() As the coiling dragon stick in Yu Yuan's hand fell, layers of space were superimposed under the coiling dragon stick, and as the coiling dragon stick fell towards the Taoist burning lamp.

Also due to the barriers of layers of space, the speed of the Coiling Dragon Stick also began to slow down.However, due to the huge binding force caused by the compression of space, Taoist Burning Lamp could not escape from the place.

Taoist Randeng also stood firmly on the spot without any intention of fleeing, the light of the coffin lamp behind his head condensed into a line and shot towards Yu Yuan.

The Qiankun Ruler in Ran Deng's hand also carried tremendous power, following the flames of the coffin lamp, it hit Yu Yuan's chest.

At the same time, because Taoist Ran Deng withdrew the defense of the coffin lamp and attacked Yu Yuan with all his strength, the dragon and tiger Ruyi of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit could no longer block him, and struck directly at Taoist Ran Deng's top door.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also saw the blow that Daoist Burning Leng sent to Yu Yuan with all his strength, and she was panicked immediately. The law field around her suddenly shone brightly, and the thin lines formed by linking the law fields of dragon and tiger Ruyi also suddenly became stronger. for thick.

Dragon and Tiger Ruyi received such a huge support, and after it swelled up, it shrank back to its original size, but the power carried by Dragon and Tiger Ruyi was more than ten times greater.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit obviously wanted to make Taoist Randeng fearful and take precautions against Longhu Ruyi, thereby reducing the pressure on Yu Yuan.

But Taoist Ran Deng didn't seem to see the dragon and tiger Ruyi flying behind him.The Qiankun Ruler didn't stop at all, and struck towards Yu Yuan quickly.

Yu Yuan didn't care about Daoist Randen's attack. Anyway, he had the Xuanyuan Control Water Banner for defense, and his physical body was also extremely defensive, so he didn't believe Daoist Randeng could break through his defense.

Thinking that the nine big Luo Jinxian and half demons teamed up and didn't break his Xuanyuan control water flag, although in the end there were only seven black lotuses left around him, they didn't break it after all, right?

If Taoist Ran Deng defends, Yu Yuan has no confidence in being able to injure him.After all, Daoist Ran Deng is the pinnacle of the veteran Da Luo Jinxian no matter what.

However, Daoist Ran Deng didn't defend at all, but exchanged injuries for injuries. If he wanted to fight Yu Yuan head-on, Yu Yuan was naturally full of confidence.

The fire light from the coffin lamp behind Taoist Ran Deng's head was extremely fast, and it reached Yu Yuan's chest in an instant. Immediately, the black lotus was melted by the fire, but the black lotus kept gushing out like endlessly.

But it turns out that Black Lotus still has its limits.After the flame melted away, there were only a few black lotuses left around Yu Yuan.

Immediately afterwards, Taoist Ran Deng's universe ruler broke through the last few black lotuses, and hit Yu Yuan hard on the chest.

Hearing a click, Yu Yuan's chest was obviously sunken.Da Luo Jinxian struck with all his strength at his peak, no one dared to take this blow with his body, even Yu Yuan would be seriously injured if he received this blow.

After Yu Yuan was hit hard, he knew that he had made a mistake in his calculation, but not only did Yu Yuan not retreat, but a fierce look burst out from his eyes.

"Roar~~" Yu Yuanhu roared, all the remaining mana in his body was poured into the Coiling Dragon Stick, making the stick even heavier.

Seeing Yu Yuan advancing instead of retreating, Taoist Ran Deng was also shocked.Taoist Ran Deng already tried his best to overestimate the strength of Yu Yuan's physical body, but he didn't expect to underestimate him in the end.

What kind of kung fu did this Yu Yuan cultivate, his body is so hard.It is so much better than "Jiu Zhuan Yuan Gong".

Just when the coiling dragon stick was about to hit the top of Taoist Ran Deng's head, the pressure in that space became heavier, making it difficult for Taoist Ran Deng to even turn his neck.

