Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 72 Daji Enters the Palace

() Not long after, Su Hu came to Su Daji's door, Su Hu raised his hand to stop the soldiers behind him, then Su Hu pushed open the door violently, and rushed in.

Su Hu rushed into the room, seeing darkness, the lamp on the table had already been turned off, and nothing could be seen.

"Daji, what's wrong with you?" Su Hu hurriedly shouted into the darkness.

"Father, I'm fine, but a black shadow suddenly flashed just now, which startled my daughter, so she yelled." Daji's soft voice came from the bed curtain.

Su Hu breathed a sigh of relief when she heard that Daji was fine, and then let the maid come in and put the lamp on her palm.

Su Hu lifted the curtains on the bed by the light, and saw that Daji was only frightened for a while, and her face was a little pale, so she was completely relieved.

"You are here to guard the lady tonight, and tomorrow you will rest in the car during the day!" Su Hu turned and said to the female soldiers.

"Yes, Lord Hou!" The female soldiers responded.

Only then did Su Hu go back to sleep in peace.

Under the protection of several female soldiers, Daji also lowered the curtain, lay down under the quilt and fell asleep again.It seems that everything has returned to calm.

But at this time, in Su Daji's mind, Su Daji was looking at the woman who appeared in front of him in horror.

The woman looked at Su Daji with a gentle face, and Su Daji could see some traces of pity in the woman's eyes.

"You, who are you? Where is this? How did you bring me here?" Su Daji hurriedly asked the nine-tailed demon fox Daji, her voice was delicate and soft, with trembling.

Looking at the poor girl in front of him, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox sighed softly, and said to Su Daji, "I am the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox who cultivated in the Xuanyuan Tomb. I was ordered by Empress Nuwa to use your body to confuse you." Di Xin, this is your sea of ​​consciousness!"

The nine-tailed demon fox Daji looked at the girl in front of her with sympathy. Under the general trend of heaven, anyone could only be crushed mercilessly.

It's just that she didn't see the calmness under Su Daji's terrified expression. After hearing what the nine-tailed fox Daji said, the expression on Su Daji's face became more frightened, but her eyes were extremely calm.

"I'm sorry, I have to devour your soul to get your memory and truly become you!" The nine-tailed demon fox Daji said to Su Daji apologetically.

"No, I beg you, I can give you whatever you want! Memory, body, I can give you everything, just please don't let me disappear like this!" Su Daji looked weakly at the nine-tailed demon fox Daji begged.

At the same time, Su Daji was also constantly thinking of ways to get out of the mortal situation in front of him.She saw that the nine-tailed demon fox in front of her was very kind-hearted, so she kept begging to the nine-tailed demon fox Daji.

After hearing Su Daji's words, the nine-tailed demon fox Daji also looked embarrassed, she really didn't want to let this girl die like this.

"Is there any way for you to occupy my body and get my memory without me disappearing?" Su Daji looked at the nine-tailed fox Daji eagerly.

After hearing Su Daji's words, the Nine-Tailed Demon Fox was overjoyed at first, and then became embarrassed again, because this method is really too dangerous!

Seeing the expression of the nine-tailed demon fox Daji, Su Daji was overjoyed, knowing that the nine-tailed demon fox must have thought of something, and she was afraid that it would be harmful to herself, so she hesitated.

"Sister, did you think of a solution?" Su Daji had already sweetly called her sister.

Su Daji's amazing charm played a role, coupled with Su Daji's weak expression calling for her sister, it reminded the nine-tailed demon fox Daji of her second sister Hu Ximei.

"It's just that this method is very dangerous for me, I..." said the nine-tailed demon fox Daji, looking up at Su Daji hesitantly.

Su Daji is so smart, when she saw the nine-tailed demon fox looking at her suspiciously, she quickly said: "Sister, don't worry, no matter what, I will be honest!"

Nine-tailed demon fox Daji closed her eyes and thought for a while, then opened her eyes again, her eyes were full of determination.

"That's all! I just came down to fulfill the orders of Empress Nuwa, so why should I hurt your life!" Daji sighed.

"I will seal your true spirit later, and I will release your true spirit after this catastrophe is over, and then you can be reborn as a human being again!" Daji, the nine-tailed fox, twitched her fingers after finishing speaking. The Dao Dao seal was entangled into an ancient font, which was printed on Su Daji's forehead.

Then I saw a light spot wrapped in this ancient font flying out of Su Daji's soul, and the nine-tailed demon fox Daji transformed into a light spot and threw it into Su Daji's soul.

Then Su Daji's soul opened his eyes, and placed the light spot wrapped in the ancient font in the corner of the sea of ​​consciousness, and then Daji's soul gradually turned into nothingness and disappeared in the sea of ​​consciousness.

Daji slowly opened her eyes, and said to herself: "I have tried my best to help you, I hope you can persist until then!"

On the second day, Su Hu asked everyone to get up early to go on their way. Daji's scream last night made Su Hu very worried. Now he only hopes to send Daji to Chaoge as soon as possible.

At this time, Wu Cheng Wang Huang Feihu was practicing martial arts in the mansion, and suddenly an attendant came in to report: "My lord, that Jizhou Hou Suhu has arrived outside Chaoge City, and sent someone to send a document of atonement. I want to ask my lord to replace him. Leave it to His Majesty!"

