() Yu Yuan was shocked when he heard the words, and stared at the Holy Mother of Jinling with wide eyes. He told the Holy Mother of Jinling that he wanted "Jiuzhuan Yuangong" just casually, without any hope at all.

Who knew that the Holy Mother of Jinling took it seriously and went to Daoist Tongtian to ask for the "Nine Turns of Yuan Gong" for herself.This Master Tongtian was also generous to his disciples, he was only a disciple of the third generation, he never thought he would agree to pass this exercise on to him.

What is opening the door for all living beings?It was only then that Yu Yuan truly respected the Tongtian leader who couldn't see his face clearly from the bottom of his heart.Only then did I understand why all the disciples of Jiejiao were thrown into the God Conferred Tribulation one by one like moths to a flame.

Maybe they are not familiar with each other, but for the sake of the reputation of intercepting the teaching, in order to crush those contemptuous ridicules, why not fight, why not fear death?

"What's the matter with you?" Seeing Yu Yuan standing there in a daze, with his face constantly changing, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit could not help but call out to him.

"Ah? It's nothing. Master, you are so kind to me, can I kiss you?" Yu Yuan shook his head, recovering from the agitation just now, seeing the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit looking at him with concern, he couldn't help teasing road.

Hearing Yu Yuan's words, the already cold face of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit became even colder.He didn't speak, just stared at Yu Yuan.

Feeling the gaze of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit staring at him coldly, Yu Yuan touched his nose with his right hand and smiled embarrassingly.

Seeing Yu Yuan like this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit was also helpless.He glared at her for a few more times, and then took out a shimmering bead from the sleeve of his robe.

"This is the "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong" given to you by the teacher. You should study it carefully, and don't waste the teacher's cultivation." Said the right index finger and pressed the small bead on Yu Yuan's forehead.

Yu Yuan then felt a huge amount of information rushing into his mind.At the same time, there seemed to be countless mysterious Dao voices ringing in his ears.With the ups and downs of Dao's voice, the information gradually imprinted in his mind.

After a while, Yu Yuan finally memorized all of this "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong", and at the same time had a general understanding of "Nine Zhuan Yuan Gong".

Jiuzhuan Xuangong pays attention to both internal and external cultivation, cultivating the primordial spirit internally and forging the physical body externally.Comes with 72 supernatural powers.These 72 changes are different from ordinary changes.Ordinary art of transformation can only achieve its shape, but not its spirit.And 72 changes are completely changed into something, the inside and outside are the same.

As for the "Bajiu Xuan Gong" taught by the West, Taoist Tongtian also mentioned it slightly. "Bajiu Xuan Gong" also has 72 transformations, but the 72 transformations attached to "Bajiu Xuangong" are just a complete change of the physical body, but the soul will not change.

Generally speaking, there is no difference between the two 72 variables.If it becomes an ordinary thing, the two supernatural powers are equal.But if you fight in the body of a powerful beast, "Bajiu Xuan Gong" will not be able to support long-term battles because of the lack of primordial spirit.

"Wonderful, wonderful, wonderful. It is worthy of being called the Xuanmen Zhenjiao Kung Fu "Nine Turns Yuan Kung Fu". It is so powerful. It makes me jealous and almost want to practice this kung fu. But I finally know From now on, how should my "Hunyuan Golden Body Judgment" go?" Yu Yuan opened his eyes, woke up from the feeling, and couldn't help but praise.

Seeing Yu Yuan wake up, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit took out a small black flag and a shining golden file from the sleeve of her robe.

"Yu Yuan, you don't have a magic weapon at the beginning. This golden file is an innate spiritual treasure that I accidentally obtained, so I will give it to you for use. As for this Xuanyuan control water flag, it was given to you by the teacher." The Holy Mother of Jinling said coldly. The pleasant voice rang in Yu Yuan's ear again.

Yu Yuan felt it was a kind of enjoyment every time he listened to the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.The voice is light and agile, tinkling like a mountain spring.So every time Yu Yuan couldn't help but make fun of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

But this time, what the pleasant voice said shocked Yu Yuan.Xuanyuan controls the water flag?Isn't this one of the innate five-element flags?

That's right, Master Tongtian is a sage who understands the heavens and the earth, and he knows what he did outside just now, so he passed down the Xuanyuan Water Control Banner.

To say that this Tongtian leader is much more generous than Yuanshi Tianzun.When Jiang Ziya returned to Kunlun Mountain for the first time, he passed the Wuji Xinghuang Banner to Jiang Ziya. Just for this, it was just to ensure the normal progress of Fengshen, and it was not confiscated later.

These thoughts quickly turned around in Yu Yuan's mind, and Yu Yuan took Xuan Yuan's control water flag and golden file away with peace of mind.

Of course, I still couldn't forget to tease my beautiful master: "Master, you are so kind to me, I will kiss you and repay you!"

"Hmph!" The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit just snorted coldly, turned around and left on a cloud.

Yu Yuan stood there and touched the Xuanyuan Control Water Flag a few times vigorously, it was a treasure.

Suddenly reacting, he raised his head and shouted in the direction where the Virgin of the Golden Spirit left: "Master, wait for me! I don't know where our cave is yet?"

With a big stride, Yu Yuan jumped into the air.Then a few golden flames rose from the soles of the feet, forming a golden cloud, which disappeared in a flash.

