Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 36 The First Battle of Beihai

() After listening to Yu Yuan's words, every disciple was thinking about Yu Yuan's words and the feasibility of the method he said.

"My disciples can choose two ways to survive the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods. One is to close the cave door tightly and recite Huang Ting silently like at the beginning. It doesn't matter whether the other disciples I intercept are alive or dead, and whether my reputation is good or not. If you are humiliated, don't go down the mountain!" Yu Yuan said, staring closely at the disciples below.

After listening to Wan Yuyuan's words, all the Jiejiao disciples stood up, as if they had all been greatly insulted, everyone's eyes widened with anger and menacing.

"Senior Brother Yu Yuan, what are you talking about? I have been greatly favored by the teacher, and I have learned the truth. If it weren't for the teacher, I would still be wearing scales and horns. Although my cultivation base is low, I am willing to fight to the death for me Let's fight!" Luo Xuan took a step forward, the flames on his body soared, and he said loudly.

"Okay! Fellow Taoists, all of you are good people who have taught me." Yu Yuan heard Luo Xuan say this, and gave a loud shout to applaud him.

"Since this is the case, we can only choose the second way to overcome the tribulation. That is, the disciples of Jiejiao are stepping up their cultivation now, absorbing all the things they have learned from listening to the teacher's lecture last time, and transforming them into their own strength. Ready to go down the mountain at any time Respond to robbery!" Yu Yuan's eyes were shining, and he sat still like a general.

Hearing what Yu Yuan said, Daoist Duobao frowned slightly, looked at Yu Yuan and said, "Junior Brother Yu Yuan, I will teach my disciples to close the mountain gate and not go out of the mountain, so we can't come up the mountain with the explanation?"

"Brother Duobao, the Twelve Golden Immortals who explained and taught have committed a god-killing calamity, and they want to complete the conferment of the gods. Besides me, how can there be so many monks who let them eliminate the killing calamity?" Yu Yuan knew that Duobao was also concerned. Cut to teach the future, so earnestly persuaded.

"Junior Brother Yu Yuan, I still don't believe that the Chan Church is like this! No matter what, the three religions are always one." Taoist Duobao still insisted.

Hearing Taoist Duobao say this, Yu Yuan finally felt something was wrong.Taoist Duobao is not an ordinary person.

This person who encouraged Tongtian Taoist to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation, and later, as the Tathagata Buddha, personally planned the entire Journey to the West, could he not even see this?

"I heard that Master Uncle is also dissatisfied with the many good and bad disciples I cut off teaching?" Yu Yuan tentatively asked Taoist Duobao.

Daoist Duobao couldn't help trembling when he heard Yu Yuan's question, and looked at Yu Yuan with eyes full of surprise.

Seeing Taoist Duobao's reaction, Yu Yuan knew that Taoist Duobao was worried that Lao Tzu would unite with Yuanshi Tianzun, so he had been unwilling to break up with Chanjiao. tear face.

At this time, Yu Yuan finally only knew why so many Jiejiao disciples in the original book seized the disciples of Chanjiao and did not kill them. Presumably, they were ordered by Taoist Duobao to keep things a little thinner, and wanted to save the face of the three religions in the future.

However, Daoist Duobao would never have imagined that his Intercepting disciple would catch the Chanjiao disciple and not kill him, and that the Chanjiao disciple would kill his Intercepting disciple without mercy.

When Daoist Duobao saw the golden rosy crown of his disciple, Our Lady of Huoling, Taoist Duobao finally came to his senses after a heavy blow.

So Taoist Duobao encouraged his teacher to set up the Zhuxian Sword Formation.In Taoist Duobao's mind, the Zhuxian Sword Formation cannot be broken without the four sages. Since the original Laozi and the two disregarded the feelings of the three religions, there is no need to hesitate to cut off the teaching and start a full-scale war with the Chanjiao.

But what Taoist Duobao didn't expect was that this in itself was a huge conspiracy.Ever since the Virgin of Huoling was killed, Guangchengzi visited Biyou Palace three times to provoke the anger of the disciples of the Jiejiao.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan sighed lightly.

"Senior Brother Duobao, don't get your hopes up! If I cut off the disciples because of you and spared the disciples of Chanjiao, and you are killed instead, you will be the sinner of my interception!" Yu Yuan's voice was a bit cold when he said this.

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, Daoist Duobao was shocked, stopped speaking, and bowed his head in silence.

"You all go back and get ready!" Yu Yuan waved his hand after finishing speaking, and said to the disciples of the Interceptor Sect below.

Afterwards, all the disciples of the Jiejiao left one by one, either going back to refining magic weapons, or going back to refining formations, or going back to practice supernatural powers.

But none of the golden fairy disciples left, they just sat there cross-legged, their eyes closed and their minds wandering, without saying a word.

"Brothers, we are the main force against the Twelve Golden Immortals of Chanjiao! But our total strength is much stronger than that of Chanjiao and others. So we are divided into three teams, and we don't have to go all the way down the mountain every time. Go, only go to one team, so as not to leave Jin'ao Island unguarded!" After hearing Yu Yuan's words, everyone nodded slightly.

After everyone's discussion, it was decided that the first team would be Daoist Duobao, Zhao Gongming, Wuyunxian, Changer Dingguangxian, and Piluxian.

The first team is Our Lady of Guiling, Sanxiao, Jinguangxian, Lingyaxian, and Qiushouxian.

And the last team is Our Lady of the Golden Spirit, Our Lady of Wudang, Yu Yuan, Immortal Feather Wing, and Immortal Golden Hoop.

