() As soon as the two figures appeared, they stood together, holding hands tightly.Immediately, the two figures turned their heads and looked at each other, smiled at each other, and then they disappeared into Yu Yuan's heaven and earth primordial spirit together.

"Wow~" In the cave in reality, Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit woke up at the same time, their lips parted, and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit let out a seductive soft moan.

Immediately, Yu Yuan fell on the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and looked at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit with a smile on his face.As soon as the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit opened her eyes, she saw Yu Yuan looking at her with a smile all over her face. She couldn't help closing her eyes shyly, and at the same time, a blush appeared on her face.

"Aren't you getting up soon?" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said shyly.

"I want to hug you for a while longer! Ling'er, tell me, is this true? You are mine now, aren't you?" Yu Yuan still felt a little unreal until now.

"En." The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit replied softly, her voice was like a mosquito, if Yu Yuan hadn't been listening carefully, she might not have heard it.

Just like that, under Yu Yuan's trickery, Yu Yuan hugged the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit for a while, and gradually, Yu Yuan felt that he had some reactions again.

"Ah! Don't, it still hurts there!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit exclaimed.

"Just use spells to heal it! Good Linger, let me love you again!" Yu Yuan's voice became rough.

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan waved his hand lightly, and a formula covered the pain of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. After a cool feeling, the wound of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit healed completely.

Seeing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit complied with Yu Yuan's request half-heartedly, and immediately panted, sweat dripping, buttocks intertwined, necks intertwined, lingering to death.

After a long time, the clouds stopped and the rain stopped, and Yu Yuan put his left arm around the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and gently kissed the little flushed face of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit with his lips.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit opened her eyes and gave Yu Yuan a lazy look. This look was so charming that it almost drew Yu Yuan's soul out.

"Okay, we have to go back soon!" Seeing that Yu Yuan was about to commit another misdemeanor, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit interrupted him quickly.

Seeing this, Yu Yuan had no choice but to stand up. Seeing Yu Yuan's sullen expression, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit blushed and gently kissed him on the cheek.

Only now did Yu Yuan feel happy.

"Pfft." As Yu Yuan got up, a strange voice came from under Yu Yuan.

Looking at the direction from which the voice came from, the faces of Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit both blushed at the same time.Immediately, both of them got dressed in a hurry, and left the uninhabited island hand in hand.

After leaving the cave, Yu Yuan was about to leave when he was stopped by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Yu Yuan turned back to look at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suspiciously, wondering why she suddenly pulled him because of something important?

Yu Yuan turned his head, and saw the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit pointing to his robe with a blushing face.

Yu Yuan followed the fingers of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, looked down, and saw something on his robe.

At this moment, Yu Yuan remembered that his robe was placed under Jin Ling's body, so the thing on his robe should be Jin Ling's falling red.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan hurriedly took off his robe and stuffed it into the hands of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit. At the same time, a new robe appeared on his body.

The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit took the robe that Yu Yuan handed her, blushed and put the robe into her personal storage space.

Afterwards, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit flew towards Jinao Island together with Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan didn't expect that he would encounter so many things during his trip down the mountain, he survived several times, and if it wasn't for that inexplicable force, he would almost certainly die in the end.

Thinking of that inexplicable power, Yu Yuan felt puzzled, he didn't know where did that power come from?

Could it be from his teacher Taoist Tongtian, but it doesn't feel like it. When the power of Taoist Tongtian prevented him from being taken to Yuxu Palace, he felt it.

The power that does not know where it came from seems to contain a deeper majesty and a stronger coercion than Taoist Tongtian.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan shook his head. Now that he has not escaped from the Great Tribulation of Conferred Gods, why do he think about things related to saints?

However, Yu Yuan suddenly thought that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit hugged him tightly at that time, and she didn't plan to dodge or resist Xing Tian's attack at all, and seemed to want to die with him.

Yu Yuan turned his head and looked tenderly at the Virgin of the Golden Spirit beside him, and gently stroked the long hair of the Virgin of the Golden Spirit that had not been tied into a bun.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit felt Yu Yuan's touch, her head was lightly attached to Yu Yuan's hand, and she turned her head again, looking at Yu Yuan with tender eyes.

"That day, why didn't you dodge Xing Tian's sneak attack from behind?" Yu Yuan asked softly, still stroking the long hair of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit with his hand.

"I want to be with you!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit replied very simply, but the deep love had already filled Yu Yuan's lonely heart.

"Actually, I want you to live well and avenge me!" Yu Yuan took his hand back, looked into the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and said seriously.

"I'm afraid you will be lonely!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit said seriously without avoiding Yu Yuan's gaze.

From then on, life and death depend on each other, and I will walk with you, regardless of the future. I hope you will not sigh loneliness from now on.

Yu Yuan couldn't control himself anymore, hugged the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit tightly in his arms, smiled and said softly: "You are such a fool!"

