Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 82 Daji Confids the Truth

() "My three Taoist priests were born when the heaven and the earth first opened, and they were born gods. The words follow the law, and the whole body is surrounded by the law. The breath is exhaled, the sun and the moon float, and the clothes are decorated with hundreds of millions of stars. Open up the world and repeat it Prehistoric, rule the universe!"

After listening to Yun Zhongzi's words, some ministers yearned for the extremely honorable Master of the Three Religions, but there were also some ministers who sneered at Yun Zhongzi's words.

If it is said that the three teaching venerables have human power, these ministers still believe it, but they will never believe that the three teaching venerables can reach the point where their breaths vibrate the sun and the moon, and hundreds of millions of stars are their robes.

Regarding Yun Zhongzi sitting there boasting nonsense, these ministers couldn't help but wanted to stand up and refute.

"What the Taoist priest said is true. I have heard the grand master say these things before." As soon as Di Xin said this, the ministers immediately stopped talking.

Regardless of whether this matter is true or not, since His Majesty says it is true, it is true.

"I don't know why I've been here for a long time? Are you willing to work for my business?" Although Di Xin was extremely displeased with Yun Zhongzi, he still wanted to persuade him to stay, to show his thirst for talent.

"The poor Daoist is used to idleness, but he wasted the kindness of the Emperor. I only have one thing to do this time, and that is to give this wooden sword to the Emperor!"

As Yun Zhongzi said, he put his right hand into the water sparkle basket that was slung in his left hand.

The water sparkle basket that Yun Zhongzi was carrying in his left hand was not very big, and it didn't look like it could hold a wooden sword.

Seeing that Yun Zhongzi's right hand slowly pulled out a wide and long wooden sword from the flower basket, it was bigger than ordinary iron swords.

Just now, seeing Yun Zhongzi reaching into the flower basket to hold a wooden sword with his right hand, Di Xin thought that what Yun Zhongzi was going to hold was an extremely small wooden sword, but he didn't expect this wooden sword to be so large.

"I don't know why Chang gave me this sword. This wooden sword can't be used for fighting?" Di Xin said with a smile on his face.

"There are goblins in the emperor's palace, and I gave this wooden sword to rid him of the demons!" Yun Zhongzi was very straightforward, and what he said was very straightforward, which made Di Xin a headache.

The smile on Di Xin's face froze for a moment, he just wanted to send Yun Zhongzi away as soon as possible. Judging from this person's tone, he should be an interpreter, and Di Xin was not easy to get angry at the moment.

"Thank you, Daoist, for your kindness. I wonder where this thing is located?" Di Xin asked, but the smile on his face gradually disappeared.

"Hang this thing in the sub-gong building, and you will see the effect within three days!" Yun Zhongzi said very firmly, and his promise was also very similar to that of a seller of Dali Pills.

Di Xin didn't wait for Yun Zhongzi to speak again, and quickly ordered to the attendant at the side: "Hurry up and hang this wooden sword in the palace building!"

After the attendant took the wooden sword away, Di Xin said to Yun Zhongzi with a smile on his face: "Since the Taoist priest has such great ability, why not become an official in my Dashang, and he will definitely be famous in the world in the future!"

"People who are poor in the mountains and fields really don't conform to the rules of this government!" Yun Zhongzi declined again.

Di Xin was waiting for his words!As soon as he heard what Yun Zhongzi said, Di Xin sighed loudly there.

"The Taoist priest is really a person from outside, a pure guest. Since that's the case, it's not good to force you to keep you. Go around to get gold and silver, and give the Taoist priest a way to leave!" Di Xin said, so that Ask the attendants around you to fetch gold and silver.

Yun Zhongzi didn't expect that Di Xin would start chasing him so soon, so he couldn't stay any longer when he saw this, and said, "The emperor's gold and silver things are useless to me, so poor!"

As Yun Zhongzi said, he stretched out his robe sleeves, walked out of the hall in a few steps, and left.

Seeing that Yun Zhongzi had left, Di Xin also breathed a sigh of relief.The Taoist himself can't beat or scold him, the key is that he doesn't give himself face.

Originally, with Di Xin's emperor's disposition, if Yun Zhongzi said those words deliberately to save his face, he would have been angry long ago.

But Di Xin could also tell that this Yun Zhongzi was a straight-hearted person, so say nothing!The key point is that he still thinks he is very good, and Di Xin feels very powerless.

Seeing that Yun Zhongzi had left, Di Xin waved his hand to indicate that he was tired.The attendant next to him saw it, and quickly shouted loudly: "Retire!"

The ministers who originally wanted to report again took back what they wanted to say at this time, so it is obviously uncomfortable to report now!

As soon as Di Xin returned to Beijing, Daji's personal maid, Gun Tuan, came to report to Di Xin, saying that today Na Daji suddenly felt unwell for some reason and was lying in the bedroom.

After hearing Gun's words, Di Xin hurried to Daji's bedroom.Di Xin was very fond of this virtuous and virtuous woman, and he couldn't help but feel a little worried when he heard that she had suddenly contracted a sudden illness.

