Facing the Taishang Laojun's attack, the six-eared macaque could only temporarily slow down the speed of perception, and the hard-core soldier in his hand greeted Lao Tzu's crutches.

But the cultivation level of the six-eared macaque is too far from that of the Taishang Laojun. Lao Tzu's flat crutch hit the Xunxin iron soldier, and then brought the Xunxin iron soldier to smash towards his chest without stopping.

Huge force hit the six-eared macaque's chest, making him feel tightness in his chest. A mouthful of blood couldn't help but surge up, and he opened his mouth and sprayed it out.

At the same time, his sternum was shattered, his internal organs were broken, and the Taishang Laojun's Taiqing Qi continued to wreak havoc in his body.

"Okay, come again!"

The six-eared macaque ran the "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong" and quickly recovered from its injuries. At the same time, the law of destruction appeared in its body, swallowing up the Taishang Laojun's Taiqing Qi.

The six-eared macaque was surprised to find that after being seriously injured by the Taishang Laojun, the obsession in his heart emerged a little faster.

Seeing the fighting spirit of the six-eared macaque, a trace of displeasure appeared on Taishang Laojun's stern face.

"It's another variable. Even if you're not Yu Yuan's reincarnation, you deserve to die!" Taishang Laojun knew in his heart that the monks who could block his undead were all powerful abilities left over from ancient times.

The six-eared macaque is obviously a newly emerged monk, but his cultivation has surpassed most of the ancient monks, which is simply impossible.

Even if it is the body of the four monkeys in the world, it will only advance very quickly before the true immortal stage, and it will slow down later.

"Yin and Yang transformation, Tai Chi Heaven and Earth!"

On the flat crutch of Taishang Laojun.Suddenly, a phantom of the Taiji diagram appeared, and the yin-yang fish kept turning, smashing towards the six-eared macaque with the power to wipe out everything.

If he was hit by this blow, even if the six-eared macaque had practiced the "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong", there was absolutely no reason for him to survive. He would definitely be turned into powder by this Yin-Yang diagram.

And this yin-yang diagram also released bursts of binding power, making it impossible for the six-eared macaque to dodge.

The six-eared macaque roared angrily, its muscles bulged and its veins popped out.Eyes wide open.He mobilized all the mana in his body, but in the face of the Taishang Laojun's attack, all these efforts were useless.

"Big brother!"

"Yu Yuan!"

"Senior brother!"

Seeing that the six-eared macaque was about to fall into the hands of the Taishang Laojun, Monkey King, Emperor Ziwei, and Taoist Duobao all exclaimed.

After being unable to struggle.The six-eared macaque could only stare at the falling Taiji diagram.A feeling of near-death surrounded him.

Could it be my clone.Is it about to perish, and there is no hope of beheading but carrying the corpse?

If this avatar of himself is killed, he cannot be beheaded but carry the corpse.If there is no hope of breaking through, then all those who follow him to attack the Heavenly Court will be destroyed by the Dao of Heaven, and everything he insists on will be shattered.

What exactly is my obsession?I want to protect what I want to protect, break free from what shackles me, destroy what oppresses me, and be at ease from now on, but all of these have a premise.

Facing death at this time, the six-eared macaque's heart was shaken violently, and thoughts emerged one after another.Ever since he came to the world of conferred gods, all his efforts and experiences flashed through his mind one by one.

don't die!My obsession is not to die!Only by living can I be able to do everything.

After realizing his own obsession, the cultivation of the six-eared macaque skyrocketed, and a knowing smile appeared on his face, and the figure of the six-eared macaque began to become uncertain.

Taishang Laojun's flat crutch across the body of the six-eared macaque, directly passed through his body, even the phantom of the Taiji diagram could not cause any harm to him.

At this moment, all the disciples of Jiejiao also came from Jinao Island, but Taoist Tongtian did not show up, obviously he was guarding against Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun.

Seeing that his attack could not harm the six-eared macaque, Lao Tzu's expression changed, and the flat crutch in his hand drew a trace, and attacked the six-eared macaque again.

A figure flashed, but it appeared in front of the six-eared macaque, and a Yin-Yang Great Grinding Machine appeared in its hand, which was no less powerful than the phantom image of the Taiji diagram of the Taishang Laojun.

Amidst the bang, the yin and yang grinding in the hands of the figure, and the phantom image of the Taiji diagram on the crutches of the Taishang Laojun all disappeared.

At this time, many monks saw the figure clearly, it turned out to be the second generation disciple of Jiejiao, Yu Yixian.

Yu Yixian stood in front of Yu Yuan, looking proudly at the Taishang Laojun in front of him, even though he knew it was Lao Tzu's avatar, he didn't have a trace of fear.

After so many years of painstaking practice, Yu Yixian has raised the two laws of yin and yang to the rules and fused them together. In terms of strength, he is already comparable to ordinary quasi-sages.

But it is still much worse than Taishang Laojun, but it is still possible to stop him for a while.

Looking at Yu Yixian standing in front of him, Taishang Laojun's face was gloomy, knowing that he would not be able to defeat him in a short time, and feeling the growing aura of the six-eared macaque, Taishang Laojun finally made up his mind.

The space broke apart soundlessly, and a figure walked out of it, with white beard and white hair, ruddy face, wearing a Tai Chi Taoist robe, holding a crutch and a scroll of pictures in his hand.

It is Taiqing Daode Tianzun Laozi!

Lao Tzu actually dispatched his body to deal with the six-eared macaque, but that's not enough, the space was opened here again, and Yuanshi Tianzun walked out of it, holding a Pangu banner in his hand, and looked at the six-eared macaque with a gloomy face.