Yu Yuan sat cross-legged in his cave to carry Zhou Tian.

After returning to the cave with the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, he was sent to the cave by the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit.

Seeing that there was nothing left and right, Yu Yuan practiced in the cave mansion. He had to increase his chances of surviving in the Conferred God World before he could take care of other things.

As soon as Yu Yuan sat down cross-legged and started running "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue", he felt that the immortal power in his body was like a surging river.At the same time, a tiny drop of blood in the heart burst and began to release a strange force, which was driving the immortal power in the body to run faster and faster.

This force seems to be the one that was released when crossing the catastrophe.

Although the immortal power in the body circulated quickly, it was restrained by the increasingly stronger meridians.But Yu Yuan could not stop smiling wryly when he felt that the immortal power was running faster and faster.

I'm afraid that when the operation reaches the end, it will be another battle.My "Hunyuan Golden Body Art" is good for everything, but every time I break through, I will be smashed to pieces, and if I am not careful, I will die.

Yu Yuan began to do his best to suppress the running speed of the immortal power in his body. After all, he had just broken through to the realm of the earth fairy, and Yu Yuan really did not have the confidence to break through one after another.

But with the impetus of that strange force, any efforts of Yu Yuan seemed to be in vain.The speedy Xianli not only didn't see a trace of slowness, but turned even faster.

Yu Yuan had no choice but to comprehend "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue" with all his strength, trying to comprehend the second layer as soon as possible and become the primordial spirit first.Otherwise, the physical body is shattered, and there is no corresponding primordial spirit as the basis, but the physical body cannot be reorganized.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan was no longer distracted, but settled down to comprehend "Hunyuan Golden Body Jue" with all his strength.

The first floor is to gather a trace of the natal imprint of the nine golden crows that have fallen in the world to condense the golden crow primordial spirit, which can be called "nine crows cross the sky".In the end, the supernatural power I obtained was the innate supernatural power of Taiyang Zhenyan and Jinwu.

What about the second layer?What is the second layer?Is it the primordial spirit that condensed into another kind of beast?No, not right.I felt a kind of heaviness from this second layer of exercises, and this kind of heaviness is not something that any kind of prehistoric alien species can possess.

This kind of thickness can only be possessed by this prehistoric land!It was as if a bolt of lightning flashed across Yu Yuan's mind.

"Boom" Yu Yuan's body swelled to the limit and exploded, turning into powder.

With a high-pitched cry, Yu Yuan's Golden Crow Primordial Spirit jumped out of his body.

At the same time, a spiritual vortex formed beside the Jinwu Yuanshen, and in the center of the vortex, a tiny Yuanshen was forming.

I saw that this primordial spirit is like a miniature prehistoric land, in which mountains and mountains emerge, ups and downs.Show the face of the prehistoric.Gradually, the runes that formed this primordial spirit gradually distorted and changed, turning into the image of a strong man with four heads and eight arms.

When the image of a strong man with four heads and eight arms was fully formed, Yu Yuan's physical body began to condense rapidly again.The last body that was exactly the same as before appeared on the spot.His body was full of extremely mysterious runes, twisted to form a miniature prehistoric world, and finally disappeared in his body.

The second layer can be described as "emergence of the eight wastelands".

"Four heads and eight arms, now!" With Yu Yuan's shout, three heads and six arms suddenly grew on Yu Yuan's body.The skin on his body turned bronze.

The muscles on his body are sharp and angular, and the blue veins on his arms are like horned dragons entrenched, full of infinite strength.

Suddenly Yu Yuan felt a strange feeling in his heart.

The sudden extra three heads and six arms caused Yu Yuan's sensory world to undergo a huge change.Immediately, there were no blind spots in all directions, and the eight arms beat the sky and the ground, nothing could stop it.

Yu Yuan didn't put away his dharma body either, and strode out of the cave like this.See what this heavenly catastrophe can do to me.

The rapid progress in cultivation made Yu Yuan extremely confident for a while, and he would not take the small catastrophe seriously.

Yu Yuan found an open place to stand still, waiting for the thunder disaster to come.Every catastrophe is like the assessment of heaven and earth, only those who pass the test can be freed from the constraints of heaven and earth.

After a while, thunder clouds gathered above Yu Yuan's head, this time the gathering area seemed larger than last time.Among the dark thunderclouds, thunder dragons sprang out from time to time.

Although Yu Yuan already has a magic weapon, Yu Yuan doesn't intend to use it to cross the catastrophe.Through the last tribulation, Yu Yuan knew that there was an unknown power in his body, so he planned to stimulate this power through the thunder tribulation.

"Ka~~" A thunderbolt fell and struck Yu Yuan's body, but it didn't leave the slightest trace on Yu Yuan's bronzed skin, not even a black spot.

"Ka~ka~ka" Another few lightning bolts struck down one after another, Yu Yuan still didn't dodge or evade, resisting with his body.

But after these thunderstorms, Yu Yuan didn't feel that kind of strange power appearing.

"Then come together! With the protection of Xuanyuan's control water flag, I'm still afraid that your little robbery will fail." Yu Yuan made up his mind, and stepped into the robbery cloud with one stride.

Immediately, all the surrounding robbery clouds rushed towards Yu Yuan, and countless tiny thunders jumped on Yu Yuan's body continuously.

During the period of the new book, I hope that all book friends can collect and recommend it after reading it. I am very grateful.

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