Conferred God Yu Yuan

Chapter 84 The situation changes suddenly

() While Du Yuanxian was waiting contentedly in the study room, suddenly several guards in sharp clothes broke in and took Du Yuanxian Wuhuada away.

Du Yuanxian didn't seem to have reacted at this time, and shouted at the guards: "What are you doing? I am the grand master of the court, and you little guards dare to treat me like this. You are really brave. .”

Several guards ignored Du Yuanxian's loud scolding, are you the grand master of the dynasty?In front of His Majesty, you are nothing to be a grand master!

Du Yuanxian was just a civil servant, how could he resist these wolf-like bodyguards? After a while, Du Yuanxian was pushed out of the Meridian Gate, kneeling there, waiting to be executed.

At this time, Du Yuanxian was complaining in his heart, so why did he bother with that memorial?What are you so proud of?In the end, it seemed that he was about to lose his own life in arrogance.To express my loyalty to Yaxiang this time is really not worth the candle!

It turned out that Yun Zhongzi did not leave immediately after leaving the court yesterday, but stayed in Chaoge to see if Di Xin would keep the wooden sword or burn it.

Yun Zhongzi only waited for a short time in Chaoge City before he felt that the pine sword had been burned.

Yun Zhongzi couldn't help but let out a long sigh, and said in a long voice: "This is really self-inflicted, you can't live!"

After all, Yun Zhongzi stretched out his hand, and a large Langhao pen appeared in his hand, and he wrote 24 characters on the Si Tiantai with a splash of ink.

The demon atmosphere is filthy and messy in the court, and the holy virtue spreads in the western lands.You must know that the song of the court is stained with blood, and Jiazi is in the middle of Wuwu.

Yun Zhongzi wrote on the wall what he knew from his teacher Yuanshi Tianzun. According to Yuanshi Tianzun, the Shang Dynasty must have died at the age of Wuwu.

This matter is not so much that Yuanshi Tianzun got a glimpse of the sky, it is better to say that it is Nuwa's plan.Otherwise, with Di Xin's means, even if there will be chaos at that time, the rebellion will definitely be quelled and the world will be unified in the end.

It's just that the rise and fall of this big business has become a chessboard for saints to play, and Di Xin may not be able to control everything.

Only with Yu Yuan as a variable, will things still be as written by Yun Zhongzi?

Especially now that Daji has confided the truth to Di Xin, will Di Xin become fatuous?

After Yun Zhongzi finished inscribing the 24 characters, he floated away. Not long after, some people saw the 24 characters inscribed on the Si Tiantai, and there were many discussions there.

Just at this time, Du Yuanxiao, Grand Master Du who came to Sitiantai, saw many people surrounding his Sitiantai and discussing there, he couldn't help feeling tense, but he didn't know what happened.

Du Yuanmian shouted a few times to let the common people get out of the way. When Du Yuanmian entered, he saw the big 24 characters at a glance.

Du Yuanxian immediately thought of the Taoist above the court today, and after a second thought, Du Yuanxian thought that he could just use this matter to play a book?

Recently, because Su Hu returned to Da Shang, and was very loyal to Di Xin.Although Su Hu also looked forward to Xiqi Jichang's lead, Su Hu had become an unstable factor at this time.

The only connection between Su Hu and Di Xin is Nasu Daji.And Ji Chang and Wei Ziqi also hope to cut off the connection between Di Xin and Su Hu.

With the efforts of these three forces, the court was full of slanderous words against Su Daji.Du Yuanxian intends to use this matter to write a book, saying that Daji is the goblin that Yun Zhongzi said, and took the opportunity to get rid of Su Daji.

Du Yuanxian didn't know that he had guessed Daji's identity correctly by mistake.But who is Di Xin?Feeling the atmosphere in the court hall, and looking at his memorial, how could he not know his plan.

Not to mention that Di Xin beheaded Daji, the relationship between him and Su Hu would definitely break down immediately, even if this gentle and watery woman he loved deeply, he would not let her get hurt.

It just so happened that Di Xin knew what Nabigan had done in the Nuwa Temple, and was about to kill the chicken to make an example of the monkey, but he didn't expect Du Yuanxian, the "chicken", to jump out so quickly.

Du Yuanxian knelt outside the Meridian Gate at this time, regretting it, and cursed himself that he shouldn't be idle and have nothing to do to write this memorial.

At this moment, a minister in a big red robe came to meet him. This person was Doctor Mei Bo.

Mei Bo is also Ya Bigan's confidant, at this time, when he saw Du Yuanxian walking with his five flowers tied up, he hurriedly stepped forward to stop him.

"Grand Master Du, what's going on?" Mei Bo asked Du Yuanxiao.

When Du Yuanxian saw Mei Bo, who was also Bigan's confidant, seeing himself like this, he couldn't help feeling ashamed for a while.

Du Yuanxian blushed and said: "Today I came to the book to say that the demonic atmosphere in the Dao Palace is difficult to calm down, and the demonic woman Daji should be removed. Who knows that after His Majesty read my playbook, he asked the guards to come and take me. Meridian Gate Wai Wen Zhan! I don't want to have such a loyal heart in exchange for such an end!"

Du Yuanxian sighed and sighed.Anyway, now that you are going to die, you always have to gain a good reputation.I can't tell others that I am a member of Yabigan, and I did this today to deal with Di Xin?

After hearing Du Yuanxian's words, the doctor Mei Bo was furious for a while, and broke out on the spot.

