Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 63 The Stunning Su Daji

() "No, in that case, that monk will only be entangled in karma. The evil result is to benefit the world through doing evil! It's not unlimited evil!" The Holy Mother of Jinling smiled and gave Yu Yuan a white look.

At this point, Yu Yuan already had a rough outline of how to be promoted to a quasi-sage.First of all, if you have certain merits or evil results, if you already have the second Da Luo Jinxian law and carrier at this time, you can kill the corpse successfully.

And if there is no Da Luo Golden Immortal Law in the body, it can only continue to accumulate merit and evil results. When the merit or evil fruit is large enough, it will be rewarded by the heavens and upgrade the Golden Immortal Law to the Da Luo Golden Immortal Law.

Of course, some monks can't meet these two conditions, so they can only use the Da Luo Jinxian law in Lingbao to kill the corpse.

As for the reason why the four major disciples in Jiejiao are not high in cultivation, it is because they practice several laws at the same time.

Apart from Taoist Randeng, there is no Daluo Jinxian in the Chanjiao, and it seems to be the same reason.At the same time, the longer you stay in the Golden Immortal Stage, the easier it is to control the laws after you break through the Dao Dao Golden Immortal Stage, and the faster you break through to the middle stage of the Dao Luo Golden Immortal.

At this time, some doubts in Yu Yuan's mind were finally solved.

The two teachings of interpretation and interception are inherited by sages, so they naturally know the most correct path of cultivation, so although the cultivation is slow, there are not many obstacles in the way of cultivation.

Although Patriarch Styx, the creator of the Blood Sea Shura Clan, is also a transcendent figure among quasi-sages, he is far from the two saints.

The disciples of the two sects have made such slow progress under the preaching of the sage. If Xuehai did the same, I am afraid that there will not be a single golden fairy by now.

Therefore, everyone in the Blood Sea Shura Clan only cultivates one law, if their own strength can't even save their lives, how can they talk about beheading corpses?

It's just that at this moment, Yu Yuan suddenly had a thought in his mind, can the person whose remnant soul was reincarnated be able to practice exercises?

If his remnant soul has cultivated to the Daluo Jinxian realm, wouldn't he be able to kill the corpse directly?The more I think about Yu Yuan, the more excited I get.

After hearing Yu Yuan's conjecture, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit just smiled.

"Yu Yuan, you should practice hard now! Don't think about that! The methods you mentioned have already been tried by monks, but none of them succeeded!" The Holy Mother of Golden Spirit persuaded Yu Yuan.

Now is the period of the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods, and we should work hard to improve our strength and survive the Great Tribulation of the Conferred Gods before thinking about other things.The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit did not want Yu Yuan to be distracted from his thoughts.

Hearing what the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit said, Yu Yuan was also a little disappointed.

But it's normal to think about it. There are hundreds of millions of monks in the prehistoric age, how could there be no monks trying their own methods?

It's just that neither Yu Yuan nor the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit thought about how Yu Yuan comprehended the law of destruction when he was dying.

There is also the law of the sun's true flame contained in the golden crow in Yu Yuan's body, as well as the law of the earth, and now the law of five directions and five elements.

These laws are just not used by Yu Yuan, but Yu Yuan has already cultivated all these laws to the realm of Daluo Jinxian, and these together form an incomplete law of heaven and earth in Yu Yuan's body!

Everything in Yu Yuan's body does not conform to the laws of heaven!

So is Yu Yuan especially loved by the laws of the heavens, or... Yu Yuan is not under the laws of the heavens at all?

On a wide road, one hundred thousand troops marched mightily towards Jizhou City. Chonghou Hu sat on a happy horse, surrounded by many generals.

Chonghouhu was marching on his horse while thinking about the conversation he had with Xibohou Jichang that day.

That day, after receiving the order from Emperor Xin, Chonghou Hu wanted to discuss with Na Jichang how many troops each would send and how to attack Jizhou.

But after Ji Chang knew Chonghouhu's intention of coming, he didn't intend to discuss with Chonghouhu how to send troops.

"Bei Bohou, this Su Hu is a loyal gentleman, resolute and upright. Let's not use weapons rashly, and focus on persuasion first!" Ji Chang was not in a hurry, and spoke slowly to Chonghou.

"Ji Chang, what do you mean? Your Majesty has already ordered us to attack Jizhou, but you are trying to shirk here! I don't care if Su Hu is a loyal gentleman, do you want to disobey His Majesty's order?" At Ji Chang's words, Chonghou Hu shouted at Ji Chang.

"Since that's the case, Bei Bohou can lead the troops first, and I'll be there later!" After finishing speaking, Ji Chang stopped talking, just lowered his head and took out his tortoise shell and copper coins to fiddle with.

Seeing this, Chonghou Hu flicked his sleeves angrily, turned and left.

But after Chonghouhu left, Ji Chang raised his head and smiled slightly.

"You will definitely be defeated when you send troops this time! And at that time, I only needed a letter to persuade the stern Su Hu to surrender, so why should I be with you, a reckless man!" Ji Chang said with a hint of disdain. Smiling, muttered to himself.

"That Ji Chang is benevolent and righteous on the surface, but he is actually a villain full of evil. He must have some kind of conspiracy in letting me go first this time, but I have to be more careful!" Chonghou Husi and Ji Chang's performance that day thought to himself .

