for the sake of great luck, but they did not expect that Buddhism showed signs of moving closer to Yu Yuan.

"Teacher Ran Deng, what should we do now?"

Puxian Bodhisattva couldn't bear it anymore, and asked Ran Deng first.But Ran Deng still sat there quietly cross-legged, closing his eyes and not speaking.

Puxian Bodhisattva was about to ask, but Guanyin Bodhisattva at the side stopped him.After a long while, the ancient Buddha Dieng Deng opened his eyes.

"Let's go back to explain the teachings and confess our mistakes to Yuanshi Tianzun!" As soon as the words of the ancient burning lamp came out, the four Avalokitesvara Bodhisattvas were all shocked.

"What? Shall we go back?"

"Now is the time when the world is in chaos. The five of us are a huge help to any side. I believe Yuanshi Tianzun will not reject us!"

Daoist Ran Deng's eyes flickered, and he explained softly.At this time, the four members of Ci Hangdao were all silent.

"Teacher Randeng, with the teacher's proud personality, he will definitely not accept us!" Ci Hangdao said with some bitterness.

"It's because of his pride, as long as we behave pitifully, he will definitely accept us!"

Afterwards, the five burning lanterns also changed back to Taoist costumes and flew towards Yu Qingtian.

Heavenly Court, Tusita Palace.

The Taishang Laojun was sitting on the futon, his eyes seemed to be closed, and he was fanning the plantain fan unhurriedly, refining that furnace of elixir that seemed to never be exhausted.The Jade Emperor sat across from him, watching him quietly.

Just as Taoist Duobao was flying towards Ziwei Palace with three thousand disciples, the eyes of the Taishang Laojun, which seemed to be closed but not closed, suddenly opened.

"Duobao, you are so courageous! How dare you do such a thing against the law of heaven!"

After finishing speaking, Taishang Laojun slowly closed his eyes again, waved his hand at the Jade Emperor and said, "Haotian, you go!"

Hearing the Taishang Laojun's words, the Jade Emperor's face flickered with sadness, and he got up and walked towards the outside of Tushita Palace. At this moment, the Taishang Laojun's voice came from behind him.

"When Emperor Ziwei comes to attack again, I will take action!"

The Jade Emperor had a look of surprise on his face, saluted the Tushita Palace with the closed gate, and left.

In the clear sky, Jinao Island.

Jin'ao Island, which was originally very lively, was very quiet at this time. Even though there were still many Jiejiao disciples who had not been robbed, they all realized their shame and were brave, and they all practiced desperately there.

Except when Taoist Tongtian was preaching, the rest of the time, he practiced hard in his own cave.

Sensing the changes in Buddhism, Taoist Tongtian showed a smile from the heart, and with a wave of his sleeves, the jade chime next to him made a crisp sound.

At this moment, Taoist Tongtian only felt that all the things he had done to cut off the teaching were worthwhile.Because none of his disciples have forgotten, Jiejiao, their eternal home!

"Yu Yuan, is this what you planned for my teacher? Is this what you told Duobao to do?"

Hearing the sound of the jade chime, all the disciples on Jin'ao Island who were retreating came out of the cave and rushed over to Biyou Palace.

Every Intercepting Disciple has some doubts in their hearts. The last sermon has just ended, and they don't know what is the important thing for the teacher to invite them to come.

After all the disciples had arrived, Taoist Tongtian looked around at the many disciples below, and said softly: "My Jiejiao is about to re-prosper, and your big brother Duobao will lead the three thousand disciples back!" (To be completed continued..)

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