"Hold on, I'm going to see Your Majesty right now, and have a good talk with Your Majesty!" Mei Bo shouted at the guards, and then left in a hurry.

The guards looked at each other, smiled at each other, and finally escorted Du Yuanxian to the Meridian Gate.

As for what Mabel just said, who are you?Do you stop when you ask?

Seeing several guards like this, Du Yuanxian opened his mouth, but finally swallowed back what he wanted to say.

After Di Xin ordered the guards, Shang Rong took a step forward and said hesitantly after the guards left, "Your Majesty, this Du Yuanxian is the elder of the three dynasties, isn't it too rash to kill him like this?" ?”

Di Xin turned his head to look at Shang Rong, with heavy pressure in his eyes, "Old Prime Minister, some people are unwilling to be lonely, how can I not express it slightly. No matter how many dynasties the courtiers are, after all, courtiers are courtiers, and some things are courtiers." Impossible!"

Shang Rong looked at Di Xin's serious face and listened to what Di Xin said, and suddenly felt disheartened.

Shang Rong thinks that he does not rely on Wei Ziqi and Bigan, but also wants to prevent Di Xin from eradicating these two people, but he is a little arrogant!

Di Xin's words clearly meant that Du Yuanxian was beyond his control, and he was also dissatisfied with Shang Rong's desire to be a good old man.

The power struggle here has always been a matter of life and death. If it weren't for the lack of strength now, Di Xin would have started bloodbathing the henchmen of Bigan and Wei Ziqi.

At this time, Shang Rong couldn't help thinking of resigning from his old age and returning to his hometown.I always rely on my status as the elder of the three dynasties, hoping to mediate the relationship between Di Xin, Wei Ziqi and Bigan, but today, it seems that I am nothing but futile!

Under Shang Rong's disheartened heart, his expression suddenly turned gloomy.Coupled with the mottled white hair on the head, it looks even more old!

"Your Majesty, if there is nothing else, the old minister will leave first!" Shang Rong said to Di Xin respectfully.

Looking at Shang Rong's appearance, Di Xin also felt a little unbearable. This Shang Rong has served the great merchant for three generations and has always been loyal, but now he looks like this.

However, this Shang Rong is not willing to favor himself, he hopes to be in a fair position to mediate his relationship with Bigan and Wei Ziqi.

But doing so was unfair to Di Xin. As an emperor, why did Di Xin have to be in the same position as the two courtiers? Could it be that he gave them a chance to seize his throne?

So Di Xin had no choice but to let the old prime minister resign and return to his hometown, and he promoted another prime minister to cooperate with him in eradicating Wei Ziqi and Bigan's henchmen.

Shang Rong walked out of the palace a little disappointed, and saw the doctor Mei Bo rushing towards him, as soon as he saw Shang Rong, he quickly grabbed Shang Rong's robe and asked anxiously: "Old prime minister, I don't know Grand Master Du What crime did His Majesty give him to die?"

"In the memorial, Du Yuanxian ridiculed His Majesty to the utmost, and spoke contemptuously. There was even a sense of coercion in his words, and he wanted His Majesty to kill Empress Daji. If His Majesty still doesn't punish him, then this big businessman is afraid. There will be no laws!"

At this time, since Shang Rong already had the idea of ​​retiring from his old age and returning to his hometown, he naturally had no good face towards these rebellious officials and thieves who had misbehavior.

Originally, Doctor Mei Bo planned to bring Shang Rong to meet Di Xin. He knew that Shang Rong never wanted his Master Yaxiang to tear himself apart with Di Xin, so he would definitely try his best to speak up.

Who would have thought that Shang Rong's tone was so bad, and even the meaning in the words was that Du Yuanxian deserved what he deserved.

Seeing Shang Rong like this, Mei Bo gave up his plan of taking him together to speak to Di Xin, apologized to Shang Rong, and left in a hurry.

When Mei Bo saw Di Xin, he asked, "Your Majesty, you actually went to punish the grand master for the sake of that temptress Daji?"

Then Mei Bo spoke all kinds of fierce words again, Di Xin just listened to Mei Bo's words silently, his face was calm and unwavering, but the anger in his eyes was about to burst out.

"Are you finished?" Di Xin looked at Mei Bo coldly, and said in a very calm voice.

Seeing Di Xin's performance, Mei Bo had a bad feeling, but he still didn't answer what Di Xin said.

"Come here, bring Du Yuanxiao back, don't behead him for now, and put him in prison first!" Seeing that Mei Bo didn't speak, Di Xin didn't care.

Hearing what Di Xin said, Mei Bo was overjoyed, thinking that his scolding just now had worked, and was about to speak again to persuade Di Xin to release Du Yuanxian directly.

However, what Di Xin said next made him fall into an abyss.

"Put this disrespectful doctor, Mei Bo, into the dungeon together. Tomorrow, I will behead both of them in front of all the officials, and the other will be topped with a pumpkin!" After Di Xin finished speaking, his expression remained calm. .

Amidst Mei Bo's yelling, two guards came in and took Mei Bo out.

Near the evening, a fat and smiling Taoist priest came from the gate of Di Xin's palace, and the Taoist priest strode into the palace.

But the surrounding guards were all as if they hadn't been seen.

It was night, the wind and cloud changed color, the sky and the earth suddenly had a strong wind, and the night was dark and moonless, like the eternal night.

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