The field of law around the body of the burning lamp kept shaking, as if something was about to change, but after the burning Taoist glanced at the five teachers behind him, the trembling law field did not change.

At the same time, Daoist Ran Deng sighed in his heart that it was a mistake to bring the five interpreters here this time. Not only did he have five more burdens, but he also didn't dare to use his full strength.

Daoist Ran Deng tried his best, turned his body sideways, and the coiling dragon stick landed on Taoist Ran Deng's right shoulder with the pressure of endless space and the breath of destruction.

With just one blow, the right half of Taoist Ran Deng's body was smashed to pieces.

Yu Yuan sent out this blow, and the space pressure also disappeared.The blood that Yu Yuan suppressed just now spurted out.

Just now Yu Yuan was seriously injured by Taoist Ran Deng's full blow, but he didn't dare to retreat.If he retreated, he and Jin Ling would perish here today.

This Taoist burning lamp is not a merciful master. If he had been merciful, he would not have survived long ago.The reason why he was so easy to talk just now was that he was afraid of being injured by the two of them when he fought against the two of them.

Yu Yuan had no choice but to take a deep breath and inject the last mana into the Coiling Dragon Stick. Only by injuring the Taoist Ran Deng would he and Jin Ling survive.

At this moment, Taoist Ran Deng was seriously injured, and Yu Yuan finally breathed a sigh of relief.But as soon as he relaxed, Yu Yuan felt powerless all over his body, and he was on the verge of falling.

At this moment, Yu Yuan saw Daoist Ran Deng's intact left hand hitting him hard on the top of his head, but Yu Yuan didn't have any strength to resist at this time.

Just now, the fight between Yu Yuan and Taoist Ran Deng came to fruition like lightning. At this time, the dragon and tiger Ruyi of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit had just arrived behind Taoist Ran Deng.

Daoist Yuding, who had been watching the battle by the side, saw that Yu Yuan was about to die at the hands of Taoist Ran Deng, and if the dragon and tiger Ruyi of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit hit Taoist Ran Deng on the back, Yu Yuan would probably die. escaped.

Seeing this, Daoist Yuding gritted his teeth, and transformed into a gigantic body of a flying snake, relying on the hardness of his own body, to stop Taoist Ran Deng.

Taoist Randeng felt the threat of Longhu Ruyi behind him, and his palm slowed slightly, but at the moment Yuding Daoist blocked him, he accelerated his speed again and hit Yu Yuan's head.

"Boom~~" Yu Yuan only felt a loud noise, his head buzzed and his consciousness became confused.

As soon as Reverend Yuding's snake body came into contact with the mighty dragon and tiger Ruyi of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, all the muscles and bones of his body were broken, and he immediately collapsed to the ground like a lump of fleshy mud.

But just this moment of blocking was enough for Taoist Ran Deng to slap Yu Yuan's head with his palm.

Afterwards, Daoist Ran Deng grabbed the limp and restored real Yuding Daoist, and stepped aside.

The Qiankun Ruler flew up, and after confirming the direction, Taoist Ran Deng took the other five people and left quickly.

It turned out that Taoist Ran Deng still had the intention of asking Yu Yuan and others to help him find the way until the battle just now.

Running at this time, there is no other way but to really use the Qiankun Ruler to identify the direction.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, who had been flying towards this side in a hurry since seeing Yu Yuan tottering just now, landed beside Yu Yuan.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also didn't care about chasing the seriously injured Taoist Randeng, and hurriedly picked up Yu Yuan who was on the ground, and at the same time injected huge mana into Yu Yuan's body to help him recover from his injuries.

After the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit injected mana regardless of loss, Yu Yuan gradually woke up.

As soon as Yu Yuan woke up, he felt that his heaven and earth primordial spirit had begun to shatter and collapse.And the law of destruction also began to take advantage of the situation to destroy the already crumbling heaven and earth primordial spirit.

