Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 75 I am Xing Tian

() This blood sea Shura tribe has recently plundered some unjust souls and threw them into the blood sea. What exactly do they want to do?Yu Yuan frowned there and meditated.

Yu Yuan suddenly saw those grievous souls rolling in the sea of ​​blood, and Yu Yuan suddenly understood the purpose of Patriarch Styx.

With the help of this catastrophe of conferred gods, the blood sea Shura clan will grow stronger!

At this time, Yu Yuan also remembered that the blood sea Shura clan had grown stronger through catastrophe after catastrophe.

The first catastrophe of the Dragon and Han Dynasty, and the great catastrophe of the Lich.Countless strong men died in these two catastrophes, and the blood of these strong men was drawn into the sea of ​​blood by the ancestor Styx.

And Patriarch Styx's purpose of catching these wronged souls now is to quickly create Shura warriors, and use the blood of those strong men in the Great Tribulation of Gods to give birth to more Shura warriors.

That's right, at this moment Yu Yuan thought of a question that he had neglected, that is, how many people died during the Great Tribulation of Jujiao?

There are more than 7000 disciples in Jiejiao. During that battle, [-] people from the world were taken away with Qiankun bags, so how about [-] more?

In the end, there were not many people left around Daoist Tongtian!

If nothing else happened, these 7000 people should have been killed by a few saints!

Otherwise, just those few people who explained and taught could fight against [-] Jiejiao disciples?

saint!What a saint!Treating all living beings as ants, they killed more than [-] Jiejiao disciples by their four saints.

It's no wonder that Teacher Tongtian would say such cruel words from time to time: "Now simply don't do anything, just go back to Biyou Palace and reopen the earth fire, geomantic omen, and change the world!"

What kind of pain it is to watch more than [-] disciples being slaughtered by four saints in front of my eyes!

No wonder!No wonder the ancestor Styx would participate in this catastrophe of conferring gods, I'm afraid he can't help himself anymore after hearing the scenes mentioned by the sage Zhunti!

For Patriarch Styx, this was nothing less than a feast, but the main meal of this feast was the blood of more than [-] disciples of Jiejiao.

Thinking of this, Yu Yuan couldn't help feeling a sense of powerlessness in his heart, now Jiejiao is really besieged on all sides.

Chanjiao, Renjiao, Xixijiao, and now even the Blood Sea Shura tribe stood opposite him.

Yu Yuan also guessed at this time that the purpose of the blood sea Shura clan sending troops to help Beihai was to drag Wen Zhong to Beihai.

Wen Zhong's cultivation was not the highest in the Shang Dynasty, but he had what others did not have, such as status, power, and the status of a grand master.

Wen Zhong is Emperor Yi's Tuogu Minister and Di Xin's teacher. With him, the Shang Dynasty would not be chaotic!

So, is something going to happen to Di Xin?Yu Yuan raised his head, his eyes seemed to look into Di Xin's palace through time and space.

It's just that Yu Yuan felt more and more heavy in his heart at this time, because he found that no matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break the current deadlock.

Now it seems that the alliance of the four saints, Laozi, Yuanshi Tianzun, Zhunti Taoist, and Jieyin Taoist, has been formed, and there is no way to change anything with my current cultivation base.

When the four sages join forces to break the Ten Thousand Immortals Formation, all my hard work will vanish, and all the Jiejiao disciples that I have tried to save will be slaughtered by the four sages.

Even I will be easily obliterated by those saints!

This is a deadly situation, a situation that Yu Yuan cannot solve.In the prehistoric world, apart from Taoist Hongjun, there is no other force that can resist the combination of the four saints.

As for the division and disintegration of the alliance of the four saints, it is even more ridiculous.Only monks with great wisdom, great perseverance, and great luck can become saints.

There were hundreds of millions of monks in the prehistoric world, but only seven of them were sanctified including Hongjun Daozu.

The saints are all people with a firm mind, and how can they be moved by ordinary words.

Unless it is related to the survival of the sect, or when he already has those thoughts, your words may play a small role.

Taoist Tongtian was already wary of Yuanshi Tianzun, and the great catastrophe of conferring the gods was even more related to the survival of Jiejiao. Master Tongtian.

If Yu Yuan went to Lao Tzu or the two sages of the Western Church to persuade them, he would either be slapped away by Lao Tzu, or be left in the Western Paradise by the quasi-teacher.

As for the only remaining saint, Empress Nuwa.Not to mention her current attitude towards Di Xin, during the Lich Tribulation, she didn't even care about the life and death of the demon clan, and she didn't even take action when his elder brother was killed.

It's just that Fuxi's soul was put away in the end, and Fuxi was recruited as the emperor of the human race, which was regarded as compensation for his elder brother.

How could Yu Yuan dare to put his hopes on such a heartless and ungrateful Nuwa Empress.

However, after thinking about it for a while, Yu Yuan found that he really had no way to solve this deadlock!

The Blood Sea Asura Clan can be dragged along with the help of the Underworld Witch Clan. As for the Western Sect, you can ask the Kunpeng Patriarch of the Monster Clan to help you attack their lair.

At that time, I will not believe that the two saints of the Western religion will not return their aid!