However, Yu Yuan couldn't stop crying.

"From today onwards, I want to live a good life, not only for myself, but also for you! And you, you have to live a good life for me!" Yu Yuan's lips whispered in the ear of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Since then, Yu Yuan has strengthened his heart to live in the world of conferred gods.There is no chance, no hesitation, and I will go on firmly step by step.

Fuck his god-conferring momentum!To his fate!Let me, Yu Yuan, an insignificant ant, and you saints play this big game of chess!

Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit escaped very quickly, and after a while, they had already returned to Jinao Island on a cloud.After returning to Jin'ao Island, Yu Yuan went directly to expand his cave.

Then, Yu Yuan went to the cave of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit and moved all her belongings to his cave, but the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit blushed and said nothing.

Immediately afterwards, Yu Yuan distributed a paper crane report, stating that he had become a Taoist partner with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

At this moment, all the Jiejiao disciples knew about this matter, and within a few days, an endless stream of Jiejiao disciples came to congratulate him.

Yu Yuan socialized with each other one by one, either sitting and discussing the Tao, or talking about the world.Anyway, these few days, Yu Yuan has been very busy, after three or five days, he can finally settle down peacefully.

In the past few days, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has been sitting beside Yu Yuan, and Yu Yuan has received visits from many fellow Taoists.

After seeing off the last fellow Taoist, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit spoke softly to Yu Yuan and said, "Husband, you and I should go to see the teacher, we must not lose our etiquette!"

Hearing this, Yu Yuan patted his forehead, and said regretfully: "Madam, if you don't tell me, I almost forgot. I have been busy receiving many fellow Taoists these past few days, and I haven't visited the teacher yet! It's not too late, let's go now !"

After finishing speaking, Yu Yuan took the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, and the two walked towards Biyou Palace together, looking at the beautiful scenery of Jin'ao Island while walking.

At this time, Yu Yuan realized that he didn't seem to have seen the whole Jinao Island at all, he only knew how to practice all day long, so it's quite interesting to relax and play around today.

Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit came to the gate of Biyou Palace and stood there waiting respectfully.

After a while, Shuihuo boy turned around and walked out from Biyou Palace.Walking up to Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of Jinling, he said, "Senior Brother Yu Yuan, Senior Sister Jinling, the teacher let you two go in."

The boy of water and fire turned around after finishing speaking, and walked towards Biyou Palace, Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of Jinling quickly followed.

When we arrived at Biyou Palace, we saw Taoist Tongtian sitting high on the cloud bed.Yu Yuan was surprised to find that he could see the face of Taoist Tong Tian clearly this time.

Taoist Tongtian's face was thin and thin, he looked like the face of an ordinary man in his thirties.

Taoist Tong Tian seemed to have also sensed Yu Yuan's curious gaze, and looked at Yu Yuan, and upon seeing it, a trace of satisfaction flashed in his eyes.

"Yu Yuan, I didn't expect you to have an adventure in Beihai this time, break through the realm, and become a monk of the Golden Immortal. At this time, you can truly touch the essence of this world!" Taoist Tongtian said.

Hearing Taoist Tongtian's last sentence, Yu Yuan had a guess about being able to see Taoist Tongtian's face clearly this time.

These saints integrate their own way into the way of heaven, they themselves are equivalent to a part of this world, so only after reaching the Golden Immortal stage and getting in touch with the essence of the world can we see their faces clearly.

"The teacher praised me. This time, this disciple was able to comprehend the law and break through the Golden Immortal. Besides, if it wasn't for the help of Senior Sister Jin Ling, I'm afraid I would have died!" Yu Yuan smiled wryly.

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Taoist Tongtian frowned slightly.In the end, I just sighed softly and said, "I never thought that you would encounter such dangers when you went to Beihai this time. The catastrophe is about to start recently, and the secrets of the sky are getting more and more chaotic. Some things, if I don't pay attention to them all the time, will be as difficult as before. Everything is clear.”

Hearing Taoist Tongtian say this, Yu Yuan felt a burst of joy in his heart.Since the sage can no longer understand everything in his chest, then he has room for development.

"Teacher, we came today to tell the teacher that Junior Brother Yu Yuan and I have become Taoist couples." The Holy Mother of Jinling stepped forward and said to Taoist Tongtian.

"I already know about this! Back then, I took Yu Yuan as my direct disciple to make you less worried today." Taoist Tong Tian once again had an expression of knowing everything in his chest.

"Thank you teacher!" Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of Jinling thanked Taoist Tongtian.

When the two were about to leave, Taoist Tongtian called Yu Yuan to stop him. Seeing that Taoist Tongtian wanted to talk to him, although Yu Yuan was a little nervous, he stayed in Biyou Palace honestly.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit originally wanted to stay with Yu Yuan, but Yu Yuan persuaded her to go back.

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Thanks to K Kang and Tianhaikuo farmer for their rewards!

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