() Yu Yuan rushed out of the encirclement of these half-demons at an extremely fast speed.But these half-monsters also seemed to stand in a big formation, infinitely magnifying the space in the encirclement.

Seeing Yu Yuan desperately flying towards the outside of the formation, the big Luo Jinxian half-demon who just came out of the hall laughed loudly, but tears flowed wantonly on his face.

"Don't waste your energy in vain. This big formation covers the sky and the earth within a square inch. It is impossible for you to fly out in a short time." The half-monster laughed so wildly and sadly.

"I've been holding back in the hall all this time just to lure this woman here. She is very important to you? Even if we blew ourselves up this time, even if we can't kill you, we will let you watch someone who is very important to you die in front of you! This time It's your punishment! Your punishment for killing my six brothers!"

The half-demon was still smiling, but the crazily raging mana in his body had already swollen his body, distorting the smile on his face.

Yu Yuan didn't pay any attention to what the half-demon said. He just accelerated his flying speed and flew towards the Golden Spirit Virgin.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had listened to Yu Yuan's words and wanted to get out of these necessary encirclements, but she turned her head and glanced at the far distance behind her, but the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit rushed towards Yu Yuan instead.

"Go back! It's dangerous!" Yu Yuan was still sending voice transmissions to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, but the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not respond to him.

She just flew towards Yu Yuan with a smile all over her face, she looked like a girl welcoming the return of her lover from afar.

"Go back..." While Yu Yuan's spiritual consciousness was transmitting the sound, violent explosions sounded, and the intense energy fluctuations formed energy tides, constantly scouring this area.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit watched Yu Yuan's figure slowly distort in the violent energy tide, and then felt a wave of energy tide hit the Four Elephant Pagoda above her head.

At the moment when the energy tide erupted, the surrounding formations instantly disappeared, and the distance also returned to its original distance.

Yu Yuan protected himself with the Xuanyuan Water Control Flag, and flew to the side of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit in an instant, holding the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit in his arms.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit felt the impact of the waves of energy becoming more and more intense, and finally the Four Elephant Pagoda wailed and shrank back to the sea of ​​consciousness of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

"Goodbye, Yu Yuan!" The Holy Mother of Jinling said silently in her heart.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit suddenly felt a strong arm hug her, and a familiar smell came over her face.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit opened her eyes in surprise, and when she looked up, she saw Yu Yuan's somewhat angry face.

At this time, Yu Yuan's body was surrounded by blossoming black lotuses, and Yu Yuan rushed out of the range of the energy tide at an extremely fast speed.

"Pa" as soon as the energy tide came out, Yu Yuan slapped the Golden Spirit Virgin's ass hard.

"Ah!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit screamed, covering her buttocks with her hands, and looked at Yu Yuan with a flushed face.

"Just now I told you to go back, why are you disobedient? Not only did you not go back, but you even ran towards me! What did we say when we came here? Did you say to listen to me?" Yu Yuan was very angry, and at the same time, he was full of fear.

The more he talked, the more angry Yu Yuan could not bear it, and slapped the Golden Spirit Virgin's ass again.

"I don't think I can run back even if I run back!" The tone of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was a bit coquettish, and this was the first time that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit spoke to Yu Yuan in this tone.

Hearing the words of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, Yu Yuan suddenly found it difficult to continue.

Holding the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit in his arms, Yu Yuan looked back at the palace that had completely collapsed in the surging energy tide, and sighed softly.

"What's the matter?" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit regained her previous gentle and gentle temper, and asked gently stroking Yu Yuan's chest.

"I'm just lamenting this half-demon family. They suffered a catastrophe back then, and now they recover with resentment, but they are still eliminated by the way of heaven through my hand! All living beings are like pawns!" Although they almost died in the hands of these half-demons, Yu Yuan felt And no resentment.

It's just a feeling of sadness that the rabbit died and the fox lingered in Yu Yuan's heart.These half-demons are not a group of poor people.But in today's situation, either you die or I die, and I can't allow myself to keep my hands.

"Ling'er, don't do this again next time! I will deal with the dangerous matter! No matter what, I just hope you are safe!" Yu Yuan lowered his head slightly, rubbing his chin in the hair of the Golden Spirit Virgin.

"I can't do it, you know it!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was still gently laying her head on Yu Yuan's chest, feeling the temperature of Yu Yuan's chest.

As time passed, the fluctuation of the energy tide gradually stabilized, and only now did Shi Tianjun and others who had been hiding in the distance dare to approach this side.

Their cultivation was too low, and they didn't dare to approach them at all, otherwise, even a little aftermath would kill these ten people.

Seeing Shi Tianjun and others approaching, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit got up from Yu Yuan's arms and left, but her hand held Yu Yuan's hand tightly and refused to let go.

Every time she experiences life and death, the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit treasures the time she spends with Yu Yuan more and more.

Since knowing the severity of the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit has no confidence in being able to survive the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods.

Ten Tianjun and the others came over and saw that Yu Yuan and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit were safe and sound, they immediately smiled and stepped forward and said, "Just now I was waiting to see these half-demon golden immortals blew themselves up in the distance, and I was worried that Senior Brother Yu Yuan would be injured. , now it seems that Senior Brother Yu Yuan has a deep cultivation base and is safe and sound. I will wait too long then!"