Yu Yuan thought hard in his heart.But these are all Yu Yuan's fantasies, how can the Wuzu and Yaozu be willing to help him?

Ally!Only an alliance can do it!But what good would it do them to ally themselves?

After knowing the current situation, Yu Yuan desperately turned to all available forces in his mind.

Seeing Yu Yuan there with his head down thinking about something, Wu Chuan stood aside and did not dare to make a sound, and the ghost soldiers behind Wu Chuan were even more honest and tight.

"Wu Chuan, take me to the Yan Luo Hall, I'm going to see the Tenth Hall of Yama." Yu Yuan suddenly raised his head and said to Wu Chuan.

Wu Chuan was taken aback by Yu Yuan's sudden words, and was stunned for a moment before he came back to his senses.

"Ah, patriarch, you are going to see the ten ancestors...that's wrong, the ten masters Yan Luo?" Wu Chuan asked Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan nodded.I must go to meet these ten Yan Luos, and no matter what, I must persuade the witch clan in the underworld to form an alliance with me.

When Wu Chuan got Yu Yuan's confirmation, he flew up and took Yu Yuan to the direction of Yan Luodian.

On the way, Yu Yuan thought to himself what the shaman said about the ten ancestors just now, could it be the ten ancestral witches, but it's not right!

If Empress Hou Tu was removed, wouldn't there be eleven ancestor witches?Why are there only ten Yamas?

But before seeing him, Yu Yuan couldn't figure out what was going on, but Yu Yuan couldn't care about it now.

As long as this underworld witch clan is willing to form an alliance with him, why should he care how many ancestor witches he has.

Yu Yuan's original purpose of coming to the underworld this time was to get some blood and sea water for Wang Yi, but unexpectedly, he gradually saw the fact that the four saints had formed an alliance from various clues.

If the four saints did not form an alliance, the Zhunti saint would have nothing to impress Patriarch Styx. Only after forming an alliance, Taoist Zhunti could draw a big cake for Patriarch Styx.

As for whether this pie can become real in the future, it depends on how many changes Yu Yuan can make in this great catastrophe.

Under Wu Chuan's leadership, Yu Yuan soon came to Fengdu City. This Fengdu City is full of ghosts of the Wu clan.

In the middle of Fengdu City, there is a tall palace with three big characters "Yan Luodian" written on it.

"Clan elder, the ten Lord Yan Luo usually stay in the Yan Luo Palace, and their respective palaces are controlled by clones!" Wu Chuan turned and explained to Yu Yuan.

Yu Yuan nodded slightly when he heard the words, and followed Wu Chuan to the gate of the Yama Hall.

The Yan Luo Temple is tall and majestic, with the unique rough beauty of the Wu people, and various pictures are carved on the walls.

With just a few simple strokes, the magnificent historical scenes were reproduced in front of Yu Yuan.

Wu Chuan said to the Bai Wuchang ghost soldier guarding the door: "Clan elder, this is a clan elder who came down from the prehistoric wilderness. I have something to ask to see ten Master Yan Luo!"

The white impermanence ghost soldier took a look at Yu Yuan, felt the strong Pan Gu blood aura on Yu Yuan, nodded, turned and walked into the Hall of Yama.

After a while, Yu Yuan heard a loud laughter coming from inside: "Hahaha, Xing Tian, ​​what did you find a way? You can come to the underworld in your body. You actually know how to be polite to us, let us The guard informed, why don't you just come in?"

Hearing what the voice said, Wu Chuan, who was following Yu Yuan, looked at Yu Yuan in surprise. Is this the famous war god Xing Tian in the clan?

But isn't it said that he has no head?Why is his head growing back now?Has he found his head?

Yu Yuan strode directly into the Yan Luo Hall, and the black impermanence ghost soldiers guarding the door did not stop him.

Yu Yuan was not surprised that the man called him Xing Tian, ​​because he was transformed from Xing Tian's head after all. Although he had developed his own spiritual wisdom and practiced Taoism for many years, fundamentally speaking, he was still Xing Tian of that witch clan.

Seeing Yu Yuan walking in, the ten Yan Luos who were originally sitting on top all stood up in surprise.

One of them, Yan Luo with red beard and hair, pointed at Yu Yuan wisely and shouted loudly: "Who are you? Why do you have the aura of Xing Tian from my family?"

"I am Xing Tian!" Yu Yuan stared at the ten Yan Luos with his hands behind his back.

I saw that the ten Yan Luo emperors were all wearing black dragon robes embroidered with gold trim, wearing emperor crowns on their heads, and surrounded by the aura of emperors.

"Fart! Who are you? If you don't say anything, don't blame me for being rude!" The red-bearded and red-haired Yan Luo pointed at Yu Yuan and shouted, the momentum around him soared, and he was ready to attack Yu Yuan.

The other Yan Luo looked at Yu Yuan with pensive faces, as if they had realized something.

"I am transformed from Xing Tian's head! Xing Tian has merged with me, and now I am Xing Tian!" Yu Yuan's voice resounded loudly.

"You killed Xing Tian, ​​today I will kill you to avenge Xing Tian!" The fiery Yan Luo said and wanted to do it.

The black-faced Yan Luo beside him quickly pulled him back.

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