When Di Xin came to Daji's bedroom, he saw all the maids standing inside and outside the palace, but they all lowered their heads, looking cautious.

When the maids saw Di Xin coming, they all knelt down and saluted Di Xin. Di Xin just waved his hand and walked in.

When Di Xin entered the palace, he saw that the bed curtain had been lowered, making the wide wooden bed look like a small isolated world.

Di Xin gently lifted the curtain of the bed, only to see that Daji's originally stunning face was extremely pale at this time, and her beautiful willow eyebrows were also slightly knit together at this time, as if she was enduring great pain.

At the same time, drops of sweat also slowly slid down Daji's face, leaving behind traces.

Looking at Daji's appearance, Di Xin suddenly remembered the purpose of Yun Zhongzi's coming here just now. Not long after he hung up the wooden sword, Daji suddenly fell ill, which was too coincidental.

Thinking of this, Di Xin waved his hand and said to the maids, "You all step back first!"

When those maids heard Di Xin's words, they all hurriedly bowed and left Daji's bedroom.Only Daji's personal maid, Gun Tuan, stayed behind.

Seeing that Gun's donation hadn't left, Di Xin turned cold and said, "What are you still doing here? Hurry up and back down!"

After hearing Di Xin's words, Gun Chan immediately knelt down on the ground and begged, "Your Majesty, I have lived with my mother since I was a child. Now my mother has a sudden illness. I know everything about your mother. Just let me take care of you. !"

"Back off!" Di Xin reckoned that if Daji was possessed by a goblin, then she must not be the Daji who lived with Gun Don since childhood. How could Di Xin let Gun Don stay.

Hearing Di Xin's scolding, Gun Tuan had no choice but to stand up and walk out of the palace, only looking back at Daji who was lying on the bed from time to time.

After Gun Tun walked out, Di Xin ignored Da Ji who was lying on the bed in pain, walked to the side and knelt down on his own.

"You're not Su Daji! Who are you? Oh, or what kind of fairy are you?" Di Xin asked calmly.

Seeing the indifference on Di Xin's face, Daji, who was lying on the bed, couldn't help feeling a pain in her heart.

After many days of getting along day and night, Di Xin's great talent, his vigor when talking about state affairs, and his confident smile firmly attracted Daji.

Daji, a fairy who has never been in the world of mortals, her heart has been captured by Di Xin.She served Di Xin willingly, tenderly and considerately.

Such days made her feel very at ease and very happy, and she had even begun to forget the mission entrusted to him by Empress Nuwa and that she was a fairy.

Just today, Daji had just finished tidying up Di Xin's clothes, and after he went to court, Daji suddenly felt dizzy.

There was a wave of spiritual power fluctuations coming from the palace building, and that wave of spiritual power fluctuations made the demon power in her body start to boil, almost revealing her original shape.

Immediately afterwards, Daji felt her demon soul shaking and tingling, and her demon soul began to dissipate continuously.

I'm afraid that after three or two days, Daji's demon soul will dissipate completely, and at that time, it will be the time when Daji's soul will fly away.

Just as Daji was suffering from pain and slowly waiting for death, Di Xin came.

Hearing Di Xin's arrival, Daji suddenly felt a burst of warmth. When she was in the most pain, he came, and her lover came to her side.

It's just that when Di Xin sent away many maids, the first sentence he spoke made Daji feel as if he had fallen into an ice cave, and his heart sank into the abyss all of a sudden.

"What did your majesty say? The concubine can't understand!" Daji endured the pain and forced himself up. At this time, Daji's face turned paler, and beads of sweat rolled down.But Daji still reluctantly bent the corners of her mouth and smiled at Di Xin.

Looking at Daji's pale face and sad smile, Di Xin felt a sudden pain in his heart.

Di Xin forced himself to turn his head away, not to look at Daji, but still said in a cold voice: "Today, a Taoist said in the court hall that there are demons in the palace, and offered a wooden sword to eliminate them. I just Hang up this wooden sword, everyone else is fine, why do you look like this alone?"

As Di Xin spoke, he turned his head and looked at Daji again, his eyes full of hope.He hoped that Daji would say that she just happened to meet her, and she was not a fairy.Even if it was just Daji's deceptive words, Di Xin planned to accept it.

But Di Xin wanted Daji to tell him the truth, because he didn't want Daji to deceive him!

At this time, Di Xin's imperial power and imperial temperament were all thrown aside by him.At this time, he was no longer the emperor who looked at Daji coldly in the court hall, he was just a husband who wanted to find the truth.

He really likes every concubine in Di Xin's palace, so Di Xin has very few concubines, only a few.

Even when he was closest to Daji, Di Xin never forgot to visit other concubines from time to time, for fear of neglecting them.

"Your Majesty, this concubine, this concubine is indeed a goblin!" The corners of Daji's mouth turned up even more, but there was no trace of happiness in this arc, and there were only countless heartbreaks, and countless desolate determinations. .

Hearing Daji's words, Di Xin's straight back suddenly collapsed, then Di Xin shook his head, and smiled at himself: "It turns out that it is in vain that I call myself a hero, but I don't want to be played by beauty." In applause!"

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