Yu Yuan smiled slightly without explaining.

"Let's continue heading north! Let's see what formation materials we can find there!" After Yu Yuan finished speaking, he took the lead in flying to the north.

Not long after, Yu Yuan and the others saw a large snow-covered scene in front of them, with countless large and small ice cubes erected on it, the big ones were like icebergs, and the small ones were like sharp knives.

At the same time, in the sky, there are colorful lights of various colors intertwined and distorted, forming an extremely beautiful picture, which is so beautiful that people are addicted and unable to extricate themselves.

"It's so beautiful!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit and the Holy Mother of Golden Light in Shitianjun sighed at the same time.

This extremely beautiful thing has a huge lethality on women.No matter how powerful a woman is, she is still a woman.

"Senior Brother Yu Yuan, I found the materials for the formation of the Golden Light Array. This extremely beautiful North Sea Aurora is the main material for my formation." The charming and soft voice of the Virgin of Golden Light rang in Yu Yuan's ear.

Yu Yuan stopped when he heard the words, "Junior Sister can go to collect the Northern Lights, I will wait here!"

The Holy Mother of Golden Light nodded upon hearing the words, took out a suet bottle from her bosom, and flew gracefully towards the aurora of the North Sea in the sky.

Yu Yuan and the others stood below and watched, but suddenly everyone noticed an unusual thing.The Holy Mother of Golden Light who was flying upwards suddenly turned around and flew towards the ground.

Everyone greeted him upon seeing this.Seeing this, Qin Wan said, "Junior Sister, you didn't go to collect the northern lights of the North Sea and returned halfway, but found something wrong?"

At this time, the Holy Mother of Golden Light seemed to have just realized that she had already come to the ground.

"No! I was flying upwards just now. How did I come back to the ground?" The tone of the Holy Mother of Golden Light was full of doubts and uncertainties.

Hearing what Our Lady of Golden Light said, everyone looked at each other in blank dismay.

"Junior Sister, just now we all saw you flying halfway, turning around and flying back towards the ground. Did you always think that you were flying upwards?" Qin Wan couldn't help but asked.

"Ah! You mean that I turned around and flew back halfway through the flight? How is that possible?" Our Lady of Golden Light still couldn't believe it.

"Okay, I'll fly up and have a try myself!" Yu Yuan interrupted everyone's discussion, jumped up and flew towards Aurora.

Flying and flying, Yu Yuan suddenly felt that the beautiful aurora was all around him, and he could no longer tell the up and down, Yu Yuan flew towards the direction he felt was up.

After a while, Yu Yuan felt that the aurora around him had disappeared. Yu Yuan took a closer look and found that he was almost approaching the ground.

Yu Yuan turned over and landed on both feet.Looking at the few people around who looked at him, Yu Yuan shared his discovery.

"This aurora can shield a monk's consciousness and confuse people's sense of direction. So whenever he is about to touch the aurora, he will be led back to the ground by the aurora by mistake!" Yu Yuan said slowly.

After hearing Yu Yuan's words, everyone frowned and pondered.If there are alien beasts guarding the formation materials, it will be a big deal to go forward and fight.

But this aurora cannot be touched, cannot be touched, and there is no way to collect it!

"Let's look for other formation materials for now! Anyway, this aurora is here, and it won't disappear. Maybe we can figure out a way to collect these North Sea auroras after we find other formation materials!" Finally, the Virgin of Golden Light spoke. .

The North Sea Aurora is the formation material of Our Lady of Golden Light. Now that Our Lady of Golden Light has spoken, everyone has nothing to say.

Everyone flew towards the north on the cloud again, the ice on the ground was getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature emitted was getting lower and lower.

At this moment, an extremely huge iceberg appeared in front of it, the height of this iceberg even blocked the cloud path of Yu Yuan and others.

After seeing this iceberg, Yuan Jiao was very excited.

"Senior Brother Yu Yuan, there must be a heart of ten thousand years of ice in this iceberg. As long as I have this thing, my ice array can be successfully arranged." Yuan Jiao immediately stopped and said to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan looked at the iceberg in front of him, and stopped Yuan Jiao who wanted to act.

"I suspect that these icebergs and the aurora in the sky are a large formation formed naturally, so let's not take these two materials now, and we will come here to collect the other materials after we have collected them!" Yu Yuan expressed his guess and asked everyone people's opinions.

The Lord of Ten Heavens and the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit were all headed by Yu Yuan. Since Yu Yuan said that this might be a large formation, they would wait until the end to take it. Of course, everyone had no objection.

At this moment, a voice sounded.

"Hey! There must be a heart of ice in this iceberg, such a treasure, it would be a pity not to take it!" It was the voice of Yu Yuan's old enemy, Master Yu Ding.

Immediately there was only a loud noise, and the iceberg was smashed by the real Yuding with a punch. A dark blue, irregularly shaped crystal radiated bursts of cold air, and a bowl-sized crystal flew out of the iceberg.

************************************************** ******

I'm so depressed, Monday is when the chrysanthemums are in full bloom, and they should be picked, but the sad data is locked.So, so...my chrysanthemums are blooming this week!Brothers, give some strength, after 48 hours, we will burst back directly.

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