Yuanshi Tianzun's face was still a little pale at this time. It was obvious that his injuries had not fully recovered, but it was more than enough to kill a six-eared macaque.

The Tai Chi diagram in Lao Tzu's hand unfolded, and a golden bridge shot out, trying to ingest the six-eared macaque. Yu Yuan's body was still outside the prehistoric world at this time, and he dared not enter the prehistoric world, so he could not be rescued.

Seeing that the six-eared macaque was taken into the Taiji diagram by Jinqiao.Four immortal swords suddenly appeared out of nowhere, smashing the golden bridge to pieces.Daoist Tongtian appeared in the field on the map of Zhuxian.

Seeing Taoist Tongtian appear in the field, Lao Tzu's complexion became more gloomy, and the Taiji diagram in his hand no longer went to deal with the six-eared macaque, but went directly to Taoist Tongtian.blocked him.

"Yuanshi, I'm entangled with Tongtian, you go and kill that monstrous monkey!" Lao Tzu roared at Yuanshi Tianzun.

Hearing Lao Tzu's words, Daoist Tongtian's face changed suddenly, and the four immortal swords attacked Laozi frantically, but Laozi had two defensive treasures to protect him, so Daoist Tongtian couldn't pass for a while.

Yuanshi Tianzun looked at the six-eared macaque who was standing there, immersed in his perception, his body was full of murderous aura, and the Pangu flag in his hand shook.He planned to turn the six-eared macaque into ashes.

See this scene.Daoist Tongtian's face turned hard for a while, the formula in his hand changed, and the four immortal swords were about to unite again, seeing Taoist Tongtian's movements.There was also a look of shock and anger on Lao Tzu's face.

Tongtian Taoist's four swords unite.They are the only magic weapons that can seriously injure a saint.Seeing that Yuanshi Tianzun behind him has already issued a chaotic sword energy.I can only hold on for a while longer.

At this moment, a transparent brilliance appeared, directly blocking the chaotic sword energy emitted by Yuanshi Tianzun.At the same time, the sky and the earth trembled, the ceiling fell, golden lotuses surged from the ground, and countless phantoms of rare and exotic animals raised their voices to the sky.

Someone is sanctified!

A Taoist suddenly appeared in the field, with a face like a crown jade, eyes like morning stars, very handsome.Wearing a multi-color Taoist robe, it doesn't feel fancy at all, but gives people a feeling of returning to basics.

Daoist Tongtian stopped the action of combining four swords into one. Although the power of combining four swords into one is great, after the attack is over, Zhu Xian's four swords can no longer be used, and his strength will also drop a little.

Yuanshi Tianzun also stared closely at the Taoist in front of him, and said in disbelief: "Kong Xuan? You have become a saint? How is it possible?"

"Yuanshi, nothing is impossible! It should be mine, and nothing can stop it. Not even the Dao of Heaven!" Kong Xuan had a calm expression on his face, but his words were extremely proud.

"Kong Xuan, so what if you become a saint? Without the primordial purple energy, you will soon be suppressed by the Dao of Heaven! You should run for your life! This matter is beyond your control!"

Yuanshi Tianzun regained his calm at this time, and smiled coldly at Kong Xuan.

Kong Xuan also didn't care, shook his head and smiled, still standing in front of the six-eared macaque, without any intention of moving.

Feeling the power of Kong Xuan's attack just now, Yuanshi Tianzun didn't dare to do it, and could only helplessly watch the six-eared macaque's continuous comprehension.

Yuanshi Tianzun stood where he was, quietly waiting for the arrival of the Dao of Heaven, but after waiting for a long time, he felt a little anxious in his heart.

Why hasn't Heaven come?

In Zixiao Palace, Taoist Hongjun sat cross-legged on the futon quietly.

The color of his eyes was constantly changing, turning white for a while, and returning to black for a while.

"Hongjun, do you dare to defy me? Aren't you afraid that I will destroy you?" A heavy voice with endless coercion came.

"You and I are already one, how can you destroy me?" Hongjun smiled slightly, not caring about the threat of Heaven.

"Damn it, when Yu Yuan grows up, he will destroy me, but then you won't be able to run away. Now you can only help me and kill Yu Yuan together, so that we can remove the threat!"

"Who knows?" Daoist Hongjun said softly, accompanied by a soft laugh.

Heavenly Dao's roar echoed continuously in Zixiao Palace.

When several saints were deadlocked together, the six-eared macaque, who had kept his eyes tightly closed, finally opened his eyes and chanted loudly.

"Everyone says that the gods are good, but no one knows that the gods are troubled. Although they ride the clouds and ride the fog at ease, the five decays of heaven and man are inevitable. If they cultivate the fruit of immortality, they will escape the five decays. I have been busy for many years, and it has turned into ashes and disappeared. I sighed that the world is impermanent, and asked, who can not die? I want to live forever, and there are many obstacles in the world. Whether I can live happily for hundreds of millions of years depends on the present!"

After singing, the whole body of the six-eared macaque shook, the change of reality and reality stopped, and at the same time the space was broken, Yu Yuan walked out from inside, and the six-eared macaque walked into his body. (To be continued..)

ps: Thanks to the book friend "Poison You Thousands of Times" for the reward, and the two monthly tickets of "General Hum Ha".

Many chapter rewards have not been distributed, and they are all comments from book friends who "poison you thousands of times".It's not that I don't want to issue it. Every time 10 times are full, I can't issue it.In the past, I often stayed up late and could wait until early in the morning to pay out. Recently, I changed my work and rest habits, so I couldn’t pay out.So explain it here.

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