At this moment, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also sensed that the primordial spirit of heaven and earth in Yu Yuan's body was about to be shattered, and immediately became anxious and increased the injection of mana.

But Yu Yuan Yuanshen has been shattered, no amount of mana injection is useless.

"This time I was careless. Ever since I broke through to the Golden Immortal, I thought that my strength has reached the Da Luo Golden Immortal, and I can go to the world at my own expense! But I don't want to end up in such a miserable situation just by meeting a peak Da Luo Jin Immortal!" Yu Yuan Self-criticism there with a wry smile.

At this time, Yu Yuan felt that the person reincarnated by his remnant soul was also unconscious, and he thought that if he died, the remnant soul would not be able to survive.

It seems that I really have no possibility of surviving!

"Now you go back and bring Junior Brother Qin Wan and the others to continue looking for formation materials. Their large formation will be a big help in the future. Also, you must practice hard. Maybe you can revive me if you cultivate to the realm of a saint." Maybe!" Yu Yuan babbled there, as if saying his last words.

"No, hey, stop talking! Let's practice dual cultivation now, so that we can stabilize your heaven and earth primordial spirit!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit hugged Yu Yuan and cried, and she wanted to take off her clothes as she spoke.

"Don't be stupid, you know this is impossible!" Yu Yuan gently grabbed the hand of the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit to stop her.

"Now, unless I can break through to the next level of Dao and protect the primordial spirit of heaven and earth with the five elements, then the primordial spirit of heaven and earth can be stabilized." In order to prevent the Holy Mother of Golden Spirit from doing stupid things again, Yu Yuan could only explain the reason to her.

"Then try to break through now! It's better than waiting to die like this!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit immediately urged Yu Yuan when she heard that there was still a way.

Yu Yuan couldn't stop laughing wryly when he heard this, and said: "I need a lot of innate power of the five elements to break through, and now I can't cultivate at all."

As he spoke, the aura of disillusionment slowly spread from Yu Yuan's body.

"It's okay, you can practice. What do you think this is?" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit pointed at the top of her head, and the Four Elephant Pagoda fell down. The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit held the Four Elephant Pagoda in front of Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan was also overjoyed to see the Four Elephant Pagoda. With this Four Elephant Pagoda, he could use the innate power of the four elephants to reversely transform the innate power of the five elements, enough to break through to the next level.

Now that there is no innate power of the five elements, it can only be transformed with the help of the innate power of the four phenomena.

Just thinking that the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit might use the Four Elephant Pagoda to kill corpses in the future, and that his own practice would probably destroy the Four Elephant Pagoda, Yu Yuan couldn't help hesitating.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit also saw Yu Yuan's hesitation, and directly stuffed the Four Elephant Pagoda into his hands.

"You are more important than anything else! If you were gone, I wouldn't live alone. What would be the use of the Four Elephant Pagoda then? Didn't you say that you wanted to protect me from the Great Tribulation? With your protection, I would There is no need for the Four Elephant Pagoda!" The voice of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was very gentle, but Yu Yuan could feel the deep affection in her words.

Hearing what the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said, although Yu Yuan felt ashamed, he took over the Four Elephant Pagoda and began to practice cross-legged.

I am still not strong enough, I always get hurt again and again, and make my lover sad for me again and again.

As long as he breaks through the realm of endless Tao and five elements, he believes that apart from saints, he already has enough strength to protect Jin Ling.

Yu Yuan placed the Four Elephants Pagoda on top of his head, and at the same time began to extract the innate power of the Four Elephants in the Four Elephants Pagoda, and the surging innate power of the Four Elephants poured into Yu Yuan's sea of ​​consciousness.


Fellow Daoists, the increase in collections has been a bit slow recently. Is there any problem with the plot? I hope you can put forward your opinions or suggestions in the opinion building.

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