After the discussion, everyone dispersed.Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit went back to the cave, not mentioning that they went to practice.

Let's say that after Wen Zhong attended the Gathering of Ten Thousand Immortals, he didn't have time to say hello to Yu Yuan, and hurried to Beihai on his ink unicorn.

As soon as Wen Zhong got off Mo Qilin and sat firmly in the big tent, Wen Zhong's two disciples, Ji Li and Yu Qing, came in to report together.

"Master, this Yuan Futong is challenging in front of the battle every day. Since you are not in the camp these few days, we dare not fight without authorization." Ji Li reported the recent situation to Wen Zhong.

"En. I'm not here for a few days, you refuse to fight, you are still calm! Let Zhang Shan and Qiu Yin come to this big tent. When I come back today, I will kill Yuan Futong's vigor." Wen Zhongqing He stroked the three long beards under his chin.

After receiving the order from the soldiers, Zhang Shan and Qiu Yin hurried to the big tent, and just as they sat down firmly before they could speak, they heard the sound of war drums outside the camp.

When Zhang Shan heard the sound of the drum, he immediately became angry, "It must be Yuan Futong who came to challenge again, Marshal, since you have returned today, let the last general go out and behead his dog's head!"

"Today, let me see what kind of support this rebellious minister and traitor has, and how dare he be so arrogant!" Wen Zhong stood up, flicked his right hand, and the cloak flew behind him.

With the sound of three drums, the gate of the commercial camp opened wide, and countless vigorous soldiers poured out from it.

Then, the soldiers separated to the two sides like water, and several generals rode out from among them, surrounded by many guards behind them.

These generals are Wen Zhong, Zhang Shan and Qiu Yin.

Originally, there was a general in Yuan Futong's camp who rode a horse and kept circling in circles, provoking demonstrations.At this time, seeing the army of the merchant camp pouring out, the man reined in his horse and stopped immediately.

When Zhang Shan saw this person, he was furious.In the past few days, because Wen Zhong was not in the camp, he could not go out to fight, and the enemy generals scolded him every day, so Zhang Shan was already full of anger.

At this moment, seeing this man showing off his might, Zhang Shan slapped the horse's buttocks with a big knife in his hand, and the black horse shot out from under his crotch, leading Zhang Shan to approach the enemy general at a high speed.

That person scolded and fought in the commercial camp for the past few days but did not see the commercial camp participating in the battle, so he immediately underestimated the generals of the commercial camp.

At this time, seeing Zhang Shan rushing towards him with a knife, he didn't hesitate any more, he waved his spear in his hand, and urged his horse to meet him.

When he got close, the man joked, "You idiots finally dare to come out, take a shot from Grandpa!"

Hearing what the man said, Zhang Shan yelled angrily, the big knife in his hand turned white, and when he raised the knife, the enemy general with his gun was cut in half by Zhang Shan.

Zhang Shan pointed his sword at Yuan Futong's camp, and said arrogantly: "Who else among you dares to come out and fight grandpa?"

Seeing Zhang Shan's bravery, many generals under Yuan Futong's command were all fighting in two directions, and none of them dared to step forward to fight again.

Seeing this, Yuan Futong was also frightened. Yuan Futong turned around and bowed to a person sitting next to him on the horse, and said, "Please help me, sir!"

I saw that the person sitting next to him was wearing a blood-colored robe, and even his head was covered by the robe.And there was a strong stench of blood all over him.

Hearing what Yuan Futong said, the man started to chuckle, the laughter was extremely ugly, like countless crows screaming mournfully.

"Master Hou, you can do it if you want me to, but when I come back from victory, don't forget to prepare blood for me! Quack quack quack quack!" Hearing what the mysterious man said, Yuan Futong quickly agreed.

"When Mister comes back victorious, I am willing to offer twice as much blood food, but I just hope Mister will take action and take down this dog!" The man was extremely satisfied with Yuan Futong's words.

The mysterious man lightly patted the blood-red war horse that had sat down, and the horse snorted twice before strolling into the battlefield.

But the horse left behind a series of marks, and all the grass where the horse stepped on became withered and yellow.

Wen Zhong, who was standing in the middle of the army formation, saw this scene from a distance, and couldn't help but said: "General Zhang Shan, be careful, this person may have strange skills."

After reminding Zhang Shan, Wen Zhong whispered in Qiu Yin's ear again: "General Qiu, pay attention later, and prepare to fight for General Zhang."

Qiu Yin nodded lightly when he heard the words, and at the same time focused all his attention on the mysterious man.

When Zhang Shan was reminded by Wen Zhong, he also saw the series of withered hoof prints behind the horse. Zhang Shan's muscles tensed up all over his body, and he used all his strength to fight this man.

The man came up and pointed at Zhang Shan and said, "You still surrender automatically! As long as you bind your hands and feet and beg me for mercy, I can consider not killing you!"

Zhang Shan was furious when he heard the words, the black horse under his crotch galloped, and the big knife in his hand took advantage of the momentum to strike at the blood-robed man.There was no movement of the blood-robed man, only a blood-colored long fork suddenly appeared in his hand.

The blood-colored long fork blocked Zhang Shan's big knife with just a flick.Although Zhang Shan's offensive was blocked, the blood-robed man was shocked by the huge power carried by Zhang Shan Island.

The blood-robed man's martial arts skills can be considered superb, but compared with Zhang Shan, it is still a lot worse, and he was forced to block left and right by the big knife in Zhang Shan's hand after a while.

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