This Ji Chang was extremely charismatic, he took in countless concubines, and even gave birth to more than 90 sons, not to mention those daughters.

Those princes all knew some of Ji Chang's methods, so they all secretly accused Ji Chang of being a hypocrite behind his back.

But Ji Chang really has a way of publicizing his reputation, and now the common people all over the world know his virtuous name.But the common people under his rule are not so happy!

Chonghouhu's army marched for more than one day, and on this day, an outpost came to report. The former convenience was already the city of Jizhou, and now it is the boundary of Jizhou.

Chonghouhu heard the words and ordered all the troops to dismount and set up camp.Immediately, the [-] army began to move, and after a while, large battalions appeared in place.

Here Chonghouhu set up his camp, and Tanma reported the news to Su Hu over there.

Su Hu was dealing with Jizhou affairs in the main hall, and when he heard the report from Tan Malai that there was a large army approaching the city, he was shocked and turned pale.

"Who led that army?" Su Hu leaned forward and asked anxiously.

Su Hu never expected that Di Xin's reaction to his anti-poem would be so great. He had just returned to Jizhou a few days ago, and the [-] troops arrived immediately.

"My Lord, this army is led by Beibohou Chonghouhu." The soldier immediately told the news he found.

"What? This person is Chonghouhu?" When Su Hu heard that this person was Chonghouhu, his heart suddenly turned cold.

If someone else leads the army, he might delay for a few more days, and then unite with many princes to intercede with the king, and send his daughter to the palace, and it might be safe.

But this Chonghouhu is the great prince who commands the northern princes, and his strength in Jizhou is strong, so he has always been feared by this Chonghouhu.

This Chonghouhu was loyal to Di Xin, unless he surrendered, otherwise he would definitely not give up easily.

But after surrendering, can he still control his own fate?

Thinking of this, Su Hu's heart skipped a beat, since that's the case, let's fight this Chonghouhu to the death!

Su Hu then summoned all the generals in Jizhou to discuss matters in this hall.

"This Chonghou tiger is cruel and rude, and he doesn't pay attention to etiquette. We have no room for relaxation with him. Now that his army has just arrived, he is exhausted. We take advantage of this opportunity to send troops to attack. We will surely boost the army's prestige and bring peace to the people!" Su Hu He said righteous words to many Jizhou generals.

The wealth and honor of many generals are all tied to Su Hu's body, so they don't want Su Hu to be destroyed.Hearing Su Hu's words at this time, they all stood up and agreed.

Then Su Hu ordered all the soldiers and horses, opened the city gate, and led a group of generals and soldiers out of the city gate towards Chonghouhu's camp.

Su Hu urged his horse out of battle and shouted at Chonghouhu's camp: "Let your general come out and answer!"

Immediately, a soldier entered the camp to report. Chonghouhu heard the report from the soldier, so he summoned all the generals, led the soldiers out of the camp and set up a formation.

It's just that the [-] troops of Chonghouhu came to Jizhou after a long journey.

Seeing Chonghouhu coming out, Su Hu bowed to Chonghouhu and said, "Your lord, be polite! Su Hu is in armor, so he can't fully salute. I don't know why the virtuous man came to my land of Jizhou to promote this unknown teacher." ?”

Hearing Su Hu's words, Chonghouhu was furious.

"Why don't you know why I came here? You wrote an anti-poem at the Meridian Gate, and disobeyed the emperor's decree, and you still don't bow your head and plead guilty?" Chong Houhu pointed at Su Hu and shouted.

"Today's son, despise virtuousness and value color. He doesn't think about how to govern the country, but listens to the words of the villain, and wants to forcibly accept the daughter of the courtier as a concubine. I think the world will be chaotic soon, and the virtuous prince should go back and guard his place! "Su Hu's tone was full of sarcasm.

After hearing Su Hu's words, Chonghouhu became even more angry.Turning his head to look at the generals behind him, he said, "Which one of you will capture Su Hu with me?"

As soon as Chonghouhu finished speaking, a general rushed out from the left side, wearing a phoenix-winged helmet and a golden armor, with a shining lion belt around his waist, and a red cloak flapping behind him, looking very good!

The general urged his horse to come between the two armies, pointed at Su Hu with the big ax in his hand and shouted: "Su Hu is the rebel, hurry up and catch him without a fight. When I do it, Grandpa, I will split you in half with one axe!"

Su Quanzhong over here was furious when he heard the words, and came over with his horse shaking his halberd.

"Mei Wu, are you deceiving me that there is no one in Jizhou?" Su Hu yelled at Mei Wu as he flew over.

At this time in Jizhou city, in a quiet small courtyard in Su Hu's mansion, there was a slightly thin figure standing among the flowers.

It's just that her back looks lonely and lonely, and there is a bit of self-pity.

"Is the beauty really a disaster? I heard that a large army has come to the city today, and my father and elder brother have already left the city to fight, but I don't know how the battle is going?" The woman sighed softly.

The woman squatted down gently, and her delicate hands brushed over the beautiful flowers on the ground, her eyes were full of confusion.

"The more beautiful the flower is, the easier it is to break. The happiest ones should be those nameless wild flowers blooming in the mountains!" The woman turned her face slightly as she said.

A peerless face appeared among the flowers, and the world was gloomy for a moment, and all the flowers turned pale.

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