Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 32 The Way of Destruction

() Stimulated by this, Yu Yuan's power of the primordial spirit, which had gradually become calm and even seemed like a pool of stagnant water, suddenly went berserk.

"The soul is burning!" Yu Yuan roared in his heart.

I saw the bodies of the three primordial spirits of Jinwu, Bahuang, and Xuanwu in Yu Yuan's body all ignited a mysterious flame.

Under the burning of this flame, Yu Yuan's three primordial spirits were constantly shrinking, but at the same time, an incomparably violent power of the primordial spirit was released.

With the help of this incomparably violent primordial spirit power, Yu Yuan suppressed the witch power in his body, cutting off the connection between the witch power and the instinctive imprint of his body.

Then Yu Yuan's turned head suddenly flew up, and was trying to change back to his original human body.

Xing Tian was waiting for Yu Yuan's transformed head to fall on his neck, and suddenly felt that the witch power he had penetrated into Yu Yuan's body was cut off, and Yu Yuan was also trying to get out of his control.

Xing Tian was furious immediately, and waved another wave of witch power into Yu Yuan's body, and this witch power was ten times thicker than last time.

"I let you run away last time, and you still want to run away this time? Dreaming! You just obediently become a part of my body!" Xing Tian looked up to the sky and laughed wildly, not paying attention to Yu Yuan's struggle at all.

"Xing Tian, ​​I know that even if I burn my primordial spirit, I can't get rid of this fate. I didn't want to, but because of you, that piece of white jade shattered! The white jade she gave me shattered! You should die!" Yu Yuan's face was ferocious, and his tone was full of madness.

Yu Yuan behaved like a desperado at this time.When he came to this world of conferred gods, because Yu Yuan was afraid of death, Yu Yuan plotted everywhere.But for thousands of years of loneliness, the only thing that can warm him up is the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

The Virgin of the Golden Spirit is not just a lover to Yu Yuan, who is his first love. Because of the environment, the Virgin of the Golden Spirit has become Yu Yuan's spiritual dependence.

And now, Xing Tian personally broke this last attachment of life in front of him, how could Yu Yuan not be crazy?

"Hahaha, is it because of a piece of broken jade? Is it worth it? Originally, after you and I returned to one body, your consciousness can still occupy part of it. Now after you burn the primordial spirit, you will have nothing left! You can also be regarded as exempting me. worry!" Xing Tian said disdainfully.

And Xing Tian's disdain hurt Yu Yuan even more.Broken jade?Xing Tian, ​​I, Yu Yuan, will kill you today!

"Three primordial spirits, explode!" With Yu Yuan's roar, the three primordial spirits in Yu Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness all swelled rapidly, and after reaching the peak, the three primordial spirits exploded instantly.

The huge explosive power of Yuanshen rushed out of Yu Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness, and rushed into Yu Yuan's body meridians.

Seeing Yu Yuan's physical body expanding rapidly, then shrinking again.Yu Yuan's physical body finally returned to his control.

The power of the primordial spirit scattered after the explosion of the primordial spirit blended with Yu Yuan's immortal power in Yu Yuan's meridians, combined, entangled, and finally merged into one.

At this time, although Yu Yuan was not a golden immortal, Yu Yuan's primordial spirit contained unique power of rules. At this time, the power flowing in the meridians in Yu Yuan's body was almost the same as magic power.

After Yu Yuan's physical body regained control, it instantly recovered Yu Yuan's human body from the head.

At this time, the power in Yu Yuan's body was surging, and his strength could be said to be Yu Yuan's peak state.

Yu Yuan took out the Coiling Dragon Stick, and the Coiling Dragon Stick, which was originally slightly dim, suddenly emitted an unusually bright light under the urging of Yu Yuan's mana.

The two golden dragons exuded bursts of heavy and strong aura of law. Standing in the void, Yu Yuan exuded an incomparably terrifying aura around his body. Against the backdrop of this aura, Yu Yuan's body suddenly seemed to become extremely tall.

After a few steps, Yu Yuan appeared beside Xing Tian, ​​and the stick in his hand struck Xing Tian's chest with terrifying power.

Where Yu Yuan stepped, there were a few void ripples left in the void, which did not dissipate for a long time.

Seeing the fierceness of the long stick in Yu Yuan's hand, Xing Tian swung the huge ax in his hand horizontally, and the broad ax blocked Yu Yuan's coiling dragon stick.

Seeing his powerful stick being blocked by Xing Tian, ​​Yu Yuan's figure was no longer stagnant, he turned around and swung the stick sideways again.

At this time, because Yu Yuan exploded the three primordial spirits, his strength increased dramatically.Yu Yuan's body contained celestial power with the power of rules, and his physical body was better than that of the great witch at the peak of Jinxian. Xing Tian was no match for Yu Yuan at all.

But Xing Tian was not in a hurry, he just defended with all his strength, because Yu Yuan would definitely die after detonating his Yuanshen.Now it's just Yu Yuan's last fight.

The fact is just like what Xing Tian thought, Yu Yuan couldn't last long at all, but the fury in his heart still made Yu Yuan attack non-stop.

Mana surged out of Yu Yuan's body like a tsunami, and continuously poured into the Coiling Dragon Stick in Yu Yuan's hand. With the support of such powerful mana, the Coiling Dragon Stick became more and more golden, and at the same time, the Coiling Dragon Stick became heavier and heavier. sturdy.

At this time, every time Yu Yuan swung the Coiling Dragon Stick, he seemed to be very powerful, while Xing Tian was holding the giant axe to block left and right and kept retreating.