Hearing this, Huang Feihu took the document from the attendant, and flipped through it. In this document, Su Hu kept a very low profile, full of words of regret.

Long Huan at the side said to the silent Huang Feihu: "My lord, this Su Hu has committed a serious crime of treason, why should we bother with him!"

"That's wrong! That Su Hu has always been upright, and I think he did such stupid things in a moment of impatience. We can help of course!" Zhou Ji said with an inexplicable light in his eyes.

"It's not entirely true that Su Hu is an upright gentleman, but no matter what, His Majesty intends to accept Su Hu for his own use, so we naturally have to give His Majesty a step down!" Huang Feihu and Di Xin worshiped Wen Zhong as their teacher, He is Di Xin's absolute loyalist.

Hearing Huang Feihu's words, Zhou Ji Longhuan and the others all stood in silence.

Huang Feihu handed Su Hu's confession document to Fei Zhong. No one else knew, but Huang Feihu knew that Fei Zhong was not only Di Xin's confidant, but also extremely capable.

"Your Majesty, you have worked hard! If this Su Hu doesn't surrender again, His Majesty will really be embarrassed! After all, it's not time to do anything yet!" Fei Zhong said after reading Su Hu's confession document, and bowed his hands to Huang Feihu.

Huang Feihu also saluted Fei Zhong, then turned around and returned to his mansion.Huang Feihu was too upright to be relied on, but his temperament would definitely not make him a close minister.

"So Su Hu has arrived? Tomorrow, I would like to see how beautiful this Su Daji you have been praising is!" Di Xin said to Fei Zhong with a smile while holding a roll of bamboo slips.

"Your Majesty, look at what you said. I don't have that good fortune. I heard that Su Hu's daughter was seen by someone when she was a child, and she already had an amazing charm at that time! After that, Su Daji was locked up by Su Hu all the time." In the mansion, no outsider has ever seen it before!" Fei Zhong smiled at Di Xin.

"Your Majesty, do we need to give Na Su Hu a blow tomorrow?" Fei Zhong asked Di Xin again.

"Do you still need to ask me this? Since this Su Hu has already belonged to our department, why bother to do those little tricks, which are just making people laugh!" Di Xin shook his head, put down the bamboo slip in his hand, and gently leaned against the chair. On his back, he looked tired.

Seeing Di Xin's appearance, Fei Zhong said cautiously, "Your Majesty, I'm taking my leave!"

Seeing Di Xin waving at him, Fei Zhong bowed and retreated from the hall.

In the early morning of the second day, Emperor Xingao sat on the dragon seat, and all the civil and military officials below stood in two rows.The attendant next to Di Xin shouted: "Play early if there is something to do, and leave the court if there is nothing to do!"

Shang Rong, the head of the official under the stage, stood up, bowed to him and said: "Your Majesty, Hou Su Hu of Jizhou is waiting outside the hall now, do you want him to come in for an audience?"

Di Xin waved his hand, and the attendant next to him immediately shouted loudly: "Xuan, see Su Hu in Jizhou!"

Then one voice after another sounded out one after another, spreading outside the palace.

Su Hu was anxiously waiting for the order outside the palace. At this time, he was relieved when he heard the voice announcing his audience, and hurriedly walked towards the palace with Su Daji behind him.

Along the way, Daji's waist was twisted lightly, and the eyes of the guards standing on both sides like sculptures began to move with Daji.

After Su Hu entered the hall, he immediately knelt down on the ground and said respectfully: "The guilty minister Su Hu has seen Your Majesty. Su Hu was guilty of being foolish and committed a capital crime. Today, I brought my little girl here to plead guilty to Your Majesty!"

"Su Daji, the daughter of the guilty minister, has seen Your Majesty, long live Your Majesty, long live, long live!" Daji who was on the side also opened her mouth and saluted Di Xin.

As soon as Daji's voice sounded in the hall, all the ministers who were bowing to Di Xin almost turned to look at Daji.

As soon as they saw Daji's peerless face, all the ministers had only one thought in their hearts, His Majesty's battle was really worth it!

If it were me, I would definitely send troops to attack Jizhou and let Su Hu hand over her daughter.

On the dragon seat, Di Xin quietly looked at Su Daji who was bowing to him below, his eyes narrowed slightly, and a dangerous light flashed in his eyes.

Di Xin was thinking about whether he could resist the temptation of Daji.As an emperor, Di Xin would never allow uncontrollable situations to appear around him.

After a while, Di Xin realized that although he liked Daji very much, he was not as obsessed as everyone else, so he was relieved.

Di Xin was enveloped in the aura of a human emperor, and the influence of Daji's natural charm on him was minimized.

"Pingshen! Since Su Aiqing is so sincere, I will pardon you for all your innocence. You will be reinstated as the head of the country, your salary will be increased by two thousand shi, and you will have a three-day banquet in the Xianqing Palace." Di Xin rewarded Su Hu generously.

Di Xin wants everyone to know that as long as he follows him, he will be promoted to a noble position and become rich and prosperous.

Since then, Daji, a thousand-year-old nine-tailed fox, has entered the palace.

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