Yu Yuan pressed on step by step, one footprint after another appeared in the void.These footprints either exude bursts of hot breath, with golden flames burning on them; or exude bursts of cold breath, with bursts of hoarfrost slowly emerging.

"Hahaha, you can't hold on for long! The shattered primordial power in your body has already begun to dissipate, you can't possibly kill me!" Seeing the string of footprints exuding the aura of law left behind Yu Yuan, Xing Tian was ecstatic.

"Really? Then try my last blow!" Immediately, the three primordial powers in Yu Yuan's body began to converge and blend.

The golden crow fell, mourning and weeping blood; the earth cracked, and all things cried; Xuanwu broke his limbs, and his four legs supported the sky.Various auras emerged from Yu Yuan's body one by one, these auras blended with each other, and finally formed a kind of aura, shattered.

At this moment, bursts of disillusioned auras continued to emanate from Yu Yuan's body, which indicated that Yu Yuan's life had also come to an end.

But Yu Yuan didn't seem to notice anything, and poured all the breath of destruction into the Coiling Dragon Stick.

With the help of the three primordial spirits in his body, Yu Yuan blew himself up, comprehending his golden immortal law, the way of destruction.If Yu Yuan didn't die, it would be easy to break through the Golden Immortal.

However, Yu Yuan has absolutely no reason to survive at this time.He swung the last stick in his life, and it was also the brightest stick in his life.

"No, Yu Yuan, don't~~~" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had just arrived at this time, watched Yu Yuan transform her last vitality into the breath of destruction and inject it into the Coiling Dragon Stick, and couldn't help crying loudly.

Hearing the shout of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Yu Yuan turned his head and smiled at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but the Coiling Dragon Stick in his hand kept falling towards Xing Tian.

"Roar~~" Seeing this, Xing Tian let out a deep roar from his throat, and mobilized all the witch power into the giant ax in his hand. At the same time, he tightened his body and hid behind the giant axe.

There was a very slight sound of "poof", and the Coiling Dragon Stick in Yu Yuan's hand fell on Xing Tian's giant ax with such great power, but it only made a small sound.

Immediately, I saw Xing Tian trembling all over, flying upside down, spitting out blood from his mouth.

And after Yu Yuan delivered the last blow, his whole body fell down limply. Looking at the intact giant ax in Xing Tian's hand, Yu Yuan's eyes were a little unwilling. If it wasn't for the giant ax, he would have beaten Xing Tian to death just now. of!

Immediately, Yu Yuan felt himself falling into a soft embrace, so warm!

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit hugged Yu Yuan tightly, holding Yu Yuan's head tightly in her arms, the mist in her eyes finally turned into tears, and each drop fell on Yu Yuan's face.

Yu Yuan opened his eyes and lay quietly in the arms of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, seeing the tears of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit falling on his face, Yu Yuan wanted to reach out and gently wipe away her tears, but I couldn't raise my hands no matter what.

Yu Yuan felt that all the strength in his body had dissipated, and his soul was also dissipating slowly. The laziness made Yu Yuan know that death was getting closer to him.

Suddenly there was a sound of wind, and although Xing Tian's mouth was still spurting blood, the huge ax in his hand was raised high, and he slashed towards the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit who was holding Yu Yuan tightly.

Seeing this scene, Yu Yuan screamed wildly in his heart, wanting to speak to remind the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but at this moment he seemed to have lost the strength to even open his mouth.

And the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had a deep cultivation base, didn't seem to feel a huge ax coming straight down at him from behind.

Can you really not feel it?Seeing the frank smile that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly showed to him, Yu Yuan felt a pain in his heart, knowing that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was going to accompany him.

At this time, Yu Yuan felt a deep sense of powerlessness in his heart.Can't I do anything by myself?

No, I can do it, and I've started changing the world.Yang Jian is my apprentice, Ao Bing is my apprentice, and Di Xin is not a tyrant, but the reincarnation of that person, and his remnant soul has also reincarnated successfully.

I will never succumb to fate!

Just when Yu Yuan was trying his best to stop Xing Tian.From a place infinitely far away, a place of nothingness, suddenly a force shot out.

This force seemed to ignore the distance of space, it traveled through the infinite distance at once, appeared in Honghuang, and came to the sky above Yu Yuan.

As soon as this force entered the flood, it immediately aroused the reactions of several saints.

Taoist Tongtian, who was wandering cross-legged, opened his eyes suddenly, two sword lights shot out from his eyes, and then his spiritual consciousness closely followed that power, but then lost the trace of that power.

And Yuanshi Tianzun also followed to no avail. Afterwards, Yuanshi Tianzun snorted coldly, closed his eyes and meditated.

Feeling that force, Lao Tzu stopped fanning for a moment, and then vigorously fanned it. The pill in the stove had already been practiced, and he didn't seem to notice it.

The two from the Western School looked at each other and sighed in unison: "Variable, variable!"

Nu Wa sighed softly, but did nothing.

And in the Zixiao Palace in the chaos of the outer sky, Hongjun's eyes flashed Jing Jing, "Has it appeared? Even if the Conferred God fails, it will be worthwhile to be able to lure you!"

Besides, the force that came to Yu Yuan's head was divided into two, and a force shot into Yu Yuan's body, and endless vitality emanated from Yu Yuan's body immediately.

The other shot towards Xing Tian, ​​and in just an instant, Xing Tian was turned into ashes by this force, leaving only a few drops of bright and unusual blood on the spot.


Fellow Daoists, Jin Ling is about to be overthrown, so everyone is here!

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